PEAR installed but not working. Where is PEAR.php? - email

I've installed PEAR using pyrus.phar in C:\PEAR for PHP on IIS7. I've also downloaded the PEAR Mail package when I require_once the file Mail.php, I get HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error.
Here is my code :
require_once 'Mail.php'; //should give me a blank page but is giving me an error
I checked in Mail.php there is a line require_once 'PEAR.php';
Now where do I get this PEAR.php from?

You need to install the old pear installer, too:
$ pyrus install pear/pear
It provides PEAR.php.


Google Authenticator with PHP not working

im trying to make use of the project
I have first installed the project with: composer require sonata-project/google-authenticator .
after this when I want to see the action I receive an error
PHP Fatal error: Interface 'Sonata\GoogleAuthenticator\GoogleAuthenticatorInterface' not found in /home/######/vendor/sonata-project/google-authenticator/src/GoogleAuthenticator.php on line 19
Am I forgetting something ?
any help would be appreciated!
I presume you solved this, or got around it somehow. But the answer for me was changing
include_once __DIR__.'/src/FixedBitNotation.php';
include_once __DIR__.'/src/GoogleAuthenticator.php';
include_once __DIR__.'/src/GoogleQrUrl.php';
include_once __DIR__.'/src/FixedBitNotation.php';
include_once __DIR__.'/src/GoogleAuthenticatorInterface.php';
include_once __DIR__.'/src/GoogleAuthenticator.php';
include_once __DIR__.'/src/GoogleQrUrl.php';
that is, adding: include_once __DIR__.'/src/GoogleAuthenticatorInterface.php';
Add below line to ur GoogleAuthenticator.php file which is in src folder
include_once 'GoogleAuthenticatorInterface.php';

Installing php extension for SQL Anywhere on server with CentOS, Plesk, php-fpm

we got a new WebServer with CentOS, Plesk and php-fpm.
Now we don't get the php extension running.
What we did:
installed latest SQL Anywhere 17 (ebf29577)
copied to /opt/plesk/php/7.3/lib64/php/modules/
loading via /opt/plesk/php/7.3/etc/php.d/sqlanywhere.ini
this leads to an error:
WARNING: [pool plesk-php73-fpm.plesk-service.localdomain] child 11616 said into stderr: "NOTICE: PHP message: PHP Warning: request_startup() for sqlanywhere module failed in Unknown on line 0"
(This leads to php 7.3 fpm is not loading at all)
next try was to switch from FPM to CGI: same error
module is loadable itself within shell if LD_LIBRARY_PATH was enhanced with path /opt/sqlanywhere17/lib64/
some tries getting the cause by strace did not help
Has anybody an idea or maybe even successfully installed php extension.
after a lot of tests we found a solution:
in Plesk Domain php settings we had to add:
Now all libs are found and it works
For me solution was, creating custom handler:
plesk bin php_handler --add -displayname "PHP SQLAnywhere 7.4" -path /opt/php-custom-handlers/7.4/php-sqlanywhere.fcgi -clipath /opt/plesk/php/7.4/bin/php -phpini /opt/plesk/php/7.4/etc/php.ini -type fastcgi
php-sqlanywhere.fcgi contents:
exec /opt/plesk/php/7.4/bin/php-cgi "$#"
And finally using this handler on domain php settings and adding on additional directives:

Class 'mPDF' not found in Yii2

I have problem with my page on server.
I'm using yii2 framework and mPDF;
All configured according to the instructions:
Page work on localhost on Windows and Xampp
When I try run page on Debian 8 I have error:
Class 'mPDF' not found
function in php:
public function actionCreatepdf()
$request = Yii::$app->request;
$generate_table = $request->post();
$mpdf = new mPDF;
$mpdf->WriteHTML($this->renderPartial('view_pdf', ['data'=>$data]));
$mpdf->Output('data.pdf', 'D');
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, it's not running on Debian
I had this issue when migrating from Ubuntu (php 5.6) to CentOS 7 (PHP 7.1)
The easiest thing to do, without manually editing the composer file was to change the use/import in the controller:
//use mPDF; #Php 5.6
use Mpdf\Mpdf; #Php 7.0
Solved! As mentioned before it was due to capital cases.
I used following and it is now working on CENTOS 7 (probably similar on most Linux versions)
namespace app\controllers;
use Yii;
//use mPDF; Note this line is Commented out
use mpdf;
And then use it as follows:
public function actionIndex(){
$model = new Mpdf();
$model->WriteHTML("PDF contents");
$model->Output('MyPDF.pdf', 'D');
In my case which i just resolved, adding
'mPDF\' => array($vendorDir . '/mpdf') to autoload_psr4.php required me to namespace most of the class files in ../mpdf/classes using the line
namespace mPDF;
Also among the errors i fixed was changing include to include_once to prevent php from seeing some classes as duplicate declaration despite the presence of class_exists() test

How to configure and use Mailgun's SDK with composer-php?

I installed Composer and a SDK for Mailgun's service. These are the steps i followed:
# current directory
cd ~
# Install Composer
curl -sS | php
# Add Mailgun as a dependency
php composer.phar require mailgun/mailgun-php:~1.7
According to the instructions, all I did after that was (index.php):
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Mailgun\Mailgun;
# First, instantiate the SDK with your API credentials and define your domain.
$mg = new Mailgun("key-my-key-goes-here-987654321");
$domain = "";
Then, I tried to get the list of bounced emails:
$data = $mg->get("$domain/bounces", array('limit' => 15, 'skip' => 0));
...and I'm getting this error:
Warning: require(vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such
file or directory in /var/www/html/index.php on line 2 Fatal error:
require(): Failed opening required 'vendor/autoload.php'
(include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') in
/var/www/html/index.php on line 2
So I'm guessing it has something to do with composer's installation/configuration perhaps? Thanks for any help...
The way you programmed it, you must have the following files all in the same directory:
index.php (your test script)
And you must have run the composer require command while being inside this directory. This will also create a directory named vendor here, and add plenty of files, amongst them vendor/autoload.php.
If however your test script isn't in this location, the require call will not find the file where you tell PHP to find it. This isn't any failure of Composer, but simply the fact that you have to include that file according to your situation, not by copy&paste code. If you change the path of your test script, you have to change the path of the vendor directory as well.

Sinatra: Template engine not found: prawn

I'm a newbie with Sinatra and prawn. I succeeded with erb and xmm/builder templates. Now trying to get pdf generation with prawn working.
Error received: Template engine not found: prawn
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'sinatra/prawn'
set :prawn, { :page_layout => :portrait }
get '/pdf' do
content_type 'application/pdf'
prawn :pdf1
Found it: The gem from sbfaulkner doesn't work with current version of Sinatra.
Fix: install the forked gem from danielberkompas as follows:
gem install dberkom-sinatra-prawn -s
See issue 6
Then the above code works fine.