Vectorizing scalars/vector division - matlab

If for example I have:
can I do sth like : ?
or sth to avoid the A1 and A2?

A=bsxfun(#rdivide,[Q1;Q2],sqrt(PG)) will do (note the semicolon, not comma, between Q1 and Q2), but if the code in the question is your use case and you ever want anyone else to read and understand the code, I'd advise against using it.
You have to address the rows of A using A(1,:) and A(2,:) (no matter how you get to A), but you probably want to plot(PG,A) anyway.
[edit after first comment:]
rdivide is simply the name of the function usually denoted ./ in MATLAB code, applicable to arrays of the same size or a scalar and an array. bsxfun will simply apply a two-argument function to the other two arguments supplied to it in a way it considers best-fitting (to simplify a bit). arrayfun does something similar: applying a function to all elements of one array. To apply here, one would need a function having PG hard-coded inside.


Replace values in an array in matlab without changing the original array

My question is that given an array A, how can you give another array identical to A except changing all negatives to 0 (without changing values in A)?
My way to do this is:
B = A;
Is there any one-line command to do this and also not requiring to create another copy of A?
While this particular problem does happen to have a one-liner solution, e.g. as pointed out by Luis and Ian's suggestions, in general if you want a copy of a matrix with some operation performed on it, then the way to do it is exactly how you did it. Matlab doesn't allow chained operations or compound expressions, so you generally have no choice but to assign to a temporary variable in this manner.
However, if it makes you feel better, B=A is efficient as it will not result in any new allocated memory, unless / until B or A change later on. In other words, before the B(B<0)=0 step, B is simply a reference to A and takes no extra memory. This is just how matlab works under the hood to ensure no memory is wasted on simple aliases.
PS. There is nothing efficient about one-liners per se; in fact, you should avoid them if they lead to obscure code. It's better to have things defined over multiple lines if it makes the logic and intent of the algorithm clearer.
e.g, this is also a valid one-liner that solves your problem:
B = subsasgn(A, substruct('()',{A<0}), 0)
This is in fact the literal answer to your question (i.e. this is pretty much code that matlab will call under the hood for your commands). But is this clearer, more elegant code just because it's a one-liner? No, right?
B = A.*(A>=0)
A>=0 - create matrix where each element is 1 if >= 0, 0 otherwise
A.*(A>=0) - multiply element-wise
B = A.*(A>=0) - Assign the above to B.

Creating functions in Matlab

Hi, I am trying to write a function as per the question. I have tried to create four sub-matrices which are the reverse of each other and then multiply to give the products demanded by the question. My attempt:
function T = custom_blocksT(n,m)
What I'm unsure of is
(i) What do the the indivual sub-matrices(T(1:end,end-1:1);)need to be equal to? I was thinking of(1:3)?
(ii) I tried to create a generic sub-matrix which can take any size matrix input using end was this correct or can't you do that? I keep getting this error
Undefined function or variable 'T'.
Error in custom_blocksT (line 2)
I have searched the Matlab documentation and stacked overflow, but the problem is I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to be looking for in terms of solving this question.
If someone could help me I would be very thankfull.
There are many problems with your function:
function T = custom_blocksT(n,m)
This is an extremely basic question, I highly recommend you find and work through some very basic MATLAB tutorials before continuing, even before reading this answer to be honest.
That said here is what you should have done and a bit of what you did wrong:
First, you are getting the error that T dos not exist because it doesn't. The only variables that exist in your function are those that you create in the function or those that are passed in as parameters. You should have passed in T as a parameter, but instead you passed in n and m which you don't use.
In the question, they call the function using the example:
So you can see that they are only passing in one variable, your function takes two and that's already a problem. The one variable is the matrix, not it's dimensions. And the matrix they are passing in is [1:3;3:-1:1] which if you type in the command line you will see gives you
[1 2 3
3 2 1]
So for your first line to take in one argument which is that matrix it should rather read
function TOut = custom_blocks(TIn)
Now what they are asking you to do is create a matrix, TOut, which is just different multiples of TIn concatenated.
What you've done with say TIn(1:end,end-1:1)*2; is just ask MATLAB to multiple TIn by 2 (that's the only correct bit) but then do nothing with it. Furthermore, indexing the rows by 1:end will do what you want (i.e. request all the rows) but in MATLAB you can actually just use : for that. Indexing the columns by end-1:1 will also call all the columns, but in reverse order. So in effect you are flipping your matrix left-to-right which I'm sure is not what you wanted. So you could have just written TIn(:,:) but since that's just requesting the entire matrix unchanged you could actually just write TIn.
So now to multiply and concatenate (i.e. stick together) you do this
TOut = [TIn, TIn*2; TIn*3, TIn*4]
The [] is like a concatenate operation where , is for horizontal and ; is for vertical concatenation.
Putting it all together:
function TOut = custom_blocks(TIn)
TOut = [TIn, TIn*2; TIn*3, TIn*4];

bsxfun() Invalid output dimensions

I have a function that takes upto seven arguments and returns a row vector. The first three arguments are vectors (column, column, row) and the remaining four are optional scalars.
I want to use bsxfun() to apply the function to a vector of its last argument. Below is my attempt to do that.
o = #(m,pulse,N0,samples_per_pulse,sample_select,filter,channel_cutoff) ELE452Functions.EvaluateBER(m,pulse,N0,samples_per_pulse,sample_select,filter,channel_cutoff);
oo = #(m,pulse,N0,samples_per_pulse,sample_select,filter,channel_cutoff) bsxfun(#(N0,channel_cutoff) o(m,pulse,N0,samples_per_pulse,sample_select,filter,channel_cutoff), N0' , channel_cutoff);
when I try to call the function with a vector, oo(m,pulse,N0,1,1,1,[0.5 0.2]); for example, I get this error:
Error using bsxfun
Invalid output dimensions.
I am not experienced in using bsxfun and I tried to follow the documentation.
May be this is a clearer way to ask my question:
I want to use bsxfun to rewrite (improve) the code below with out a loop.
for i=1:length(channel_normalized_cuttoffs)
BER_LPchannel(i,:) = ELE452Functions.EvaluateBER(m,pulse,N0,1,1,1,channel_normalized_cuttoffs(i));
The idea behind bsxfun is to evaluate a certain function for all possible combinations of two elements (b in bsxfun stands for binary), each coming from one of the arrays. (NB: This is valid if you use it with a row and a column vector. But bsxfun can also do more.)
What you want to achieve is simply: For all entries of a single array, evaluate a function.
So bsxfun is just not the correct choice here.
You could use arrayfun instead, but this still may not perform a lot better than your original for loop, as it looks like the Matlab JIT Compiler would be able to optimize most of it, considering it's simplicity.
As I don't have the code of your function, I'm not able to test it, but your solution might look a lot like this:
evalBER = #(CNcutoffi) ELE452Functions.EvaluateBER(m,pulse,N0,1,1,1,CNcutoffi);
BER_LPchannel = arrayfun(evalBER, channel_normalized_cuttoffs, 'UniformOutput', false)

How to get all outputs (MatLab)?

Suppose I have a function that gives out unknown number of output arguments (it depends on input,thus change through the loops). How to get all of them?
nargout doesn't help as the function uses varargout (the result is -1)
And of course I can't rewrite the function, otherwise the question wouldn't arise :- )
Well, thanks to all partisipated in discussion. Summing up, it seems the problem has no general solution, because MatLab itself estimates the number of desired outputs before the function call to use inside it. Three cases can be pointed out though:
1) The funcrion doesn't have varargout in definition, thus nOut=nargout(#fcn) returns positive number.
Then nOut is an actual number of outputs and we can use a cell array and a column list trick.
2) The funcrion has varargout in definition, thus nOut=nargout(#fcn) returns negative number. However some correlation with inputs can be found (like length(varargin)=length(varargout)).
Then we can calculate the resulting nOut from inputs and perform the above column list trick.
3) You know the fcn developer.
Ask him fot assistance. For example to make the function's output to be a cell array.
One of ways I usually use in this case is to store all outputs in a cell array inside the function. Getting the cell array outside the function's body, you might investigate its length and other properties.
Here is how you could deal with the problem in general. I didn't mention this solution earlier because... it is horrible.
Suppose a function can have 1 or 2 output arguments:
[a, b] = f(x)
a = f(x)
Of course it is possible to do this for any number of output arguments, but you really don't want to.

Number of outputs from constant anonymous function (anonymous function not known a priori)

This question may initially appear similar to this other question but my situation is a little bit different.
I have a function 'deriv' that takes a symbolic expression as its input, then takes the first derivative of that symbolic expression. That derivative is then converted into an anonymous function using matlabFunction(), and is then evaluated over an array of points. I also use the anonymous function later in some other code.
The problem I'm having is that sometimes the input symbolic expression happens to be linear, and thus the derivative is constant; therefore the anonymous function is also a constant. When I evaluate the anonymous function over the array of points, I only get one output instead of an array of outputs.
Here's some code showing what I'm doing. For the sake of simplicity here, let's assume that the symbolic input expressions will involve only one symbolic variable called q.
function[derivFun,derivVals] = deriv(input)
derivSym = diff(input,q);
derivFun = matlabFunction(derivSym,'vars',q);
evalPoints = [1;2;3;4;5]; %in my true application, a much larger array
derivVals = derivFun(evalPoints);
So if the input is q^2, then the output derivVals will be [2;4;6;8;10]. But if the input happens to be, say, 3*q, then derivVals will be 3 (just a single scalar). What I'd like is for derivVals to be [3;3;3;3;3].
That is, I'd like derivVals to be the same size as evalPoints even if the input function happens to be linear (or constant). And I don't know ahead of time what the input expression will be.
Can anyone give suggestions for a scheme that would do that? I understand that a constant anonymous function will just return a single constant scalar, regardless of the size of its input. What I'm hoping for is perhaps some way to recognize when the anonymous function is constant and then still cause derivVals to be the same size as evalPoints.
I know that I could use a for loop to evaluate derivFun for every row of evalPoints, but I'd like to avoid using such a loop if possible.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
I think that this is a slightly simpler solution. The issue is that you're using matlabFunction, which simplifies down the equations and doesn't allow much customization. However, you can create an anonymous function of an anonymous function. Just add the this line right after your matlabFunction line:
derivFun = #(evalPoints)derivFun(evalPoints)+zeros(size(evalPoints));
This only evaluates the original derivFun once. However, I do like you symvar solution (just remember that adding zeros is always better than multiplying ones).
Not 100% sure I got the problem correctly.
Would this solve your issue?:
if isscalar(derivVals)
derivVals = repmat(derivVals, size(evalPoints));