How does postgres not to escape when I copy csv to it? - postgresql

I want to copy a csv to postgres. And some value is string like this "{\"foo\": 123}"
If I use the COPY in the postgres directly, it will escape the string. when I select from postgres, it will become "{foo: 123}", but it's hard for me to handle, so how to not to escape the ". That is to say, I hope I can get the origin string "{\"foo\": 123}" when I select it from postgres

( bagger varchar
COPY meuk(bagger) FROM stdin WITH CSV QUOTE '"' ESCAPE E'\\' ;
"{\"foo\": 123}"
SELECT * from meuk;
{"foo": 123}
(1 row)


Import Athena table to Postgres with quotes and commas

I have an Athena table in text format. I looks like this in S3:
The columns are: DATE, UUID, JSONB
I have escaped the " and , characters, but Postgres seems unable to import it?
SELECT aws_s3.table_import_from_s3(
'd, id, j',
'(format csv)',
ERROR: extra data after last expected column
JSON should be escaped like this:
SELECT '"' || replace(json_format(j), '"', '""') || '"' AS escaped_json
FROM my_table

How to escape one doulbe quote " in data file for psql \COPY import?

There are many standalone double quote '"' in a tab delimited text file, need to be loaded into PostgreSQL with psql \copy command.
If I use FORMAT CSV option, I have to specify the QUOTE, and QUOTE char needs to be paired.
Here is the code, and output,
create table t1(
c1 varchar(20),
n1 numeric
echo 'Alf_7" 5.12' > m.csv
psql> \copy t1 FROM 'm.csv' (FORMAT CSV, delimiter E'\t', NULL 'NULL', HEADER false);
ERROR: unterminated CSV quoted field
CONTEXT: COPY t1, line 1: "Alfa_7" 5.1
Use FORMAT text option. then you do not have to specify the QUOTE.
psql=> \copy t1 FROM 'm.csv' (FORMAT text, delimiter E'\t', NULL 'NULL', HEADER false);

PostgreSQL: How do I avoid unwanted characters in COPY command output?

I have an array (text) (sample row) in my PostgreSQL 9.5 database like follows:
I am exporting this text array using Postgres COPY command to a custom text file like this:
Order by my_table_id
) to '~my_path/output.str' With DELIMITER ',';
I get the output:
How can I avoid these unwanted \ in my copy command output?
if the delimiter character (, in your case) is present in a string, it will be escaped (normally by prefixing it with a \)
If you use a different separator (from ,), the , separator doesn't have to be escaped.
If you quote the string in the output, the , separator doesn't have to be escaped.
-- CREATE TABLE my_table(my_table_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, my_array text);
-- INSERT INTO my_table(my_array )VALUES ('1,112,292,19.7') ;
COPY ( SELECT my_array FROM my_table ORDER BY my_table_id)
TO '/tmp/output.str'

psql create CSV with comma,quote and pipe as part of data

I am trying to create a CSV from table data.
column1 column2
this,is"part|of"the,:long,//data :"hello,
Expected output:
My end goal is to load this CSV delimited by ',' into a hive table
i tried this but didn't work:
\COPY (select * from table) TO /tmp/file.csv WITH (FORMAT CSV, DELIMITER ',', ESCAPE '\', HEADER TRUE);
CSV i got:
The commas weren't prefixed by backslash.
Any help is appreciated.

Postgresql Copy - How to treat empty string as null while exporting data from postgresql using copy command

I am exporting table using COPY command in CSV file with pipe delimiter. Few columns are null and few others are blank. In the CSV file blank string is exported as "" which I don't want.
Is there any option in COPY command to treat blank string as NULL?
For example I have five columns where 1st is blank while rest are null my output is coming as:
Thanks in advance.
If you're already using a SELECT statement in the COPY, just replace the values you don't like.
copy (select case when col_1 = '' then null else col_1 end as col_1,
case when col_2 = '' then null else col_2 end as col_2,