I have a further question about opening up a .mat file. It is a "tree like structure" which specifies the pre-processing steps for image analysis and is a SPM5 Batch-File. Is there an easier way to view this file than by moving through it section by section? I'm trying to update this for re-analysis.
For example, by typing...
I can see what parameters are set for estimation. However, is there a way to get an output of the entire tree like structure? Or is there an easier way to view the final levels of the tree like structure?
I'm hoping that this makes sense, sorry again, I am a new user.
As far as I know Matlab does not have any built-in way of displaying the full content of recursive structs. However, if you know your programming abc, writing a recursive function for displaying it will not be a huge task. Simply start at the top, loop through all fields using fieldnames(...), determine for each field if it is a leave or a struct and possibly decent and repeat.
I have hundreds of Catia V5 catparts and catproducts in a folder on hard disc. I want to know if a particular catpart is used in some catproduct or not. If it is not used in any product, I want to delete it and clean my hard disc. One way to do it is to open all catproducts one by one and check carefully they contain this model. This is cumbersome process and can lead to serious mistakes. Is there some automatic way to check it? If not, is it possible to write some macro for that purpose?
It is possible with a VBA script. If it's just Catpart file that your looking for in a product, then your script would work as follows
query your folder(s) for all catparts and catproducts.(use 2 dictionaries or arrays, one for each file type each)
Via a loop, Individually open and load each catproduct and essentially walk the tree and compare each child Catpart to your compiled list of catparts. If a match is found, movethe part to a new "white list"(dictionary or array)
Close the catproduct and check the next one.
Then, when all done, your original list(dictionary or array) will be your unused parts.
I'm not sure exactly how your models are built, but you may need to check for additional references/links in your catproducts (additional logic) before doing something like this.
I have multiple vectors (+100) that have been loaded into MATLAB workspace, I would like to write a script that can plot and save them all, but for that I need their name, my question is: is there a way to automatically get the name vectors saved in the workspace.
thanks in advance.
Step one: whoever gave you a *.mat file with 100+ named variables in it, [censored for strong language and scenes some viewers may find upsetting]. I am only partly joking here; if you find yourself in this sort of situation normally it is because something has gone terribly wrong upstream. We can work around it, though.
Step two: use who with the filename to get a list of variables in that file
names = who('-file', 'all');
Step three: load the variables (or a subset of them) into a struct
data = load('all.mat');
Step four: use dynamic structure naming to extract data:
for n = 1:length(names);
plot(data.(names{n})); % or whatever you want to do with this data
I would probably just use the loop to dump the data in a cell array so as to make further processing simpler and avoid further use of dynamic field names or worse, eval.
You can use who, which lists all variables alphabetically in the active workspace.
I am doing a group project and we are supposed to be using GUIS to create a presentation. In the presentation there is data that is loaded in using an edit text box and our code then goes through calculations and if statements and is supposed to pass certain values to a different GUI. Our instructors do not know how to do it because we have asked them on several occasions and they cannot figure it out. We have tried varargin method and the getappdata method and neither one is working. Does anyone have suggestions? PLEEAASE!!
I would write some "Controller" program that will know open the figures for you and know how to forward the data. Basically it would be a simplified mvc-pattern. It could also assure the figures are opened in correct order.
I need to analyse several sets of data which are associated with different parameter sets (one single set of parameters for each set of data). I'm currently struggling to find a good way to store these parameters such that they are readily available when analysing a specific dataset.
The first thing I tried was saving them in a script file parameters.m in the data directory and load them with run([path_to_data,'/parameters.m']). I understand, however, that this is not good coding practice and it also gave me scoping problems (I think), as changes in parameters.m were not always reflected in my workspace variables. (Workspace variables were only changed after Clear all and rerunning the code.)
A clean solution would be to define a function parameters() in each data directory, but then again I would need to add the directory to the search path. Also I fear I might run into namespace collisions if I don't give the functions unique names. Using unique names is not very practical on the other hand...
Is there a better solution?
So define a struct or cell array called parameters and store it in the data directory it belongs in. I don't know what your parameters look like, but ours might look like this:
parameters.relative_tolerance = 10e-6
parameters.absolute_tolerance = 10e-6
parameters.solver_type = 3
and I can write
save('parameter_file', 'parameters')
or even
save('parameter_file', '-struct', 'parameters', *fieldnames*)
The online help reveals how to use -struct to store fields from a structure as individual variables should that be useful to you.
Once you've got the parameters saved you can load them with the load command.
To sum up: create a variable (most likely a struct or cell array) called parameters and save it in the data directory for the experiment it refers to. You then have all the usual Matlab tools for reading, writing and investigating the parameters as well as the data. I don't see a need for a solution more complicated than this (though your parameters may be complicated themselves).
Let's say i have a xml file with a tag named which contains the number of fields i want to show in my tableView and in another xml file i have the information to be displayed in that tableView.
The question is : Should i create 2 different file in my project (xmlparse1.h and .m + xmlparse2.h and .m) or should i just put all my code in 1 (xmlparse.h + .m) and differenciate which file i am parsing at the moment with a bool or something like that in the code?
I am developing an iphone app on Xcode 4.3 mac os x 10.7.4 if this might change
EDIT: 1st file :
2nd File :
So it looks like this. So, since nbrField is 2 I would take the 2 first value from tempMoy and humidite and show them in a tableView.
If how you're parsing is similar in both instances, to add two sets of files that do effectively the same thing would be extremely inefficient and considered bad practice. It makes a lot more sense to create a parser that can handle the two different files than to write two parsers that can only handle a specific file each.
To more specifically answer your question, I would determine which file you are parsing and behave accordingly, whether you do this with a bool or something else is up to you.
EDIT: Here is the idea that just popped into my head, so if for whatever reason this wont work for you(Like I said its been a while), or someone has a better idea, I'm all ears. You could still have a set of files(.h and .m) that contain the definition of your parser. Your parser could contain within it a two variables of type Object1 and Object2 which are built in such a way that they resemble the data structure that you need to store what you parse once for your first type of file, and a different definition for your second type of file. This way when parsing once you determine which file it is you are reading, it just changes which of these two objects you write into. There are also plenty of variations for how you could set this up, and I can also think of a few cases for what you might be trying to do where this might not work, but there is the idea regardless.
If you think that the two sets of files approach is better for the application you are trying to write and makes more sense to you, given what has been discussed in the comments, it isn't necessarily a bad idea.
In case if u want to create two table view in one view u need to create a single .h & .m file...If u want to create individual table view u need to create two .h & .m...
Try TBXML parser...that is the easiest way and less memory usage for xmlparsing...