Jomsocial Extra Field - plugins

I am trying to create extra fields on the Jomsocial Groups Create New Group page, its suggested on the Jomsocial docs that the best way is to creat a plugin to do this.
As I have never created such a complex plugin do anyone have a working example to start with?
Here is the code that I have tried with
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
if (! class_exists ( 'plgSpbgrouppostcode' )) {
class plgSpbgrouppostcode extends JPlugin {
* Method construct
function plgSystemExample($subject, $config) {
parent::__construct($subject, $config);
// JPlugin::loadLanguage ( 'plg_system_example', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR ); // only use if theres any language file
include_once( JPATH_ROOT .'/components/com_community/libraries/core.php' ); // loading the core library now
function onFormDisplay( $form_name )
Add additional form elements at the bottom privacy page
$elements = array();
if( $form_name == 'jsform-groups-forms' )
$obj = new CFormElement();
$obj->label = 'Labe1 1';
$obj->position = 'after';
$obj->html = '<input name="custom1" type="text">';
$elements[] = $obj;
$obj = new CFormElement();
$obj->label = 'Labe1 2';
$obj->position = 'after';
$obj->html = '<input name="custom2" type="text">';
$elements[] = $obj;
return $elements;


output records in the form of html table from moodle database , custom block development

Please check this code for the custom block to be placed in the dashboard. We want to display an HTML table for the records. But it does not add up to the custom block, rather it appears on the top page.
enter image description here
class block_scorecard extends block_base {
function init() {
$this->title = get_string('pluginname', 'block_scorecard');
function get_content() {
global $DB;
if ($this->content !== NULL) {
return $this->content;
$content = '';
$courses = $DB->get_records('scorm_scoes_track', ['element' => 'cmi.core.total_time']);
$table=new html_table();
$table->head=array('No of attempts','Time modified','status');
foreach ($courses as $course) {
$timemodified=userdate($course->timemodified, get_string('strftimerecentfull'));
$table->data[]=array($attempt, $timemodified, $status);
echo html_writer::table($table);
$this->content = new stdClass;
$this->content->text = $content;
echo html_writer::table($table);
Should be
$content .= html_writer::table($table);

How to extend date picker viewhelper of EXT:powermail?

I need to add a custom validator to the datepicker field. By default, this field comes without any validators.
I've already made the validator settings visible in the TCA of tx_powermail_domain_model_field and added my custom validator as usual.
Now I need the attributes data-parsley-customXXX and data-parsley-error-message added to the HTML input field which is usually done via the the viewhelper in ValidationDataAttributeViewHelper.php:
This is the code I need to extend:
I found a solution for my problem. As suggested in the comment it's possible to extend the Viewhelper:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['Objects'][\In2code\Powermail\ViewHelpers\Validation\DatepickerDataAttributeViewHelper::class] = [
'className' => \Vendor\MyExt\Powermail\ViewHelpers\Validation\DatepickerDataAttributeViewHelper::class
namespace Vendor\MyExt\Powermail\ViewHelpers\Validation;
use In2code\Powermail\Domain\Model\Field;
use In2code\Powermail\Utility\LocalizationUtility;
class DatepickerDataAttributeViewHelper extends \In2code\Powermail\ViewHelpers\Validation\DatepickerDataAttributeViewHelper
* Returns Data Attribute Array Datepicker settings (FE + BE)
* #return array for data attributes
public function render(): array
/** #var Field $field */
$field = $this->arguments['field'];
$additionalAttributes = $this->arguments['additionalAttributes'];
$value = $this->arguments['value'];
$additionalAttributes['data-datepicker-force'] =
$additionalAttributes['data-datepicker-settings'] = $this->getDatepickerSettings($field);
$additionalAttributes['data-datepicker-months'] = $this->getMonthNames();
$additionalAttributes['data-datepicker-days'] = $this->getDayNames();
$additionalAttributes['data-datepicker-format'] = $this->getFormat($field);
if ($value) {
$additionalAttributes['data-date-value'] = $value;
if ($field->getValidation() && $this->isClientValidationEnabled()) {
$value = 1;
if ($field->getValidationConfiguration()) {
$value = $field->getValidationConfiguration();
$additionalAttributes['data-parsley-custom' . $field->getValidation()] = $value;
$additionalAttributes['data-parsley-error-message'] =
LocalizationUtility::translate('validationerror_validation.' . $field->getValidation());
$this->addMandatoryAttributes($additionalAttributes, $field);
return $additionalAttributes;

How to use createUser in Facebook Ads (to replace deprecated addUsers)

Now that I've upgraded to "facebook/php-ads-sdk": "2.8.*" (, this function of mine doesn't work anymore:
public function addToCustomAudience($entriesArray, $audienceId, $inputType = CustomAudienceTypes::EMAIL) {
$audience = new CustomAudience($audienceId);
$result = $audience->addUsers($entriesArray, $inputType);
return $result;
Apparently addUsers is no longer available.
I see a createUser function, but it looks quite different, and there is no documentation online about how to migrate from addUsers to createUser.
What I want to do is simple.
Given an array of email addresses and an ID of an audience, how can I add all of those email addresses to that Facebook Custom Audience?
From what I can see in the code, addUsers is still there, and it's documented on the Developer site.
I just used the latest SDK along with the following code to update an audience:
use FacebookAds\Object\CustomAudience;
use FacebookAds\Object\Values\CustomAudienceTypes;
$emails = array(
$audience = new CustomAudience(<CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_ID>);
$audience->addUsers($emails, CustomAudienceTypes::EMAIL);
This seems to work for my purposes.
I copied some code from the facebook-php-ads-sdk as a workaround.
$audience = new CustomAudience($audienceId);
$params = $this->formatParams($entriesArray, $inputType, [], false);
$audience->createUser([], $params, false);
* Copied this from Facebook's
* Take users and format them correctly for the request
* #param array $users
* #param string $type
* #param array $app_ids
* #param bool $is_hashed
* #return array
protected function formatParams(array $users, $type, array $app_ids = array(), $is_hashed = false) {
if ($type == CustomAudienceTypes::EMAIL || $type == CustomAudienceTypes::PHONE) {
$normalizer = new EmailNormalizer();
$hash_normalizer = new HashNormalizer();
foreach ($users as &$user) {
if ($type == CustomAudienceTypes::EMAIL) {
$user = $normalizer->normalize(CustomAudienceTypes::EMAIL, $user);
if (!$is_hashed) {
$user = $hash_normalizer->normalize(
CustomAudienceTypes::EMAIL, $user);
$payload = array(
'schema' => $type,
'data' => $users,
if ($type === CustomAudienceTypes::ID) {
if (empty($app_ids)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
"Custom audiences with type " . CustomAudienceTypes::ID . " require"
. "at least one app_id");
$payload['app_ids'] = $app_ids;
return array('payload' => $payload);

Custom Joomla 1.5 View cannot find the layout default.php file

I have been developing templates for Joomla 1.5 (obsolete one, yes I knew it. Unfortunately, I've been spending some time working with it and move on to newer version will be like starting from zero).
I tried to understand how Joomla 1.5 components work, especially for those using MVC principle, and somehow I managed to make things work, except now I have been stuck with the layout of a customized view. For unknown reason, Joomla could not read or find the layout (default.php) inside the folder com_hello2/views/viewed/tmpl and give '500 error Layout default not found'.
I tried to move the default.php file from folder to folder, looking if I could figure out where Joomla want me to put the default.php. It DOES work for the default view, located on com_hello2/views/hello2/tmpl.
Could anyone please help me with this problem?
Here are the codes from the controllers:
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );
class Hello2Controller extends JController
function display($tpl = null)
$task = JRequest::getVar('task', null, 'default', 'cmd');
switch ($task){
case 'view':
$model = &$this->getModel('Viewed');
$view = &$this->getView('viewed','html');
$mylayout = 'default';
case 'newstatus':
$view = &$this->getView('hello2','html');
$model = &$this->getModel();
$mylayout = 'default';
I created two models, one is the default Hello2ModelHello2, the new one is Hello2ModelViewed. I seperated the two models based on the tasks in the controllers.
the Hello2ModelHello2:
// Check to ensure this file is included in Joomla!
defined('_JEXEC') or die( 'Restricted access' );
class Hello2ModelHello2 extends JModel
//add CC
function getComments()
global $mainframe;
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$id = JRequest::getVar('id', 0, '', 'int');
$query = 'SELECT a.*'.
' FROM #__hello1 AS a '.
' LEFT JOIN #__content AS b ON a.article_id ='.
' WHERE a.state = 1';
$db->setQuery( $query );
$comments = $db->loadObjectList();
return $comments;
now the Hello2ModelViewed
// Check to ensure this file is included in Joomla!
defined('_JEXEC') or die( 'Restricted access' );
class Hello2ModelViewed extends JModel
function __construct()
$id = JRequest::getVar('id', 0, '', 'int');
function setId($id)
// Set new article ID and wipe data
$this->_id = $id;
$this->_article = null;
//get certain comment only.
function getSingle()
global $mainframe;
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$id = JRequest::getVar('id', 0, '', 'int');
$query = 'SELECT a.*'.
' FROM #__hello1 AS a' .
' LEFT JOIN #__content AS b ON a.article_id ='.
' WHERE = '.$id.
' AND a.state = 1';
$db->setQuery( $query );
$comments = $db->loadObjectList();
return $comments;
the view.html of Viewed View is
defined('_JEXEC') or die( 'Restricted access' );
jimport( 'joomla.application.component.view');
class Hello2View extends JView
function __construct($config = array())
class Hello2ViewViewed extends Hello2View{
function display($tpl = null)
$model = &$this->getModel();
$id = JRequest::getVar('id', 0, '', 'int');
$comments = $model->getSingle();
and view.html of Hello2 View is
defined('_JEXEC') or die( 'Restricted access' );
jimport( 'joomla.application.component.view');
class Hello2ViewHello2 extends JView{
function display($tpl = null)
$model = &$this->getModel();
$comments = $model->getComments();
if($this->getLayout() == 'view') {
It works for me to execute index.php?option=com_hello2&task=display
but gets error when execute index.php?option=com_hello2&task=view
eventhough the default.php is already inside the directory views/viewed/
any input appreciated! :)

Silverstripe - Generic search form doesn't work on Security/Login page

I have defined a searchform in the Page.php file
function AdvancedSearchForm() {
$searchText = isset($this->Query) ? $this->Query : 'Search';
$searchText2 = isset($this->Subquery) ? $this->Subquery : '0';
$searchText3 = isset($this->documentType) ? $this->documentType : 'All';
$searchSections = DataObject::get('SearchSection');
$ss = array();
foreach ($searchSections as $section) {
$ss[$section->ID] = $section->Name;
$fileTypes = DataObject::get('FileType');
$ft = array();
foreach ($fileTypes as $type) {
$ft[$type->ID] = $type->Name;
$ft[0] = 'All';
$fields = new FieldSet(
new TextField('Query','Keywords', $searchText),
new DropdownField('Subquery', '', $ss, $searchText2),
new DropdownField('documentType', '', $ft, $searchText3)
$actions = new FieldSet(
new FormAction('AdvancedSearchResults', 'Search')
$form = new Form($this->owner, 'AdvancedSearchForm', $fields, $actions);
return $form;
and all my pages are extended from Page and search form is in the header so appears on all pages. But when user is on Security/Login page and tries to search for something, he gets the following error message
The action 'AdvancedSearchForm' does not exist in class Security
I assume the reason for this is Security page is not extended from Page. How can I set the search from so that it will work on any page including system pages such as Security login page?
You are getting an error because the form is not being passed to the controller you want (~Page_Controller).
When you define the Form object, you should test $this->owner and see if it's a descendant of Page_Controller. If not, you could use something like this and use $controller as the first variable in your Form object creation.
$sitetree_object = SiteTree::get_by_link('some-page-url');
$controller = ModelAsController::controller_for($sitetree_object);