How to ignore a JPA ManyToOne property with null value on merge after JAXB deserialization? - jpa

Example use case:
class Address {
private Person person;
In my use case Address is serialized to XML via JAXB, modified in another system, deserialized from XML to a detached JPA entity and then merged back to db (em.merge(address)). As the Person property is marked #XMLTransient it is restored from XML with null.
As all Address' have a database entry and could be identified by there Id I'd like merge to ignore the Person property and just keep the database value for the relation (this has nothing to do with cascade).
Is there a way to tell JPA to ignore the Person property on merge or would I have to use an #XMLAdapter to set the property with the corresponding Person object before merge (btw I also use optimistic locking with #Version on all entities).
Any hints?

It sounds like you don't want this relation to be updated by JPA at all, upon a merge. Is that correct? If so, have you tried setting updatable=false on the #ManyToOne?


Simple Tagging Implementation with Spring Data JPA/Rest

I am trying to come up with a way of implementing tags for my entity that works well for me and need some help in the process. Let me write down some requirements I have in mind:
Firstly, I would like tags to show in entities as a list of strings like this:
"tags": ["foo", "bar"]
Secondly, I need to be able to retrieve a set of available tags across all entities so that users can easily choose from existing tags.
The 2nd requirement could be achieved by creating a Tag entity with the value of the Tag as the #Id. But that would make the tags property in my entity a relation that requires an extra GET operation to fetch. I could work with a getter method that resolves all the Tags and returns only a list of strings, but I see two disadvantages in that: 1. The representation as a list of strings suggests you could store tags by POSTing them in that way which is not the case. 2. The process of creating an entity requires to create all the Tags via a /tags endpoint first. That seem rather complicated for such a simple thing.
Also, I think I read somewhere that you shouldn't create a repository for an entity that isn't standalone. Would I create a Tag and only a Tag at any point in time? Nope.
I could store the tags as an #ElementCollection in my entity. In this case I don't know how to fulfill the 2nd requirement, though.
private Set<String> tags;
I made a simple test via EntityManager but it looks like I cannot query things that are not an #Entity in a result set.
#RequiredArgsConstructor(onConstructor = #__(#Autowired))
public class TagListController implements RepresentationModelProcessor<RepositoryLinksResource> {
private final #NonNull EntityManager entityManager;
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<EntityModel<TagList>> get() {
System.out.println(entityManager.createQuery("SELECT t.tags FROM Training t").getFirstResult());
EntityModel<TagList> model = EntityModel.of(new TagList(Set.of("foo", "bar")));
return ResponseEntity.ok(model);
org.hibernate.QueryException: not an entity
Does anyone know a smart way?
The representation as a list of strings suggests you could store tags by POSTing them in that way which is not the case
This is precisely the issue with using entities as REST resource representations. They work fine until it turns out the internal representation (entity) does not match the external representation (the missing DTO).
However, it would probably make most sense performance-wise to simply use an #ElementCollection like you mentioned, because you then don't have the double join with a join table for the many-to-many association (you could also use a one-to-many association where the parent entity and the tag value are both part of the #Id to avoid a join table, but I'm not sure it's convenient to work with. Probably better to just put a UNIQUE(parent_id, TAG) constraint on the collection table, if you need it). Regarding the not an entity error, you would need to use a native query. Assuming that you have #ElementCollection #CollectionTable(name = "TAGS") #Column(name = "TAG") on tags, then SELECT DISTINCT(TAG) FROM TAGS should do the job.
(as a side note, the DISTINCT part of the query will surely introduce some performance penalty, but I would assume the result of that query is a good candidate for caching)

Is there a way to fetch an #Embedded field lazily?

I'm having some trouble trying to figure out how to set up a class that has an #Embedded field that must be fetched lazily. I tried to annotate the field with #Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY), but it causes the persistence API to treat the field as a basic type that implements Serializable, so it maps the field to a BYTEA field in the database (postgresql). I tested it on Derby too, and the same happens.
I also tried to annotate the fields of the #Embeddable class individually with #Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) instead of annotating the #Embedded field of the entity that has it. The generated schema is correct in this case, but the fields are fetched eagerly when I load instances of the entity.
My understanding is that the #Basic annotation is used on basic fields/properties only, so the first case is expected. But why the fields of the #Embeddable class are fetched eagerly even if they are annotated with #Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)? Also, I know that the fetch strategy can be specified by the #Basic and relationship annotations, but is there any other way to specify that fields should be fetched lazily? I'm using EclipseLink 2.6, but let me know if the behaviour is different for other versions of EclipseLink or for another provider.
Directly you cant, because of how #Embedded objects work, but by setting attributes in the object it should work.
Remember that lazy should be use only on collections or big objects, and that setting fetch type on lazy is only a clue for provider, it doesn't mean that it will always fetch it lazy rather than eager.

JPA error "Cannot merge an entity that has been removed" trying to delete and reinsert a row with SpringData

I've an Entity (with a primary key that is not generated by a sequence) like this in a Spring Data JPA/Eclipselink environment :
public class MyEntity implements Serializable {
#Column(insertable=true, updatable=true, nullable=false)
private String propertyid;
\\other columns
and I'm trying to delete a row from the table and reinsert it (with the same primary key).
My approach is to call deleteAll() to clean the table and then save() the new Entity :
public void deleteAndSave(MyEntity entity) {
propertyInfoRepository.flush(); // <- having it or not, nothing changes;
but this gives me this error :
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot merge an entity that has been removed:
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.MergeManager.registerObjectForMergeCloneIntoWorkingCopy(
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.MergeManager.mergeChangesOfCloneIntoWorkingCopy(
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.MergeManager.mergeChanges(
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl.mergeCloneWithReferences(
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork.mergeCloneWithReferences(
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl.mergeCloneWithReferences(
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl.mergeInternal(
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl.merge(
What am I doing wrong?
I do not understand why it is trying to merge the entity instead of simply reinsert it after its deletion.
Thanks for your help!
Directly to answer your question:
The problem is that the entity that you try to save has already a persistent identity, i.e an ID, which is why your repository will try to merge, and not to persist the entity.
If you see this question it seems that it is triggered (at least) on the level of the Spring Repository, so you might consider overriding the save method of the repository and test whether the problem is still there.
JPA EntityManager keeps track of the state of each managed entity. In your case, you delete the entity and then try to merge it, which raises the exception. I can't tell if your approach is correct (seems weird to delete and then merge) since you don't provide the whole picture but you can try the following:
Assuming em is your EntityManager and entity your entity:
em.remove(entity); //This will perform the delete
MyEntity detachedEntity = em.detach(entity); //Gets a detached copy of the entity, EM will not operated on this unless told to do so (see below)
detachedEntity.setId(null) // Avoid duplicate key violations; Optional since you are deleting the original entity
em.persist(detachedEntity); // This will perform the required insert

ADO.NET Entity Data Model: Auto-generated classes

I have a table structure like the following:
Companies Addresses
********* *********
AddressID ...
BillingAddressID ...
AddressID and BillingAddressID are foreign keys which are present in the Addresses table. When I generate my model based on this table instead of getting what I would expect to get (the AddressID, BillingAddressID) in the company class. I get the following:
public Addresses Addresses { .. }
public global::System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityReference<Addresses> AddressesReference { .. }
public Addresses Addresses1 { .. }
public global::System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityReference<Addresses> Addresses1Reference { .. }
It seems to be replacing BillingAddress with Addresses1 (not quite sure why that's happening). Also this seems to be common wherever I have a foreign key i.e. instead of the ID I get Table then the TableReference.
I think I can see whats happening i.e. instead of giving me the ID alone, it will be doing a lookup and finding the actual record the ID refers to. However, I am not quite sure what the TableReference field is for....
Can explain this a little better for me?
Thanks in advance.
Relationships are represented as objects in Entity Framework, in the same manner as entities. Even if you are not going to work a lot directly on them, relationship object are first class citizens in EF. EF kreates ObjectStateEntry objects for tracking changes on relationships, just like it does it for entities.
That is why there are two references. First one, AddressesReference is a reference to the relationship object, not the exact entity, and second one Addresses is actual entity.
Peter Chan (link), and Julia Lerman in her book Programming Entity Framework, 1st Edition, say that understanding how relationship works in EF is very important. Also they mention that this is first thing that is confusing developer when they start using EF.
The foreign keys are replaced by a reference to the entity (collection) the foreign key points to.
So to add an address to a company you would do something like:
Address a = new Address();
// ... set variables for address here
currentCompany.Addresses = a;
// or, the other way round (for collections)
EF uses the table names as the reference point when it builds the model and this is why you see "Addresses" and Addresses1". You can open up the entity model in the GUI format and click on each of the associations. These can be renamed to whatever you like, just click on the reference, view the mapping, ensure it is the one that maps "BillingAddressID" to "BillingAddressID" and rename that reference to "BillingAddress".
Note the current "Addresses" reference may be the one mapping the "BillingAddressID" so you have to check both references.
It would probably be best to change the mapping for "AddressID" to be "Address" instead of "Addresses" if it is a one to one mapping as well.

Removing an association from an entity

I have 2 entities: User and Company, with a FK from the User to the Company.
I'm trying to remove the association and leave the user entity with a scalar property "CompanyId", but still have the "Company" entity in the model (mainly to increase performance, I don't need to full entity attached to it).
I'm able to achieve that only by removing the association and then go to the edmx (xml) file and remove the leftovers manually, BUT...
After I regenerate the model (following additional changes in the schema etc.), I'm getting the "Company" association once again on the "User" object (along with the "CompanyId" property), which of course causes errors of mappings, since I'm having 2 mappings to the same CompanyId field in the database. Going once again to the xml to fix it is not something I'd like to do...
Is there a way around this? -Taking the "Company" table out to another model is not possible.
I think I found the answer.
I can leave the entity association without the scalar property, and set it to a private getter. Then, add to the partial class the following:
public int CompanyId
(int)CompanyReference.EntityKey.EntityKeyValues.First(c => c.Key == "Id").Value;
That way I don't need to go to the database to fetch the company association along with the user, but I still have the value.