Display UITableView's section title when index is touched - iphone

I'm writing a dictionary app to study iOS and I've implemented a UITableView with the alphabet as section titles and an index of all the letters on the right side. It works perfectly, but is it possible for me to display the selected index in a box at the center of the screen? I'm looking at the UITableViewDelegate reference but can't see any methods I might override. Help?

You'd have to manually create a UIView that you put above the UITableView which then shows the letter or whatever you want to present. Make sure not to add it to the table view itself as it's a UIScrollView subclass and your view would be affected by its contentOffset.
When the user presses one index or moves his finger above it, this callback gets called:
-tableView:sectionForSectionIndexTitle:title atIndex:
Use it to change your view's contents and make it visible and set a timer for it to fade out again.

You have to create custom view that display when you click on the cell and in that view you can add Label to show the alphabet which you have selected.
And yes also if you want to display it on center of your screen than give its X and Y coordinates value according to it.hope it helps...


Select the first element in view for Voice Over

I am using Xcode to make an iOS app. When I segue into the next view controller, it has objects in the following order from top to bottom on the screen: label, collection view, button. When I use voiceover, I want the first item on the screen to be in focus (the label). However, whatever I do, it is always a particular cell from the collection view that is selected by default (somewhere in the middle of the screen). In landscape it is a different cell and in portrait a different cell. But every time it is that same cell. I tried using UIAccessibilityPostNotification, as well as using delays and other things. Nothing seems to work.
Should be posted when a new view appears that encompasses a major portion of the screen.
Optionally, pass the element that VoiceOver should move to after processing the notification.
UIKIT_EXTERN UIAccessibilityNotifications
You need to provide
UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification, youLabel);

Creating a dynamic add button swift

How would I be able to create a button that works similarly to the add phone button in the contacts app? As shown below, to replicate it, I have a button on the right side that the type is Add Contact (appears as a plus in a circle) and on the right is a label. I then put them together in a stack view.
How does the contacts app have one large (bar) button that holds the image and the text? When tapping on the button (in the contacts app) it highlights the whole bar. This makes me believe that might have done this using a UITableView.
What's the best way to create a similar (bar) button as they did? Would this be easier to replicate if I used a UITableView instead?
It's definitely a tableView.
They either constrained button's top to an empty tableView's bottom or they made this as an integral tableView and each time you didSelectRowAt it inserts a row at known position.
Suppose they either use a DataSource delegate method for rows insertion or a custom-made function wrapped in tableView.beginUpdates() and tableView.endUpdates() (reloads the table with animation)
you should not use stackview to wrap both button and right text.because you also need tap event.and stack view not giving tapping event.
I think you should place your button and label inside UIView and than Assing UIControl as Class in Inspecter(not UIView).than Controll drag from Your View to Class File and select TouchUPinside event.disabel user interaction of both button and Label otherwise event will not Fired.
and than Add above UIControll and other Component to either tableView or Vertical StackView.

Can I customize the check mark position in UITableView?

I'm working on a UITable with allowsMultipleSelectionDuringEditing = true, then I get a circle and red checkmark in the table when it is editing:
The problem is, I need to customize the table view cell such that there are some background image for the cell, and I need a larger margin in the left side of the cell. I can customize the cell contentView for the content position, but are there a way I can customize the checkmark and circle position?
I could have implement a customize table view cell with my own multi selection logic and view, but are there a way I can do it with the built-in multi-select implementation? If not, would you recommend a idiomatic way to do it?
it is possible to change the position of the check mark,
Please make a Table View cell XIB and give it a background image and check mark image and a label ..
the hiding and the display of the check mark will be managed by the associated class of XIB.
it will work for you.
** All the best
To answer my own question, you cannot move the red checkmark and circle (editing control) with public API.
You can however, override the UITableViewCell layoutSubviews method. Inside it find the subview which is a "UITableViewCellEditControl", and modify its position as you wish.

pop up detail view out of tableviewcell

I am working on a app where I want to expand a tableviewcell to cover almost all the screen with animation when it is selected by user. I am looking to create a uiview on the tableviewcell and expend it to cover major portion of the screen when user selects the row.
The main problem I am having is to get the frame from where my pop up view will start expending. How will I get the frame of the row which is touched?
Is it crucial that the cell should not reposition?
If not ( i am guessing not, as you are anyway planning to cover whole screen):
When the cell is selected, scroll the cell to top (using scrollToRowAtIndexPath) and either insert your custom view to cell's contentView or modify its parameters if its already there with different opacity/size etc
Use UITableView function to get the rect for the row by passing the its NSIndexPath.
- (CGRect)rectForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath

Get on screen coordinates of a certain UITableViewCell?

So, I have this UITableView. It's in an iPad application. Some of the cells have an accessory button on the right (the small round arrow). When that is pressed, I present a popover view where the user can select actions related to the table cell that they touched. So far, nothing of this is difficult or exceptional.
But the popover view wants to know where it originates from, so that it can draw the little arrow pointing there. I would naturally like that arrow to point at the table cell the popover relates to.
How can I find out the current on screen coordinates for a certain cell in a table, given that I know it's indexPath?
Use the UITableView method -rectForRowAtIndexPath:. Note that that returns a rect within the table view’s coordinate system—if you need the rect relative to another view within the same window, use the UIView method -convertRect:fromView:.