post article to twitter and facebook automatically - facebook

Can I create a form in which if I click submit button, the form content will automatically posted to my facebook and twitter account?


Facebook dialog share

We have an app that when our users click share we then forward the user to to share our link.
I need to add this to email and I'm trying to test. Is there a way to test and see the actual post without having to post to my FB account? I want to post the message and link and then test clicking the link on the post without having to post to my personal FB account

Facebook Messenger Chatbot - How can a user post to timeline with a button?

I've created a chatbot on FB Messenger. At some point, the bot responds with e.g. some image. Below the image, I've managed to create a button so the user can 'share' the image to his/her FB Messenger friends.
Is there a way to create a button so the user can post this image to his timeline?
I can't find something on FB documentation
As mentioned in this blog post, use this template for the url:<APP_ID>&link=<ENCODED-URL-TO SHARE>&picture=<IMAGE_URL>&name=<TITLE>&caption=<CAPTION>&description=<DESCRIPTION>&redirect_uri=<REDIRECT URI>

post a comment on facebook wall after submitting a button on my website

Is it possible to post a comment on users facebook wall after submitting a button on my website?
On my web page users can review certain products and after they review them the press on ‘submit review’ button. I want to make the review report to be published on the user’s facebook feed.
Thanks in advance,
For a normal post, you can use the Feed dialog – this does not require that the user connect to your app first.
If you want to post via API in the background, then you have to have the user login to your app first.
If you do not want a normal post, then look into Open Graph actions:

How to redirect facebook sharer after sharing or cancel?

I am fetching the posts of my app page using FB graph api and displaying them in ios app webview. I have a share button and it uses facebook sharer.php to share a post.
Now, my problem is that after sharing or cancel, the user is sent to facebook page and not to my web page.
I tried FB dialog feed which is supposed to solve this issue, but, FB dialog feed does not allow sharing of pictures hosted in FBCDN server .
Automatically, all my app page photos are uploaded to FBCDN( So, I cannot use FB dialog feed.
I checked many similar questions in Stackoverflow which suggested dialog feed.
Is there a way to redirect sharer.php?

how to integrate facebook in my application in iphone

i am creating a music application and i want to integrate facebook into my application.when the user logs in for the first time in facebook the log in page of facebook should be displayed and after when he clicks on the login button my custom dialog page should be displayed containing buttons of publish feed, retrieving friends and logout and when the user clicks on a particluar button for.e.g publish feed his wall page should be displayed and when he enters some information in that it should be posted to his wall and his friends wall and how can i create the template bundle id of my application in facebook.
Please help me regarding this problem
Have you tried implementing any of the application above? People will generally be more helpful if you attempt the a solution and have specific problems.