Private scoping with square brackets (private[...]) in Scala - scala

I've come across the following syntax while looking through the Gatling source code:
private[http] def build = {
// ...
What is the syntax inside square brackets?
When I click through it in my IDE it is an alias to a fully qualified package (com.excilys.ebi.gatling.http) but I can't find where that alias was defined.

See the scala reference, specifically, chapter 5.2. Some excerpt:
The private modifier can be used with any definition or declaration in a template. Such members can be accessed only from within the directly enclosing template and its companion module or companion class (§5.4). They are
not inherited by subclasses and they may not override definitions in parent
The modifier can be qualified with an identifier C (e.g. private[C]) that must
denote a class or package enclosing the definition. Members labeled with
such a modifier are accessible respectively only from code inside the package C or only from code inside the class C and its companion module (§5.4).
Such members are also inherited only from templates inside C.

In short: this is used for scope protection:
private[C] means that access is private "up to" C, where C is the
corresponding package, class or singleton object.
Same to protected[C]
protected[C]: access is protected "up to" C, where C is the
corresponding package, class or singleton object.


what does this extra private[class]() in scala class definition mean?

I'm reading over someone elses code on Scala in order to learn the language a little better, but I'm stumped at what the following means "privateutil" If I just saw the [util] I would suspect that it was some sort of specific generic? but its got it's own private modifier?
class RPGPluginProperties private[util]() extends Properties {
A private modifier can be qualified with an identifier C (e.g.
private[C]) that must denote a class or package enclosing the
definition. Members labeled with such a modifier are accessible
respectively only from code inside the package C or only from code
inside the class C and its companion module.
So in this case the private modifier is making the no-args constructor private to the util class/package.
To declare the class private to the scope util, it would be private[util] class RPGPluginProperties...

Scala parameters for access modifiers?

What is the difference between
class Test {
private[this] val foo = 0
class Test {
private val foo = 0
What all can go inside the []? Also, what should I search for when I want to look up the specs of this? I tried Googling various combinations of "scala access modifier arguments/parametrized scala access modifier" and nothing came up.
what should I search for when I want to look up the specs of this?
In The Scala Language Specification it is defined as "access modifier" and "access qualifier" (see BNF in §5.2).
What is the difference between
What all can go inside the []?
You can put class name, package name or this there. Here is a relevant quote from language specs that explains this (see §5.2 for more details):
The modifier can be qualified with an identifier C (e.g. private[C ]) that must
denote a class or package enclosing the definition. Members labeled with
such a modifier are accessible respectively only from code inside the package
C or only from code inside the class C and its companion module (§5.4).
An different form of qualification is private[this]. A member M marked
with this modifier is called object-protected; it can be accessed only from
within the object in which it is defined. That is, a selection p.M is only legal if the prefix is this or O.this, for some class O enclosing the reference. In
addition, the restrictions for unqualified private apply.
The first one is private for instance class, second is for class. If you use second version you have access from another instance of Test class (it's usefull for equals method or similiar).

What is the meaning of private[context]

I'm trying to wrap my head around the Scala language and figured the best way to learn is to put it into practice. When copy pasting code between a Java project (Spring) and my Scala project the IDE did a conversion I do not understand. Searching for it on the internet and in the docs gave me nothing to work with unfortunately.
The code:
#Bean private[context] def passwordEncoder: PasswordEncoder = {
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder
When compiling the above code the compiler complains:
`error: context is not an enclosing class`
Can anybody explain what the private[context] part means?
context is just a placeholder, where you can fill in the context in which you'd like the method to be private. This is optional though. If you don't specify the context, the member becomes "class-private", which afaik behaves like private does in Java.
Background: Scala offers more than one degree of access specification: the object-private specification, i.e. private[this], stipulates that the member in question can only be seen by members called on that same object, not from different objects, even if they are of the same type. Instead of this you can also use a package name or even root, which is an alias for the root namespace.
More information on this can be found in "Section 5.2 - Modifiers" of the Scala Language Reference:
The private modifier can be used with any definition or declaration in a template.
The modifier can be qualified with an identifier C (e.g. private[C]) that must denote a class or package enclosing the definition. Members labeled with such a modifier are accessible respectively only from code inside the package C or only from code inside the class C and its companion module (§5.4).

Why is a defined object called 'module' by the Scala interpreter?

scala> object Test
defined module Test
Why is the defined object Test called 'module', not companion object, by the scala interpreter ?
Is there a difference between module and companion object or is it just the same with two different names ?
Technically, there is only one such thing, in the language specification it is mostly called 'module', but you also find this statement: "The object definition defines a single object (or: module) ..." (Scala Language Specification)
Furthermore, you can only speak of a companion object, when it actually accompanies something:
"Generally, a companion module of a class is an object which has the same name as the class and is defined in the same scope and compilation unit. Conversely, the class is called the companion class of the module." (again think: companion object = companion module)
Being in companion state adds features to the companion class, namely visibility (e.g., the class can see the private fields of the companion module). Same scope and compilation unit means, they need to be defined in the same source file and same package.
There is an interesting thread on LtU where Scala's object versus module terminology is discussed. It contains also a link to a paper by Odersky and Zenger if you are intrigued; showing how they particularly looked at the ML language's module system (OCaml being a major influence on Scala), and how they frame it as various approaches of modular composition (suggesting that module is a more generic concept; traits as mixin modules, ...)

When should I use package and when object in Scala?

What is the difference between package and object?
Packages are not run-time entities, objects are. You should use packages to organize the hierarchy of your code, and objects whenever you need something to store code or data (assuming plain classes and instances are not better, of course).
To add a bit to Daniel's answer:
From the Scala specifications:
Classes (§5.3) and objects (§5.4) are both defined in terms of templates.
A template defines the type signature, behavior and initial state of a trait or class of objects or of a single object.
It can have:
local modifiers (‘abstract’, ‘final’, ‘sealed’, ‘implicit’, ‘lazy’)
access modified (‘private’ | ‘protected’),
access qualifier (‘this’)
An object definition defines a single object of a new class (or: module) conforming to the template t.
It is roughly equivalent to the following three definitions, which together
define a class and create a single object of that class on demand:
final class m$cls extends t
private var m$instance = null
final def m = {
if (m$instance == null) m$instance = new m$cls
An object can isolate a code common for other Class instances.. A specific usage:
Classes in Scala do not have static members; however, an equivalent effect can be achieved by an accompanying object definition.
Generally, a companion module of a class is an object which has the same name as the class and is defined in the same scope and compilation unit.
Conversely, the class is called the companion class of the module.
a package is part of compilation unit.
A compilation unit consists of a sequence of packagings, import clauses, and class
and object definitions, which may be preceded by a package clause.
A package is a special object which defines a set of member classes, objects and
Unlike other objects, packages may not be used as values. It is illegal to have a package with the same fully qualified name as a module or a class.
Top-level definitions outside a packaging are assumed to be injected into a special
empty package. That package cannot be named and therefore cannot be imported.
The special predefined name _root_ refers to the outermost root package which
contains all top-level packages.
object organize code to be executed from a unique runtime instance.
package declare code namespace for the compilation step.