HTML5 Video in iPad not working after DOM changes - iphone

Here is a script that appends the markup for an html5 video to the DOM:
document.body.innerHTML = '<video id="video" controls="controls" src="" type="video/mp4"></video>';
var el = document.getElementById('video');
jsfiddle demo:
This works in all browsers tested, except for Safari on iOS. In iOS, when the HTMLVideoElement is re-appended to the DOM, it is no longer playable.
Has anyone else resolved or encountered this issue?

I don't have an iPad but could reproduce your issue on an iPhone. This seems to be a Webkit error but it can be bypassed easily by changing the src attribute of the video - I hope this is sufficient for your scenario. You can see a working demo here:
This is the code:
var el = document.getElementById('video');
el.src= "";

I had the same problem, and I found a workaround using a timer (I'm using jQuery here).
var v = $('#videoID');
v.appendTo( $('#toDivID') );
var timer = setInterval( function() {
clearInterval( timer );
}, 200 );
I've only tested it on the iPad2 on iOS 6.1.

You can include two 'source' tags for your video. I've done this on a site and it works great.
<video class="video" controls="controls" id="video1">
<source type="video/mp4" src="demo.mp4">
<source type="video/webm" src="demo.webm">


Video in Github markdown not displaying in Chrome but works perfectly fine in Safari

I want to add a video in my github portfolio, I do it by using
(The mp4 file is saved in files folder)
However, the video was not being displayed in Chrome/Edge, but works fine in Safari.
The I tried directly dragging the video into the markdown, it was showing in the preview mode, but would display only a link in all the browsers.
How should I fix this?
add this theme hugo-video
get the theme
git submodule add themes/hugo-video
edit config.yml
theme: ["hugo-video", "my-theme"]
use it
{{< video src="sample-video.mp4" >}}
try this blog
its adding a shorthand video in hugo in layouts/shorthand/video.html
which makes use of JS video player library clappr to create a player given the URL of the video file
<div class="container">
<div id="player-wrapper"></div>
var playerElement = document.getElementById("player-wrapper");
var player = new Clappr.Player({
source: {{ .Get 0 }},
mute: true,
height: 360,
width: 640
then in your post where you need the video you can do
this is my video
{{< video "video.mp4" "my-5" >}}
both get the task done in similar fashion! former uses a video html tag and is clean in my opinion, latter uses a JS library and feels like making a little bit of mess.
Because the Markdown specification varies from platform to platform, video support can be inconsistent. The simplest solution is to use an HTML video tag instead:
<video src='/files/recording.mp4' />
This has the added benefit of allowing you to set the styling with HTML/CSS.

Has IOS13 broken <audio> tags used as audio buffers connected to the audio context?

We are currently developing a website that allows users to play simple audio tags connected to the audiocontext. We are aware of technical issues with IOS such as playback initiated by user gestures. Everything is working fine up to IOS12.
Now that IOS13 is out, nothing works anymore.
It works on all desktops, android and IOS up to IOS13.
Any idea on what is going on?
There are no error messages in the console when debugging with Safari on Desktop connected to the iphone.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr">
<h1>Play Audio Tag connected to audio context</h1>
<div id="playbutton" style="width:100px; height:100px; background:blue; color:white; margin:auto; text-align: center; font-size: 30px; cursor: pointer;">
<audio id="myPlayer" crossorigin="anonymous" >
<source src=""/>
var player = document.getElementById('myPlayer'),
playbutton = document.getElementById('playbutton'),
playStatus = 'paused';
var audioContext = new(window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
var audioSource = audioContext.createMediaElementSource(player);
if( playStatus == 'paused'){
playbutton.innerHTML = "Pause";
playStatus = 'isPlaying';
} else {
playbutton.innerHTML = "Play";
playStatus = 'paused';
This issue was mistakenly reported as fixed in iOS 13.3.1 (January 28, 2020). Nevertheless, as anyone can read from this WebKit bug report 203435, the problem is still there as of April 7, 2020, the release date of iOS 13.4.1.
The bug report doesn't provide any further information in regards to the estimated date this bug is going to be fixed. Sadly, 80% of iOS users (about 14% of the total mobile market, according to Statcounter) have been mistakenly incapacitated from using WebAudio on their devices for months, now.
What makes things worse for us developers is that Safari doesn't report any error. Thus, even trying to imagine a fallback is not possible or very hard, anyway.
Unfortunately, AudioContext.createMediaElementSource has been broken since the release of iOS 13. The bug was reported to be fixed in Safari Technology Preview 99:, but it's still broken in the recent release of iOS, so a new bug report was filed which can be found here:

Prevent HTML5 video loading on iPhone

I'd like to load a video to play on desktops and tablets, but prevent it from loading on iPhones because it's just a graphical element.
Here's my code:
<video width="980" height="400" poster="/poster.jpg" autoplay loop>
<source src="/images/front.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<source src="/images/front.webm" type="video/webm">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
How can I tell iPhones to not load the video but just display the poster frame?
Something like this should work:
var videoElement = document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0];
if ((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i))) {
This assumes you only have one video element on the page.
Also, be sure to put the JavaScript before the closing body element or put it in an external JavaScript file.

Autoplay video in PhoneGap

I have created a minimal PhoneGap app that has just this in the index.html:
<!-- ... -->
<video src="test.m4v" autoplay onerror="alert('Error')"></video>
In the PhoneGap.plist I have set MediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction to NO.
Yet I still cannot get the video to autoplay when the page loads. I have tried different ways of scripting it but to no avail.
Does anybody have a clue what I'm doing wrong?
Solved it. Turned out to be a bug in PhoneGap 1.3 which was fixed in version 1.4 released yesterday(!).
From the release notes:
Fixed CB-42 – MediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction can now be set to NO
AutoPlay attribute work in ios :
<video src="test.m4v" autoplay="autoplay"></video>
Given this line autoplay function
"autoplay" attribute will not work in iOS so you need to use JavaScript to get it to play.
Here is some sample code:
var video = document.getElementById('someVideoId');;

Using HTML5 on iPhone - cannot pause

I was wondering whether anyone has tried to use the new tag that comes with HTML5 on the iPhone.
Specifically, I didn't manage to make the pause() command to work.
Below is a portion of the page. As you can see, I'm trying to pause the video 10sec after it started. It works on Safari on a Mac btw.
Has anyone managed to make this work?
<javascript language="JavaScript">
function timeUpdate()
var myVideo = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];
var time = myVideo.currentTime;
if (time > 10)
function addListeners()
var myVideo = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];
<body onload="addListeners()">
<video controls src="resources/bb_poor_cinderella_512kb.mp4"
Video tag not supported!
This code is invalid:
<javascript language="JavaScript">
There is no HTML tag called <Javascript>
To set the language to javascript, you should use this:
<script type="text/javascript">
// Code here
Note that the language attribute is deprecated according to the W3C standard ( so you should use type rather than language.
As far as i know iPhone wont let you play video inline in the mobile safari browser.
So pausing wont work ofcourse. iPhone open the video in an external videoplayer, you dont have control over browser features, so the pausing doenst work.
You should use <script>, not <javascript language="JavaScript">.