m2e shade eclipse "project main artifact does not exist" - eclipse

I'm trying to make a deployment package that bundles all the dependencies of my maven module that has dependencies to another maven project in eclipse.
I have this in my pom.xml
I use that "m2 Maven Build" in eclipse with the goal "org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-shade-plugin:shade" and the "Resolve Workspace artifacts" ticked.
It's failing with
--- maven-shade-plugin:1.6:shade (default-cli) # AAA ---
[ERROR] The project main artifact does not exist. This could have the following
[ERROR] reasons:
[ERROR] - You have invoked the goal directly from the command line. This is not
[ERROR] supported. Please add the goal to the default lifecycle via an
[ERROR] <execution> element in your POM and use "mvn package" to have it run.
[ERROR] - You have bound the goal to a lifecycle phase before "package". Please
[ERROR] remove this binding from your POM such that the goal will be run in
[ERROR] the proper phase.
I ran out of idea at this point.

[ERROR] The project main artifact does not exist. This could have the following
We were getting this problem recently. What resolved it for us was to not do mvn shade:shade but instead use:
mvn package
This does additional compilation and package work before running the shade plugin and so the main class was available on the classpath.

The shade plugin is attempting to include the project's artifact in the shaded JAR. Since it doesn't exist (yet), you're getting this error. You either need to build/package the project artifact first (e.g., by attaching the shade goal to the package phase)
If you don't have any project artifact to include in the shaded JAR, you can add an excludes node to remove the project's artifact.
Here's an example:


Build Jar with dependencies including multiple main classes using Gradle in IntelliJ

We are currently using Maven to build a Scala Application. Now we are trying to convert this project into Gradle. I have 3/4 main classes in this project and I want to build a jar with dependencies that include all the main classes and execute this jar with spark-submit by calling any of the classes.
I'm new to Gradle and facing issues with Gradle. Could some one help me.
Contents of pom.xml :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<name>Maven central repository</name>
Contents of build.gradle:
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'scala'
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
apply plugin: 'maven'
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
repositories {
maven {
url = uri('https://repo1.maven.org/maven2')
dependencies {
// Some internal dependencies
implementation 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.2'
implementation 'io.netty:netty-all:4.1.42.Final'
testImplementation "org.scalatest:scalatest_2.11:$scalaTestVersion"
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
Contents of gradle.properties :
# Description
# Versions
version = 4.0
sourceCompatibility = '1.8'
I have tried ./gradlew clean assemble and ./gradlew clean build.
Both of them building a regular jar but not dependencies jar.
Also, I'm trying to execute this in IntelliJ since Jar is not building, but with IntelliJ getting the below error.
21:36:59: Executing task 'mainclass1.main()'...
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Initialization script '/private/var/folders/sq/npjk1mkn7lgfm57mf9g_3rrh0000gn/T/mainclass1_main__.gradle' line: 4
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring root project 'project-name'.
> Could not create task ':mainclass1.main()'.
> Unnecessarily replacing a task that does not exist is not supported. Use create() or register() directly instead. You attempted to replace a task named 'mainclass1.main()', but there is no existing task with that name.
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at https://help.gradle.org
Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.
See https://docs.gradle.org/6.4.1/userguide/command_line_interface.html#sec:command_line_warnings
Cause: invalid type code: FA
21:37:00: Task execution finished 'mainclass1.main()'.
While converting from Maven pom.xml to Gradle, I didn't included and build plugins in Gradle. What are the plugins I can use to build a the jar in Gradle.
It looks like you want a fat jar. This will contain all the dependencies that allow you to run the application. ​
Gradle does not have a straightforward out-of-the-box solution because its aim is to keep things simple.
You can do this with by setting the following on your build.gradle file:
jar {
​from {
​configurations.runtimeClasspath.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }
Alternatively, you can use this plugin, by setting the following on the build.gradle:
plugins {
id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '5.2.0' // check version compatibiltiy
and the running the task gradlew shadowJar.
On another note, did I understand you have 3/4 main classes? I don't know SPARK, so maybe it allows for several main classes, but outside of SPARK, your manifest file must set which is the main class. There can be only one.
This will allows you to run java -jar your-jar.jar. The following SO question might be relevant: Multiple runnable classes inside JAR, how to run them?
To set your main class on the Manifest using gradle:
jar {
​manifest.attributes["Main-Class"] = "<your-main-class-full-path>"

scala-maven-plugin and Scala

I have a scala project that depends on 2.11.8. Hence that is the version I am declaring as a dependency in my project. I have configured the maven-scala-plugin as follows.
However, when I build my project I receive:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.scala-tools:maven-scala-plugin:2.11:compile (default) on project myproject: wrap: org.apache.maven.project.InvalidProjectModelException: 1 problem was encountered while building the effective model
[ERROR] [FATAL] Non-parseable POM /Users/myuser/.m2/repository/org/scala-lang/scala-compiler/2.11.8/scala-compiler-2.11.8.pom: entity reference name can not contain character =' (position: START_TAG seen ....uk/main?ParticipantID=nmum6rqpq5q6gkm3933n3nf9s76onu6r&FailedURI=... #1:265) # line 1, column 265
Let me know if there is any additional information that would help resolve this issue.
Thanks in advance!
Dependencies for scala in .m2 were corrupt - cleaned them out and did a clean install for everything. All fixed!

How to build a Maven project with Eclipse with a pom.xml that imports an external properties file?

I have looked around from various questions on stackoverflow, but I have not found the answer that solve my purpose.
I want to import a properties file in a pom.xml; my purpose is to replace the <properties> section with the properties loaded from the external file.
Each property refers to the version of a particular maven dependency.
I have tried the properties-maven-plugin, but the properties are not solved and the project is not built.
I'm looking for a way that preserve the standard build of Eclipse, and also the mvn install goal of Maven.
As an example, I want that this section:
will be replaced with the property declared in a dependency.properties file, like this one:
How can I implement my pom.xml in order to obtain this behaviour?
Thanks in advance.
This is what I have tried:
<echo>my version: ${dependency1.version}</echo>
Well, if I do a simple mvn install, in maven console it prints:
[INFO] Executing tasks
[echo] my version: 1.0.0
[INFO] Executed tasks
So, the plugin solve the property, but when I try to import the dependency with this:
I obtain this error:
[ERROR] [ERROR] Some problems were encountered while processing the POMs:
[ERROR] 'dependencies.dependency.version' for dependency1:dependency1:jar must be a valid version but is '${dependency1.version}'. # line 21, column 13
The property is solved in the maven-antrun-plugin, but if it is used in the dependencies section, it doesn't work.

Dynamic maven artifactId

Is it possible for a POM to declare (or at least publish) an artifactId containing system properties? I mean the artifactId of the actual project, not dependencies.
I am using maven to build a scala project and thus, to allow publishing the project for different scala versions, in the pom.xml I'd like to declare:
however maven 3.3. complains
[WARNING] 'artifactId' contains an expression but should be a constant
Since I'd like this project to be interoperable with sbt, what would be the best way to publish an artifact suffixed with the scala binary version?
The Maven way of doing so would be to use classifiers. From official documentation an example matches exactly your case (for different Java versions, but you can replace Java with Scala):
The classifier allows to distinguish artifacts that were built from the same POM but differ in their content. It is some optional and arbitrary string that - if present - is appended to the artifact name just after the version number.
As a motivation for this element, consider for example a project that offers an artifact targeting JRE 1.5 but at the same time also an artifact that still supports JRE 1.4. The first artifact could be equipped with the classifier jdk15 and the second one with jdk14 such that clients can choose which one to use.
You can configure your POM as following:
Note: we are adding an additional execution of the Maven Jar Plugin, so the project would create two jars, the normal one + an additional one with the specified (dynamic) classifier.
Then Maven will automatically publish the classified jar together with the normal jar (since it will be automatically attached to the build). You can then import it as a further Maven dependency in another project specifying its classifier as part of the Maven GAV (GAVC in this case):
If you want to only build the classified one and no standard (unused) jar, you can skip the creation of the normal jar as following:
Note: we are simply overriding the default execution of the Jar Plugin and binding it to a non existing phase. Hence Maven will only generate the classified Jar. The Install Plugin will then only install the classified one.
Update: how to have dynamic artifactId installed with dynamic dependencies
If different transitive dependencies are required for different dynamic versions, then indeed classifiers are not suitable.
Dynamic artifactIds with dynamic dependencies (and hence dynamic transitive dependencies) can however be achieved. Here below is the approach I used (and successfully tested):
As preference, I isolated the dynamic behavior in a profile, but you can obviously move it back to the default build (or have the profile active by default).
First of all, let's define in our pom the dependencies requiring a dynamic version, hence via properties as following:
Note: for the sake of an example, I'm using Junit as dependency in this case and not in test scope, because I want it as compile dependency (again, just for this example).
Then let's define a profile for our dynamic behavior:
<!-- Replace to -->
Note, the profile is customizing and providing the following:
Changing the final Jar name with a dynamic name, depending on the runtime (aka dynamic) value, to ${project.artifactId}_{scalaBinaryVersion}-${project.version}
Filtering the existing pom file via the Maven Resources Plugin and copying it to the directory target\${scalaBinaryVersion}. The copied pom will have the dependencies with the dynamic version because the Resources Plugin will replace them. However, it will not have the dynamic artifactId (yet).
Finalizing the dynamic pom file. The Replacer plugin will replace the artifactId XML element with the dynamic value (working on the target folder, hence everything on temporarely files)
Skipping the generation of the default installation
Performing a custom install-file installation with the dynamic pom file (the filtered, copied and replaced one, providing dynamic dependencies (and as such dynamic transitive dependencies) and a dynamic artifactId
Hence, performing the following maven invocation:
mvn clean install -Pbuild-scala-version -DscalaBinaryVersion=hello -Ddependency.version=4.4
Maven will effectively install a new artifact in the local cache for the dynamic artifactId, the dynamic dependency version and the dynamic pom.
Note: if the concerned dependency version(s) and the dynamic scala version is the same, then you can save up a parameter and make the invocation shorter and more consistent.
if you are using maven for that I will saggest using multi pom with maven helper plugin so the artifactId is constant in each module.
We follow the properties (via profiles) based approach as suggested here: scala-maven-plugin FAQ
maven will still issue a warning (with good reason), but with the help of the flatten-maven-plugin we build/install poms that has the variables replaced.

Export Scala application to runnable JAR

Can you tell me, if this is possible, how to export a Scala application to a normal runnable JAR that can run directly in the JVM ?
It is perfectly possible, see for instance this: running a maven scala project. Since Scala compiles to Java bytecode, JVM is not even aware of the underlying implementation language.
In essence after compiling Scala sources using scalac you will get a bunch of .class files which you can later package into a JAR. Then you can simply run them using:
$ java -cp "your.jar:scala-library.jar" com.example.Main
Note that you must include scala-library.jar on the CLASSPATH (currently it is almost 9 MiB...) and specify class containing main method.
If you use sbt to build you can use one of the one-jar plugins. They will put all dependencys into one big jar file (inclusive all the scala.jar files). This means that you only need one jar file and don't have to manage all the dependencys.
As an example with sbt-assembly (mostly copied from https://github.com/sbt/sbt-assembly):
addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "X.X.X")
import AssemblyKeys._ // put this at the top of the file
seq(assemblySettings: _*)
then you can generate the jar with:
sbt assembly
As an alternative to Fabian's answer, if you're using Maven, you can use the assembly-plugin. Something like:
That will package all your deps up, including scala-library.jar (if it's in your deps), but will do so flattened with all classes unpacked. This is because runnable jar's cannot out of the box use code in jars in the jar.
To make that work (which is nicer), use http://code.google.com/p/onejar-maven-plugin/, I think it's a Maven mojo wrapper to one-jar: http://one-jar.sourceforge.net/
There is also an sbt-plugin for one-jar:
In order to package a swing application in a runnable jar, the solution that worked for me was to export my project as a normal jar file (non executable) and update the jar's manifest to:
add scala-library.jar scala-swing.jar packages to the path
indicate the main class
You can find the Manifest file inside the jar (that you can open with 7z for example) at the following path:
Add the following lines at the end of the manifest:
Main-Class: myPackage.myMainClass
Class-Path: scala-library.jar scala-swing.jar
Now your jar should execute properly when clicking on it.
NOTE: You can find more information about manifest customizing here:
Hers is my solution, maven -->create scala runnable jar.
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer">