Parsing COPY...WITH BINARY results - postgresql

I'm using this:
COPY( select field1, field2, field3 from table ) TO 'C://Program
Files/PostgreSql//8.4//data//output.dat' WITH BINARY
To export some fields to a file, one of them is a ByteA field. Now, I need to read the file with a custom made program.
How can I parse this file?

The general format of a file generated by COPY...BINARY is explained in the documentation, and it's non-trivial.
bytea contents are the most easy to deal with, since they're not encoded.
Each other datatype has its own encoding rules, which are not described in the documentation but in the source code. From the doc:
To determine the appropriate binary format for the actual tuple data
you should consult the PostgreSQL source, in particular the *send and
*recv functions for each column's data type (typically these functions are found in the src/backend/utils/adt/ directory of the source

It might be easier to use the text format rather than binary (so just remove the WITH BINARY). The text format has better documentation and is designed for better interoperability. The binary format is more intended for moving between postgres installations, and even there they have version incompatibilities.
Text format will write the bytea field as if it was text, and encode any non-printable characters with \nnn octal representation (except for a few special cases that it encodes with C style \x patterns, such as \n and \t etc.) These are listed in the COPY documentation.
The only caveat with this is you need to be absolutely sure that the character encoding you're using is the same when saving the file as when reading it. To make sure that the printable characters map to the same numbers. I'd stick to SQL_ASCII as it keeps thing simpler.


filter specific unicode character in SAS

I need to replace a specific unicode character in SAS, exactly the U+0191 with a whitespace or blank. How can I do it by COMPRESS ? Thanks in advance.
You should use the KCOMPRESS function rather than COMPRESS for compressing unicode characters, as it is considered safer for Unicode and DBCS environments.
However, it sounds like you actually want to TRANSLATE, or more accurately KTRANSLATE, which actually replaces characters with whitespace or other characters (as opposed to removing them, as COMPRESS does).
Here's an example:
data have;
charvar = "Ƒellow Americans";
fixed_charvar = translate(charvar,'F','Ƒ');
kfixed_charvar= ktranslate(charvar,'F','Ƒ');
put _all_;
Here I convert U+0191 to a normal F; of course you can convert to space as you wish (Replace the 'F' with whatever you want it converted to).
This will work in an instance of SAS set up in Unicode mode; if you're running in WLATIN1 or similar, you may have more difficulty, particularly with actually passing SAS the U+0191 character.

Why PostgreSQL store data in hex in own format?

I can't understand the reason why PostgreSQL store data in own format
The "hex" format encodes binary data as 2 hexadecimal digits per byte, most significant nibble first. The entire string is preceded by the sequence \x (to distinguish it from the escape format).
Does it's mean that it is not simple hex and it would not possible to simple convert this hex to byte type and I should write parser of PostgreSQL hex format?
The client driver usually takes care of bytea conversion for you, supplying you a native language data type like byte[] for Java. The representation of bytea on the wire shouldn't generally concern you. The only time it'll really matter is if you're using bytea literals in SQL text, rather than sending them as bind parameters.
Anyway, it is normal hex, it just has a \x prefix. So it's utterly trivial to "parse" if you do need to do so manually. E.g. in Python
The reason for the \x prefix is largely historical. PostgreSQL used to use an octal escape format for bytea data. When the format was changed to hex - to make it easier for clients to consume and work with and make it a bit more compact - it was necessary for the client to be able to tell what format the data was in. Since \x can never appear in octal ("escape") format literals, any string beginning with \x must be a hex bytea literal. This is even more important when receiving data from a client, which might be sending either hex or escape style literals, and the server must be able to tell which is which.
We could've just required that all clients use the format specified by the server. But that would break compatibility for all old clients that use bytea. Personally I think that's exactly what we should've done, and required that people using old clients set bytea_format = escape or something. That's not what happened, though. The setting bytea_output controls the format the server sends, but it still understands both formats as input. That makes interoperating with old clients and scripts easier. In theory.
In practice lots of old clients blindly interpreted hex literals sent by the server as if they were escape-format even though they were invalid; they'd ignore the backslash or treat it as a literal backslash. So they'd tend to corrupt bytea data when loading it then saving it again. Exactly what we wanted to avoid.

Does Apache Tika do character set conversion?

I'm using org.apache.tika.Tika.parseToString() to convert documents into plain text (i.e., unformatted text) files. My application potentially needs to convert documents that don't use a Unicode character set. For instance, some documents may be encoded in the Chinese GB2312 character set. It would be great if Tika re-coded the output into UTF-8. This would require Tika to reference a mapping between many different character sets and Unicode in order to convert the characters.
Does Tika convert the non-Unicode character set text into Unicode as the output of parseToString()? There are a lot of character sets out there so I would be impressed if Tika did this for more than a few character sets.
Update: I was able to create a couple different files with some non-Latin charsets (GB2312 (Chinese) and KOI8-R (Russian)). Tika.parseToString() couldn't even detect the charset or encoding. I opened an issue on the Tika bug tracker here:
When talking about Character Sets in Apache Tika, you need to consider two kinds of files differently. One kind is that of basically just plain text, the other are more complex types (including binary ones)
With the more complex files, Tika mostly uses third party libraries, and these libraries are responsible for returning Java Strings. The exact way of doing that will depend on the file format in question - sometimes the file format will including encoding information, other times it'll be fixed in what it supports. Either way, Tika gets Java Strings, and returns to you a Java String. How you choose to encode that for output is up to you. (For Windows users especially, check the encoding of your terminal, and the font used. There've been lots of "Tika Encoding Problems" which were actually people failing to correctly set the default Java encoding on output, or failing to have a Unicode capable terminal!)
With plain text files, there's no encoding information in the file, all we have is a bunch of bytes. Here, Apache Tika uses one of a number of EncodingDetector instances to do the detection. These use hints, n-grams, language detection etc, to try to work out the most likely encoding of the file based on information given, pattern of bytes in the file etc.
The definition of EncodingDetector is held in the Tika-Core jar, but most of the implentations are held in the Tika-Parsers jar (and loaded by the service loader method, just like Detectors and Parsers). The main ones are here in SVN. If you check there, you'll see the main list of encodings that Tika can detect.
One final thing - the encoding detection is only performed on files that are text files, it isn't done on the binary type files. Depending on how you call Tika, you might need to tweak that and/or provide a hint that it's a text file, so that the EncodingDetector logic gets triggered.
This answer actually comes from a JIRA user on the Tika project.
It turns out that if you tell Tika that the file extension is '.txt' it will treat the file as plain text, attempt to detect the encoding, and convert it to UTF.
An easy way to do this is to pass an empty Metadata object to TikaInputStream.get(). This will fill out the resourceName field of the Metadata object. Then pass this object to parseToString(). With the resourceName field set to a file name that ends with .txt the parser knows to treat this file as plain text and will do a encoding detection to try to discover how to decode the file. The string returned from parseToString() is a Java UTF-16 String object. When written to a file you can see that it is Unicode and uses the UCS charset.
Tika tika = new Tika();
Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
TikaInputStream reader = TikaInputStream.get(new File(filepath), metadata);
String contents = tika.parseToString(reader, metadata);
So far this has worked for text files using either GB2312/GB18030 and KOI8-R. This is the expected behavior and it's perfect! I don't know what other charsets/encoding is can handle.

How to determine if a file is IBM1047 encoded

I have a bunch of XML files that are declared as encoding="IBM1047" but they don't seem to be:
when converted with iconv from IBM1047 to UTF-8 or ISO8859-1 (Latin 1) they result in indecipherable garbage
file -i <name_of_file> says "unknown 8-bit encoding"
when parsed by an XML parser the parser complains there is text before the prolog but there isn't; this error doesn't happen if I change the encoding in the XML declaration to something else
It would be nice to find out the real encoding of these files (I tried 'file -i' as mentioned above, and 'enca' but it's limited to Slavic languages (the files are in French)).
I have little control about how these files are produced; short of finding the actual encoding, if I can prove conclusively that the files are not in fact IBM1047 I may get the producer to do something about it.
How do I prove it?
Some special chars:
'é' is '©'
'à' is 'ë'
'è' is 'Û'
'ê' is 'ª'
The only way to prove that any class of data streams is encoded or not encoded in a particular way is to know, for at least one instance of the class, exactly what characters are supposed to be in the stream. If you have agreement on what characters are (supposed to be) in a particular test case, you can then calculate the bits that should be in the IBM 1047 (or any other) encoding of the test case, and compare those bits to the bits you actually see.
One simple way for EBCDIC data to be mangled, of course, is for it to have passed through some EBCDIC/ASCII gateway along the way that used a translate table designed for some other EBCDIC code page. But if you are working with EBCDIC data you presumably already know that.

How to discover what codepage to use when converting RTF hex literals to Unicode

I'm parsing RTF 1.5+ files generated by Word 2003+ that may have content from other languages. This content is usually encoded as hex literals (\'xx). I would like to convert these literals to unicode values.
I know my document's code page by looking for ansicpg (\ansi\ansicpg1252).
When I use the ansicpg codepage to decode to Unicode, many languages (like French) seem to convert to the Unicode char values that I expect.
However when I see Russian text (like below), codepage 1252 decodes the content to jibberish.
\'d1\'f2\'f0\'e0\'ed\'e8\'f6\'fb \'e1\'e5\'e7 \'ed\'e0\'e7\'e2\'e0\'ed\'e8\'ff. \'dd\'f2
\'e0 \'f1\'f2\'f0\'e0\'ed\'e8\'f6\'e0 \'ed\'e5 \'e4\'ee\'eb\'e6\'ed\'e0
\'ee\'f2\'ee\'e1\'f0\'e0\'e6\'e0\'f2\'fc\'f1\'ff \'e2 \'f2\'e0\'e1\'eb\'e8\'f6\'e5
\'e2 \'f1\'ee\'e4\'e5\'f0\'e6\'e0\'ed\'e8\'e8.
I assume that lang1049, langfe1033, langnp1049 should provide me clues so I can programmatically choose a different (non-default) code page for the text that they reference? If so, where can I find information that explains how to map a lang* code to a codepage? Or should I be looking for some other RTF command/directive to provide me with the information I'm looking for? (Or must I use \f277 as a font reference and see if it has an associated codepage?)
\lang really only marks up particular stretches of the text as being in a particular language, and shouldn't impact what code page is to be used for the old non-Unicode \' escapes.
Putting an \ansicpg token in the header should perhaps do it, but seems to be ignored by Word (for both raw bytes and \' escapes.
Or must I use \f277 as a font reference and see if it has an associated codepage?
It looks that way. Changing the \fcharset of the font assigned to a particular stretch of text is the only way I can get Word to change how it treats the bytes, anyway. The codes in this token (see eg here for list) are, aggravatingly, different again from either the language ID or the code page number.
It is not so clear but you can use the RichEdit control in order to convert the RTF to UTF-8 format according to the MSDN:
Take a look to the SF_USECODEPAGE for the EM_STREAMOUT message.