Removing multiple character types from a string - scala

Is this an acceptable approach for removing multiple character types from a string or is there a better (more efficient way)? The "ilr".contains(_) bit feels a little like cheating considering it will be done for each and every character, but then again, maybe this is the right way. Is there a faster or more efficient way to do this?
val sentence = "Twinkle twinkle little star, oh I wander what you are"
val words = sentence.filter(!"ilr".contains(_))
// Result: "Twnke twnke tte sta, oh I wande what you ae"

I'd just use Java's good old replaceAll (it takes a regexp):
"Twinkle twinkle little star, oh I wander what you are" replaceAll ("[ilr]", "")
// res0: String = Twnke twnke tte sta, oh I wande what you ae
In contrast to working with chars (as in filtering a Seq[Char]), using regular expressions should be Unicode-safe even if you're working with code points outside the basic multilingual plane. "There Ain't No Such Thing As Plain Text."

There would be no significant difference, since there is only 3 characters to remove and no so big string to filter, but you may consider to use Set for this purpose. E.g.
val toRemove = "ilr".toSet
val words = sentence.filterNot(toRemove)


Multiple regex in one command

Disclaimer: I have no engineering background whatsoever - please don't hold it against me ;)
What I'm trying to do:
Scan a bunch of text strings and find the ones that
are more than one word
contain title case (at least one capitalized word after the first one)
but exclude specific proper nouns that don't get checked for title case
and disregard any parameters in curly brackets
Example: Today, a Man walked his dogs named {FIDO} and {Fifi} down the Street.
Expectation: Flag the string for title capitalization because of Man and Street, not because of Today, {FIDO} or {Fifi}
Example: Don't post that video on TikTok.
Expectation: No flag because TikTok is a proper noun
I have bits and pieces, none of them error-free from what keeps telling me so I'm really hoping for help from this community.
What I've tried (in piece meal but not all together):
I think your problem is not really solvable solely with regex...
My recommendation would be splitting the input via [\s\W]+ (e.g. with python's re.split, if you really need strings with more than one word, you can check the length of the result), filtering each resulting word if the first character is uppercase (e.g with python's string.isupper) and finally filtering against a dictionary.
[\s\W]+ matches all whitespace and non-word characters, yielding words...
The reasoning behind this different approach: compiling all "proper nouns" in a regex is kinda impossible, using "isupper" also works with non-latin letters (e.g. when your strings are unicode, [A-Z] won't be sufficient to detect uppercase). Filtering utilizing a dictionary is a way more forward approach and much easier to maintain (I would recommend using set or other data type suited for fast lookups.
Maybe if you can define your use case more clearer we can work out a pure regex solution...

Building an ngram frequency table and dealing with multibyte runes

I am currently learning Go and am making a lot of progress. One way I do this is to port past projects and prototypes from a prior language to a new one.
Right now I am busying myself with a "language detector" I prototyped in Python a while ago. In this module, I generate an ngram frequency table, where I then calculate the difference between a given text and a known corpora.
This allows one to effectively determine which corpus is the best match by returning the cosine of two vector representations of the given ngram tables. Yay. Math.
I have a prototype written in Go that works perfectly with plain ascii characters, but I would very much like to have it working with unicode multibyte support. This is where I'm doing my head in.
Here is a quick example of what I'm dealing with:
I've only posted the table generating logic since everything already works just fine.
As you can see by running the snippet, the first text works quite well and builds an accurate table. The second text, which is German, has a few double-byte characters in it. Due to the way I am building the ngram sequence, and due to the fact that these specific runes are made of two bytes, there appear 2 ngrams where the first byte is cut off.
Could someone perhaps post a more efficient solution or, at the very least, guide me through a fix? I'm almost positive I am over analysing this problem.
I plan on open sourcing this package and implementing it as a service using Martini, thus providing a simple API people can use for simple linguistic computation.
As ever, thanks!
If I understand correctly, you want chars in your Parse function to hold the last n characters in the string. Since you're interested in Unicode characters rather than their UTF-8 representation, you might find it easier to manage it as a []rune slice, and only convert back to a string when you have your ngram ready to add to the table. This way you don't need to special case non-ASCII characters in your logic.
Here is a simple modification to your sample program that does the above:
By keeping a circular buffer of runes, you can minimise allocations. Also note that reading a new key from a map returns the zero value (which for int is 0), which means the unknown key check in your code is redundant.
func Parse(text string, n int) map[string]int {
chars := make([]rune, 2 * n)
table := make(map[string]int)
k := 0
for _, chars[k] = range strings.Join(strings.Fields(text), " ") + " " {
chars[n + k] = chars[k]
k = (k + 1) % n
return table

How do I split a piece of Chinese text into individual characters?

I'm working on a machine learning project, where I'm building a Naive Bayes classifier over Chinese text. I want to use n-grams of Chinese characters as features, so I need to be able to split the text into unigrams (individual characters), bigrams (sequences of two characters), and so forth. (I don't care about special tokenization and such -- I just want raw characters as n-grams.)
How do I do this in Scala? I tried text.sliding(2) to get bigrams, but this doesn't quite seem to work. (I'm guessing because Chinese characters are not a single byte like they are in English?)
In general this is a question about the proper handling of Unicode in Java and therefore Scala as well. From my cursory glance at the internet there doesn't seem to "one true way" to handle Unicode in Java. I'm not a NLP person, so my understanding of what you want to do may be incorrect.
val text = "囗土夊米"
val unigrams = text.toCharArray
/* With the constraint unigrams is even, without the toString you get weird coercions */
val bigrams =
for (i <- 0 until unigrams.length if i % 2 == 0) yield unigrams(i).toString + unigrams(i + 1)
Something like that should be easy to generalize to a set of n-gram functions that will extract what you need, these being simple naive implementations of course.
Try mecab. I use mecab to create tokens for japanese and chinese. Once mecab is installed...the the python api's.
See this reference.
n-gram name analysis in non-english languages (CJK, etc)
See this on how to install mecab.

regex to get string within 2 strings

"artistName":"Travie McCoy", "collectionName":"Billionaire (feat. Bruno Mars) - Single", "trackName":"Billionaire (feat. Bruno Mars)",
i wish to get the artist name so Travie McCoy from within that code using regex, please not i am using regexkitlite for the iphone sdk if this changes things.
"?artistName"?\s*:\s*"([^"]*)("|$) should do the trick. It even handles some variations in the string:
White space before and after the :
artistName with and without the quotes
missing " at the end of the artist name if it is the last thing on the line
But there will be many more variations in the input you might encounter that this regex will not match.
Also you don’t want to use a regex for matching this for performance reasons. Right now you might only be interested in the artistName field. But some time later you will want information from the other fields. If you just change the field name in the regex you’ll have to match the whole string again. Much better to use a parser and transform the whole string into a dictionary where you can access the different fields easily. Parsing the whole string shouldn’t take much longer than matching the last key/value pair using a regex.
This looks like some kind of JSON, there are lots of good and complete parsers available. It isn’t hard to write one yourself though. You could write a simple recursive descent parser in a couple of hours. I think this is something every programmer should have done at least once.
Thats for objective c

Are quotes around hash keys a good practice in Perl?

Is it a good idea to quote keys when using a hash in Perl?
I am working on an extremely large legacy Perl code base and trying to adopt a lot of the best practices suggested by Damian Conway in Perl Best Practices. I know that best practices are always a touchy subject with programmers, but hopefully I can get some good answers on this one without starting a flame war. I also know that this is probably something that a lot of people wouldn't argue over due to it being a minor issue, but I'm trying to get a solid list of guidelines to follow as I work my way through this code base.
In the Perl Best Practices book by Damian Conway, there is this example which shows how alignment helps legibility of a section of code, but it doesn't mention (anywhere in the book that I can find) anything about quoting the hash keys.
$ident{ name } = standardize_name($name);
$ident{ age } = time - $birth_date;
$ident{ status } = 'active';
Wouldn't this be better written with quotes to emphasize that you are not using bare words?
$ident{ 'name' } = standardize_name($name);
$ident{ 'age' } = time - $birth_date;
$ident{ 'status' } = 'active';
Without quotes is better. It's in {} so it's obvious that you are not using barewords, plus it is both easier to read and type (two less symbols). But all of this depends on the programmer, of course.
When specifying constant string hash keys, you should always use (single) quotes. E.g., $hash{'key'} This is the best choice because it obviates the need to think about this issue and results in consistent formatting. If you leave off the quotes sometimes, you have to remember to add them when your key contains internal hypens, spaces, or other special characters. You must use quotes in those cases, leading to inconsistent formatting (sometimes unquoted, sometimes quoted). Quoted keys are also more likely to be syntax-highlighted by your editor.
Here's an example where using the "quoted sometimes, not quoted other times" convention can get you into trouble:
$settings{unlink-devices} = 1; # I saved two characters!
That'll compile just fine under use strict, but won't quite do what you expect at runtime. Hash keys are strings. Strings should be quoted as appropriate for their content: single quotes for literal strings, double quotes to allow variable interpolation. Quote your hash keys. It's the safest convention and the simplest to understand and follow.
I never single-quote hash keys. I know that {} basically works like quotes do, except in special cases (a +, and double-quotes). My editor knows this too, and gives me some color-based cues to make sure that I did what I intended.
Using single-quotes everywhere seems to me like a "defensive" practice perpetrated by people that don't know Perl. Save some keyboard wear and learn Perl :)
With the rant out of the way, the real reason I am posting this comment...the other comments seem to have missed the fact that + will "unquote" a bareword. That means you can write:
sub foo {
$hash{+shift} = 42;
use constant foo => 'OH HAI';
$hash{+foo} = 'I AM A LOLCAT';
So it's pretty clear that +shift means "call the shift function" and shift means "the string 'shift'".
I will also point out that cperl-mode highlights all of the various cases correctly. If it doesn't, ping me on IRC and I will fix it :)
(Oh, and one more thing. I do quote attribute names in Moose, as in has 'foo' => .... This is a habit I picked up from working with stevan, and although I think it looks nice... it is a bit inconsistent with the rest of my code. Maybe I will stop doing it soon.)
Quoteless hash keys received syntax-level attention from Larry Wall to make sure that there would be no reason for them to be other than best practice. Don't sweat the quotes.
(Incidentally, quotes on array keys are best practice in PHP, and there can be serious consequences to failing to use them, not to mention tons of E_WARNINGs. Okay in Perl != okay in PHP.)
I don't think there's a best practice on this one. Personally I use them in hash keys like so:
$ident{'name'} = standardize_name($name);
but don't use them to the left of the arrow operator:
$ident = {name => standardize_name($name)};
Don't ask me why, it's just the way I do it :)
I think the most important thing you can do is to always, always, always:
use strict;
use warnings;
That way the compiler will catch any semantic errors for you, leaving you less likely to mistype something, whichever way you decide to go.
And the second most important thing is to be consistent.
I go without quotes, just because it's less to type and read and worry about. The times when I have a key which won't be auto-quoted are few and far between so as not to be worth all the extra work and clutter. Perhaps my choice of hash keys have changed to fit my style, which is just as well. Avoid the edge cases entirely.
It is sort of the same reason I use " by default. It's more common for me to plop a variable in the middle of a string than to use a character that I don't want interpolated. Which is to say, I've more often written 'Hello, my name is $name' than "You owe me $1000".
At least, quoting prevent syntax highlighting reserved words in not-so-perfect editors. Check out:
$i{keys} = $a;
$i{values} = [1,2];
I prefer to go without quotes, unless I want some string interpolation. And then I use double quotes. I liken it to literal numbers. Perl would really allow you to do the following:
$achoo['1'] = 'kleenex';
$achoo['14'] = 'hankies';
But nobody does that. And it doesn't help with clarity, simply because we add two more characters to type. Just like sometimes we specifically want slot #3 in an array, sometimes we want the PATH entry out of %ENV. Single-quoting it add no clarity as far as I'm concerned.
The way Perl parses code makes it impossible to use other types of "bare words" in a hash index.
and you're only going to get the item stored in the hash under the 'shift' key, you have to do this
in order to specify that you want the first argument to index your hash.
In addition, I use jEdit, the ONLY visual editor (that I've seen--besides emacs) that allows you total control over highlighting. So it's doubly clear to me. Anything looking like the former gets KEYWORD3 ($myhash) + SYMBOL ({) + LITERAL2 (shift) + SYMBOL (}) if there is a paranthesis before the closing curly it gets KEYWORD3 + SYMBOL + KEYWORD1 + SYMBOL (()}). Plus I'll likely format it like this as well:
$myhash{ shift() }
Go with the quotes! They visually break up the syntax and more editors will support them in the syntax highlighting (hey, even Stack Overflow is highlighting the quote version). I'd also argue that you'd notice typos quicker with editors checking that you ended your quote.
It is better with quotes because it allows you to use special characters not permitted in barewords. By using quotes I can use the special characters of my mother tongue in hash keys.
I've wondered about this myself, especially when I found I've made some lapses:
use constant CONSTANT => 'something';
my %hash = ()
$hash{CONSTANT} = 'whoops!'; # Not what I intended
$hash{word-with-hyphens} = 'whoops!'; # wrong again
What I tend to do now is to apply quotes universally on a per-hash basis if at least one of the literal keys needs them; and use parentheses with constants:
$hash{CONSTANT()} = 'ugly, but what can you do?';
You can precede the key with a "-" (minus character) too, but be aware that this appends the "-" to the beginning of your key. From some of my code:
$args{-title} ||= "Intrig";
I use the single quote, double quote, and quoteless way too. All in the same program :-)
I've always used them without quotes but I would echo the use of strict and warnings as they pick out most of the common mistakes.