Rally bulk query api with date placeholder - date

I am using the Rally bulk query API to pull data from multiple tables. My issue happens when I try to use a placeholder for the Iteration's StartDate and pass it along to a following query same bulk request. i.e.
"iteration": "/Iteration?fetch=ObjectID,StartDate&query=(Name = \"Sprint 1\")",
"started": "${iteration.StartDate}",
"other_queries": "...?query=(CreatedDate > $(iteration.StartDate))"
The bulk service seems to convert this field to a formatted string. Is there a way to prevent this from happening? I am attempting to use the placeholder to limit other queries by date without making several requests.
It looks like the iteration object comes back with the date correctly, but when it is used as a placeholder it is automatically converted to a string.
"started": ["Wed Jan 16 22:00:00 MST 2013"],
"iteration": {
"Results": [
"StartDate": "2013-01-17T05:00:00.000Z",

Unfortunately no, as this functionality is currently implemented, this is expected behavior. The placeholder is converted to a formatted String server-side, so it will be necessary to formulate a similar followup request if the same data is needed in another query.


Sails js rest api date range

I have a sails api with the created date formatted like
"createdAt": "2018-11-01T11:49:53.700Z",
i can get the contains filtering on a field working e.g
but can't get the date range working, have tried the following
api2/items?createdAt={'>=":2018-11-01T11:49:53.700Z, '<=":2018-11-01T11:49:53.700Z}
/api2/items?where={createdAt: { '>=': 2018-11-01T11:49:53.700Z, '<=': 2018-11-01T11:49:53.700Z }}
any ideas?
I don't believe waterline supports this type of query on a datetime field. I would urge you to instead store these as a number (the unix time), which you will more easily be able to do such queries. When you want to format these items for display, you can use moment.js to help out.

FeathersJS REST Multiple Query String

With the FeathersJs REST client - how can I query a single field with multiple values?
Eg. if I have a Books service and I want to retrieve all books written in the year 1990, 1991 and 1992. I'd assume I'd call:
Although this doesn't work.
Have a look at the documentation for the common database adapter querying syntax. The correct way to query for what you are looking for is:
year: {
$in: [ 1990, 1991, 1992 ]
The corresponding query would be
Parsing this query string requires using the extend query parser qs which you can enable with
app.set('query parser', 'extended');
Since the query is a string, if you need the actual number values for the year you might also have to convert it the query in a before hook (although most database usually allow both).

Elastic Search Date Range Filter Not Working

I have an index with a field called "date" which contains dates. I need an elasticsearch query that returns records where date is greater than a specific date value.
Running the following query with range filter returns does not work. Records with earlier dates are returned in the result set.
"size": 1000,
"query": {
"filtered": {
"filter": {
"range": {
"date": {
"gt": "2014-02-23T00:00:00"
What is the correct query to pull data where date is greater than a
specific value?
If my query is syntactically correct, is there
something else I can go check (e.g. datatype of field is actually
How should I go about root causing this?
In lieu of implementing mapping, I came up with a partial solution. I used Chrome to analyze some of the Kibana traffic. I noticed Kibana is passing date filters as int values. So, I converted the dates to ints using Unix timestamp conversion and things are working now.
(Reference http://www.epochconverter.com/)
What about mapping?
I looked at the mappings earlier. On my index they don't exist. I seem to recall reading that mappings will be inferred for known types that have strong consistency.
My date data is consistent:
- no nulls
- dates are getting flipped from SQL, to C#, to Elastic
I guess I could implement a mapping, but I'm going with the Epoch conversion for now until I have a true need to map this for some other compelling reason.
Your query is syntactically correct.
Use get mapping API to see the document mapping:
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/twitter/_mapping/tweet'
It's hard to say where goes wrong. Probably the mapping of date field is not date type actually.

How to send HTTP request to sails.js + MongoDB with createdAt parameter?

I am trying to post a query to Sails.js via HTTP POST in order to find records created after a certain point in time.
Using the following syntax works perfectly and gives me back one record with the correct time:
When trying to add an operator the query does not work any longer giving me no records in the object collection :
Due to the fact that the date conversion from ISODate to dateTime works for the exact query I suppose it should also work for the ">" query.
Highly appreciate some help on this one.

get day of the week from mongodb datetime query

I am constructing a database where I might want to query a day of the week. Is it possible to use mongodb to query days in the week in a datetime (or utc timestamp) field?
Something like; get every object that has a datetime that was on a monday.
If it is not possible then the alternative seems to create dummy variables in the collection that show what day of the week it was. Preferably I would like to only query the datetime object for this as this would keep the database smaller.
There are three solutions that I can think of:
Your solution: create an extra "day_of_week" field, either an int or string, and then query against this field rather than the datetime field.
Query for everything in your collection, and then filter the results by day of the week on the client side.
Use $where, passing a javascript function which calls date.getDay(). For example, {$where: function () { return this.date.getDay() == 5; }} for getting every date on a Friday.
Solution #2 would call datetime.date.weekday() in pymongo on the client side. The downside of this method is that every document in the collection will end up being sent over the wire, which could add unnecessary network load. It's better than #1, however, in that it's more space efficient and you don't have duplicated information to keep in sync. Solution #3 has neither of these problems, but $where is slow because it requires the server to create a JavaScript execution context and cannot make use of indexes.
Pymongo can return Mongo BSON timestamp fields as python datetimes: http://api.mongodb.org/python/current/api/bson/timestamp.html
From there you can call datetime.date.weekday()