How can I add linebreaks in the generated html - derbyjs

I'm starting from the minimal derby application created by derby new first-project. Thereby, the body of the produced html is written in a single line. How can I switch that behavior off to get a pretty printed html to be able to track down bugs like Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <?

If your problem is indeed single-line html, then your answer is x-no-minify:
However, I think your problem is just that the derby starter-project generator, and the examples, are way out of date. Use the derby-boilerplate project


"SAPUI5 component ID is potentially invalid" on submitting SAPUI5 Application to ABAP System

When I am trying to upload app to ABAP-Repository using SE38 and /UI5/UI5_REPOSITORY_LOAD I get following error message:
SAPUI5 component ID SAPUI5.BRUTTOUMSATZ2 in SAPUI5 repository ZBRUTTOUMSATZ is potentially invalid.
Submitting the Project via eclipse brings up the same error message.
Does anyone know how to fix this issue or what might cause this ? I didn't find any documentation on this error message.
The application runs fine when hosted on a local Jetty-Server.
A component name should follow these rules, according to the long text of error message /ui5/app_api (019).
Consist only of alphanumerical characters
Contain only lowercase letters in the first except the last segment
May contain camel case in the last segment
Not begin with a number
Not contain special characters
Contain a dot as separator of the namespace
Not be longer than 40 letters for each segment (separated by a dot)
submitting to ABAP-Repository has way more strict naming conventions then mentioned in your answer. I think the application name cannot be longer then 16 signs ... otherwise you cannot submit.

iTextSharp error, casting IncCell to Rectangle

I've been asked to look at C# code that's returning the following error:
Unable to cast object of type
'iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.IncCell' to type 'iTextSharp.text.Rectangle'.
at iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfDocument.Add(IElement element)
at iTextSharp.text.Document.Add(IElement element)
It looks like they're using iTextSharp v5.0.2 and have not yet moved from HtmlWorker to XmlWorker.
What is IncCell? I see it in the source docs but can't find any info about what it is - I'm assuming it's just for internal use.
Is this related to a cell in a table? A need for a Div or Paragraph within a cell?
What can they do to diagnose issues like this down to the HTML source that caused the error? I suspect this is an issue with not conforming to XHTML, but I can't verify that without knowing exactly what IElement that code was working on when it choked. It could be due to bad styling too, I have no idea at this time. Is there any kind of detail logging that will tell us what element is being processed at any given time? Should I just get them to load source and trace through it?
Is it probable that this will be fixed with an update to the latest version (currently 5.5.9), and a re-fit of XmlWorker?
Other recommendations?

Extbase, Uncaught TYPO3 Exception. Flush system cache solves is for a while

Site works fine. Suddenly it will through an error. When clicking "flush system cahce" the error will go away for a some time. Anything from minuttes to severaæ hours.
Core: Exception handler (WEB): Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: #1247602160:
Unknown column 'tx_my_domain_model_formular.rel_formular' in 'where
clause' |
thrown in file
in line 862.
It is correct that the columns does not exist. But how to preceed in finding the error after this? Where is the sql generated that causes the site to crash?
A check "myParentObj->getChildObj instanceof myChildObjClass" used to work just fine. After changing myParent model to lazy load the ChildObj, then the class of childObj changed from childObjClass to a lazyLoadClass... I am not sure but I guess that is in turns somewhere somehow caused the core error seen in the log.
How to investigate further I simply cannot work out. Eg. store all DB calls in a file og DB to analyze after the error occours.
Please take time to write a good question. For a good question you'll get a good answer. It doesn't have to be perfect (not everyone is a native english speaker) but please reread your question.
If all fields are defined correctly, just run a DB compare from within the installtool.
If not, you need to define the DB-fields in your extension correctly.
Is this your own extension? When doing the query that triggers the error you could call execute(true) to generate the actual SQL statement and debug from there.

session_start() error since today

Since today in all my apps this error started to show:
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/fb/index.php:5) in /home/fb/facebook.php on line 37
What changes ware made by Facebook today and how can I fix this?
You should remove any code above session_start().
Generaly this function sould be executed before any output. (For example HTML code)
Another posibility it that the file encoding is not correct.
Check for spaces and etc. before session_start().
// whitespace, any mark up or include that displays something <HERE>
// it will give you that error

xmlCtxtGetLastError - Iphone

I have been programming with NSXMLParser for quite a while and lately, I came out with this error. The strangiest thing is that it only happens in debug mode. Once I load the App in Simulator and run it from Simulator (without Xcode involved), it runs fine.
The code is very straight foward, it is a simple XML parsing whose contents were loaded from the web in a separated thread.
Does anybody have alredy encoutered that error??
Thanks in advance.
In time I realized that this error occur when you have a bad formated XML Document. In my case, I was extracting some of the contents of an HTML Page and parsing the resulting string, but this string was not allways well formed. A little modification an voilá...
Ensure that your documents are well formed when parsing or you may have the same mistake...
PS: The parser error method did not catch this error.
In time I realized that this error occur when you have a bad formated XML Document. In my case, I was extracting some of the contents of an HTML Page and parsing the resulting string, but this string was not allways well formed. A little modification an voilá...
Ensure that your documents are well formed when parsing or you may have the same mistake... PS: The parser error method did not catch this error.