Can I move the debugger context up and down the stack? - perl

Basically I'm looking for the perl equivalent of gdb's "up" and "down" commands. If I break on subroutine bar, and I have a call stack that looks like this:
I'd like to be able to (without returning from bar or baz) navigate up the foo frame and see what it was doing by manipulating variables as I ordinarily would using arguments to p or x.

Use the y command.
$ cat
sub bar {
my $fnord = 42;
sub baz { bar }
sub foo {
my $fnord = 23;
$ perl -d
Loading DB routines from version 1.37
Editor support available.
Enter h or 'h h' for help, or 'man perldebug' for more help.
main::( foo;
DB<1> c 3
main::bar( 1
DB<2> y 2 fnord
$fnord = 23
DB<3> T
. = main::bar() called from file '' line 5
. = main::baz() called from file '' line 8
. = main::foo() called from file '' line 10


How can I set a working breakpoint to a constant expression?

I have Perl code that uses a constant with an initializing block like this:
use constant C => map {
} (0..255);
When I try to set a breakpoint at the ...; line, it does not work, meaning: I can set the breakpoint, but the debugger does not stop there.
I tried:
Start the program with the debugger (perl -d
Set the breakpoint in the debugger (b 2)
Reload using R, then run (r) the program
But still the debugger did not stop at the line, just as if I had no breakpoint set.
My Perl is not the latest; it's 5.18.2, just in case it matters...
You are trying to put a break point in a use block.
A use block is in effect a BEGIN block with a require in it.
The Perl debugger by default does not stop in compile phase.
However you can force the Perl debugger into single step mode inside a BEGIN block by setting the variable $DB::single to 1
See Debugging Compile-Time Statements in perldoc perldebug
If you change your code to
use constant C => map {
$DB::single = 1;
} (0..255);
The Perl debugger will stop in the use statement.
You can avoid altering your code if you create a simple module like this (concept originated here):
package StopBegin;
Then, run your code as
perl -I./ -MStopBegin -d
Pertinent Answer (previous, not-so-pertinent answer is below this one)
If looks like this:
use constant C => {
map {;
"C$_" => $_;
} 0 .. 255
here's what the debug interaction looks like:
% perl -I./ -MStopBegin -d
Loading DB routines from version 1.53
Editor support available.
Enter h or 'h h' for help, or 'man perldebug' for more help.
8: 1;
DB<1> s
5: };
DB<1> -
1 use constant C => {
2: map {;
3: "C$_" => $_;
4 } 0 .. 255
5==> };
DB<2> b 3
DB<3> c
3: "C$_" => $_;
Note the use of the breakpoint to stop inside the map.
Previous, Not-So-Pertinent Answer
If looks like this:
my $foo;
$foo = 1;
here's what the debug interaction looks like:
% perl -I./ -MStopBegin -d
Loading DB routines from version 1.53
Editor support available.
Enter h or 'h h' for help, or 'man perldebug' for more help.
8: 1;
DB<1> s
4: $foo = 1;
DB<1> s
main::( my $foo;
DB<1> s
Debugged program terminated. Use q to quit or R to restart,
use o inhibit_exit to avoid stopping after program termination,
h q, h R or h o to get additional info.
Note the use of the s command to advance, otherwise it'll skip over the BEGIN block in

Replace text in a file and add numbering to the new string

I want to replace every occurrence of a string in a file but in a way that the new text will be numbered. Example:
foo bar a
foo bar b
foo bar c
bar baz1 a
bar baz2 b
bar baz3 c
How to do this in command line?
One way with awk:
$ awk '{gsub(/foo bar/,"bar baz"++i)}1' file
bar baz1 a
bar baz2 b
bar baz3 c
perl -lape '#F[0,1] = ($F[1], "baz". ++$i); $_= "#F"' file
Using shell.
#! /usr/bin/bash
while read a b c
echo "bar baz$i $c"
done < file

perl - push not appending to the end of the array

DB<2> n
main::(/home/repsa/ my $tttdiskhumber=$myTemprecord[-1];
DB<2> n
main::(/home/repsa/ push(#myMainrecord,$tttdiskhumber);
DB<2> p #myMainrecord
DB<3> p $tttdiskhumber
DB<4> n
main::(/home/repsa/ #myTemprecord=();
DB<4> p #myMainrecord
Why my last push is not appending to the end of the array?
Any help is appreciated....
oh it is. The problem is that you're sending a carriage return to the screen. It's probably trailing the previous element in the array.
$ perl -e'print "abc", "def\r", "ghi", "\n";'
You probably read a Windows text file on a non-Windows system without convert the line endings, either in advance (using dos2unix) or when you read the file (by using s/\s+\z//; instead of chomp;).
As jordanm suggested in a comment, the debugger's x command will show you what you have better than p.
$ perl -d
Loading DB routines from version 1.33
Editor support available.
Enter h or `h h' for help, or `man perldebug' for more help.
my #a = ("abc", "def\r", "ghi");
main::(-:1): my #a = ("abc", "def\r", "ghi");
DB<1> s
main::(-:2): 1;
DB<1> p #a
DB<2> x #a
0 'abc'
1 "def\cM"
2 'ghi'
DB<3> q

How can I monitor the Perl call stack?

I'm using ActivePerl 5.8 on Windows XP.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
There are three subroutines used in my script.
To detect the call stack, I can only insert some print "some location"; and check the print result from console Window.
Is there any good method to monitor it? Thank you.
If it's your code, you might want to use:
Carp::cluck( "And here's the stack:" );
See Carp::cluck. It prints out a warning with a stack trace. It works like the "printf" style of debug output.
Use the debugger's T command.
$ perl -d -e'
sub foo {}
sub bar { foo; }
Loading DB routines from version 1.32
Editor support available.
Enter h or `h h' for help, or `man perldebug' for more help.
main::(-e:4): bar;
DB<1> s
main::bar(-e:3): sub bar { foo; }
DB<1> s
main::foo(-e:2): sub foo {}
DB<1> T
. = main::foo() called from -e line 3
. = main::bar() called from -e line 4
DB<1> s
Debugged program terminated. Use q to quit or R to restart,
use o inhibit_exit to avoid stopping after program termination,
h q, h R or h o to get additional info.
DB<1> q
You weren't specific about why you'd like to monitor the call stack and trace your subs, so answers will have to be broad.
One method is caller:
Returns the context of the current subroutine call. In scalar context, returns the caller's package name if there is a caller, that is, if we're in a subroutine or eval or require, and the undefined value otherwise. In list context, returns
# 0 1 2
($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
With EXPR, it returns some extra information that the debugger uses to print a stack trace. The value of EXPR indicates how many call frames to go back before the current one.
# 0 1 2 3 4
($package, $filename, $line, $subroutine, $hasargs,
# 5 6 7 8 9 10
$wantarray, $evaltext, $is_require, $hints, $bitmask, $hinthash)
= caller($i);
You might also use the Devel::Cover module:
Code coverage data are collected using a pluggable runops function which counts how many times each op is executed. These data are then mapped back to reality using the B compiler modules. There is also a statement profiling facility which needs a better backend to be really useful.
The more you tell us about what you want to do, the more helpful to you our answers will be!
You rarely need to directly manage the call stack in Perl. If you do caller is the tool you want. However, it is only rarely needed.
More often, I want to see a stack trace when I am debugging. Good news, its easy to get a stack trace, simply use Carp's confess and cluck functions instead of die and warn.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
sub foo {
confess "Oh noes" unless #_ == 6; # confess is fatal
sub bar {
my $count = shift;
cluck "bar is in trouble" unless int $count == $count; # cluck is not fatal
foo( ('a')x $count );
This gets you:
dao:~ toad$ perl
bar is in trouble at line 14
main::bar(6.1) called at line 5
Oh noes at line 9
main::foo('a') called at line 15
main::bar(1) called at line 6

How do I rerun a subroutine without restarting the script in Perl's debugger?

Suppose I have a situation where I'm trying to experiment with some Perl code.
perl -d chugs it's merry way around (it's a big script), and I decide I want to rerun a particular subroutine and single step through it, but without restarting the process. How would I do that?
The debugger command b method sets a breakpoint at the beginning of your subroutine.
DB<1> b foo
DB<2> &foo(12)
main::foo( my ($x) = #_;
DB<<3>> s
main::foo( $x += 3;
DB<<3>> s
main::foo( print "x = $x\n";
DB<<3>> _
Sometimes you may have to qualify the subroutine names with a package name.
DB<1> use MyModule
DB<2> b MyModule::MySubroutine
just do: func_name(args)
sub foo {
my $arg = shift;
print "hello $arg\n";
In perl -d:
DB<1> foo('tom')
hello tom
Responding to the edit regarding wanting to re-step through a subroutine.
This is not entirely the most elegant way of doing this, but I don't have another method off the top of my head and am interested in other people's answers to this question :
my $stop_foo = 0;
while(not $stop_foo) {
sub foo {
my $a = 1 + 1;
The debugger will continually execute foo, but you can stop the next loop by executing '$stop_foo++' in the debugger.
Again, I don't really feel like that's the best way but it does get the job done with only minor additions to the debugged code.