implement low pass filter in matlab - matlab

I want to implement a filter that eliminates higher frequencies. In this example I want to eliminate the sin curve and keep the linear curve.
I corrected my code, however the function that I implemented for filtering changes the edges of the data significantly which is not acceptable.
clc; clear all;
xaxis = linspace(1, 10, 1000);
data = xaxis + sin(xaxis*3);
Nf = 2^12;
xAxisf = linspace(-10,10,Nf);
% plot(xaxis, data);
xsize = numel(data);
Xf = zeros([1 Nf]);
indices = Nf/2-floor(xsize/2):Nf/2-floor(xsize/2)+xsize - 1;
Xf(indices) = data;
% Xf = fftshift(Xf);
Xf = fft(Xf);
Xf = fftshift(Xf);
% plot
Xfa = abs(Xf); plot(xAxisf, Xfa);
% generate super-gaussian filter function
Nf = numel(Xf);
widthfilter = 0.12;
filterpower = 2;
filter = exp(-(xAxisf.^2./widthfilter^2).^filterpower);
% filter
filtertimes = 20;
Xf = Xf .* filter.^filtertimes;
% plot
Xfa = abs(Xf); plot(Xfa);
% iFFt
Xfs = ifftshift(Xf);
Xif = ifft(Xfs);
% Xif = ifftshift(Xif);
result = abs(Xif);

First issue:
Xf = fftshift(data); % NOT NEEDED
Xf = fft(Xf);
Xf = fftshift(Xf);
Do not fftshift the data before fft. The shift is only needed AFTER fft. This is because the radix-n(probably 2) fft "decimates" the data in the process. You don't need to fix it before because it hasn't been decimated.
Second issue:
Xfs = ifftshift(Xf);
Xif = ifft2(Xfs);
Xif = ifftshift(Xif); % NOT NEEDED
ifftshift re-decimates the data (undoes fftshift), which ifft requires as input. The output of ifft reconstructs the original signal if the input is already decimated. DO NOT ifftshift after.
Third issue:
Xfs = ifftshift(Xf);
Xif = ifft2(Xfs); % USE ifft INSTEAD OF ifft2
Xif = ifftshift(Xiff);
Why in the world did you switch to 2D ifft all of a sudden?
I didn't look at your filter code in detail, but I would like to remark that if you want a low pass filter, it needs to be symmetric around the mid point. Otherwise your frequency response is not symmetric and you're gonna end up with at bunch of imaginaries.
And please change your title. This isn't a "Fourier filter". It is a low pass filter using the window method and fft. Window in that you're applying a window in frequency space.
Ok, it's late and I am getting cranky from the back and forth... just trying to help. Faster for me to just write the code for you.
If you're looking for an effect of the filter in your code, you're not gonna be able to because the cut off frequency of your filter is too high and/or the frequency of the sine wave in your data is too low. Here is a version where I increased the frequency of oscillation of the input sine wave:
clc; clear all;
xaxis = linspace(1, 10, 1000);
data = xaxis + sin(xaxis*10);
% plot(xaxis, data);
Xf = data;
Xf = fft(Xf);
Xf = fftshift(Xf);
% generate super-gaussian filter function
Nf = numel(data);
xAxisf = linspace(-5,5,Nf);
widthfilter = 0.1;
filterpower = 2;
filter = exp(-(xAxisf.^2./widthfilter^2).^filterpower);
% filter
filtertimes = 1;
Xf = Xf .* filter.^filtertimes;
% plot
Xfa = abs(Xf); plot(Xfa);
% iFFt
Xfs = ifftshift(Xf);
Xif = ifft(Xfs);
result = abs(Xif);
plot(result); hold on; plot(data,'r');
going to bed. good night! did my public service :p


inverse fourier transform of data does not give correct amplitude

I'm trying to calculate the inverse Fourier transform of some data using Matlab. I start with raw data in the frequency domain and want to visualise the data in the time domain. Here is my MWE:
a = 1.056;
% frequency of data (I cannot change this)
w = linspace(-100,100,1e6);
L = length(w); % no. sample points
ts = L/1000; % time sampling
Ts = ts/L; % sampling rate
Fs = 1/Ts; % sampling freq
t = (-L/2:L/2-1)*ts/L; % time
Y = sqrt(pi/a)*exp(-w.^2/(4*a)); % my data
yn = Fs*ifftshift(ifft(fftshift(Y(end:-1:1)))) % numerical soln
ya = exp(-a*t.^2); % analytic solution
figure; hold on
xlabel('time, t')
I have adapted the code from this question however the amplitude is too large:
Can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
There are three issues with your code:
You define ts = L/1000 and then compute Fs, which gives you 1000. But Fs is given by the w array you've set up: the full range of w is 2*pi*Fs:
Fs = -w(1)/pi; % sampling freq
Ts = 1/Fs; % sampling rate
Or, equivalently, set Fs = mean(diff(w))*L / (2*pi)
w is defined, but does not include 0. Just like you define t carefully to include the 0 in just the right place, so should you define w to include 0 in just the right place. One simple way to do this is to define it with one more value, then delete the last value:
w = linspace(-100,100,1e6+1);
w(end) = [];
If your input data does not include the 0 frequency, you should resample it so that it does. The DFT (FFT) expects a 0 frequency bin.
You're using ifftshift and fftshift reversed: fftshift shifts the origin from the leftmost array element to the middle, and ifftshift shifts it from the middle to the left. You define your signal with the origin in the middle, so you need to use ifftshift on it to move the origin where the fft and ifft functions expect it. Use fftshift on the output of these two functions to center the origin for display. Because your data is even sized, these two functions do exactly the same thing, and you will not notice the difference. But if the data were odd sized, you'd see the difference.
The following code gives a perfect match:
a = 1.056;
% frequency of data (I cannot change this)
w = linspace(-100,100,1e6+1); w(end) = [];
L = length(w); % no. sample points
Fs = -w(1)/pi; % sampling freq
Ts = 1/Fs; % sampling rate
t = (-L/2:L/2-1)*Ts; % time
Y = sqrt(pi/a)*exp(-w.^2/(4*a)); % my data
yn = Fs*fftshift(ifft(ifftshift(Y(end:-1:1)))); % numerical soln
ya = exp(-a*t.^2); % analytic solution
figure; hold on
xlabel('time, t')

is it true to use normrand for Gaussian distribution in matlab

I wanna code simple linear regression in Matlab and I wrote this code. it's work but I don't feel right about it!! I imagine something goes wrong. if you mind take a look on it;
h1 = normrnd(1:10,1);
P_re = normrnd(1:10,1);
n = numel(h1);
y = h1.*P_re;
y1 = sum(y);
sumH = sum(h1);
sumP = sum(P_re);
sumh_2 = sum((h1).^2);
sumh2 = (sum(h1))^2;
beta1 = ((n*y1) - sumH*sumP)/(n*(sumh_2)-(sumh2));
beta0 = mean(P_re) - beta1*mean(h1);
pRe = beta1*h1 + beta0;
hold on
You can get the two regression coefficients simply using polyfit to fit a polynomial of degree 1. Also, you probably mean plot(h1, pRe) rather than plot(h1, pRe):
h1 = normrnd(1:10,1); % x data
P_re = normrnd(1:10,1); % y data
beta = polyfit(h1, P_re, 1); % fit polynomial of order 1
pRe = beta(1)*h1 + beta(2); % or pRe = polyval(beta, h1)
plot(h1,P_re,'o') % plot data
hold on
plot(h1,pRe) % plot fitted line

Reconstruction of Digital Signal using the sinc Function

I am trying to reconstruct the signal cos(2*pi*300e6) at the sampling frequency 800e6 using the sinc function in MATLAB. When I type in the following code, I'm instead getting something very noisy--not what I am looking for. What am I doing wrong? Thank you in advance!
F1 = 300e6;
Fs = 800e6;
tmin = 0;
tmax = 10/F1;
t = tmin:1e-12:tmax;
x1 = cos(2*pi*F1*t);
Ts = 1/Fs;
ts = tmin:Ts:tmax;
x1resampled = cos(2*pi*F1*ts);
x1reconstructed = zeros(1,length(t)); %preallocating for speed
samples = length(ts);
for i = 1:1:length(t)
for n = 1:1:samples
x1reconstructed(i) = sum(x1resampled(n)*sinc(pi*(t(i)-n*Ts)/Ts));
hold on
Two problems with the code:
You are not accumulating the reconstructed samples properly. Specifically, you are only retaining one value from the resampled signal, not all samples.
sinc in MATLAB uses the normalized sinc function. This means that you don't have to multiply the argument by pi. Recall that the reconstruction formula requires the normalized sinc function, so there is no multiplication of pi in the argument of the function.
Therefore you simply have to change the code inside the for loop:
F1 = 300e6;
Fs = 800e6;
tmin = 0;
tmax = 10/F1;
t = tmin:1e-12:tmax;
x1 = cos(2*pi*F1*t);
Ts = 1/Fs;
ts = tmin:Ts:tmax;
x1resampled = cos(2*pi*F1*ts);
x1reconstructed = zeros(1,length(t)); %preallocating for speed
samples = length(ts);
for i = 1:1:length(t)
for n = 1:1:samples
x1reconstructed(i) = x1reconstructed(i) + x1resampled(n)*sinc((t(i)-n*Ts)/Ts); %%% CHANGE
hold on
I now get this plot:
To make things more efficient, definitely use the sum function but do it over all samples. So your for loop should now be:
for i = 1:1:length(t)
x1reconstructed(i) = sum(x1resampled .* sinc((t(i) - (1:samples)*Ts) ./ Ts));
You can accomplish the same thing, but more efficiently, using the discrete Fourier transform (DFT):
F1 = 300e6;
Fs = 800e6;
tmin = 0;
tmax = 10/F1;
t = tmin:1e-12:tmax;
x1 = cos(2*pi*F1*t);
Ts = 1/Fs;
ts = tmin:Ts:tmax;
x1resampled = cos(2*pi*F1*ts);
x1resampledDFT = fftshift(fft(x1resampled));
n = (length(x1)-length(x1resampledDFT))/2;
x1reconstructedDFT = [zeros(1,ceil(n)),x1resampledDFT,zeros(1,floor(n))];
x1reconstructed = ifft(ifftshift(x1reconstructedDFT));
x1reconstructed = x1reconstructed / length(x1resampled) * length(x1reconstructed);
hold on
What is happening here is that I'm padding the DFT (as computed efficiently using fft) with zeros to the desired size. The inverse transform then results in the signal interpolated using the sinc interpolator. To preserve the signal strength some normalization is needed. Any differences you see with Rayryeng's answer is due to the periodic nature of the DFT: basically the sinc functions, as they exit the signal domain on the right, come back in at the left; the data at the right end of the plot influence the result at the left end of the plot and vice versa.
To learn more about interpolation using the Fourier transform, see this blog post.

DFT code on Matlab does not work as intended

I am trying to implement a basic DFT algorithm on Matlab.
I simply use in phase and quadrature components of a sine wave with phase modulation(increasing frequency a.k.a chirp). I do compare my results with fft command of Matlab. My code gives the same results whenever there is no phase modulation(pure sine). Whenever I add chirp modulation, results differ. For example, when I use a chirp with some bandwidth around a carrier, the expected results should be a frequency distribution of chirp bandwidth starting from carrier frequency. However, I get a copy of that result backwards starting from carrier frequency as well. You can use my code below without modifying anything. Figure 5 is my result and figure 6 is the expected result. Carrier is 256 Hz with a 10Hz bandwidth of chirp. You can see the code below. The important part is for loop where I take dft of my signal. Also uou can see my dft result below.
close all;
clear all;
%% signal generation
t = (0:0.0001:1); % 1 second window
f = 256; %freq of input signal in hertz
bw = 10; % bandwidth sweep of signal
phaseInput = 2*pi*t*bw.*t;
signalInput = sin(2*pi*f*t + phaseInput); %input signal
inphase = sin(2*pi*f*t).*cos(phaseInput); %inphase component
quadrature = cos(2*pi*f*t).*sin(phaseInput); %quadrature component
title('Input Signal');
xlabel('Time in seconds');
%% sampling signal previously generated
Fs = 1024; %sampling freq
Ts = (0:1/Fs:1);%sample times for 1 second window
sPhase = 2*pi*Ts*bw.*Ts;
sI = sin(2*pi*f*Ts).*cos(sPhase);
sQ = cos(2*pi*f*Ts).*sin(sPhase);
hold on;
fftSize = Fs; %Using all samples in dft
sampleIdx = (0:1:fftSize-1)';
sampledI = sI(1:fftSize)';
sampledQ = sQ(1:fftSize)';
title('Sampled IQ Components');
%% DFT Calculation
dftI = zeros(fftSize,1);
dftQ = zeros(fftSize,1);
for w = 0:fftSize-1
%exp(-2*pi*w*t) = cos(2*pi*w*t) - i*sin(2*pi*w*t)
cI = cos(2*pi*w*sampleIdx/fftSize); %correlation cos
cQ = -sin(2*pi*w*sampleIdx/fftSize); %correlation sin
dftI(w+1) = sum(sampledI.*cI - sampledQ.*cQ); %
dftQ(w+1) = sum(sampledI.*cQ + sampledQ.*cI);
title('DFT Inphase');
title('DFT Quadrature');
%% For comparison
sampledInput = sin(2*pi*f*Ts + sPhase);
Y = fft(sampledInput(1:1024),1024);
Pyy = Y.*conj(Y)/1024;
f = (0:1023);
title('Power spectral density')
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
the reason lies in the fact that two different signals will definitely give your two different frequency spectrums. check out the code below, you will find that the input of the dft algorithm you actually gave is sampledI+jsampledQ. as a result, what you are doing here is NOT merely decomposing your original signal into In-phase and quadrature components, instead, you are doing Hilbert transform here -- to change a real signal into a complex one.
cI = cos(2*pi*w*sampleIdx/fftSize); %correlation cos
cQ = -sin(2*pi*w*sampleIdx/fftSize); %correlation sin
dftI(w+1) = sum(sampledI.*cI - sampledQ.*cQ); %
dftQ(w+1) = sum(sampledI.*cQ + sampledQ.*cI);
so the sampledInput for comparison should be sampledInput = sI+1i*sQ;.

Graphing the Short-time Fourier Transform (note the window size and step) in matlab

Need help since kind of lost on this. I am trying to graph the code below i have in which I made a white noise and used STFT to do the bandpass filtering but now I need to graph the signal in to two graphs for each channel. The result should be graphs. For graph 1a., the horizontal axis should be frequency, the vertical axis should be amplitude. For (2).b, the horizontal axis should be time, the vertical axis should be frequency, and express the amplitude using color.
function newwhitenoise()
L = 5000; %Sample length for the random signal
Pause = 10000; %Sample Pause Gap
mu = 0;
sigma = 2;
%Need to see left signal is not displaying
Left_signal = sigma*randn(L,1) + mu;
Right_signal = sigma*randn(L,1) + mu;
Long_signal = [Left_signal zeros(L,1); zeros(Pause,2); zeros(L,1) Right_signal];
%Player Object
disp([Left_signal zeros(L,1)]);
%sound(Long_signal, Fs);
%Plots subplots in graph
%plot(Left_signal, 'b'); grid on;
%plot(Right_signal, 'r'); grid on;
function signalplayer(signal)
fs = 44100; %Sample Frequency
obj = audioplayer(signal,fs);
function soundRecord (signal)
fs = 44100; %Sample Frequency
recObj = audiorecorder(44100, 16, 2);
%save sound to wave file
%filename = 'location.flac';
audiowrite('input.wav',signal, fs);
if ~exist('inFile')
inFile = 'input.wav';
if ~exist('outFile')
outFile = 'output.wav';
if ~exist('frameWidth')
frameWidth = 4096; % size of FFT frame, better be a power of 2
frameHop = frameWidth/2;
analWindow = hanning(frameWidth);
[inBuffer, Fs] = wavread(inFile);
x = [inBuffer(:,1); linspace(0, 0, frameWidth)']; % use left channel only, zeropad one frame at the end
clear inBuffer;
numSamples = length(x);
numFrames = floor(numSamples/frameHop)-1;
% disp(frameWidth);
% disp(numSamples);
% disp(frameHop);
% disp(numFrames);
% disp(size(analWindow));
% disp(size(transpose(analWindow)));
y = linspace(0, 0, numSamples)';
n = 0; % init sample pointer. unlike MATLAB, i like counting from 0
for frameIndex = 1:numFrames
xWindowed = x(n+1:n+frameWidth) .* analWindow; % get and window the input audio frame
X = fft(fftshift(xWindowed)); % do the FFT
Y = X; % copy the input spectrum to output
% do whatever processing to Y that you like
yWindowed = fftshift(real(ifft(Y))); % convert back to time domain, toss the imaginary part
y(n+1:n+frameWidth) = y(n+1:n+frameWidth) + yWindowed;
n = n + frameHop;
wavwrite(y, Fs, 'output.wav');
For graph 1 try pwelch and for graph 2 try spectrogram.
pwelch is basically the average of the squared magnitude of the STFT. The spectrogram function returns the STFT of the signal thus it operates on the signal in the time domain.
Both functions are called with the same input parameters and when called with no output, plot the result on the current axes.
If you want the frequency axis to be the vertical (y) in graph 2, use the option 'yaxis' in the call for spectrogram. I suggest you look at the documentation of both functions.