Mapquest Open Aerial new tile server url? - mapquest

The MapQuest page for open aerial api states that the url will be depreciated on Feb 15, 2013 and no longer work. The page does not list the new URL!!! Anyone know where to find this info? Mapquest?? anyone?
The tile URL for the Open Aerial Tiles has changed. Please be aware that accessing
tiles through the oatile subdomain is deprecated and
will be unavailable after February 15, 2013.

The new URL is listed further down on the page; basically oatile1 has changed to otile1, so that the URL is more consistent with URL used for the MapQuest Open Map Tiles.
Here's an example URL for an Open Aerial Tile:
If you change ..../sat/... to .../map/... in the URL, you'll get the Open Map Tile for that specific area.


Get capture date from mapbox satellite imagery

I am following the mapbox tutorial here. I have the static map displaying nicely inside of my web page. I would like to include a capture date on the image provided by map box.
I am using the mapbox.satellite mapId. So, my url looks like this:${lng},${lat},19/1000x700.jpg90?access_token=${accessToken}
My access token is provided by Digital Globe in a trial account. Does anyone know if the capture date is available, and if so, how to retrieve it?

Do I have to use a different Mapbox access token in every page / app?

I'm developing a web application using NodeJS, OpenStreetMaps, Leaflet and Mapbox.
For a while I just use a home page and a register page, both with a map, using this code to display it. Very straight forward, as shown in
Leaflet Quick Start Guide
var map ='map');
map.setView([19.34, -99.15], 12);
L.tileLayer('{id}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token={accessToken}', {
attribution: 'Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox',
maxZoom: 18,
id: <myMapboxMapId>,
accessToken: <myMapboxAccessToken>
I thought that I will use the same code for the entire app, till I add a new page with a map, got really frustrated that the map would not show up, no javascript warning or erros, checked lots of Stackoverflow questions and other forums, without answer.
I made that page a simple html with the leaflet js and css and it didn't show. Just a grey area.
So after a while, I went to Mapbox, create a new access token, place it and it worked.
What I find weird is that I was using the first token on two different pages, working perfect. But not with a third one.
So the question... Do I have to use a different Mapbox access token in every page / app? How does this work?
I've looked in the Mapbox documentation, without answers. Here Mapbox access token docs
No. You can use the same access token on every site if you want. But obviously they all share the same usage counts, so if you hit your limit, all the sites will stop working.

Uploading Mapbox Style (Studio) to CartoDB?

My basemap made in Mapbox Studio is not uploading to CartoDB. I enter the URL and my Access Token but it just says "This URL not valid"
This is the URL, copied straight from the Mapbox "Share this style" box:****/cii6i33h6009t91m148mn7y90.html?title=true&access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoic2hhbmVnYWx3YXkiLCJhIjoiY2lpMWIwMGs5MDA2ZXQza2Zob2NjOWgwNyJ9.EtwsJtB5yhV75-fO9L1yXA#13.007195441591573/42.34777164609585/-71.09705213424535/0
You're getting that error because CartoDB expects a tilelayer URL not a style URL. You've created your map using Mapbox Studio which generates style URL's for use with Mapbox GL (JS or Native). If you want to get a tile URL you have to create your map in Mapbox Studio Classic:
Here's a good read on the differences between the new Mapbox studio and classic:

Link to iPhone map App from HTML page

Is there a way to link to directions in the iPhone map app from a html page?
We're placing an add in an iPhone app which will link to a mobile page on our website - we'd like to add a directions link, thus far google searches have been unrevealing.
A link to will automatically open in the map application
You can set a destination address (daddr) and start address (saddr) in the link:,+CA&saddr=cupertino
You can see some more options at:
Here is a javascript function that creates the link:
function mapLink(myAddress) {
return ''+escape(myAddress);
This works great on the iPhone.
If you use the standard link that would display a map in the browser, it will automatically open in Google Maps on the device. That includes links that show directions.
Use something like:
<a href='maps:daddr=<destination>&saddr=Current%20Location'>Directions</a>
where may be a lat/lon pair (separated by a comma) or a place. Ensure you URI encode the destination to ensure it works.

How to get Bing 'daily mobile wallpaper' address

is There anyone know how to get the Bing 'daily mobile wallpaper' address.
if you visit via your IPhone, you will see a beautiful wallpaper.
Bing change it everyday, and provide two resolution format for Portrait and landscape.
for example, today's Bing mobile wallpaper are from
appreciate your help in advance.
parse this url
as xml.
you can change value of N to change number of images.
Unfortunately the URL for the wallpaper changes everyday. The only way to would be to scrape the HTML of the page and find where it references the image.
Another similar method would be to use www.istartedsomething . com / bingimages, a site which archives the Bing images. They provide a RSS feed via feedburner for more easy scraping: