Eclipse: Taking ALL of my preferences with me between copies of Eclipse - eclipse

I'm using the Spring Tool Suite, which I think is based on Eclipse 3.7.2
I set a number of syntax color coding preferences in Java and XML in mycopy of Eclipse at work. I then exported my preferences to a
I just tried importing my preferences into my copy of Eclipse at home from
There were only checkboxes for the Java preferences, not the XML syntax coloring or other preferences. I tried "import all". No dice.
How can I move all of my color coding....and other, preferences between copies of Eclipse?
Have a good weekend

All settings are stored in a folder called .metadata (hidden) in the current workspace. There is a plugin folder within with settings and preferences for each plugin, including the core of Eclipse.
Please see this guide:


How to do additional operation when a project has been imported to Eclipse grammatically?

While importing a project into Eclipse RCP using option "Existing project into workspace", I need to set some preferences based on the configuration in importing project. Are there any extension point available to do additional operation while importing project? or is there any way that I can achieve through code?
I tried to figure out the extension point that would help me by looking at core plugins. But no success yet.
Project specific settings are normally in a .settings directory in the project folder. This should be imported.
There is nothing to set non-project preferences (and I don't think import should be doing that anyway).
It is possible that Eclipse CDT has additional options - I don't use CDT so I can't say.

Where to find Eclipse Mars syntax coloring preferences file?

I've just installed Eclipse Oxygen (on Ubuntu) after using Eclipse Mars. I'd really like to get my hands on the preferences file that stored the custom java syntax coloring that I had set. I've been searching through files in the .metadata directory of my old workspace, but I can't find anything. I was using the Moonrise UI theme, in case that's relevant.
I know I might not be able to re-use the old prefs file directly, but at least I'll have the colors available (presumably hex values).
I've found a prefs file at:
...which I thought was the correct file. I tried importing it using the eclipse wizard and by overwriting my Oxygen file of the same name with the Mars file (and restarting eclipse). Neither had any effect. The java syntax coloring is the same default coloring that my theme provided. Maybe that's the problem? I'm using the Darkest Dark UI theme. Does that store coloring prefs somewhere else?
The preference file you mention is for the Javascript development tools (JSDT).
The main Java development tools (JDT) UI preferences are in the org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs file in the same directory.
But this contains all the Java UI preferences, you will overwrite everything changing this. Also there is no guarantee that preference files from different releases are compatible.

Some files are not openable in Eclipse IDE

For unknown reason, files of some types become not open-able in Eclipse IDE, for examples, *.txt, *.am, *.mak. When i right-click on files of those types in Project Explorer view, there is no "Open" or "Open With" menu options shown up like *.cc and *.hh. Those files types were use to be open-able within the same projects.
I confirm that the unopenable file types are associated with respective editors.
What may be wrong with my project or workspace settings?
Still find no clue on why all non-c/c++ files cannot be opened by Eclipse IDE running on my Macbook :(
I imported the directories containing the files to create a project on Eclipse. The directories are mounted via Samba.
Any answer will be appreciated!!
Go to windows > preferences > general tab > editors > file associations and check your file type if its not present add them. It will be done.

What is the global setting for Navigator "Link with editor" in Eclipse Helios?

I'm using eclipse Helios with CDT 7. I want to set the global preference for the "Link with editor" in Navigator to true. I want to know the property name for this setting. I have searched all the pref files in workspace, but couldn't find.
Is there anything like "org.eclipse.ui.navigate.linkWithEditor"?
Where does Eclipse stores this setting in workspace?
Thanks in advance!
The following setting in .ini file is working for global
Preferences (one file per plugin) are stored under .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings. If I grep for link in that directory, I find it hits in the JDT and Groovy plugins.

Turn off spell checking in Eclipse for good

Every time I create a new workspace in Eclipse I have to turn off the spell checking via Preferences. (Preferences->General->Editors->Text Editors->Spelling->Enable Spell Checking)
This is very irritating. How do I turn off the spell checking for good? I.e. the spell checker is disabled when I create a new workspace and I can turn it on should I want to use it.
It's not a perfect fix, but you can copy existing workspace preferences into any workspace. I keep a separate .epf (Eclipse preferences file, I guess) that I just import into every new workspace I create:
File → Import... → General → Preferences → Next > From preference file
Importing/Exporting Project Preferences
Preferences->General->Editors->Text Editors->Spelling
Uncheck the box "Enable spell checking"
There are some ways for sharing preferences, but it doesn't come with the platform.
The one I use is now available as an attachment to or more particular as attachment
Install into your Eclipse.
Then you can export selected preferences to an .epf file.
Also add a preference (!) in Preferences > General > Common Preferences which will share your settings across newly created workspaces.
I use this all the time and though it is not perfect, it does save a lot of effort in keeping my preferences aligned across workspaces.
If you are writing Java code, Window -> Preferences -> Java -> JDT Spelling