Edit table data inline with DBVisualizer Free - dbvisualizer

I'm trying to edit table data in inline mode with DBVisualizer 9 Free version and i just can't. Is it possible?

it's not possible edit data using the free version, as it's display in the feature list (compare free and commercial versions) on SQL Editor.


Importing a table from an HTML file directly to Tableau

I recall seeing a direct import of a table in a Wikipedia HTML document directly into tableau. Tableau's website has a method that involves using Google doc HTML import function
to first import the tables into a Google spreadsheet and later download the spreadsheet that can be linked to Tableau.
Is there any way to import a Wikipedia table, or anyt other HTML doc directly into Tableau?
Tableau lets you paste data from any application that uses csv delimited text on the clipboard (not all apps do). Here's a knowledge based article on it.
Unfortunately, it didn't seem to work o nthe table you pointed out in your example, perhaps the HTML is too complex. But if you can somehow export the table as CSV, it can be loaded in Tableau.
Tableau Version 8 is due out soon, and has a couple different new APIs available that should help with connecting to data from various sources.

What's the easiest way to view the contents of an SQL file / app data from an iPhone backup?

I'm looking for an easy way to make sense of a SQL file that I've pulled from some application data in an iPhone backup. It's a huge file with bits and pieces of readable data strewn throughout, and right now I'm reduced to using a text editor to pick through it, which will take years.
Are there any simple SQL viewers available that would work for someone with limited technical knowledge? Or is there a way to export the contents of the file to a more easily readable format?
Really appreciate any help!
Try Base, it is a paid app, but they have a free trial if you download outside of the Mac App Store. I use is daily for sqlite db's
I use SQLiteManager.
There are several other sqlite viewers, like Navicat, but I haven't used them personally.
Alternatively, you can just use sqlite on the command line:
sqlite3 path-to-file

FileMaker Pro 10 - How to Extract Layout and Scripts from fp7 File?

I want to start tracking my FileMaker changes in Subversion but all I have a big binary file with everything. Is there a way to extract the layout and script parts into a text format so that I can see diffs of what was changed?
I'm thinking maybe there's a 3rd party tool for that?
I think the closest thing you're going to find is FileMaker Pro Advanced's Database Design Report, which will export an XML or HTML representation of all of the elements in a FileMaker database. The report will include all of the script steps for a file and all of the position and other information for the layout objects, but depending on the size of your FileMaker system, it may take a while to generate each time.
I use version control for my FileMaker systems but don't bother with diffs, just making sure that I provide adequate comments for my commits.
You should check out FMDiff. It reads the original filemaker files (without needing to generate a DDR) and shows differences between multiple versions of the same file. I've not used it before, but always intended to.

free sqlite tools

looking for a free sqlite tool, any suggestions? I need a export, import functionality.
Thanks for the recommendation.
I love SQLite manager: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5817
Oddly enough, it's a firefox addon.
MS Excel or Access can be used to browse SQLite data, too
I spent all day looking for a Windows tool to browse/explore contents of SQLite and tested many of the ones listed on http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=ManagementTools . Some I like and will explore further but many I find lacking for they either require install of other frameworks (.Net XXX), are too big, slow browse of big tables, weird interface, (mis)handling of BLOBs, lack of import/export facilities.
I have no issue using SQL from command line but in many occasions i find it useful to examine the data in file browser/spreadsheet fashion (as in MS Excel or Access).
Here is another alternative: if you have either Access or Excel installed on your machine, get ODBC driver and connect to the SQLite DB that way. While MS Office ain't free, for many people it is already installed on the PC.
Important note when connecting from Access: i was getting "Reserved error -7778" when trying to link the SQLite tables in, so i was assuming SQLite ODBC just won't work with MSAccess. Not so, i found after a bit of digging. All one has to do is avoid using File Data Source (File / Get External Data / Link tables... / ODBC - and then instead the "File DS" tab, go to the "Machine DS").
I've used http://sqlitebrowser.sourceforge.net/ when I need to quickly browse/edit an sqlite database. There's a very long list of other such tools at http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=ManagementTools
SQLMaestro (http://www.sqlmaestro.com/products/sqlite/datawizard/) has a good range of bulk import/export with what looks like over 20 formats (but since I don't need bulk import/export, I haven't tried this program). Oops ... look like i missed the "FREE" part
I'm using the FREE Firefox plugin SQLite Manager (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5817) and it is really handy. It will handle a few import/export formats (CSV, SQL and XML)
SQLiteMan (http://www.sqliteman.com/) can import in half a dozen or so formats. Export doesn't seem obvious. Its free as well.
A few more FREE options (none of which I have tried include)
SQLite Administrator(http://sqliteadmin.orbmu2k.de/)
SQLiteStudio (http://sqlitestudio.one.pl/index.rvt)
I've used the Arca Database Browser with good results, available here: http://xtras.tabuleiro.com/download/arca.htm.
SQLite Maestro sounds like it meets your needs.
is about the best and most well known.
I personally like:
SQLite Administrator
as it's very small and lightweight, but does have it's quirks. However, there's a whole list of SQLite tools (both free, open source and commercial) here:
Commercial and freeware Sqlite tools list
Now i use Lita - SQLite Administration Tool
it's a free applications developed in Adobe Air.
the only thing that disturbs me is that it sorts the columns when you query.
Besides that it does what I want.

Apache POI HWPF - Output a table to Microsoft Word

I've been Googling for quite awhile and haven't found a definitive answer. Is it possible to output a table using Apache POI? It looks like it hasn't been implemented, since the main developer stopped working on it like 5 years ago.
Is there an open source alternative to POI that can do this?
I think you're right in that Apache POI is dead in the water. Clearly it wasn't glamourous enough.
The only alternative that I'm aware of is iText, which can generate RTF documents, which MS Word (and every other similar application) can read. It includes full table support.
And, of course, iText can generate PDF also.
If docx and java are both ok for you, try docx4j