MMC help topics Issues - mmc3

Thanks for your time here first, now ,I have a deadly issue in my current MMC project.
when i add my snapin in MMC ,and click MMC help topics menu in the help menu, I found that it always run my snapin class construction when i debug my is not expection for me, and it is a deadly seriously problem ,why the construct function always run again when click the help topics ?
Any experts can point me out of this issue and give me a good advice!
Thanks in advance!

Maybe it's to late for the answer, but few days ago I had the same issue.
I'm using c#. Just created static boolean variable isRunning = false. And little constructor modifications:
public class MMCcls
private static bool isRunning = false;
public MMCcls()
isRunning = true;


Unity not detecting F1 and F2 key presses

I am returning to unity after 6 months. I started my fps game yesterday. Today I was trying to make C4 bomb, which worked as follows: the c4 will already be placed, you just have to activate using a remote. In the start the remote will not be in your hand, you have to press F1 to set it active. To put the remote away again, we have to press F2. But the problem is that it won't detect my F1 key press. Here's the code:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class C4Script : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject remote;
private bool remoteHand;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
remoteHand = false;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F1) && !remoteHand)
remoteHand = true;
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.F2) && remoteHand)
remoteHand = false;
The code may be wrongly formatted, I am sorry for that.
Also sorry if I didn't explain it properly.
The code works on my machine, do you maybe have the C4Script or the Gameobject on which it is attached disabled?
Looks like the script is never called rather then that it's not detecting the input. You could add an Debug log or debug breakpoint to the start method to check if it's ever called.
Soo, the problem was that i am dumb. i Put this script on the remote, and at the start it disables the remote thats why it wasn't detecting my key press. I put the script on my player object and now it works fine.

UPROPOERTY variables not showing in details

I´ve been trying to show some variables that I created in a C++ class and then create a Blueprint class based on it. But when I see the details of the object or try to find this variables in the Blueprints they do not show up.
I´ve basically copy and paste code from UE4 documentation see here:, but the variables are not showing up for me.
// MyActor.cpp
#include "MyActor.h"
// Sets default values
//PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;
TotalDamage = 200.0f;
// Called when the game starts or when spawned
void AMyActor::BeginPlay()
// Called every frame
void AMyActor::Tick(float DeltaTime)
// MyActor.h
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "GameFramework/Actor.h"
#include "MyActor.generated.h"
class MYPROJECT3_API AMyActor : public AActor
float TotalDamage;
// Sets default values for this actor's properties
// Called when the game starts or when spawned
virtual void BeginPlay() override;
// Called every frame
virtual void Tick(float DeltaTime) override;
I want to modify this variables from the Event Graph. Please help me find what I did wrong, if you need anymore information I will gladly provide it to you.
Use BlueprintReadWrite or BlueprintReadOnly
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
float TotalDamage;
This just happened to me and feels like this is what might have happened to Juan Esteban as well, if you think your code is correct (and in my case it was):
"Hot Reloading" of the project was "stuck" in Unreal (i.e. changes made to the project didn't reflect in the editor), despite rebuilding the project and running "Refresh Visual Studio Project" from the file menu.
So... restarting Unreal actually fixed it.

Eclipse removing white spaces when saving

I have a big issue. I develop in eclipse ide environment, mostly on windows but also on linux. This seems to be a general issue.
Before I save my project on eclipse I have certain spaces between functions or in the code somewhere. I don't want to reformat the code that is in place.
However, every single time I try to save my project. Those spaces disappear, and I cannot find the place where I should change this auto-formatting in my eclipse properties.
Please see example bellow:
First of all I don't touch the code but I receive it as bellow and have to make modifications elsewhere. So at the initial state of my file I have somewhere in the code two functions [functionOne, functionTwo]. Those two functions are separated by a new line [NL] and 6 spaces. The problem appears when I save my project and as you can see the two functions are not separated anymore by the same number of spaces.
Before saving my project:
public void functionOne(){
int i = 0;
public void functionTwo(){
int i = 0;
After saving my project:
public void functionOne(){
int i = 0;
public void functionTwo(){
int i = 0;
I'm starting to be sick of this issue and really need help to solve this.
Not forgetting to mention that absolutely no "Save actions" is enabled!
I don't see anything on my format options neither, but I could be wrong.
Could someone please help me to find a solutions to this problem?
Best regards,
So that wasn't the "Save actions" but some plugin that I was using. Didn't had the time to check which one it is I just uninstalled the rarely/unused once. And for the moment it seems to work. I'll check later if the problem remains/reappears.
Thanks for your help.
Best regards,

SuperNotCalledExeption onPause()

I am using this example: but in a fragment and I am getting a SuperNotCalledException for onPause() I used the debugger and it is failing when adding the images to the linear view not really sure why though if someone could help me I will greatly appreciate it :
File[] files = targetDirector.listFiles();
for (File file : files){
Make sure you call super.onPause() in your onPause() method.

silverstripe dopublish function for ModelAdmin managed Pages

in the silverstripe backend I´m managing certain PageTypes via a ModelAdmin. That works fine so far, the only thing i can´t figure out is how to make a Page being "Published" when saving it.
Thats my code:
class ProjectPage extends Page {
public function onAfterWrite() {
At the moment I can still see the ModelAdmin-created Pages in the Sitetree and I can see they are in Draft Mode. If I use the code above I get this error:
Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in
Many thx,
the reason why you get "Maximum execution time exceeded" is because $this->doPublish(); calls $this->write(); which then calls $this->onAfterWrite();. And there you have your endless loop.
So doing this in onAfterWrite() or write() doesn't really work
you should just display the save & publish button instead of the save button
But I guess its easier said than done.
Well adding a button is actually just a few lines, but we also need a provide the functions that do what the button says it does.
This sounds like the perfect call for creating a new Module that allows proper handling of Pages in model admin. I have done this in SS2.4, and I have a pretty good idea of how to do it in SS3, but no time this week, poke me on the silverstripe irc channel on the weekend, maybe I have time on the weekend.
I found the same need/lack and I built a workaround that seems to work for me, maybe it can be useful.
public function onAfterWrite()
if(!$this->isPublished() || $this->getIsModifiedOnStage())
$this->publish('Stage', 'Live');
Create a class that extends ModelAdmin and define an updateEditForm function to add a publish button to the actions in the GridFieldDetailForm component of the GridField.
public function updateEditForm($form) {
if ( ! singleton($this->owner->modelClass)->hasExtension('Versioned') ) return;
$gridField = $form->Fields()->fieldByName($this->owner->modelClass);
$gridField->getConfig()->getComponentByType('GridFieldDetailForm')->setItemEditFormCallback(function ($form) {
$form->Actions()->push(FormAction::create('doPublish', 'Save & Publish'));
Then create a class that extends GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest to provide an action handler for your publish button.
public function doPublish($data, $form) {
$return = $this->owner->doSave($data, $form);
$this->owner->record->publish('Stage', 'Live');
return $return;
Make sure the extensions are applied and you're done.
Or, you could just grab all the code you need from GitHub.