How to get this background strip in IOS 6? - iphone

I have used this background in older version, after updated to iOS 6.0 I am not able to find anywhere in IB. I stack overflowed and used this
self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor groupTableViewBackgroundColor];
Still it is giving white color, What should I do now? Do I need to set image for this?

This function groupTableViewBackgroundColor deprecated on iOS 6. Please set color or image in Background mode
please see the SO answer


iOS 10 GMSMapView showing my location icon with white background

This issue didn't show up in previous iOS versions. But in iOS 10 beta, the user location icon is displayed wrong. The blue dot is showing its frame in a different background instead of clearColor.
Is this an issue with iOS10? Any workaround to set the background color of the blue icon ?
I know we can put a custom icon by setting the blue dot to NO and:
GMSMarker *pointMarker = [GMSMarker markerWithPosition:currentPosition];
pointMarker.icon = [UIImage imageNamed:#"YourImage"]; = _map;
IS there any other way to set the background of user location to clear color ?
This sometimes happen in the Simulator, I've seen it on older iOS versions.
If this happens on the device then it's a bug.

How to change the background color of keypad in iOS 7

I am using Xcode 5 for developing applications. I want to change the color of keyboard in iOS 7. I want a color like black or blue.
How can I change the color of keyboard in iOS 7?
You can only set the keyboard appearance to any of three listed below using the UIKeyboardAppearance.
UIKeyboardAppearanceDefault // Corresponds to the UIKeyboardAppearanceLight
UIKeyboardAppearanceDark // Available in iOS 7.0 and later.
UIKeyboardAppearanceLight // Available in iOS 7.0 and later.
There is one more constant named UIKeyboardAppearanceAlert but, that is now deprecated. You should use UIKeyboardAppearanceDark instead.
You can't use any custom or undefined color.
So, Use ...
myTextfield.keyboardAppearance = UIKeyboardAppearanceDark;
In iOS 7, since the keyboard is translucent, I was able to accomplish this effect by adding a colored subview behind the keyboard that shows and hides with keyboard notifications.
I created a GitHub project to demonstrate this technique. Keep in mind it only works in portrait orientation right now and obviously only in iOS 7.
You can change the color with the keyboardAppearance method.
_textField.keyboardAppearance = UIKeyboardAppearanceDark;
Have a look at the Apple API docs
Per your comment of wanting a custom color:
You could do this... Just use the normal keyboard, then observe UIKeyboardWillShowNotification and UIKeyboardWillHideNotification so that you can show a color UIView behind the keyboard.
It would be hacky, but it would work because the default keyboard is transparent to a degree on iOS 7.
Good luck.

Rounded Corners in iOS Sim But Not iPhone

I'm really new to iOS coding, and I have a UI question.
In the simulator, my app has rounded corners like this:
I like that!
But on the actual iPhone, they look like this:
How can I make the iPhone version have those rounded corners? Thanks!
That's a new iOS6 UI feature, but good eye.
Are you making this effect by just set the view.layer.cornerRadius= 3.0 or just let your artist cut the image?
if you are using this property: view.layer.cornerRadius= 3.0, these two properties should get take into consideration: view.layer.masksToBounds = YES; view.clipsToBounds = YES;
You can just find the explanation in the iOS documentation.
thanks for all the help. I eventually just photoshopped them in, but I did find my problem. I'm using the newest Xcode beta, which has the iOS 6 sim, and in iOS 6, apps with black status bars have round corners added automatically. My iPhone was running 5.1.1, and therefor didn't behave like this.
if you want your whole app to be rounded --> go into the AppDelegate and
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
and add these lines of code to the window:
self.window.layer.cornerRadius = 3.0;
self.window.layer.masksToBounds = YES;

iphone background scale issue

I have a background image being placed by the following:
self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"v3_bg.png"]];
However, my image, which is 960x640 does not scale correctly when i run the simulator, in both v3 and v4 of the iphone. Could some one please help explain to me why the iphone simulator 4 does'nt use the full size of the image, it seems to only just scale up what the v3 displays.
In the Simulator, go to Hardware>Device and select iPhone(Retina) rather than iPhone.

UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhiteLarge not appearing in iphone 4

I tried to create an activity indicator using the following code
CGRect frame = CGRectMake(160, 160.0,40.0,40.0);
progressIndicator = [[[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithFrame:frame]autorelease];
[progressIndicator startAnimating];
progressIndicator.activityIndicatorViewStyle = UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhiteLarge;
[progressIndicator sizeToFit];
[self.view addSubview:progressIndicator];
This code is working correctly in all devices except iphone 4(ie. indicator not showing in iphone 4). For that reason, i was forced to change the UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhiteLarge to UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray so that activity indicator is shown in all devices. Can anyone explain me why this happens?
The large white indicator has no drop shadow on ios 4 like it does on ios 3. I'm not sure why apple removed the shadow, but the indicator is there. You just can't see it on a white background anymore. Use the grey one, or put a background behind it.
I opened a ticket against this a week after iOS 4 came out and have yet to receive even an acknowledgment of the issue. It works in iOS < 4, broken in iOS >= 4. Doubt it'll be fixed any time soon.
i have the same problem as yours
however, actually the indicator is shown.
It may seem to be a hardware problem.
I guess that the retina display can not display the white display properly with white background.
because when the indicator was displayed on the black background, i could check that it worked.
I hope it may help you