EJBCA adminweb Authorization denied - certificate

I am currently testing with EJBCA while having a problem in accessing the administration page.
The EJBCA-4.0.13 is running on CentOS 6.2, with apache-ant-1.8.4, jboss-5.1.0-GA, mysql and mysql-connector-java. Installation is OK and no error occured in the jboss server log and I can access the EJBCA public web page with the url: https://:8443/ejbca. While I cannot access the administration page(https://:8443/ejbca/adminweb) with this information:
Authorization Denied
Cause: Your certificate is revoked or cannot be located in the database.
Any idea will be appreciated!

This is done in LocalCertificateStoreSessionBean.authenticate method. This could mean that you have not properly generated SuperAdmin certificate, or it is revoked, timed out or is issued by another CA that EJBACA's AdminCA.
Check your superadmin.p12 with:
openssl pkcs12 -nokeys -in ./superadmin.p12 -out superadmin.pem
openssl x509 -in ./superadmin.pem -text


Keycloak does not have all the Keys available in the storage

I have created a realm and added new keystore(RS384) in the Providers section
When I tried authenticate using postman. I am getting below error in Keycloak console
PublicKey wasn't found in the storage. Requested kid: 'Y3RDLAudovJPEU3Z9BMJL3OyuzqsgAj4424CpxnJqkI' . Available kids: '[]'
Kid is available in the Keys section for the Realm. I am not sure what is causing that. Any help on this is so much appreciated
Client Authentication
Added JWKS keys from certs endpoint
In Postman made call to token endpoint with client_assertion which has signed JWT and got response back "Invalid client: Unable to load Public key "
I think you gave wrong a value(or format) of "Private RSA Key" and "X509 Certificate" file when you add the key-store at Keycloak UI.
it is possible to get the public Key for RS384 by Postman and UI.
I demoed with Keycloak 18.0.0 with "ssh-keygen" & "openssl" on Ubuntu.
Generate RS384 private key and public key and certification file
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -E SHA384 -m PEM -P "" -f RS384.key
openssl req -new -x509 -key RS384.key -out RS384-cert.pem -days 360
it will create three files
RS384-cert.pem <- certification file
RS384.key <- private key
RS384.key.pub <- public key
Add Keystore with 1.'s files
New Keystore will be created
Can get Key by Postman
can compare public key between UI and openssl generated it.
you can check API call value and JWT creator web site
with KID and public key
The issue is I did not add "use":"sig" in the JWKS that is kid is not available

Is there a way to check if a certificate is client cert or server cert?

I received a new keystore .jks file for ssl connection to replace an old, but working, .jks keystore file, but I got "unexpected handshake message: serve_hello" error. I was told to make sure the keystore contains a client cert, so I used keytool to export its cert to a pem file, then use openssl to check the purpose. The result shows
Certificate purposes:
SSL client : No
SSL client CA : No
SSL server : Yes
SSL server CA : No
However when I applied the same process to check the old but working jks file I got the same result. Wonder if this is the right way to verify the certificate? And how to troubleshooting this handshake error with the new jks file?
The extended key usage extension contains OIDs which define the purpose:
id-kp-serverAuth OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-kp 1 }
-- TLS WWW server authentication
-- Key usage bits that may be consistent: digitalSignature,
-- keyEncipherment or keyAgreement
id-kp-clientAuth OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-kp 2 }
-- TLS WWW client authentication
-- Key usage bits that may be consistent: digitalSignature
-- and/or keyAgreement
https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5280 Page 44
See: https://oidref.com/ and https://oidref.com/
When opening a certificate on Windows you can see the extension here:

minio+KMS x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

I am trying to use minio as a local S3 server. I am following this article
I downloaded key and cert files.
I added the env parameters:
set MINIO_KMS_KES_ENDPOINT=https://play.min.io:7373
set MINIO_KMS_KES_KEY_NAME=my-minio-key
I started minio server: D:\>minio.exe server D:\Photos
It logs after sturt up:
AccessKey: minioadmin
SecretKey: minioadmin
Browser Access:
Command-line Access: https://docs.min.io/docs/minio-client-quickstart-guide
$ mc.exe alias set myminio minioadmin minioadmin
Object API (Amazon S3 compatible):
Go: https://docs.min.io/docs/golang-client-quickstart-guide
Java: https://docs.min.io/docs/java-client-quickstart-guide
Python: https://docs.min.io/docs/python-client-quickstart-guide
JavaScript: https://docs.min.io/docs/javascript-client-quickstart-guide
.NET: https://docs.min.io/docs/dotnet-client-quickstart-guide
Detected default credentials 'minioadmin:minioadmin', please change the credentials immediately using 'MINIO_ACCESS_KEY' and 'MINIO_SECRET_KEY'
I opened UI in browser: http://localhost:9000/minio/mybacket/
I tried to upload a jpg file and got an exception:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Error><Code>InternalError</Code><Message>We encountered an internal error, please try again.</Message><Key>Completed.jpg</Key><BucketName>mybacket</BucketName><Resource>/minio/upload/mybacket/Completed.jpg</Resource><RequestId>1634A6E5663C9D70</RequestId><HostId>4a46a947-6473-4d53-bbb3-a4f908d444ce</HostId></Error>
And I got this exception in minio console:
Error: Post "https://play.min.io:7373/v1/key/generate/my-minio-key": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
3: cmd\api-errors.go:1961:cmd.toAPIErrorCode()
2: cmd\api-errors.go:1986:cmd.toAPIError()
1: cmd\web-handlers.go:1116:cmd.(*webAPIHandlers).Upload()
Most probably your OS trust store (containing the Root CA certificates) does not trust Let's Encrypt (the Let's Encrypt Authority X3 CA certificate).
The server https://play.min.io:7373 serves a TLS certificates issued by Let's Encrypt.
openssl s_client -showcerts -servername play.min.io -connect play.min.io:7373
Eventually, check your the root CA store of your windows machine.
See: https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/48437/how-can-you-check-the-installed-certificate-authority-in-windows-7-8

Self signed SSL certificate generated by New-SelfSignedCertificateEx isn't trusted in Ubuntu

I used this tool in this link to generate a self-signed certificate for a Windows webserver.
The command to generate the cert is like following
New-SelfSignedCertificateEx -Subject "CN=" -SAN "" -IsCA $true -EKU "Server Authentication", "Client Authentication" -KeyLength 2048 -KeySpec "Signature" -KeyUsage "DigitalSignature" -FriendlyName "" -NotAfter $([datetime]::now.AddYears(5)) -StoreLocation "LocalMachine" -Exportable
After installing the certificate with IIS, and add the certificate to the trusted root CA store in a Windows 10 client, I was able to browse the website with no certificate errors.
However when I try to do the same in a ubuntu 18.04 client by installing the cert to the CA certs store and test using cURL, it doesn't work
Install cert to Ubuntu ca-certificates
openssl s_client -connect -showcerts > out.txt
#then use vim to edit out.txt and save the cert to
sudo cp /usr/local/share/ca-certificates
sudo update-ca-certificates
Test the connection using cURL
And got the error message
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
More details here: https://curl.haxx.se/docs/sslcerts.html
curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could not
establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation and
how to fix it, please visit the web page mentioned above.
When adding the cert to the Chrome Certifiates store, Chrome shows NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID
So my question is, why does it work in Windows client but not in Ubuntu 18.04? I can't see any error indicating what's wrong with the certificate in Ubuntu so I'm stuck at the moment.
Your openssl command is not correct:
jonathan.muller#jonathan-muller-C02ZC4EPLVDQ$ openssl s_client -connect drylm.org:443 -showcerts
depth=2 O = Digital Signature Trust Co., CN = DST Root CA X3
verify return:1
depth=1 C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = Let's Encrypt Authority X3
verify return:1
depth=0 CN = blog.drylm.org
verify return:1
Certificate chain
0 s:/CN=blog.drylm.org
i:/C=US/O=Let's Encrypt/CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3
you have a lot of noise in the output.
Here is how to extract the certificate:
echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 >
and you can copy this pem file to the truststore.
I just made the exercise by creating a self sign certificate on this website
in my shell:
john#kona$ curl https://test.drylm.org
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate
More details here: https://curl.haxx.se/docs/sslcerts.html
curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could not
establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation and
how to fix it, please visit the web page mentioned above.
john#kona$ echo | openssl s_client -connect test.drylm.org:443 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 > test.drylm.org.crt
sudo cp test.drylm.org.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
john#kona$ sudo update-ca-certificates
Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs...
1 added, 0 removed; done.
Running hooks in /etc/ca-certificates/update.d...
Adding debian:test.drylm.org.pem
and finally:
john#kona$ curl https://test.drylm.org
Path : ~
No more error message with curl.

Meteor Email Server with Self-Signed Certificate

I am trying to have my meteor application send an e-mail using my own e-mail server.
I installed my e-mail's server certs onto my meteor app server by doing:
openssl s_client -connect my-email-server.com:443 <<<'' | openssl x509 -out /tmp/mycert
cp /tmp/mycert /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
Which appeared to install correctly (I also used dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates to install the certs) (ref: 90607)
I then start my meteor app in the following ways, none of which work to successfully send my e-mail:
MAIL_URL=smtp://user:password#my-email-server.com:587 meteor
CAFILE="/tmp/mycert" MAIL_URL=smtp://user:password#my-email-server.com:587 meteor
The code I am calling in my application is:
to: emailAddress,
from: "user#my-email-server.com",
subject: "Example Email",
text: "The contents of our email in plain text.",
The error I am getting is:
I20180114-04:09:25.698(-5)? Exception while invoking method 'emailMethod' Error: unable to verify the first certificate
I20180114-04:09:25.698(-5)? at TLSSocket.<anonymous> (_tls_wrap.js:1103:38)
I20180114-04:09:25.698(-5)? at emitNone (events.js:106:13)
I20180114-04:09:25.699(-5)? at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:208:7)
I20180114-04:09:25.699(-5)? at TLSSocket._finishInit (_tls_wrap.js:637:8)
I20180114-04:09:25.699(-5)? at TLSWrap.ssl.onhandshakedone (_tls_wrap.js:467:38)
Exception while invoking method 'emailMethodHere' Error: unable to verify the first certificate
When I run the meteor app via NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 MAIL_URL=smtp://user:password#my-email-server.com:587 meteor then it works as expected (bypassing the cert entirely), so I know the trust/certificate is the issue. Where is my error? How do I tell meteor to trust the certificate that I have obtained via the openssl command above?
My related research before resorting to posting:
meteor add trusted certificate
error: self signed certificate in certificate chain