kill-ring-save vs. clipboard-kill-ring-save - emacs

In the menu-bar of Emacs-23 under [Edit] there is Cut, Copy, Paste which are all explicit clipboard related commands ; the traditional C-w, M-w, C-y are no longer offered, and these no longer have an effect relevant to X.
What is the cleanest way to make the traditional commands clipboard-aware? It seems there must be some more systematic way than just redefining everything. C-h C-n did not help me.
Is it intended to hide the traditional command from users?
Edit: Or at least: a command to "synchronize" with the clipboard.

X has two "clipboards": the primary selection, and the clipboard. Emacs 23 uses the primary selection by default, but it seems you want the clipboard. You can enable this with the following in your .emacs:
(setq x-select-enable-clipboard t)
This setting changed in Emacs 24 to use the clipboard by default. See also:


Emacs 24.5 , CUA mode. Not paste text in the minibuffer

In Windows 7 / Emacs 24.5
Copy text e.g. "example" in the kill-ring
C-y (yank)
Success show text "example" in the minibuffer
But if turn on CUA-mode, the text "example" not yank (paste) by 'C-v' in the minibuffer.
CUA mode makes C-v the yank/paste command.
If you start Emacs with :
emacs -Q
Then turn on CUA mode (M-x cua-mode) you'll see that C-v works as you expect.
Without knowing your setup it's difficult to be sure but it's likely you're using a package which modifies the behavior of M-x (E.g. smex, Ido, ivy, etc.)
It's likely CUA mode won't really have anything to do with this problem. You can verify this by trying to do C-y to yank in the minibuffer too.
Packages which enhance M-x may provide a way to allow you to drop out temporarily, so you can yank text in-place.
From your comments we know you are using Helm, which overrides some bindings in the minibuffer, including C-v which is bound to page down.
Because bindings are applied at different mode (context) scopes, the minibuffer modemap (list of key bindings) will override anything that's applied at a more general context (such as cua mode)
To work around this you'd need to add a binding specifically for cua-paste in the affected mode map. It would need to be applied after Helm has loaded.

How to bind Emacs key for delete whole word backword as the same in a shell?

I have just started learning Linux and Emacs. It was pleasant to have the same key bindings in both Emacs and a shell (bash/tcsh) for the most frequently used cursor movements, so that I do not have to consciously think which one I have to use. Still worse, use the wrong command and undo the mistake. There were two exceptions, though.
One often used command was the equivalent of backspace, delete a character backwards. In a shell, it was C-h. I got the same behaviour in Emacs, thanks to this tip from Janos, who probably felt the same way.
Now the mistake I do often in Emacs is trying to delete words backwards with the command M-C-h, as in a shell.
Can somebody please give a binding that will make Emacs delete words backwards with 'M-C-h'? Currently, this command selects the whole of the text in a buffer, which is quite an useful thing (C-a in windows), but not so frequently used as deleting words backwards.
Moreover, any binding to replace the current binding of M-h (from the link above) to help will be appreciated.
Thank you,
Below binds C-M h to backward-kill-word. You can put it in your .emacs file.
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-h") 'backward-kill-word)
You can use M-<backspace> in terminal and emacs to delete word backward.
It's best to use key translation so C-M-h works exactly the same as M-backspace would in any minor mode (regardless of whether M-backspace is bound to backward-kill-word or not).
;; bind C-h to <backspace>
(define-key key-translation-map [?\C-h] [?\C-?])
;; bind C-M-h to M-<backspace>
(define-key key-translation-map [?\C-\M-h] [?\C-\M-?])

emacs get rid of C-x

Is there a way I can stop needing C-X before any shortcut and, for example, just use C-c to leave?
Also, if possible, what disadvantages could this have?
I'm looking for a simpler way of using GNU Emacs, but not sure if I can find one.
(this is too long for a comment)
Not really an answer but I know that some people hate the "C-x anything" in Emacs not just because you have to "type a lot of keys" but also because from a touch-typing point of view C-x doesn't make that much sense.
But of course in Emacs everything is configurable. I'm using "C-," instead of C-x and I honestly find it much easier this way.
I use my left pinky to hit CTRL, which is the key physically located at the left of 'a' on a QWERTY keyboard: i.e. the key that used to be CTRL but that now often is labelled CAPS-Lock [and you can remap it to CTRL].
I then touch-type ',' with my right hand.
To this end I added this to my config:
(define-key global-map [(control ,)] ctl-x-map)
You won't have less keys to type to do, say, a C-x C-c (which you can now do both by doing C-x C-c or by doing C-, C-c), but at least you won't be distorting your fingers as much ; )
Also note that as explained here (see user "scottfrazer"'s +40+ upvoted and accepted answer) it may be better to create a minor mode for all your key mappings instead of directly define a global mapping:
Globally override key binding in Emacs
My recommendation is to first learn the standard Emacs key bindings, then, after a while change whichever ones you think will do you the most good to change.
See also CUA mode, in the Emacs docs -- I don't use or recommend CUA mode, but a lot of people (esp. newbies?) use it to keep their cut, copy, paste key habits.
After looking at the source code of boon.el, I found out about ctl-x-map. C-x is a prefix key, prefix keys often have their own maps.
To use M-m for C-x shortcuts and unbind C-x, use this
(global-set-key (kbd "M-m") 'ctl-x-map)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x") nil)
I think it is a very bad idea, because the C-x prefix can handle such situations like C-x s vs C-x C-s. And: you are really f*cked when you read emacs tutorials and have your own keybindings
If you want some other keybindings read ErgoEmacs Keybinding or How to Set Emacs's User Interface to Modern Conventions

How can I more easily switch between buffers in Emacs?

I've recently started using emacs and I'm enjoying using it for the most part. The only thing I'm not enjoying, is switching between buffers. I often have a few buffers open and I've grown tired of using C-x b and C-x C-b, are there any packages that make switching between buffers easier? I've looked into emacs wiki on switching buffers and I'd appreciate insight/feedback on what are are using/enjoying. Thanks.
UPDATE: iswitchb-mode is obsolete in Emacs >= 24.4, replaced by ido.
All of the features of iswitchdb are now provided by ido. Ross provided a link to the documentation in his answer. You can activate with the following in your .emacs (or use the customization interface as Ross suggests):
(require 'ido)
(ido-mode 'buffers) ;; only use this line to turn off ido for file names!
(setq ido-ignore-buffers '("^ " "*Completions*" "*Shell Command Output*"
"*Messages*" "Async Shell Command"))
By default, ido provides completions for buffer names and file names. If you only want to replace the features of iswitchb, the second line turns off this feature for file names. ido will ignore any buffers that match the regexps listed in ido-ignore-buffers.
The behaviour described below for iswitchb-mode applies equally to ido for switching buffers.
iswitchb-mode (Emacs < 24.4)
iswitchb-mode replaces the default C-x b behaviour with a very intuitive buffer-switching-with-completion system. There are more sophisticated options, but I've never needed more than this.
After you hit C-x b, you are presented with a list of all buffers. Start typing the name of the buffer you want (or part of its name), and the list is narrowed until only one buffer matches. You don't need to complete the name, though, as soon as the buffer you want is highlighted hitting enter will move you to it. You can also use C-s and C-r to move through the list in order.
You can turn it on by default with this in your .emacs:
(iswitchb-mode 1)
You can also tell it to ignore certain buffers that you never (or very rarely) need to switch to:
(setq iswitchb-buffer-ignore '("^ " "*Completions*" "*Shell Command Output*"
"*Messages*" "Async Shell Command"))
You can use C-x <right> (next-buffer) and C-x <left> (previous-buffer) to cycle around in the buffer ring. You could bind S-<right> and S-<left> to these functions. (S is the "super-key" or windows-key). This way you can save some keystrokes.
Moreover, note that C-x b has a default entry, i.e. it displays a standard value (most of the time this is the previously viewed buffer), so that you don't always need to enter the buffer name explicitly.
Another nice trick is to open separate windows using C-x 2 and C-x 3. This displays several buffers simultaneously. Then you can bind C-<tab> to other-window and get something similar to tabbed browsing.
M-x customize-group ido then set Ido Mode to Turn on both buffer and file and set Ido Everywhere to on. Then click the Save for future sessions button at the top and enjoy ido magic for both files and buffers. Read the docs to get a sense of how to use ido.
Also, take a look at smex.
ido-mode provides an efficient way to switch buffers.
ibuffer is best for managing all opened buffers.
anything is good for selecting an interested thing from different
sources. (for eg: a single key can be used to switch to another
buffer or to open recently closed file or to open a file residing
in the same directory or ... anything you want ... )
If you've looked at the Emacs Wiki, you probably have all this information already, but here are a few other relevant Q&As:
Emacs: help me understand file/buffer management
Buffer switching in Emacs
How to invoke the buffer list in Emacs
My toolkit consists of ibuffer, windmove+framemove, winner-mode, and a custom binding to make C-xleft/right and C-cleft/right less of a hassle to use.
I have mapped the "§"-key to 'buffer-list and I find it to be very efficient.
I've started using anything for a couple of days and I'm really liking it: .
Emacs-fu has an good intro to anything:
My favourite function for this is helm-mini which is part of helm.
As other helm functions, it allows incremental narrowing of the selection. It also searches your recently visited buffers, which is a really nice way to re-open a buffer. Helm can be a little surprising at first and as a new Emacs user, I found it visually overwhelming and I preferred ido or ibuffer which have been suggested in other replies. But now I absolutely love it and use it all the time for countless things.
Something that I realized by accident and that can be useful:
mouse-buffer-menu is by default bound to <C-mouse-1> (Control key + mouse left click) and opens a popup with a list of the current buffers.

How do I list all yanks in emacs?

Is there a way to list all the yanked text in Emacs? You can do it on Textmate with SPLAT+V.
Edit: I meant recently killed items, items that can be yanked.
The list of kills (i.e., the list of things you can yank) is called kill ring and stored in the variable kill-ring, so you can view it (in a not very nice way) with C-h v kill-ring RET.
The kill ring also appears in the menu, under “Edit / Paste from kill menu”. If you use a text mode Emacs or have turned the menu bar off, you can access the menu with M-x tmm-menubar (bound to M-`): type M-` e p followed by the first letter of the item you want to paste (if it's a letter and it's unique, otherwise whatever character is indicated). If you don't want to paste anything, type M-` e p C-g; the kills remain in the *Completions* buffer. The kill texts are displayed truncated to yank-menu-length characters.
To my knowledge, emacs doesn't support that feature out of the box.
If you're using a Debian or Ubuntu Linux distribution, you can install the emacs-goodies-el package, which contains a browse-kill-ring feature (bound to M-y by default).
Alternatively, you can use the browse-kill-ring ELisp package available here.
See also here for a nice article about this problem and other alternate solutions.
EmacsWiki has a satisfying list of solutions. A portable and intuitive solution uses the built-in popup.el to display a vertical list to choose from:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c y") '(lambda ()
(popup-menu 'yank-menu)))
In Icicles you can see all of your kill-ring, and yank any entries in it using completion. By default, C-y is bound in Icicle mode to icicle-yank-maybe-completing.
That's the same as yank, unless you give it a negative prefix arg (e.g., C--). In that case, it lets you complete against the kill-ring. Completion can be prefix, apropos (substring, regexp), or fuzzy.
councel-yank-pop wors well for me
especially with the binding suggested in
(use-package counsel
(("M-y" . counsel-yank-pop)
:map ivy-minibuffer-map
("M-y" . ivy-next-line)))
if you use helm, you may call the helm-show-kill-ring function.