arquillian persistence extension doesn't work - persistence

I'm trying to get my webservice tested. This webservice uses ejb with jpa to retrieve its data. So i want to use the arquillian extension to get this done.
This is my arquillian test class:
public class PersonWebServiceIT {
private PersonWebService service;
#Deployment(testable = false)
public static Archive<?> createDeployment() {
return ShrinkWrap
.create(ZipImporter.class, "test.ear")
.importFrom(new File("simple-webservice-ear-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.ear"))
public void testFindPersons(#ArquillianResource final URL deploymentUrl) {
Assert.assertEquals(2, service.findPersons().size());
private void loadService(final URL deploymentUrl)
//load webservice
This is my datasets/dataset.yml file:
- id: 1
firstName: "stijn"
- id: 2
firstName: "cremers"
my arquillian.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<arquillian xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<extension qualifier="persistence">
<property name="defaultDataSource">java:/DefaultDS</property>
My test data never gets loaded. I even tried with a wrongly formatted yml file, but even then i get no error.

The problem is with your test run mode. When you define your #Deployment with the attribute testable=false, all tests are run in the client mode, i.e. they're not run in-container.
The Arquillian Persistence Extension (as of 1.0.0.Alpha5) does not support running tests in client mode; only in-container tests are supported for now. Support for client mode tests in APE may come in a future release.

<property name="defaultDataSource">java:/DefaultDS</property>
U're specifying the Datasource which is defined in the server.
In client mode, test cases are run outside the Container(ie. Other JVM)
So that only persistence extension can not make use of data source and hence you can not use arquillian persistence extension client mode.
If there is anyway to specify jdbc url instead of datasource name in arquillian.xml file.Then u may use persistence extension


Spring Boot with application managed persistence context

I am trying to migrate an application from EJB3 + JTA + JPA (EclipseLink). Currently, this application makes use of application managed persistent context due to an unknown number of databases on design time.
The application managed persistent context allows us to control how to create EntityManager (e.g. supply different datasources JNDI to create proper EntityManager for specific DB on runtime).
Map properties = new HashMap();
properties.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.TRANSACTION_TYPE, "JTA");
//the datasource JNDI is by configuration and without prior knowledge about the number of databases
//currently, DB JNDI are stored in a externalized file
//the datasource is setup by operation team
properties.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.JTA_DATASOURCE, "datasource-jndi");
properties.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.CACHE_SHARED_DEFAULT, "false");
properties.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.SESSION_NAME, "xxx");
//create the proper EntityManager for connect to database decided on runtime
EntityManager em = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("PU1", properties).createEntityManager();
//query or update DB
When deployed in a EJB container (e.g. WebLogic), with proper TransactionAttribute (e.g. TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED), the container will take care of the transaction start/end/rollback.
Now, I am trying to migrate this application to Spring Boot.
The problem I encounter is that there is no transaction started even after I annotate the method with #Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED).
The Spring application is packed as an executable JAR file and run with embadded Tomcat.
When I try to execute those update APIs, e.g. EntityManager.persist(..), EclipseLink always complains about:
javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: 'No transaction is currently active'
Sample code below:
//for data persistence
class DynamicServiceImpl implements DynamicService {
//attempt to start a transaction
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED)
public void saveData(DbJndi, EntityA){
//this return false that no transaction started
//create an EntityManager based on the input DbJndi to dynamically
//determine which DB to save the data
EntityManager em = createEm(DbJndi);
//save the data
//restful service
class RestController{
DynamicService service;
#RequestMapping( value = "/saveRecord", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public #ResponseBody String saveRecord(){
//save data
//startup application
class TestApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
&ltpersistence-unit name="PU1" transaction-type="JTA">
&lt!-- comment for spring to handle transaction??? -->
&lt!--property name="" value="WebLogic_10"/ -->
------------------------------------------- (just 3 lines of config)
spring.jta.log-dir=spring-test # Transaction logs directory.
My usage pattern does not follow most typical use cases (e.g. with known number of DBs - Spring + JPA + multiple persistence units: Injecting EntityManager).
Can anybody give me advice on how to solve this issue?
Is there anybody who has ever hit this situation that the DBs are not known in design time?
Thank you.
I finally got it work with:
Enable tomcat JNDI and create the datasource JNDI to each DS programmatically
Add transaction stuff
com.atomikos:transactions-eclipselink:3.9.3 (my project uses eclipselink instead of hibernate)
You have pretty much answered the question yourself: "When deployed in a EJB container (e.g. WebLogic), with proper TransactionAttribute (e.g. TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED), the container will take care of the transaction start/end/rollback".
WebLogic is compliant with the Java Enterprise Edition specification which is probably why it worked before, but now you are using Tomcat (in embedded mode) which are NOT.
So you simply cannot do what you are trying to do.
This statement in your persistence.xml file:
<persistence-unit name="PU1" transaction-type="JTA">
requires an Enterprise Server (WebLogic, Glassfish, JBoss etc.)
With Tomcat you can only do this:
<persistence-unit name="PU1" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
And you need to handle transactions by your self:
... //Do your transaction stuff

Is it possible to write JUnit tests that are agnostic to your JAX-RS implementation?

I wrote a REST web service using JAX-RS that knows nothing about the specific JAX-RS implementation I chose. I happen to be using TomEE which means my JAX-RS implementation is ApacheCXF.
I'd like to write unit tests for the web service that also know nothing about the JAX-RS implementation. Is this possible? So far every example I've found involves using classes from a specific JAX-RS implementation (JAXRSClientFactory for ApacheCXF, Jersey Test Framework, etc).
I've started experimenting with tomee-embedded and am able to test my EJB's but it doesn't seem to startup the REST services.
My solution was to use Arquillian paired with an Embedded TomEE. Arquillian provides a ton of functionality but I'm only using it to start/stop the Embedded TomEE. Therefore, all I needed to do was add this to my pom.xml:
Then I could write a JUnit test with a little extra Arquillian stuff and plain JAX-RS:
public class MyServiceIT {
private URL webappUrl;
public static WebArchive createDeployment() {
return ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class)
.addAsWebInfResource("META-INF/persistence.xml") //Refers to src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml
.addAsWebInfResource("test-resources.xml", "resources.xml") //Refers to src/test/resources/test-resources.xml
.addAsWebInfResource(EmptyAsset.INSTANCE, "beans.xml");
public void randomTest() throws URISyntaxException {
//Get data from the web service.
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget webTarget ="myentity"));
Response response = webTarget.request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).get();
int status = response.getStatus();
List<MyEntity> myEntities = response.readEntity(new GenericType<List<MyEntity>>() {});
//Perform some tests on the data

HelloWorld using Drools Workbench & KIE Server

Have KIE Drools Workbench 6.2.0 Final installed inside a JBoss 7 Application Server local instance and Kie Server 6.2.0 Final inside a local Tomcat 7 instance.
Using the web based KIE Workbench strictly for evaluation purposes (am using it to code generate Java based Maven projects and am not using a particular IDE such as Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA):
Created a new repository called testRepo
Created a new project called HelloWorld
Created a new Data Object called HelloWorld with a String property called message:
package demo;
* This class was automatically generated by the data modeler tool.
public class HelloWorld implements {
static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private java.lang.String message;
public HelloWorld()
public java.lang.String getMessage()
return this.message;
public void setMessage(java.lang.String message)
this.message = message;
public HelloWorld(java.lang.String message)
this.message = message;
Created a new DRL containing the following contents:
package demo;
import demo.HelloWorld;
rule "hello"
HelloWorld(message == "Joe");
System.out.println("Hello Joe!");
When I deploy it to my Kie Server under this URL:
I get the following response when I copy and paste the above URL in Google Chrome:
<response type="SUCCESS" msg="Info for container hello">
<kie-container container-id="hello" status="STARTED">
<scanner status="DISPOSED"/>
When I try to do a POST using the following payload (using Postman or SoapUI):
<batch-execution lookup="defaultKieSession">
<insert out-identifier="message" return-object="true" entrypoint="DEFAULT">
Received the following:
HTTP Status 415 - Cannot consume content type
type Status report
message Cannot consume content type
description The server refused this request because the request entity is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method.
What am I possibly doing wrong? I went to Deploy -> Rule Deployments and registered my kie-server along with creating a container called helloworld and as one can see from Step # 5, it worked. Perhaps I am not deploying it correctly?
Btw, I used the following Stack Overflow post as a basis (prior to asking this question)...
Most of the search results from Google just explain how to programmatically create Drools projects by setting up Maven based projects. Am evaluating KIE Drools Workbench to see how easily a non-technical person can use KIE Drools Workbench to generate Drools based rules and execute them.
Am I missing a step? Under Tomcat 7, it only contains the following directories under apache-tomcat-7.0.64/webapps/kie-server-6.2.0.Final-webc:
Thanks for taking the time to read this...
What content type are you using in your POST request header?
As far as I remember, that error message happened if you didn't provide a content-type: application/xml in your request's header.
Hope it helps,
are you ok?
The response of Esteban is right, but, you should add a another header, the header that you need to add is "Authorization", and the value of Authorization is the user that you registered to you application realm to your kie-server converted in base64. e.g.:
converted to base64:
Anyway, the complete header of my request is like this:
Authorization : Basic a2llc2VydmVyOnN5c3RlbSowMQ==
Content-Type : application/xml
I hope it was helpful.
Sorry for my english! :)
I got it working with using Postman (Chrome app / plugin) with the Authorization tab selected to No Auth. Really cool response!
<response type="SUCCESS" msg="Container helloworld successfully called.">
<result identifier="message">
<fact-handle identifier="message" external-form="0:4:1864164041:1864164041:4:DEFAULT:NON_TRAIT"/>

Interceptors are not intercepting

I am having problems setting up a Java EE 6 CDI interceptors. I am using embedded glassfish, I have specified the interceptor in beans.xml in the web application.
I am trying to secure this bean:
public class SecuredMethodJSFBean /*implements Serializable*/{
protected SecuredMethodSample securedMethodSample;
protected RuntimePrincipalAware principal;
//protected JSFLoginBean jsfLoginBean;
public SecuredMethodJSFBean()
System.out.println("creating secured method jsf bean");
public void doSomething()
//System.out.println("\n\n\n\nprincipal:" + principal);
//System.out.println("principal:" + jsfLoginBean.getPrincipal());
securedMethodSample.doSomething("testing ...");
What do I need to do to get my interceptors running?
Also, I am trying to use interceptors to intercept method invocations on beans used by servlets. Since those beans are beans, I should be able to intercept them. However, I am unable to do so. I was originally trying to intercept method invocations in servlets directly, but they're not CDI beans so that does not make sense.
"I have specified the interceptor in beans.xml in the web application"
Is #Secured defined in another project / jar? In that case you need to enable it in that beans.xml.
To answer my question better, I did the following:
I made the project ejb instead of jar (inside maven).
I created an ejb-jar.xml file specifying / declaring my interceptor (src/main/resources/META-INF).
in projects using this interceptor, I specified the type as ejb to it would pick it up correctly.

How to get Container Managed Transactions (CMT) working with EJB 3.1, Hibernate 3.6, JPA 2.0 , JBoss and MySQL

I was trying to get CMT working with JPA EntityManagers and EJBs, but came up with the error below. (stack trance truncated):
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: **Could not resolve #EJB reference: [EJB Reference: beanInterface 'com.mydomain.beans.TestBean2', beanName 'testBean2', mappedName 'null', lookupName 'null',** owning unit 'AbstractVFSDeploymentContext#2008455195{vfs:///Users/willtardy/Documents/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/}']
for environment entry: env/com.mydomain.action.SearchAction/testBean in unit AbstractVFSDeploymentContext#2008455195{vfs:///Users/willtardy/Documents/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/}
My classes:
Servlet that access the Session Bean:
public class SearchActionExample extends Action {
private static TestBeanServiceInterface testBean;
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
testBean.addSource("TEST SOURCE NAME", 88, 99);
Service service = testBean.findService("HBA", "MEL");
return mapping.findForward("success");
Remote interface:
public interface TestBeanServiceInterface {
// Source is my own custom entity
void addSource(String sourceName, int newthreadsleeptime, int maxactivehttpclients);
// Service is my own Custom entity
Service findService(String departureAirportCode, String arrivalAirportCode);
Stateless Session Bean definition:
public class TestBeanService implements TestBeanServiceInterface {
private EntityManager em;
public void addSource(String sourceName, int newthreadsleeptime, int maxactivehttpclients) {
Source source = new Source();
public Service findService(String departureAirportCode, String arrivalAirportCode) {
String queryString = "from Service where departureairportcode = '" + departureAirportCode + "' and arrivalairportcode = '" + arrivalAirportCode + "'";
Service service = (Service)em.createQuery(queryString).getSingleResult();
return service;
file persistnce.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="2.0">
<persistence-unit name="mydomainJPA" transaction-type="JTA">
<property name="hibernate.query.factory_class" value="org.hibernate.hql.classic.ClassicQueryTranslatorFactory"/>
<property name="hibernate.archive.autodetection" value="class"/>
<property name="hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class" value="org.hibernate.transaction.JBossTransactionManagerLookup"/>
<property name="hibernate.current_session_context_class" value="jta"/>
When it says "cannot resolve reference", where else can I define the beans? ejb-jar.xml isn't needed with EJB3. Is there some other config file that I'm missing?
I have updated the code segments above so that the bean is created as the interface type instead, as per the answer below.
Do the EJBs need to be defined or mapped in web.xml?
Assuming that a reference is required in web.xml, I have added an EJB ref to web.xml (see below), but now I'm receiving a new error (see below)
lines added to web.xml:
new error message now being received:
12:11:00,980 ERROR [org.jboss.kernel.plugins.dependency.AbstractKernelController] Error installing to PostClassLoader: name=vfs:///Users/willtardy/Documents/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/ state=ClassLoader mode=Manual requiredState=PostClassLoader: org.jboss.deployers.spi.DeploymentException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to find ContainerDependencyMetaData for interface:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to find ContainerDependencyMetaData for interface: com.mydomain.action.TestBeanServiceInterface
at org.jboss.deployment.MappedReferenceMetaDataResolverDeployer.resolveEjbInterface( [:6.0.0.Final]
at org.jboss.deployment.MappedReferenceMetaDataResolverDeployer.resolveEjbRefs( [:6.0.0.Final]
at org.jboss.deployment.MappedReferenceMetaDataResolverDeployer.resolve( [:6.0.0.Final]
at org.jboss.deployment.MappedReferenceMetaDataResolverDeployer.internalDeploy( [:6.0.0.Final]
... 39 more
"Local" interface works just fine (i.e. doesn't have to be Remote)
I got it to work by deploying within an Enterprise Application Project within Eclipse. No references to beans are required within web.xml, ejb-jar.xml, or application.xml.
Contents of application.xml within EAR being deployed to Jboss:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<application xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xmlns:application="" xsi:schemaLocation="" id="Application_ID" version="6">
SessionBean class:
public class SessionBean implements SessionBeanLocal {
private EntityManager em;
Interface class:
public interface SessionBeanLocal {
TestTiger addTestTiger(String testTigerName);
MOST IMPORTANT change that got things working: inside the class that holds the session been local variable, a setting was required for the container (JBoss AS) to create the bean:
private TestBean3Local beanVariable;
public void setBeanVariable(TestBean3Local beanVariable) {
System.out.println("=====\n\nSET BEAN VARIABE SETTER WAS CALLED. (BY CONTAINER?) \n\n=======");
this.beanVariable = beanVariable;
You need to inject the remote interface and not the Bean
public class SearchActionExample extends Action {
private static TestBean2Remote testBean;
public class SearchActionExample extends Action {
private static TestBeanServiceInterface testBean;
Don't do injections into static field, injections are instance members and happen when object is created, whereas static field is a class member. This is most probably the cause for exception.
I have obtained a working solution:
#Local interface works just fine (i.e. doesn't have to be Remote)
No references to beans are required within web.xml, ejb-jar.xml, application.xml, or any jboss config file.
I got it to work by deploying within an "Enterprise Application Project" (EAP) within Eclipse. This project contains "Deployment Assembly" that contains the .jar containing JPA Entity Classes, and another .jar that contains other business-logic classes. The EAP has those two projects PLUS the EJB project and the "Dynamic Web Project" (creates a .war) for a total of 4 projects on it's build path. Jboss AS tool within Eclipse publishes/deploys the EAP to the Jboss server. Contents of application.xml within EAP being deployed to Jboss:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<application xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xmlns:application="" xsi:schemaLocation="" id="Application_ID" version="6">
Local Interface class:
package com.myproject.beans;
import javax.ejb.Local;
import com.myproject.entities.Lion;
public interface SessionBeanLocal {
Lion addLion(String lionName);
SessionBean class:
package com.myproject.beans;
import javax.ejb.Local;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
import com.myproject.Lion;
public class SessionBean implements SessionBeanLocal {
private EntityManager em;
public Lion addLion(String lionName) {
Lion lion = new Lion(lionName);
MOST IMPORTANT change that got things working: inside the class that holds the session been variable (e.g. inside a Struts action servlet, but could be any servlet), a setter method was required for the container (JBoss AS) to create the bean:
private SessionBeanLocal bean;
public void setBean(SessionBeanLocal bean) {
System.out.println("setBean setter was called by container (e.g. Jboss)");
this.bean = bean;
public exampleStrutsServletMethod(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
Lion lion = bean.addLion("Simba"); // this will persist the Lion within the persistence-context (and auto-generate an Id), and the container will manage when it's flushed to the database
out.print("<html>LION ID = " + lion.getLionId() + "<html>");
file persistnce.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="2.0">
<persistence-unit name="PersistenceUnitNameInPersistenceXML" transaction-type="JTA">
mysql-dx.xml (in directory jboss-server-dir/server/default/deploy):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
NOTE: Classes do not need to be defined in persistence.xml (via "< class >") if "Persistence Class Management" is set to "Discover annotated classes automatically" in "Java Persistence" project property panel for the Eclipse JPA project (i.e. the project that containers your JPA 2.0 Entity classes and persistence.xml)
NOTE: This solution is based on: EJB3.1, Eclipse Helios SR2, Hibernate 3.6, JPA 2.0, JBoss 6, MySQL 5.5.10
NOTE: Regarding "Container Managed Transactions" (CMT). The Hibernate manual references them, and indicates that you need to set persistence.xml properties such as "hibernate.transaction.factory_class" to value of: "org.hibernate.transaction.CMTTransactionFactory". This is not the case if you are using JPA EntityManager instead of native hibernate. I didn't required any such custom CMT properties in persistence.xml. This is where Hibernate gets confusing, between the two ways to implement it (i.e. SessionFactory vs EntityManager). Please feel free to comment more on this part of my solution as I'm still just wrapping my head around it! Will