Can I read values from formbuilder fields in Perl without submitting? - forms

I am working on existing code that uses CGI::FormBuilder, and I've gone through all of the documentation to see how this might work, and I'm not 100% convinced that it will. The code has several free-form fields and 3 buttons: Update, Cancel and Test. The test button sends an email using settings entered into the fields.
In the JS for the form, I use an ajax call when "Test" is clicked so that the perl code in the form executes. The update and cancel buttons return like the form is supposed to when it is submitted. The reason for this is that when the test email is sent, I don't want the user to be taken to a returned page, but remain on the form with the values intact, so that if the values are correct, the user does not have to re-enter them when they want to update the actual values (which updates the values in my DB). Apparently, since the form isn't being "submitted," the values that it attempts to use on this "test" are the values loaded into the form with the page opens - it isn't using the values the user input before hitting the test button. Is there a way to make this happen?
Long question short: with CGI::FormBuilder, can I get the values currently in the fields via PERL without submitting the page? Thanks!

Short answer: yes.
Medium answer: Yes. You can use javascript in the page to send information to your server side application.
Long answer:
You seem to have some confusion about how server and client side code interact with webpages. This is pretty common. Many people expect their to be some kind of communication between the rendered page and the program that generated it. AJAX and related technologies blur the lines here and make things more confusing.
Here's a timeline of a simple, old-school CGI form:
Client requests page. Server receives page request. Server dispatches
to CGI script.
Server executes CGI script.
Server sends result of CGI script to client.
Client renders script results.
User fills out form.
User clicks "Submit". Client requests page with parameter information (details vary with type of request, form configuration).'
Server receives page request.
Server dispatches to CGI script.
Server executes CGI script. Server sends result of CGI script to client.
Client renders script results.
Each message from the Client is handled separately.
AJAX lets you send messages to the server and get the response without clearing the currently loaded page.
So, just throw some javascript code into the html, and set up an onModify handler that will make an AJAX request and pass data back to the server. The AJAX request is just another HTTP request, just like those above, but it runs in the backgound. All you need to do is catch the submitted data and respond. Your javascript needs to catch the response and do something with it.

Answer to the short question is "No".
Answer to the long question is "Yes".
All you need to have two "Submit" buttons: "Submit" and "Test".
The submit by Test will send form to the CGI and CGI will only validate the fields' values and render same form with same values back and message if there is an error in fields.


grails show wait page on form submit

I have a form that the user submits and returns a result, but it takes a couple of seconds to return the result. I know I can use grails formRemote to execute the call asynchronously and update a div on the page, but what I want to do is show another page entirely (with some wait graphics and other information).
Is there an easy way to do this in grails?
You can send data to server asynchroniously (ajax, formRemote), showing 'wait graphics' util you get a response. And redirect to result page right after getting response (and you should have to store state somewhere, and probably have unique url for result page)

Post/Redirect/Get pattern for HTTP Responses with application/excel MIME Type

I want to post some data to the server, and in response, I want to create a CSV file, with application/excel as the MIME Type (recently recognized as Internet Media Type), to force the browser to open the generated CSV file in Microsoft Excel. However, I also want to prevent user from re-submitting the same info (re-posting the form) by any accident as the result of refreshing the page.
With simple CRUD operations, I use Post/Redirect/Get pattern, so that any further refreshing will only send HTTP Get Request to the server, without any parameter, thus not changing server's state (Idempotence).
What is the recognized pattern for stopping user from re-submitting (re-posting) the same info to the server, when the response is not a page, but a file?
Any idea?
The Post/Redirect/Get pattern is an answer to a browsing event.
Here, there is no browsing action (the form submission only open a 3rd party app, i.e excel), and so any kind of browsing related pattern will be useless.
I suggest you use both a server side trace of the initial submission (with a unique token maybe), so you can prevent the file generation, and an easy to write client side script like <form onsubmit="this.onsubmit = function(){ return false ; }">
I can offer you one other solution.
Take hash (MD5/SHA256 ..) of your submitted data. The hash will be [fairly] unique.
Put it in list in a session with a time limit, say 5 minutes.
Even your user submit same data. Hash will be same and you can give error message to your user.
If different users can post same data, you can also hold user information in the list. And give error message according to user.

Classic ASP form doesn't post on page refresh

I have an ASP page that takes two arguments on the querystring. On the page is a form that posts back to itself.
If I do the form post once, and then try to refresh the page, it doesn't repost the form. It loads the page as though it were loading for the first time, missing the querystring values.
Is there a way to ALWAYS force a repost when I refresh a page that is the result of a FORM post?
It sounds like the problem you're having is loss of some essential parameters to your page when posting. In ASP there are two primary methods of passing parameters, in the url string via GET or from a form POST. The former passes you values in the QueryString dictionary while the latter gives them to you in the Form dictionary. Fortunately for you it is possible to accept a parameter that exists in EITHER dictionary by looking to Request object:
Request["a"] will find a regardless of being in Request.QueryString["a"] or Request.Form["a"].
This will help you in your current dilemma because you can simply write your querystring parameters to your Form on initial load of the page as <input type="hidden" fields. On subsequent posts your Request["a"] search for your parameters will find them regardless of being passed in the URL (on initial load) or via post on subsequent calls.
The problem was that I was going into the Firefox address bar and pressing Enter. This caused the URL to reload (and of course it didn't have the querystring after it reposted). So -- lesson is to do a check of the incoming vars and form vars to see if the page has been manually refreshed I suppose...
You could still maintain the submitted values in this situation.
What you would need to do is log the most recent request in either a Cookie, Session or data/file store, and on each request, check to see if the request was handled before you remove the data.
Since what you were after was the querystring it could just be something like this:
Response.Cookies("tempdata")("querystring") = Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")
Response.Cookies("tempdata")("querystring_handled") = false
then when you are done with that request you can clear the cookie value or set the querystring_handled = true.
There are probably situations where this could cause some conflicts, but just so you know, it is still going to be possible for you to remember the request once it is received by the server.
Which action does the form use: GET or POST? Normally, a form would use the POST action, but in this case, if you refresh the page with the posted form, you will not get anything in query string, because query string only gets passed via the GET action. Assuming that this issue is not caused by page caching, it seems to me like it works as designed (if the form POSTs data). Just make sure that you process the form variables if the query string is missing.

What is the difference between redirect and forward in Symfony?

I want to know the difference between :
$this->forward("module", "action");
My first guess is that one implies a new request while the other one not, but I'm not sure.
In some cases, the action execution ends by requesting a new action execution. For instance, an action handling a form submission in a POST request usually redirects to another action after updating the database. Another example is an action alias: the index action is often a way to display a list, and actually forwards to a list action.
The action class provides two methods to execute another action:
If the action forwards the call to another action:
$this->forward('otherModule', 'index');
If the action results in a web redirection:
The choice between a redirect or a forward is sometimes tricky. To choose the best solution, keep in mind that a forward is internal to the application and transparent to the user. As far as the user is concerned, the displayed URL is the same as the one requested. In contrast, a redirect is a message to the user's browser, involving a new request from it and a change in the final resulting URL.
If the action is called from a submitted form with method="post", you should always do a redirect. The main advantage is that if the user refreshes the resulting page, the form will not be submitted again; in addition, the back button works as expected by displaying the form and not an alert asking the user if he wants to resubmit a POST request.

What's the best action persistence technique for a Catalyst application?

I'm writing a Catalyst application that's required to have a fairly short session expiration (15 minutes). I'm using the standard Catalyst framework authentication modules, so the user data is stored in the session -- i.e., when your session expires, you get logged out.
Many of the uses of this application will require >15 minutes to complete, so users will frequently submit a form only to find their session state is gone and they're required to log back in.
If this happens I want to preserve the original form submission, and if they log in successfully, continue on and carry out the form submission just as if the session had not expired.
I've got the authentication stuff being handled by an auto() method in the controller -- if you request an action that requires authentication and you're not currently logged in, you get redirected to the login() method, which displays the login form and then processes it once it's submitted. It seems like it should be possible to store the request and any form parameters when the auto method redirects to the login(), and then pull them back out if the login() succeeds -- but I'm not entirely sure of the best way to grab or store this information in a generic/standard/reusable way. (I'm figuring on storing it in the session and then deleting it once it's pulled back out; if that seems like a bad idea, that's something else to address.)
Is there a standard "best practices" or cookbook way to do this?
(One wrinkle: these forms are being submitted via POST.)
I can't help thinking that there's a fundamental flaw in mandating a 15 minute timeout in an app that routinely requires >15 minutes between actions.
Be that as it may, I would look at over-riding the Catalyst::Plugin::Session->delete_session method so that any contents of $c->request->body_parameters are serialised and saved (presumably to the database) for later recovery. You would probably want some rudimentary check of the POST arguments to ensure they're what you're expecting.
Similarly, create_session needs to take responsibility for pulling this data back out of the database and making it available to the original form action.
It does seem like a messy situation, and I'm inclined to repeat my first sentence...
Whether you use delete_session or auto, the paradoxical issue remains: you can't store this info in the session because the time-out event will destroy the session. You've got to store it somewhere more permanent so it survives the session re-initialization. Catalyst::Plugin::Session itself is using Storable, and you should be able to with something along these lines:
use Storable;
sub auto {
unless (...) { #ie don't do this if processing the login action
my $formitems = freeze $c->request->body_parameters;
my $freezer = $rs->update_or_create(
{user => $c->user, formitems => $formitems} );
# Don't quote me on the exact syntax, I don't use DBIx::Class
my $formitems = $c->request->body_parameters
|| thaw $rs->find({$user => $c->user})->formitems
|| {} ;
# use formitems instead of $c->request->body_parameters from here on in
The underlying table probably has (user CHAR(x), formitems TEXT) or similar. Perhaps a timestamp so that nothing too stale gets recovered. You might also want to store the action you were processing, to be sure the retrieved form items belong to the right form. You know the issues for your app better than me.
I would store the form data as some sort of per user data in the model.
Catalyst::Plugin::Session::PerUser is one way of doing that (albeit somewhat hackishly). I would reccomend using the session plugin only for authentication and storing all the state info in the model that stores your user data instead.
And I totally agree with RET's opinion that the 15 minute limit seems really counter productive in this context.
I came across this whilst searching CPAN for something entirely unrelated.
Catalyst::Plugin::Wizard purports to do exactly what you need. The documentation suggests it can redirect to a login page whilst retaining the state of the previous action.
NB: I haven't used it, so can't vouch for its effectiveness.
In the end, we ended up grabbing the pending request (URL+params) in the auto(), serializing and encrypting it, and passing it via a hidden form element on the login page. If we got a login request with the hidden element populated, we decrypted and deserialized it and then redirected appropriately (making sure to pass through the standard "can this user do this thing" code paths).
You could always have some javascript on the client that keeps the session from expiring by making a small request every few minutes.
Or you could have AJAX check for an active session before posting the form and presenting the user with a new login box at that time if needed.