I'm working on a Facebook app which needs to get the user's photos. In the app dashboard, I have added user_photos to the 'User & Friend Permissions' field under the 'Permissions' section.
When I click 'Preview Login Dialog', it shows that the app will get 'Your basic info' and 'Your photos', but when I go to test the app and get the authorization dialog it says the app will get 'Your basic info' and 'Your email address'.
I have tried removing the app through my Facebook account settings (Apps) and then going back to the app, but the permissions are still incorrect. I have also had a friend test this on his computer and he's getting the same result.
The app is set up as 'App on Facebook' under 'Basic' settings. Am I missing something somewhere else?
this is due to the fact, that the permissions you enter in the "permissions" sections are only used within authenticated referrals. (un)fortunately, this functionality is going to be removed with the february breaking changes. have a look here: http://die.socialisten.at/2012/10/passive-sharing-the-end-of-authenticated-referrals-advanced-open-graph-2/
So, to put it in a nutshell: your app itself should be prompting the user this extended permission. you have to change the scope parameter of your login dialog url.
I am trying to add some additional permissions to my Facebook app, namely user_likes, user_events, and user_interests to test out the functionality of each before I go into a hackathon project. However, while doing this from "Status and Review" it seems the Facebook app requires a logo, description, and privacy policy URL to even be able to request these permissions. Futhermore, the app doesn't even exist yet, so there is no such thing as a privacy policy page yet.
How can I test out some of these additional permissions just for development purposes? I tried creating a test app but this doesn't seem to have any sort of option to add permissions.
You should be able to request additional permissions during the login phase, during development and while in sandbox mode, without going through any review.
During this time you're restricted to test users and others users explicitly added to the Testers section of the Roles page for your app on developers.facebook.com.
Only when making the app visible to all members of the public do you have to go through review.
You dont need to do anything special while your app in development mode. Just create the app and add permissions to your login code and test. That's it.!
The permissions are added in the login code using the scope parameter. Click here for more details.
For Example, if using-
FB.login(function(response) {
// handle the response
}, {scope: 'manage_pages'});
Manual login flow-
After your app is ready, send for the review with details regarding these additional permissions, privacy policy etc.
Suddenly I couldn't find my Facebook App in Developer Apps section, I used my 'App Access Token' to get the app roles through Facebook Graph API but the surprise was that my app has no owner, I think someone got my 'App Access Token' and removed all the admins from the app, The problem is [My Facebook App has no owner]. any ideas to get it back ?
Facebook Applications API
This is obviously a graph API bug, because 'Must specify at least one developer who has administrator permission.' error dialog would pop up if you delete the last admin(you) on https://developers.facebook.com/apps/APP_ID/roles. Report the bug on https://developers.facebook.com/bugs, and also ask them how to contact for recover your apps.
I have question regarding facebook permissions.
I'm looking to let my website users 'Login with Facebook'. I've created an app however I want the user to explicitly agree to letting my app send them emails (see image below)
I've checked the facebook developers pages (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/permissions/) and I can't seem to find a reference to the 'Send me email' permission that used to be available.
I can see it in the REST API documentation which has been deprecated but can't find it in the current documentation.
Any help on which permission to use would be much appreciated.
If you're setting up the permissions dialog via the Enhanced Auth Dialog (located in your app settings > Auth Dialog), simply use the 'email' permission as noted in the Facebook documentation when configuring the User and Friends Permissions section.
If you are using the sdk to prompt a permissions dialog, just add 'email' to the comma separated list.
Last I saw that 'email' permission in the authentication process was part of the initial dialog (along with basic information) for all apps. However, today I noticed that for my app it shows as an additional step (like extended permissions) after the user has accepted the initial authentication. See the screenshot:
I still see other sites/apps with old-style authentication (email in the first step). I wonder if I am doing something wrong with the permissions or app settings that is causing it? This is how my LoginUrl looks like
In the App settings on Facebook in the 'Auth Dialog' > 'Authenticated Referrals' > 'User & Friend Permissions' I have added 'email' and 'publish_actions' permissions.
since the new Auth Dialog from Facebook (for my App & homepage), I cannot get the dialog to show that my homepage/app needs the users email when connection to my homepage/app.
In the Auth-section of my app I've added "email" to the User & Friend Permissions. Also I've added it to the referal when someone clicks the "Login with facebook"-button.
When someone clicks the Facebook-button, he/she redirects to a page which has the PHP-code with Facebook SDK PHP (latest). Here's how I generate the send-to-url for the dialog:
$login_url = $facebook->getLoginUrl(array('req_perms' => 'email,publish_stream'));
header("Location: ".$login_url);
But when the Dialog pops up, the only permission request it does is "basic information". I need to request the Email. Am I stupid or is it a bug somehow? I've also recreated the App.
There in no req_perms parameter anymore, it's called scope in OAuth2.
Read documentation for getLoginUrl to see correct parameters.
in new dialog there are 2 kind of permissions normal permissions & extended permissions
you should install app with normal permissions at first then page will redirect automatically
for extended permissions