perl waring : "Use of unintitialized value in string ne" for condition check for column with the null value - perl

I am trying to fetch certain column from a table , some of the column might have the null value.Hence before filling my main data, I am checking the hash for null value.As some of the key is having null value and giving warning.
Is there any way to check if the hash key has no value in it to prevent warning.
my $counter = 1;
while ( my $hashRef = $queryHandle1->fetchrow_hashref) {
foreach my $key (keys %{$hashRef} ) {
if ( $hashRef->{$key} ne "" ) { #some of the coloumn of table has null value
#warning is coming for the if check
$dbData{$counter}{$key} = $hashRef->{$key};
else {
$dbData{$counter}{$key} = "";

Sure there is: the defined function.
if (defined $hashRef->{$key}) {...}
Or, since undef evaluates to false, you can use the short-circuiting OR operator to assign something else in one step without an explicit check.
$dbData{$counter}{$key} = $hashRef->{$key} || '';
As suggested by the comments, the one-liner is dangerous if you have 0 values which also evaluate to false. So you can do this instead:
$dbData{$counter}{$key} = defined $hashRef->{$key} ? $hashRef->{$key} : '';

If testing for the value behaves as you like and you simply want to silence the warning, you can use no warnings 'uninitialized' in a small scope around your test. This is one of the least important warnings categories IMO; in fact I would almost call this a debugging feature rather than a proper warning.
That said, if what you are testing for is if the value is defined, you should use the defined function as stevenl suggests.
I'm not sure what the downvote is for, but let me echo a sentiment that is common around some of the Perl world. warnings (and strict for that matter) are great and should always be used, except when you know why to turn some small part of them off for a certain reason. Sometimes uninitialized values should be falsey and silent and that's ok. When you know that's what you want, just turn it off rather than jumping through || '' hoops; its more self-documenting.


Changes in function param() behavior? [duplicate]

I am a little confused as which way to test parameters. Here are two examples from source code posted below. First is this
if(!defined($DBHdl) || !defined($acct_no));
the way to test for undefined parameters?
Second, after assigning to a hashref
$ptMtrRecRef = $ptSelHdl->fetchrow_hashref;
is the best way to test for $ptMtrRecRef being defined to use
# Returns count of meters per account number.
# $PkNam -- package name discarded
# $DBHdl -- ICS database handle
# $acct_no -- water account number
sub mgbl_get_meter_count
my ($PkNam, $DBHdl, $acct_no) = #_;
die("mgbl_get_meter_count passed undef handles.\n")
if(!defined($DBHdl) || !defined($acct_no));
my $ptSelHdl;
my $ptMtrRecRef;
my $sql_statement =
"select count(*) from meter m where m.acct_no = ".$acct_no.";";
$ptSelHdl = $DBHdl->prepare($sql_statement);
die("Cannot prepare select count(*) from meter m\n")
if(!$ptSelHdl || !$ptSelHdl->execute);
$ptMtrRecRef = $ptSelHdl->fetchrow_hashref;
return $ptMtrRecRef;
$sth->fetchrow_hashref will either return undef or a reference to a hash. As such
if (defined($row))
if ($row)
are equivalent here. (undef is false, and reference is always true.) I opt for the simpler alternative.
Same idea for $dbh->prepare.
In the case of the code you posted, I would also do as ikegami said, and use the shorter form.
There are occasions when that isn't suitable, however, for example if a variable could have a legitimate value that would be treated as false if simply used in a true/false test. For example:
my $value = 0;
print "defined\n" if defined $value; # prints 'defined'
print "true\n" if $value; # does not print anything
Well , in perl script language, defined($a) is just a sub routine to test if $a is "undef",nothing else. So ,you will ask ,what is undef?
To be accurate, it is a perl subroutine ,the same as defined.But when it has no parameter, it can be considered as a perl-special scalar . For example , when you pop a value from an empty array ,it will return an undef.When you call subroutine "undef $b",then $b will become undef($b must be an left value),nothing else. Only in this case, defined($b) will return false.But if $c is an empty string like "" ,number zero ,or string "0" ,defined($c) will still return true;
But if you use a simple boolean expression instead of defined,it becomes totally different. A simple Boolean test will not distinguish among undef, zero, the empty string, and "0" .So , it absolutely depends on your pratical requirement when determining using defined() or just a boolean test.

'=' is working in place of 'eq'

Hi I am writing a perl script to accomplish some task.In my script I am using one if loop to compare two strings as shown below.
if($feed_type eq "SE"){
The above code is not giving me any warning but the output is not as I expected.
Instead of 'eq' if I use '=' I am getting a warning saying expectng '==' but '=' is present. But I am getting the expected output.
Ideally for string comparison I must use 'eq' and for numbers '=='. In this case it's not working. Can anyone figure out what is the problem here?
More info:
This if loop is present in a subroutine. $feed_type is an input for this subroutine. I am reading the input as below:
my $feed_type=#_;
The problem is fixed. I just changed the assignemet statement of feed_type as below
my $feed_type=$_[0];
and it's reading the value as SE and the code is working.
but I still dont know why my $feed_type=$_[0]; didn't work.
= might well work in place of eq, but not for the reason you think.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $test = "fish";
my $compare = "carrot";
if ( $test = $compare ) {
print "It worked\n";
Of course, the problem is - it'll always work, because you're testing the result of an assignment operation.*
* OK, sometimes assignment operations don't work - this is why some coding styles suggest testing if ( 2 == $result ) rather than the other way around.
This is about a core Perl concept: Context. Operators and functions work differently depending on context. In this case:
my $feed_type = #_;
You are assigning an array in scalar context to the variable. An array in scalar context returns its size, not the elements in it. For this assignment to work as you expect, you have to either directly access the scalar value you want, like you have suggested:
my $feed_type = $_[0];
...or you can put your variable in list context by adding parentheses:
my ($feed_type) = #_;
This has the benefit of allowing you to perform complex assignments, like this:
my ($first, $second, #rest) = #_;
So, in short, the problem was that your comparison that looked like this:
if($feed_type eq "SE")
Was actually doing this:
if(1 eq "SE")
And returning false. Which is true. Consider this self-documenting code:
sub foo {
my $size = #_;
if ($size == 1) {
warn "You passed 1 argument to 'foo'\n";
Which demonstrates the functionality you inadvertently used.
= is used to assign the variable a value, so you would need '==' to compare numerical values and 'eq' for strings.
If it's complaining about not using '==', then it's because $feed_type is not a string.
I can't tell as there's no more code. Whatever $feed_type is set by you need to confirm it actually contains a string or if you're even referencing it correctly.

When to use defined

I am a little confused as which way to test parameters. Here are two examples from source code posted below. First is this
if(!defined($DBHdl) || !defined($acct_no));
the way to test for undefined parameters?
Second, after assigning to a hashref
$ptMtrRecRef = $ptSelHdl->fetchrow_hashref;
is the best way to test for $ptMtrRecRef being defined to use
# Returns count of meters per account number.
# $PkNam -- package name discarded
# $DBHdl -- ICS database handle
# $acct_no -- water account number
sub mgbl_get_meter_count
my ($PkNam, $DBHdl, $acct_no) = #_;
die("mgbl_get_meter_count passed undef handles.\n")
if(!defined($DBHdl) || !defined($acct_no));
my $ptSelHdl;
my $ptMtrRecRef;
my $sql_statement =
"select count(*) from meter m where m.acct_no = ".$acct_no.";";
$ptSelHdl = $DBHdl->prepare($sql_statement);
die("Cannot prepare select count(*) from meter m\n")
if(!$ptSelHdl || !$ptSelHdl->execute);
$ptMtrRecRef = $ptSelHdl->fetchrow_hashref;
return $ptMtrRecRef;
$sth->fetchrow_hashref will either return undef or a reference to a hash. As such
if (defined($row))
if ($row)
are equivalent here. (undef is false, and reference is always true.) I opt for the simpler alternative.
Same idea for $dbh->prepare.
In the case of the code you posted, I would also do as ikegami said, and use the shorter form.
There are occasions when that isn't suitable, however, for example if a variable could have a legitimate value that would be treated as false if simply used in a true/false test. For example:
my $value = 0;
print "defined\n" if defined $value; # prints 'defined'
print "true\n" if $value; # does not print anything
Well , in perl script language, defined($a) is just a sub routine to test if $a is "undef",nothing else. So ,you will ask ,what is undef?
To be accurate, it is a perl subroutine ,the same as defined.But when it has no parameter, it can be considered as a perl-special scalar . For example , when you pop a value from an empty array ,it will return an undef.When you call subroutine "undef $b",then $b will become undef($b must be an left value),nothing else. Only in this case, defined($b) will return false.But if $c is an empty string like "" ,number zero ,or string "0" ,defined($c) will still return true;
But if you use a simple boolean expression instead of defined,it becomes totally different. A simple Boolean test will not distinguish among undef, zero, the empty string, and "0" .So , it absolutely depends on your pratical requirement when determining using defined() or just a boolean test.

Why does Perl think that a non-existent multi-level hash element is there?

Sorry, this seems like such a basic question but I still don't understand. If I have a hash, for example:
my %md_hash = ();
$md_hash{'top'}{'primary'}{'secondary'} = 0;
How come this is true?
if ($md_hash{'top'}{'foobar'}{'secondary'} == 0) {
print "I'm true even though I'm not in that hash\n";
There is no "foobar" level in the hash so shouldn't that result in false?
This isn't a multidimensional hash specific question.
It works the same with
my %foo;
if ( $foo{'bar'} == 0 ) {
print "I'm true even though I'm not in that hash\n";
$foo{'bar'} is undef, which compares true to 0, albeit with a warning if you have warnings enabled as you should.
There is an additional side effect in your case; when you say
my %md_hash = ();
$md_hash{'top'}{'primary'}{'secondary'} = 0;
if ( $md_hash{'top'}{'foobar'}{'secondary'} == 0 ) {
print "I'm true even though I'm not in that hash\n";
$md_hash{'top'} returns a hash reference, and the 'foobar' key is looked for in that hash. Because of the {'secondary'}, that 'foobar' element lookup is in hash-dereference context. This makes $md_hash{'top'}{'foobar'} "autovivify" a hash reference as the value of the 'foobar' key, leaving you with this structure:
my %md_hash = (
'top' => {
'primary' => {
'secondary' => 0,
'foobar' => {},
The autovivification pragma can be used to disable this behavior. People sometimes assert that exists() has some effect on autovifification, but this is not true.
You are testing an undefined value for numeric zero. Of course you get a true result! What were you expecting?
You should also get a warning under use warnings. Why didn’t you?
If you do not start a program with:
use v5.12; # or whatever it is you are using
use strict;
use warnings;
you really shouldn’t even bother. :)
NB: I am only clarifying for correctness, because the comment lines are not good for that. I really could not possibly care one whingeing whit less about the reputation points. I just want people to understand.
Even under the CPAN autovivification module, nothing changes. Witness:
use v5.10;
use strict;
use warnings;
no autovivification;
my %md_hash = ();
$md_hash{top}{primary}{secondary} = 0;
if ($md_hash{top}{foobar}{secondary} == 0) {
say "yup, that was zero.";
When run, that says:
$ perl /tmp/demo
Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at /tmp/demo line 10.
yup, that was zero.
The test is the == operator. Its RHS is 0. Its LHS is undef irrespective of autovivification. Since undef is numerically 0, that means that both LHS and RHS contain 0, which the == correctly identifies as holding the same number.
Autovivification is not the issue here, as ysth correctly observes when he writes that “This isn’t a multidimensional hash specific question.” All that matters is what you pass to ==. And undef is numerically 0.
You can stop autoviv if you really, really want to — by using the CPAN pragma. But you will not ever manage to change what happens here by suppressing autoviv. That shows that it is not an autoviv matter at all, just an undef one.
Now, you will get “extra” keys when you do this, since the undefined lvalue will get filled in on the way through the dereference chain. These are neccesarily all the same:
$md_hash{top}{foobar}{secondary} # implicit arrow for infix deref
$md_hash{top}->{foobar}->{secondary} # explicit arrow for infix deref
${ ${ $md_hash{top} }{foobar} }{secondary} # explicit prefix deref
Whenever you deref an lvaluable undef in Perl, that storage location always gets filled in with the proper sort of reference to a newly allocated anonymous referent of the proper type. In short, it autovivs.
And that you can stop either by suppressing or else by sidestepping the autoviv. However, denying the autoviv is not the same as sidestepping it, because you just change what sort of thing gets returned. The overall expession is still fully evaluated: there is no automatic short-circuiting just because you suppress autoviv. That’s because autoviv is not the problem (and if it were not there, you would be really annoyed: trust me).
If you want short-circuiting, you have to write that yourself. I never seem to need to myself. In Perl, that is. On the other hand, C programmers are quite accustomed to writing
if (p && p->whatever) { ... }
And so you can do that, too, if you want to. However, it is pretty rare in my own experience. You almost have to bend over wrongwards in Perl for that ever to make a difference, as it is quite easy to arrange for your code not to change how it acts if there are empty levels.
Try a search on "Perl autovivification".
The hash values "spring into existence" when you first access them. In this case, the value is undef, which when interpreted as a number is zero.
To test for existence of a hash value without auto-vivifying it, use the exists operator:
if (exists $md_hash{'top'}{'foobar'}{'secondary'}
&& $md_hash{'top'}{'foobar'}{'secondary'} == 0) {
print "I exist and I am zero\n";
Note that this will still auto-vivify $md_hash{'top'} and
$md_hash{'top'}{'foobar'} (i.e. the sub-hashes).
As tchrist points out in a comment, it is poor style to compare undef against anything. So a better way to write this code would be:
if (defined $md_hash{'top'}{'foobar'}{'secondary'}
&& $md_hash{'top'}{'foobar'}{'secondary'} == 0) {
print "I exist and I am zero\n";
(Although this will now auto-vivify all three levels of the nested hash, setting the lowest level to undef'.)

Should Perl hashes always contain values?

I had an earlier question that received the following response from the noted Perl expert, Perl author and Perl trainer brian d foy:
[If] you're looking for a fixed sequence of characters at the end of each filename. You want to know if that fixed sequence is in a list of sequences that interest you. Store all the extensions in a hash and look in that hash:
my( $extension ) = $filename =~ m/\.([^.]+)$/;
if( exists $hash{$extension} ) { ... }
You don't need to build up a regular expression, and you don't need to go through several possible regex alternations to check every extension you have to examine.
Thanks for the advice brian.
What I now want to know is what is the best practice in a case like the above. Should one only define the keys, which is all I need to achieve what's described above, or should one always define a value as well?
It's usually preferable to set a defined value for every key. The idiomatic value (when you don't care about the value) is 1.
my %hash = map { $_ => 1 } #array;
Doing it this way makes the code the uses the hash slightly simpler because you can use $hash{key} as a Boolean value. If the value can be undefined you need to use the more verbose exists $hash{key} instead.
That said, there are situations where a value of undef is desirable. For example: imagine that you're parsing C header files to extract preprocessor symbols. It would be logical to store these in a hash of name => value pairs.
#define FOO 1
#define BAR
In Perl, this would map to:
my %symbols = ( FOO => 1, BAR => undef);
In C a #define defines a symbol, not a value -- "defined" in C is mapped to "exists" in Perl.
You can't create a hash key without a value. The value can be undef but it will be there. How else would you construct a hash. Or was your question regarding whether the value can be undef? In which case I would say that the value you store there (undef, 1, 0...) is entirely up to you. If a lot of folks are using it then you probably want to store some true value though incase some one else uses if ($hash{$extension}) {...} instead of exists because they weren't paying attention.
undef is a value.
Of course, stuff like that is always depndent on what you are currently doing. But $foo{bar} is just a variable like $bar and I don't see any reason why either one should not be undef every now and then.
That's why exists exists.
As others have said, the idiomatic solution for a hashset (a hash that only contains keys, not values) is to use 1 as the value because this makes the testing for existence easy. However, there is something to be said for using undef as the value. It will force the users to test for existence with exists which is marginally faster. Of course, you could test for existence with exists even when the value is 1 and avoid the inevitable bugs from users who forget to use exists.
Using undef as a value in hash is more memory efficient than storing 1.
Storing '1' in a Set-hash Considered Harmful
I know using Considered Harmful is considered harmful, but this is bad, almost as bad as unrestrained goto usage.
Ok, I've harped on this in a few comments, but I think I need a full response to demonstrate the issue.
Let's say we have a daemon process that provides back-end inventory control for a shop that sells widgets.
my #items = qw(
my #items_in_stock = qw(
my %in_stock;
my #in_stock(#items_in_stock) = (1) x #items_in_stock; #initialize all keys to 1
sub Process_Request {
my $request = shift;
if( $request eq REORDER ) {
Reorder_Items(\#items, \%in_stock);
else {
Error_Response( ILLEGAL_REQUEST );
sub Reorder_Items{
my $items = shift;
my $in_stock = shift;
# Order items we do not have in-stock.
for my $item ( #$items ) {
Reorder_Item( $item )
if not exists $in_stock->{$item};
The tool is great, it automatically keeps items in stock. Very nice. Now, the boss asks for automatically generated catalogs of in-stock items. So we modify Process_Request() and add catalog generation.
sub Process_Request {
my $request = shift;
if( $request eq REORDER ) {
Reorder_Items(\#items, \%in_stock);
if( $request eq CATALOG ) {
Build_Catalog(\#items, \%in_stock);
else {
Error_Response( ILLEGAL_REQUEST );
sub Build_Catalog {
my $items = shift;
my $in_stock = shift;
my $catalog_response = '';
foreach my $item ( #$items ) {
$catalog_response .= Catalog_Item($item)
if $in_stock->{$item};
return $catalog_response;
In testing, Build_Catalog() works fine. Hooray, we go live with the app.
Oops. For some reason nothing is being ordered, the company runs out of stock of everything.
The Build_Catalog() routine adds keys to %in_stock, so Reorder_Items() now sees everything as in stock and never makes an order.
Using Hash::Util's lock_hash can help prevent accidental hash modification. If we locked %in_stock before calling Build_Catalog() we would have gotten a fatal error and would never have gone live with the bug.
In summary, it is best to test existence of keys rather than truth of your set-hash values. If you are using existence as a signifier, don't set your values to '1' because that will mask bugs and make them harder to track. Using lock_hash can help catch these problems.
If you must check for the truth of the values, do so in every case.