Entity framework: cross join causes OutOfMemoryException - entity-framework

I've got a table with 1.5 million records on a SQL Server 2008. There's a varchar column 'ReferenzNummer' that is indexed.
The following query executed in the SQL Management Studio works and is fast:
SELECT v1.Id, v2.Id FROM Vorpapier as v1 cross join Vorpapier as v2
WHERE v1.ReferenzNummer LIKE '7bd48e26-58d9-4c31-a755-a15500bce4c4'
AND v2.ReferenzNummer LIKE '7bd4%'
(I know the query does not make much sense like this, there will be more constraints, but that's not important for the moment)
Now I'd like to execute a query like this from Entity Framework 5.0, my LINQ looks like this:
var result = (from v1 in vorpapierRepository.DbSet
from v2 in vorpapierRepository.DbSet
where v1.ReferenzNummer == "7bd48e26-58d9-4c31-a755-a15500bce4c4" &&
select new { V1 = v1.Id, V2 = v2.Id })
This tries to load the whole table into memory, leading to an OutOfMemoryException after some time. I've tried to move the WHERE parts, with no success:
var result = (from v1 in vorpapierRepository.DbSet.Where(v => v.ReferenzNummer == "7bd48e26-58d9-4c31-a755-a15500bce4c4")
from v2 in vorpapierRepository.DbSet.Where(v => v.ReferenzNummer.StartsWith("7bd4"))
select new { V1 = v1.Id, V2 = v2.Id })
Is it possible to tell Entity Framework to create a cross join statement, like the one I've written myself?
The EF generated SQL looks like this (for both queries)
SELECT [Extent1].[Id] AS [Id],
[Extent1].[VorpapierArtId] AS [VorpapierArtId],
[Extent1].[ReferenzNummer] AS [ReferenzNummer],
[Extent1].[IsImported] AS [IsImported],
[Extent1].[DwhVorpapierId] AS [DwhVorpapierId],
[Extent1].[Datenbasis_Id] AS [Datenbasis_Id]
FROM [dbo].[Vorpapier] AS [Extent1]
When I change the LINQ query and join the table with itself on the field DatenbasisIDd (which is not exactly what I want, but it might work), EF creates a join:
var result = (from v1 in vorpapierRepository.DbSet
join v2 in vorpapierRepository.DbSet
on v1.DatenbasisId equals v2.DatenbasisId
where v1.ReferenzNummer == "7bd48e26-58d9-4c31-a755-a15500bce4c4" && v2.ReferenzNummer.StartsWith("7bd4")
select new { V1 = v1.Id, V2 = v2.Id })
The resulting SQL query looks like this. It works and is fast enough.
SELECT TOP (10) 1 AS [C1],
[Extent1].[Id] AS [Id],
[Extent2].[Id] AS [Id1]
FROM [dbo].[Vorpapier] AS [Extent1]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Vorpapier] AS [Extent2]
ON ([Extent1].[Datenbasis_Id] = [Extent2].[Datenbasis_Id])
OR (([Extent1].[Datenbasis_Id] IS NULL)
AND ([Extent2].[Datenbasis_Id] IS NULL))
WHERE (N'7bd48e26-58d9-4c31-a755-a15500bce4c4' = [Extent1].[ReferenzNummer])
AND ([Extent2].[ReferenzNummer] LIKE N'7bd4%')
I still don't see, why EF doesn't create the cross join in the original query. Is it simply not supported?

If you use a join in the linq statement it will get passed back to SQL Server. Here are some examples of the join operator in linq: http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/LINQ-Join-Operators-dabef4e9


Entity Framework Core Count unrelated records in another table

I need to count how many records in the tableA are not in the tableA, how to do this with LINQ?
with SQL I do the following way
select count(*) as total from produtoitemgrade g
where g.id not in (select idprodutograde from produtoestoque where idProduto = 12)
and g.idProduto = 12
my linq code so far.
var temp = (from a in Produtoitemgrades
join b in Produtoestoques on a.IdUnico equals b.IdUnicoGrade into g1
where g1.Count(y => y.IdProduto == 12)>0 && !g1.Any()
select a).ToList();
I tried to follow that example LINQ get rows from a table that don't exist in another table when using group by?
but an error occurs when running, how can I do this?
Your query should looks like the following, if you want to have the same SQL execution plan:
var query =
from a in Produtoitemgrades
where !Produtoestoques.Where(b => a.IdUnico == b.IdUnicoGrade && b.idProduto == 12).Any()
&& a.idProduto == 12
select a;
var result = query.Count();

Insert from several temporary tables

I want to rewrite the following query using jooq:
with first_temp as (
select a.id as lie_id
from first_table a
where a.some_Field = 100160
), second_temp as (
select b.id as ben_id
from second_table b
where b.email = 'some.email#gmail.com'
) insert into third_table (first_table_id, second_table_id)
select a.lie_id, b.ben_id from first_temp a, second_temp b;
I was trying something like the following:
DriverManager.getConnection(url, login, password).use {
val create = DSL.using(it, SQLDialect.POSTGRES)
.select(create.select().from("first_temp", "second_temp"), create.select().from("second_temp")))
But without success.
Your fixed query
// You forgot FROM and WHERE clauses in your CTEs!
// You had too many queries in this part of the statement, and
// didn't project the two columns you were interested int
field(name("first_temp", "lie_id")),
field(name("second_temp", "ben_id")))
.from("first_temp", "second_temp"))
// Don't forget this ;-)
But frankly, why even use CTE at all? Your query would be much simpler like this, both in SQL and in jOOQ (assuming that you really want this cartesian product):
Better SQL Version
insert into third_table (first_table_id, second_table_id)
select a.id, b.id
from first_table a, second_table b
where a.some_field = 100160
and b.email = 'some.email#gmail.com';
Better jOOQ Version
.select(create.select(FIRST_TABLE.ID, SECOND_TABLE.ID)

ALL query in Ecto

I need to translate the following SQL to Ecto Query DSL.
SELECT otc.*
FROM users u
INNER JOIN one_time_codes otc ON u.id = otc.user_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN one_time_code_invalidations otci ON otci.one_time_code_id = otc.id
WHERE u.id = 3 AND
otc.code = 482693 AND
otci.inserted_at IS NULL AND
otc.inserted_at > all(SELECT otc.inserted_at
FROM one_time_codes otc2
WHERE otc2.user_id = 3) AND
otc.inserted_at > (now() - '180 seconds'::interval);
In the third AND statement of WHERE clause, notice there is an ALL query. Ecto seems to not have corresponding function in Ecto.Query.API.
How to apply such aggregate? What is the correct way to implement this, though it could be implemented by having a lookup on debug logs of the Ecto, do you have another idea (or suggestion)?
Thank you.
Ecto does not allow subqueries in expressions, and you're right that there's no all in Ecto's Query API, but you can use fragment like this:
where: ...
and otc.inserted_at > fragment("all(SELECT otc.inserted_at FROM one_time_codes otc2 WHERE otc2.user_id = ?", 3)
and ...

Need help in creating CriteriaQuery

First of all, I would like to know if it is possible to do?
Below is my query and I am trying to build using criteria.
SELECT CONCAT('record-', rl.record_id) AS tempId,
'sloka' AS type,
rl.record_id AS recordId,
rl.title AS title,
rl.locale as locale,
rl.intro AS intro,
rl.title AS localetitle,
NULL AS audioUrl,
lp.name AS byName,
lp.person_id AS byId,
lp.name AS onName,
lp.person_id AS onId
FROM record_locale rl
LEFT JOIN record r ON rl.record_id = r.record_id
LEFT JOIN locale_person lp ON r.written_on = lp.person_id
WHERE rl.title LIKE :title
AND rl.locale = :locale
AND lp.locale = :locale
SELECT CONCAT('lyric-', s.song_id) AS tempId,
'bhajan' AS type,
s.song_id AS recordId,
l.locale as locale,
NULL AS intro,
l.title AS localetitle,
s.audio_url AS audioUrl,
lpb.name AS byName,
lpb.person_id AS byId,
lpo.name AS onName,
lpo.person_id AS onId
FROM song s
LEFT JOIN locale_person lpb
ON (s.written_by = lpb.person_id AND lpb.locale = :locale)
LEFT JOIN locale_person lpo
ON (s.written_on = lpo.person_id AND lpo.locale = lpb.locale)
INNER JOIN lyric l
ON (l.locale = lpb.locale AND l.song_id = s.song_id)
WHERE s.title LIKE :title AND s.approved_by IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY localeTitle ASC
// END
Based on few conditions, I might need to have union of both queries or just individual query without union.
Converting the SQL to JPQL is usually a good first step, as we can't quite tell what these tables map to, or what you are expecting to get back. If it is possible to do in JPQL, it should be possible with a criteria query. Except in this case: JPA/JPQL does not have the union operator so it won't work in straight JPA, but some providers such as EclipseLink have support. See:
UNION to JPA Query

Linq to Entities nested subqueries

I am fairly new to linq and am having a problem translating the following sql to linq:
(select c.courseprefix, MAX(c.coursesuffix) [coursesuffix]
(select distinct SUBSTRING(course,1,3)[courseprefix], RIGHT(course, LEN(course) - 3) [coursesuffix]
from PsCourses where LEN(course) >= 3 ) c
group by c.courseprefix
) c2 inner join PsCourses c3 on (c2.courseprefix + c2.coursesuffix) = c3.COURSE
order by
Well, you can use http://www.sqltolinq.com/downloads
or you can make a IQueryable, but in my personal criteria the complex queries I prefer to write in native sql