UITableCell Centered with Shadow - iphone

I would like to build my UITableView in similar way to Google+ app, which has:
UITableCell width of about 310 I guess but the important thing is they centered, I dont know how to achieve that...
There is a 1-2 pixels of shadow beneath the cell.
Please help me to understand how to position my cells the same way and how to add the shadow effect.

UITableCell width of about 310 I guess but the important thing is they centered, I dont know how to achieve that... : You'll have to create a own subclass of UITableViewCell. Here you can position the controls which you need however you need. You can achieve the above shown UITableView only by creating your custom UITableViewCell. You can refer this
There is a 1-2 pixels of shadow beneath the cell. : This can be possible only by using the image with shadow as a background of your customized UITableViewCell.

OK so I finally got the solution.
I used a background image for each cell that takes the whole width (I kind of cheated) and incorporate the shadow and the 10px separation in the background image.
Of course I had to use Photoshop or similar program to achieve that. so the UITableView and the Cell width should be 320, and the height of the cell should contain the shadow and the separation as well.
This is how I make the table to look exactly like I want it to be!!


set margin to collection view's cell

I'm beginner with collection view,
I need to create cell like this
Can I do it from Storyboard?
I want to add margin of cell = 4 or 5 in the top, bottom, lift and right in iPhones and iPads of all sizes, or I if need to do that programmatically How I can add the contents of the cell like the image above?
There is no "margin" here. There is simply a rectangle with a shadow, and everything else is drawn in front of it. The simplest solution is probably a custom UIView that draws itself as a rectangle with a shadow. Make that the content view's direct subview, and everything else in the cell is a subview of that. The inset of the rectangle-with-shadow within the cell's content view can be determined by autolayout (and the position of all the stuff inside it can be determined by autolayout too).
Thus it was trivial for me to obtain this sort of thing:
And of course you can tweak the border color, the background color, and so forth.

Make bottom part of UITextField(UIScrollView) transparent

Here's a good example that sums it up:
This is a UITextField that contains long text, so the user is able to scroll down to view the rest of the text.
How can I make the bottom rows appear "transparent"?
UITextField only allows setting global text properties (like color, font size, etc).
The trick is to create a CALayer containing a gradient and use it as mask layer of your UIView's layer (alpha values of the mask layer will be used.) see this answer: UIView border with fade or blur effect
This will help you.Not sure but some functionality like you want.
Hope this helps you.
All the best !!!

UITableview clipsToBounds

I am creating an iPad view which has a tableview as a subview. The tableview only takes a small portion of the screen and is somewhere near the middle of the screen and it contains some menu items. I want people to be about to scroll this tableview up and down however I do not like how the cells disappear against a hard edge. When I set clipsToBounds to false, I get what I want in that the hard edge is not there anymore but the top/bottom cell disappears when the tableview needs that cell for recycling. Is there a common technique to avoid this hard-edge of when the cells scroll up against the tableview's bounds? I was thinking of adding gradient alpha masks on a parent container view but it seems a bit over the top.
There are no hard and fast rule about this, but you certainly can do whatever you feel best. What I would do in a case of floating tableView is giving it a nice border using layer. It is easy to code (2~3 lines). Round the edge to make it pretty.
If you want to drop shadow, it gets a little more complicated but possible. Just draw a bezier curve path of a rectangle (where you want your shadow to appear). Assign that CALayer shadowPath. Then add it to the table.
You can also gradient an alpha to make it appear shadow like.
But I would suggest, you set clipsToBounds to YES since it looks horrible otherwise, given the fact that the table 'floats' somewhere in your view.

Change grouped UITableview border size

I know how to add a border to the tableview using:
myTableview.layer.borderColor = [UIColor redColor].CGColor
myTableview.layer.borderWidth = 3.0f;
Setting the border like this results in a square border around the bounds of the tableview not the bounds of the grouped cells in the tableview. Using a similar idea on the cells makes a square border around the bounds of the cell but not the rounded edges.
There doesnt seem to be any way of changing the seperator width on the cells either. Is it possible to make a border around a grouped tableview?
I'm not sure what you're asking. There is a cornerRadius property on CALayer in iOS 3.0 and later.
To use .layer, make sure you #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>. But UITableView does not have the border properties you are looking for, so unfortunately your code will not work.
You can however either place the UITableView on a UIImageView with an image that has a border which would be the easiest solution, or you can use CoreGraphics to draw out the border which would be a lot more work.
Thanks for the above, but Ive decided in the end to go with this method for customizing grouped tables:
Not as programmatic as I would have liked but it does the job brilliantly. Would like to think that this will be something Apple will make easier to implement in future XCode updates.

UIPickerview customisation

I would like to do some customization of the UIPickerView.
End Goal: have a picker view rotating a few icon sized images.
firstly i would like to change the black/grey boarder surrounding the spindle to a transparent colour. i.e. [UIColor clearColor];
Then shrink the picker view down so it is relatively small, (probably around 40 x 40 pixels) Experimenting with this is IB did not make it seem easy.
Finally change the view returned to the picker for each section. This i think is easy with
The rest, not sure if it is possible or if i am going to have to delve into some of the core animation/graphics (or find a different way to do what i want).
UIPickerView is not customizable. At all.
You'll have to go custom for what you want.
Perhaps the easiest way would be to mess with an UIScrollView with vertical pagination enabled, and try to get it to act like you want. Maybe overlap an UIImageView with it and wrap the whole thing up in a custom view.
You can also "customize" the outer bezel of the picker by simply placing a UIImageView over the top with a hole cut out for the working parts. Apple does this with the Clock app.