I'm trying to build an internal DSL in Scala. I have the following types:
case class A(name:String)
case class Group(list:A*) // it can also be list:List[A]
Creating a group of A's using the normal syntax is as follows:
val group1 = Group(A("a1"), A("a2"), ...)
which is quite ugly. I would like to present a group as (A("a1"), A("a2"), ...) and possibly later ("a1", "a2", ...), if possible.
I could not figure it out myself how to convert (A("a1"), A("a2"), ...) to Group(A("a1"), A("a2"), ...). It would be nice if we can convert (A("a1"), A("a2"), ...) to an instance of class Group. (I don't care if I can't specify unlimited number of A's inside. Maximum 8 A's will suffice)
So my question is: Is there a way to convert a tuple to a specific instance of a class? If not, how would you solve this problem?
First of all, solving something for tuples of any arity in Scala is nasty because the tuple classes are distinct, so you'd have to have 8 or 22 or whatever arity you want to support conversions.
But anyways, tuples are for heterogeneously typed things, whereas you here require a collection of a common type. So while tuple syntax may look nice, I would recommend not to try to use it for this case in your DSL. Stick to collections or just alias your Group type, even at the price of an additional character, e.g.
object A {
implicit def fromString(name: String) = A(name)
case class A(name: String)
case class Group(elem: A*)
val G = Group
G("a1", "a2")
If you really want to support tuples, the following will do:
object Group {
implicit def fromTuple2[A1 <% A, A2 <% A](t: (A1, A2)) = Group(t._1, t._2)
case class Group(elem: A*)
("a1", "a2"): Group
I am trying to create a method that will take a list of Objects and a list of Types and then check whether a particular object matches a particular type.
I tried to create a dummy example. In the following code validate method takes list of objects and a List of type then tried to validate the types of each object. I know following code is wrong but I just created to communicate the problem, it would be really great if you can tell me how can I do this in Scala.
object T extends App {
trait MyT
case class A(a: Int) extends MyT
case class B(b: Int) extends MyT
def validate(values: Seq[Any], types: Seq[MyT]): Seq[Boolean] =
for ((v, ty: MyT) ← values.zip(types)) yield v.isInstanceOf[ty]
// create objects
val a = A(1)
val b = B(1)
// call validate method
validate(Seq(a, b), Seq(A, B))
Types are not values, so you can't have a list of them.
But, you may use Class instead:
def validate(values: Seq[Any], types: Seq[Class[_ <: MyT]]): Seq[Boolean] =
values.lazyZip(types).map {
case (v, c) =>
Which can be used like this:
validate(Seq(a, b), Seq(classOf[A], classOf[B]))
// res: Seq[Boolean] = List(true, true)
You can see the code running here.
However, note that this will break if your classes start to have type parameters due to type erasure.
Note, I personally don't recommend this code since, IMHO, the very definition of validate is a code smell and I would bet you have a design error that lead to this situation.
I recommend searching for a way to avoid this situation and solve the root problem.
I though if something like this makes sense in scala:
object CaseClassUnion extends App {
case class HttpConfig(bindUrl: String, port: String)
case class DbConfig(url: String, usr: String, pass: String)
val combined: HttpConfig with DbConfig = ???
//HttpConfig("", "21") ++ DbConfig("localhost", "root", "root")
//would be nice to have something like that
At least this compiles... Is there a way, probably with macros magic to achieve union of two classes given their instances?
In zio I believe there is something like in reverse:
val live: ZLayer[ProfileConfiguration with Logging, Nothing, ApplicationConfiguration] =
ZLayer.fromServices[ProfileConfigurationModule.Service, Logger[String], Service] { (profileConfig, logger) => ???
where we convert ProfileConfiguration with Logging to function of ProfileConfigurationModule.Service, Logger[String] => Service
Several things.
When you have several traits combined with with Scala does a trait linearization to combine them into one class with a linear hierarchy. But that's true for traits which doesn't have constructors!
case class (which is not a trait) cannot be extended with another case class (at all) because that would break contracts like:
case class A(a: Int)
case class B(a: Int, b: String) extends A(a)
A(1) == B(1, "") // because B is A and their respective fields match
B(1, "") != A(1) // because A is not B
B(1, "").hashCode != A(1).hashCode // A == B is true but hashCodes are different!
which means that you cannot even generate case class combination manually. You want to "combine" them, use some product: a tuple, another case class, etc.
If you are curious about ZIO it:
uses traits
uses them as some sort of type-level trick to represent an unordered set of dependencies, where type inference would calculate set sum when you combine operations and some clever trickery to remove traits from the list using .provide to remove dependency from the set
ZLayers are just making these shenanigans easier
so and if you even pass there some A with B you either combined it yourself by using cake pattern, or you passed dependencies one by one. ZIO developer might never be faced with the problem of needing some macro to combine several case classes (.provide(combineMagically(A, B, C, D, ...)) as they could pass implementations of each dependency one by one (.provide(A).provide(B)) and the code underneath would never need the combination of these types as one value - it's just a compile-time trick that might never translate to the requirement of an actual value of type A with B with C with D ....
TL;DR: You cannot generate a combination of 2 case classes; ZIO uses compound types as some sort of type-level set to trace dependencies and it doesn't actually require creating values of the compound types.
Scala case classes have a limit of 22 fields in the constructor. I want to exceed this limit, is there a way to do it with inheritance or composition that works with case classes?
More recently (Oct 2016, six years after the OP), the blog post "Scala and 22" from Richard Dallaway explores that limit:
Back in 2014, when Scala 2.11 was released, an important limitation was removed:
Case classes with > 22 parameters are now allowed.
That said, there still exists a limit on the number of case class fields, please see https://stackoverflow.com/a/55498135/1586965
This may lead you to think there are no 22 limits in Scala, but that’s not the case. The limit lives on in functions and tuples.
The fix (PR 2305) introduced in Scala 2.11 removed the limitation for the above common scenarios: constructing case classes, field access (including copying), and pattern matching (baring edge cases).
It did this by omitting unapply and tupled for case classes above 22 fields.
In other words, the limit to Function22 and Tuple22 still exists.
Working around the Limit (post Scala 2.11)
There are two common tricks for getting around this limit.
The first is to use nested tuples.
Although it’s true a tuple can’t contain more than 22 elements, each element itself could be a tuple
The other common trick is to use heterogeneous lists (HLists), where there’s no 22 limit.
If you want to make use of case classes, you may be better off using the shapeless HList implementation. We’ve created the Slickless library to make that easier. In particular the recent mappedWith method converts between shapeless HLists and case classes. It looks like this:
import slick.driver.H2Driver.api._
import shapeless._
import slickless._
class LargeTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[Large](tag, "large") {
def a = column[Int]("a")
def b = column[Int]("b")
def c = column[Int]("c")
/* etc */
def u = column[Int]("u")
def v = column[Int]("v")
def w = column[Int]("w")
def * = (a :: b :: c :: /* etc */ :: u :: v :: w :: HNil)
There’s a full example with 26 columns in the Slickless code base.
This issue is going to be fixed in Scala 2.11.
Build a normal class that acts like a case class.
I still use scala 2.10.X since that is what is the latest supported by Spark, and in Spark-SQL I make heavy use of case classes.
The workaround for case classes with more than 22 fields:
class Demo(val field1: String,
val field2: Int,
// .. and so on ..
val field23: String)
extends Product
//For Spark it has to be Serializable
with Serializable {
def canEqual(that: Any) = that.isInstanceOf[Demo]
def productArity = 23 // number of columns
def productElement(idx: Int) = idx match {
case 0 => field1
case 1 => field2
// .. and so on ..
case 22 => field23
It's interesting your constructor is that loaded, but you could package related values into a case class of their own.
So while you might have
case class MyClass(street: String, city: String, state: String, zip: Integer)
you can do this
case class MyClass(address: Address)
You have other options too:
Group items into tuples
Create your own Function23 trait (or whatever)
Use currying
UPDATE: As others have noted, this is no longer an issue after the release of Scala 2.11--though I would hesitate to use the term "fix." However, the "Catch 22," if you will, sometimes still shows up in third-party Scala libraries.
When you have that many values, it's usually a sign that your design needs to be reworked anyways.
Form intermittent case classes that then aggregate into the larger one. This also makes the code much easier to understand, reason about, and maintain. As well as bypassing this issue you are having.
For example, if I wanted to store user data I might do this....
case class User(name: Name, email: String)
case class Name(first: String, last: String)
With so few things, this of course wouldn't be necessary. But if you have 22 things you are trying to cram into one class, you'll want to do this sort of intermittent case class-work anyways.
I'm moving my first steps in Scala and I would like to make the following code works:
trait Gene[+T] {
val gene: Array[T]
The error that the compiler gives is: covariant type T occurs in invariant position in type => Array[T] of value gene
I know I could do something like:
trait Gene[+T] {
def gene[U >: T]: Array[U]
but this doesn't solve the problem because I need a value: pratically what I'm trying to say is "I don't care of the inside type, I know that genes will have a gene field that return its content". (the +T here is because I wanna do something like type Genome = Array[Gene[Any]] and then use it as a wrapper against the single gene classes so I can have a heterogeneous array type)
Is it possible to do it in Scala or I'm simply taking a wrong approach? Would it be better to use a different structure, like a Scala native covariant class?
Thanks in advance!
P.S.: I've also tried with class and abstract class instead than trait but always same results!
EDIT: with kind suggestion by Didier Dupont I came to this code:
package object ga {
class Gene[+T](val gene: Vector[T]){
def apply(idx: Int) = gene(idx)
override def toString() = gene.toString
implicit def toGene[T](a: Vector[T]) = new Gene(a)
type Genome = Array[Gene[Any]]
package test
import ga._
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val g = Vector(1, 3, 4)
val g2 = Vector("a", "b")
val genome1: Genome = Array(g, g2)
for(gene <- genome1) println(gene.gene)
So I now think I can put and retrieve data in different types and use them with all type checking goodies!
Array is invariant because you can write in it.
Suppose you do
val typed = new Gene[String]
val untyped : Gene[Any] = typed // covariance would allow that
untyped.gene(0) = new Date(...)
this would crash (the array in your instance is an Array[String] and will not accept a Date). Which is why the compiler prevents that.
From there, it depends very much on what you intend to do with Gene. You could use a covariant type instead of Array (you may consider Vector), but that will prevent user to mutate the content, if this was what you intended. You may also have an Array inside the class, provided it is decladed private [this] (which will make it quite hard to mutate the content too). If you want the client to be allowed to mutate the content of a Gene, it will probably not be possible to make Gene covariant.
The type of gene needs to be covariant in its type parameter. For that to be possible, you have to choose an immutable data structure, for example list. But you can use any data structure from the scala.collection.immutable package.
I understand covariance and contravariance in scala. Covariance has many applications in the real world, but I can not think of any for contravariance applications, except the same old examples for Functions.
Can someone shed some light on real world examples of contravariance use?
In my opinion, the two most simple examples after Function are ordering and equality. However, the first is not contra-variant in Scala's standard library, and the second doesn't even exist in it. So, I'm going to use Scalaz equivalents: Order and Equal.
Next, I need some class hierarchy, preferably one which is familiar and, of course, it both concepts above must make sense for it. If Scala had a Number superclass of all numeric types, that would have been perfect. Unfortunately, it has no such thing.
So I'm going to try to make the examples with collections. To make it simple, let's just consider Seq[Int] and List[Int]. It should be clear that List[Int] is a subtype of Seq[Int], ie, List[Int] <: Seq[Int].
So, what can we do with it? First, let's write something that compares two lists:
def smaller(a: List[Int], b: List[Int])(implicit ord: Order[List[Int]]) =
if (ord.order(a,b) == LT) a else b
Now I'm going to write an implicit Order for Seq[Int]:
implicit val seqOrder = new Order[Seq[Int]] {
def order(a: Seq[Int], b: Seq[Int]) =
if (a.size < b.size) LT
else if (b.size < a.size) GT
else EQ
With these definitions, I can now do something like this:
scala> smaller(List(1), List(1, 2, 3))
res0: List[Int] = List(1)
Note that I'm asking for an Order[List[Int]], but I'm passing a Order[Seq[Int]]. This means that Order[Seq[Int]] <: Order[List[Int]]. Given that Seq[Int] >: List[Int], this is only possible because of contra-variance.
The next question is: does it make any sense?
Let's consider smaller again. I want to compare two lists of integers. Naturally, anything that compares two lists is acceptable, but what's the logic of something that compares two Seq[Int] being acceptable?
Note in the definition of seqOrder how the things being compared becomes parameters to it. Obviously, a List[Int] can be a parameter to something expecting a Seq[Int]. From that follows that a something that compares Seq[Int] is acceptable in place of something that compares List[Int]: they both can be used with the same parameters.
What about the reverse? Let's say I had a method that only compared :: (list's cons), which, together with Nil, is a subtype of List. I obviously could not use this, because smaller might well receive a Nil to compare. It follows that an Order[::[Int]] cannot be used instead of Order[List[Int]].
Let's proceed to equality, and write a method for it:
def equalLists(a: List[Int], b: List[Int])(implicit eq: Equal[List[Int]]) = eq.equal(a, b)
Because Order extends Equal, I can use it with the same implicit above:
scala> equalLists(List(4, 5, 6), List(1, 2, 3)) // we are comparing lengths!
res3: Boolean = true
The logic here is the same one. Anything that can tell whether two Seq[Int] are the same can, obviously, also tell whether two List[Int] are the same. From that, it follows that Equal[Seq[Int]] <: Equal[List[Int]], which is true because Equal is contra-variant.
This example is from the last project I was working on. Say you have a type-class PrettyPrinter[A] that provides logic for pretty-printing objects of type A. Now if B >: A (i.e. if B is superclass of A) and you know how to pretty-print B (i.e. have an instance of PrettyPrinter[B] available) then you can use the same logic to pretty-print A. In other words, B >: A implies PrettyPrinter[B] <: PrettyPrinter[A]. So you can declare PrettyPrinter[A] contravariant on A.
scala> trait Animal
defined trait Animal
scala> case class Dog(name: String) extends Animal
defined class Dog
scala> trait PrettyPrinter[-A] {
| def pprint(a: A): String
| }
defined trait PrettyPrinter
scala> def pprint[A](a: A)(implicit p: PrettyPrinter[A]) = p.pprint(a)
pprint: [A](a: A)(implicit p: PrettyPrinter[A])String
scala> implicit object AnimalPrettyPrinter extends PrettyPrinter[Animal] {
| def pprint(a: Animal) = "[Animal : %s]" format (a)
| }
defined module AnimalPrettyPrinter
scala> pprint(Dog("Tom"))
res159: String = [Animal : Dog(Tom)]
Some other examples would be Ordering type-class from Scala standard library, Equal, Show (isomorphic to PrettyPrinter above), Resource type-classes from Scalaz etc.
As Daniel pointed out, Scala's Ordering isn't contravariant. (I really don't know why.) You may instead consider scalaz.Order which is intended for the same purpose as scala.Ordering but is contravariant on its type parameter.
Supertype-subtype relationship is but one type of relationship that can exist between two types. There can be many such relationships possible. Let's consider two types A and B related with function f: B => A (i.e. an arbitrary relation). Data-type F[_] is said to be a contravariant functor if you can define an operation contramap for it that can lift a function of type B => A to F[A => B].
The following laws need to be satisfied:
x.contramap(identity) == x
x.contramap(f).contramap(g) == x.contramap(f compose g)
All of the data types discussed above (Show, Equal etc.) are contravariant functors. This property lets us do useful things such as the one illustrated below:
Suppose you have a class Candidate defined as:
case class Candidate(name: String, age: Int)
You need an Order[Candidate] which orders candidates by their age. Now you know that there is an Order[Int] instance available. You can obtain an Order[Candidate] instance from that with the contramap operation:
val byAgeOrder: Order[Candidate] =
implicitly[Order[Int]] contramap ((_: Candidate).age)
An example based on a real-world event-driven software system. Such a system is based on broad categories of events, like events related to the functioning of the system (system events), events generated by user actions (user events) and so on.
A possible event hierarchy:
trait Event
trait UserEvent extends Event
trait SystemEvent extends Event
trait ApplicationEvent extends SystemEvent
trait ErrorEvent extends ApplicationEvent
Now the programmers working on the event-driven system need to find a way to register/process the events generated in the system. They will create a trait, Sink, that is used to mark components in need to be notified when an event has been fired.
trait Sink[-In] {
def notify(o: In)
As a consequence of marking the type parameter with the - symbol, the Sink type became contravariant.
A possible way to notify interested parties that an event happened is to write a method and to pass it the corresponding event. This method will hypothetically do some processing and then it will take care of notifying the event sink:
def appEventFired(e: ApplicationEvent, s: Sink[ApplicationEvent]): Unit = {
// do some processing related to the event
// notify the event sink
def errorEventFired(e: ErrorEvent, s: Sink[ErrorEvent]): Unit = {
// do some processing related to the event
// notify the event sink
A couple of hypothetical Sink implementations.
trait SystemEventSink extends Sink[SystemEvent]
val ses = new SystemEventSink {
override def notify(o: SystemEvent): Unit = ???
trait GenericEventSink extends Sink[Event]
val ges = new GenericEventSink {
override def notify(o: Event): Unit = ???
The following method calls are accepted by the compiler:
appEventFired(new ApplicationEvent {}, ses)
errorEventFired(new ErrorEvent {}, ges)
appEventFired(new ApplicationEvent {}, ges)
Looking at the series of calls you notice that it is possible to call a method expecting a Sink[ApplicationEvent] with a Sink[SystemEvent] and even with a Sink[Event]. Also, you can call the method expecting a Sink[ErrorEvent] with a Sink[Event].
By replacing invariance with a contravariance constraint, a Sink[SystemEvent] becomes a subtype of Sink[ApplicationEvent]. Therefore, contravariance can also be thought of as a ‘widening’ relationship, since types are ‘widened’ from more specific to more generic.
This example has been described in a series of articles about variance found on my blog
In the end, I think it helps to also understand the theory behind it...
Short answer that might help people who were super confused like me and didn't want to read these long winded examples:
Imagine you have 2 classes Animal, and Cat, which extends Animal. Now, imagine that you have a type Printer[Cat], that contains the functionality for printing Cats. And you have a method like this:
def print(p: Printer[Cat], cat: Cat) = p.print(cat)
but the thing is, that since Cat is an Animal, Printer[Animal] should also be able to print Cats, right?
Well, if Printer[T] were defined like Printer[-T], i.e. contravariant, then we could pass Printer[Animal] to the print function above and use its functionality to print cats.
This is why contravariance exists. Another example, from C#, for example, is the class IComparer which is contravariant as well. Why? Because we should be able to use Animal comparers to compare Cats, too.