Inserting multiple values into table with anorm - scala

I want to insert multiple values into a table from a SQL query in Anorm. In the following snippet, is there a way to bind a list of usernames as values instead of just one username?
SQL("insert into users (username) " +
"values ({username})").on(
'username -> username,
As an alternative, I can create a concatenated string from my inputs, but that's prone to SQL injection and isn't quite as clean.

A possible way to insert multiple values at once, using Anorm:
var fields: List[String] = Nil
var values: List[(String,ParameterValue[_])] = Nil
for ((username,i) <- usernames.zipWithIndex) {
fields ::= "({username%s})".format(i)
values ::= ("username" + i, username)
SQL("INSERT INTO users (username) VALUES %s".format(fields.mkString(",")))
.on(values: _*)

You're wanting to repeat the insert command for all of the values?
How about wrapping it in a foreach:
usernames.foreach(username =>
SQL("insert into users (username) " +
"values ({username})").on(
'username -> username,
Or something of that sort.
Anorm is a relatively simple library--check out the code here:


Slick Postgres: How to search in a list of strings using the like operator

There is a simple database entity:
case class Foo(id: Option[UUID], keywords: Seq[String])
I want to implement a search function which returns all entities of type Foo which have at least one keyword that contains the search string.
I'm using Slick and tried this:
def searchKeywords(txt: String): Future[Seq[Foo]] = {
val action = Foos.filter(p => p.keywords.any like s"%$txt%").result
This piece of code compiles, but when executing, I get this SQL error:
PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or near "any"
The generated sql statement looks like:
select "id", "title", "tagline", "logo", "short_desc", "keywords", "initial_condition", "work_process", "end_result", "ts", "lm", "v" from "projects" where any("keywords") like '%foo%'
And it does not work with postgresql. (I'm using v12)
Schema for the table looks like this:
keywords varchar[] NOT NULL
How can I achieve to search in a list of strings using the like operator?
From a pure SQL point of view, you need a derived table to achieve that. I hope some expert corrects me if I'm wrong but you can't use SQL operator like on a array.
Supposing your table construction is :
keywords varchar[] NOT NULL
Then an SQL way of retrieving the results would be :
select * from (
select id, unnest(keywords) as keyw from foos
) myTable where keyw like '%foo%'
Otherwise, the syntax you're using for the like operator seems correct.
myProperty like s"%$myVariable"

Anorm Scala insert list of objects with nested list

I find myself in need of inserting a sequence of elements with a sequence of nested elements into a PostgreSQL database, preferably with a single statement, because I am returning a Future. I am using Scala Play with Anorm.
My data looks something like below.
case class Question(id: Long, titel: String)
case class Answer(questionId: Long, text: String)
In db it looks like this:
CREATE TABLE questions (
CREATE TABLE answers (
question_id INT NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (question_id) REFERENCES questions(question_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
My function would look something like this:
def saveFormQuestions(questions: Seq[Question], answers: Seq[Answer]): Future[Long] = {
Future {
db.withConnection{ implicit c =>
// sql
Somehow, in Anorm, SQL or both, I have to do the following, preferably in a single transaction:
foreach question in questions
insert question into questions
foreach answer in answers, where answer.questionId == old
insert answer into answers with new question id gained from question insert
I am new with Scala Play, so I might have made some assumptions I shouldn't have. Any ideas to get me started would be appreciated.
I solved it with logic inside the db.withConnection block. Somehow I assumed that you had to have a single SQL statement inside db.withConnection, which turned out not to be true. So like this:
val idMap = scala.collection.mutable.Map[Long,Long]() // structure to hold map of old ids to new
db.withConnection { implicit conn =>
// save all questions and gather map of the new ids to the old
for (q <- questions) {
val id: Long = SQL("INSERT INTO questions (titel) VALUES ({titel})")
.on('titel -> q.titel)
idMap( = id
// save answers with new question ids
if (answers.nonEmpty) {
for (a <- answers ) {
SQL("INSERT INTO answers (question_id, text) VALUES ({qid}, {text});")
.on('qid -> idMap(a.questionId), 'text -> a.text).execute()
As indicated by its name, Anorm is not an ORM, and won't generate the statement for you.
You will have to determine the statements appropriate the represent the data and relationships (e.g. my Acolyte tutorial).
As for transaction, Anorm is a thin/smart wrapper around JDBC, so JDBC transaction semantic is keep. BTW Play provides .withTransaction on its DB resolution utility.

Insert with defaults using subquery in knex

I have this query;
knex('metrics').insert(function() {'metric as name')
.from('stage.metrics as s')
.whereNotExists(function() {'*')
.where('', knex.raw('s.metric'))
The table metrics has two columns; an id, which is incrementing, and name. I expected this to insert into the name column because the subquery has one column, labeled name, and default id. however, instead it complains that I am providing a column of type character varying for my integer column id. How do I make it explicit that I want the id to take the default value?
This can do the trick
knex('metrics').insert(function() {
knex.raw('null::bigint as id'), // or any other type you need (to force using default value you need to pass explicitly null value to insert query)
'metric as name'
.from('stage.metrics as s')
.whereNotExists(function() {'*')
.where('', knex.raw('s.metric'))
I know, looks a bit hacky. Would be great to see something in knex API like (example below is a proposal and not a working example)
['name', 'surname'],
function () {['name', 'surname']).from('other_table'))
Which produces
insert into table_name (name, surname) select name, surname from other_table;
I'm not sure about this interface, but you got the point. Like explicitly write fields you want to insert.

Parse multiple ResultSets from select query with Anorm 2.4

I am continuing my journey with Play, Scala & Anorm, and I faced a following problem:
One of my repository classes holds a logic to fetch list of email from DB for a user, as follows:
val sql =
|select * from user_email where user_id = {user_id}
'user_id ->
).as(UserEmail.simpleParser *)
While a parser is something like this:
val simpleParser: RowParser[UserEmail] = (
SqlParser.get[Muid](qualifiedColumnNameOf("", Identifiable.Column.Id)) ~
AuditMetadata.generateParser("") ~
SqlParser.get[Muid]("user_id") ~
SqlParser.get[String]("email") ~
SqlParser.get[Boolean]("verified") ~
SqlParser.get[Muid]("verification_code_id") ~
) map {
case id ~ audit ~ userId ~ email ~ emailVerified ~ emailVerificationCode ~ emailVerificationSentDate =>
When I execute this in test, I am getting the following error:
[error] Multiple ResultSets were returned by the query. (
It is expected, that there are more than a simple result; however, I am puzzled about how to parse this case correctly.
I was under assumption, that:
UserEmail.simpleParser single is for simple row
UserEmail.simpleParser * is to handle multiple rows
I could not figure this put based on documentation, and, at least for now, didn't find anything useful anywhere else.
How do I parse multiple rows from the result set?
Update: I just found this gist ( with pretty good explanation and created a ResultSetParser like so:
val multipleParser: ResultSetParser[List[UserEmail]] = UserEmail.simpleParser.*
And... that didn't help!

Anorm returning 0 results while psql returns 2 results

I'm powering a search bar via AJAX that passes a selected filter (radio button) that relates to a database column and a search string for whatever is entered in the search bar. The scala/play/anorm code I am using is this:
def searchDB(searchString: String, filter: String): List[DatabaseResult] = {
DB.withConnection { implicit c =>
SELECT name, email, emailsecondary, picture, linkedin, title, company, companylink, companydesc, location, github, stackoverflow, twitter, blog
FROM mailinglistperson
WHERE {filter} LIKE '%{searchString}%'
'filter -> filter,
'searchString -> searchString
When I run a query on the database (PostgreSQL) using psql that is isomorphic to the above anorm code, it returns 2 results, i.e.:
select id, name, email from mailinglistperson where company like '%kixer%';
But the anorm code returns 0 results when passed the exact same values (I've verified the values via println's)
EDIT: When I switch the anorm code to use String Interpolation I get:
[error] - play.core.server.netty.PlayDefaultUpstreamHandler - Cannot invoke the action
java.lang.RuntimeException: No parameter value for placeholder: 3
EDIT2: I also tried passing the '%...%' along with searchString into LIKE and still got 0 results.
There are two issues - the name of the column, and the filter value
As for the filter value: You have to omit the single ticks in the SQL command, and you should pass the placeholder "%" in the argument. The ticks are handled automatically in case of a string.
As for the column name: It's like a string parameter, so again ticks are handled automatically as well:
[debug] c.j.b.PreparedStatementHandle - select ... from ... where 'filter' like '%aaa%'
One solution: Use normal string interpolation s"""... $filter ...""".
All together:
SELECT name, email, ...
FROM mailinglistperson
WHERE $filter LIKE {searchString}
'searchString -> "%" + searchString + "%"
but that should be accompanied by a check before, something like
val validColumns = List("name", "email")
if (validColumns.contains(filter)) == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("...")
to guard against SQL injection.
As pointed out by cchantep: If Anorm >= 2.4 is used, one can use mixed interpolation (both for column names and values):
SQL"... WHERE #$filter LIKE $searchString"
In this case it's partially safe against SQL injection: that only covers the values, and not the column name.
Update 2
As for logging the SQL statements, see Where to see the logged sql statements in play2?
But as you are using PostgreSQL I suggest the definitive source: The PostgreSQL log: In postgresql.conf:
log_statement = 'all' # none, ddl, mod, all
then you will see in the PostgreSQL log file something like this:
LOG: select * from test50 where name like $1
DETAIL: Parameter: $1 = '%aaa'