Release IO resources in scala without maintaining mutable state - scala

I need to use some Java library, which might throw some exceptions in one method and return error codes in another set of methods. So far it leads to the ugly code like
val txn = mgr.prepareTransaction()
val accessRecord = txn.readByQuery(...)
var state : Either[MyError, Result] = null //
try {
// do something here
val result = txn.runCodeWithin(new Callable[Result]() {...})
if (result == -1) {
state = Left(CanNotReadRecord)
} else {
state = Right(txn.getCachedRecord())
} catch {
case e: Exception => state = Left(GeneralError(e))
} finally {
state match {
case Right(_) => txn.commit();
case _ => txn.rollback();
I mostly interested in getting rid of state as var and ability to check the state in finally block. Please advice.

Scala 2.10 introduced the Try class, which is a more functional replacement to the use case of Either[Throwable, Result]. It's got all of the usual monad ops (the things that make for-comprehensions work), and some other helpful methods. (check out the docs for Try here)
Here's a possible re-implementation of your code, using Try, and replacing CanNotReadRecord with a CanNotReadRecordException. It should be functionally equivalent to your example, with the exception of that replacement.
def txResults(txn: Transaction): Try[Record] = for {
result <- Try{ txn.runCodeWithin(...) }
checked <- result match {
case -1 => Failure( new CanNotReadRecordException )
case _ => Success( txn.getCachedRecord )
} yield checked
txResults(txn) match {
case Success(record) => txn.commit()
case Failure(e) => txn.rollback() //and maybe handle `e`

The Scala ARM (Automatic Resource Management) library handles all this sort of thing elegantly and in a completely air-tight manner.
Check it out.


How to validate single element in Future[List[T]] to return Future[List[T]] or throw exception

No need to pay attention to the purpose of the function here, it's only for demonstration:
def readAllByPersonOrFail(person: Person, otherPersonId: Long): Future[List[Person]] = {
val personSiblingsFuture: Future[List[Person]] = personSiblingsDomain.readAllByPersonId( { persons =>
persons.find( == otherPersonId) match {
case Some(person) =>
person.isActive match {
case true => person
case false => throw new IllegalArgumentException("something inactive")
case None => throw new IllegalArgumentException("something wrong ehre")
I would like to return personSiblingsFuture above iff it validates (makes sure correct person is in the list and is active), otherwise throw the exception. I don't think the above code is doing the right thing as it is not existing upon failure.
Take a look at This creates a new future, whose value is resolved by applying a function to the successful result of this future.
Note that here you're throwing away the resulting future you just created with .map() too.
There are a few areas to solve your problem, though you should question more deeply the use of exceptions with Futures. Scala provides concepts like Future, Option, and Try specifically to avoid throwing exceptions and have a clearer control flow.
Option 1, return the mapped future
In your funciton,
def func(...): Future[List[Person]] {
val personSiblingsFuture = ...; { persons =>
// note we're not returning personSiblingsFuture,
// but the mapped result
When someone actually tries to get the value of the future, e.g. by using .value, they might see an exception intead:
def main() {
val future = func(...); // this is fine
val my_list = future.value; // awaits Future, might throw here
Option 2, actually await the list and throw in the function
Returning a future that might throw is strange, it might be a bit easier if the you actually explicitly a had a function that might throw, e.g.
/** jsdoc describing function **/
def funcMightThrow(...): List[Person] {
val personSiblingsFuture = ...;
val personSiblings = personSiblingsFuture.value;
personSiblings.find( == otherPersonId) match {
case Some(person) =>
person.isActive match {
case true => personSiblings
case false => throw new IllegalArgumentException("something inactive")
case None => throw new IllegalArgumentException("something wrong ehre")
Option 3, consider making return types more explicit
def func(...): Future[Try[List[Person]]] {
val personSiblingsFuture = ...; { persons =>
// successful case returns 'persons' (List[Person])
// fail cases return Failure(...) instead
} // return the mapped future
You can also return Try[List[Person]] rather than a Future[] of that, by using .value, which makes func a blocking function.

Scala: *.map(*) running in a Future, how to abort map?

#volatile var breakRequested: Boolean = false
// ...
def futureFunc(): Option[Iterable[String]] = {
val result = { item =>
if(breakRequested) {
// put exit code here
// return None
// throw AnException
// what else?
item.toText() // time-expensive function
Future { futureFunc() }
Given somebody set the breakRequested flag to true: How may I exit the map?
What I tried:
return None => such a return transformed into a scala.runtime.NonLocalReturnControl: I tried to catch this error, but it seems to be uncatchable (bypasses try/catch).
object Cancelled extends Exception: I tried to throw this but was not able to catch it as well.
All exceptions show up in the command line, when I run the app through SBT.
If somehow possible, I prefer a solution without try/catch.
For the fast solution, you can convert your hugeList to the Iterator, and then use takeWhile:
val result = hugeList.toIterator
.takeWhile(_ => !breakRequested)
.map { item =>
Scala's Future has no cancellation, but twitter's Future has. To cancel this use method raise.
Also you can write your own map, for example:
#annotation.tailrec def map[T,R](
src: List[T],
cancel: => Boolean,
dsc: List[R] = List.empty[R])(f: T => R):List[R] = src match {
case _ if cancel => dsc
case h :: t => map(t, cancel, f(h) :: dsc)(f)
case Nil => dsc
Future{map(hugeList, breakRequested)(_.text)}
If you don't need the result, you can create another future,which will be completed after your breakRequested was changed. And use method Future.firstCompletedOf.

Jedis in scala and handling errors

I am trying to find the best way to handle jedis commands from scala. I am trying to implement a finally block, and prevent the java exceptions from bubbling up to my caller.
Does the following code make sense, and is it the best I can do performance wise, if I want to ensure that I handle exceptions when redis may be down temporarily? This trait would be extended by an object, and I'd call objectname.del(key). I feel like I'm combining too many concepts (Either, Option, Try, feels like there should be a cleaner way)
trait MyExperiment {
implicit class TryOps[T](val t: Try[T]) {
def eventually[Ignore](effect: => Ignore): Try[T] = {
val ignoring = (_: Any) => { effect; t }
t transform (ignoring, ignoring)
val jpool:JedisPool = initialize()
// init the pool at object creation
private def initialize(): JedisPool =
val poolConfig = new JedisPoolConfig()
new JedisPool( poolConfig , "localhost" )
// get a resource from pool. This can throw an error if redis is
// down
def getFromPool: Either[Throwable,Jedis] =
Try(jpool.getResource) match {
case Failure(m) => Left(m)
case Success(m) => Right(m)
// return an object to pool
// i believe this may also throw an error if redis is down?
def returnToPool(cache:Jedis): Unit =
// execute a command -- "del" in this case, (wrapped by
// the two methods above)
def del(key: String) : Option[Long] = {
getFromPool match {
case Left(m) => None
case Right(m) => Try(m.del(key)) eventually returnToPool(m) match {
case Success(r) => Option(r)
case Failure(r) => None
Not an exact answer, but I moved on after doing some performance testing. Using the standard java-ish exception blocks ended up being much faster at high iterations (at 10,000 iterations, it was about 2.5x faster than the (bad) code above). That also cleaned up my code, although it's more verbose.
So the answer I arrived at is to use the Java-style exception blocks which provide for the finally construct. I believe it should be significantly faster, as long as exceptions are a very rare occurance.

How to improve the code of "nested Try.. match "?

In my scala code, I have some nested Try() match {}, which look ugly:
import scala.util._
Try(convertJsonToObject[User]) match {
case Success(userJsonObj) =>
Try(saveToDb( match {
case Success(user) => Created("User saved")
case _ => InternalServerError("database error")
case _ => BadRequest("bad input")
Is there any better way of writing such code?
There's a bunch of ways to solve this problem. I'll give you one possibility. Consider this cleaned up version of your code:
trait Result
case class BadRequest(message:String) extends Result
case class InternalServerError(message:String) extends Result
case class Created(message:String) extends Result
def processRequest(json:String):Result = {
val result =
user <- Try(parseJson(json))
savedUser <- Try(saveToDb(user))
} yield Created("saved")
case jp:JsonParsingException => BadRequest(jp.getMessage)
case other => InternalServerError(other.getMessage)
def parseJson(json:String):User = ...
def saveToDb(user:User):User = ...
The caveat to this code is that it assumes that you can differentiate the json parsing failure from the db failure by the exception each might yield. Not a bad assumption to make though. This code is very similar to a java try/catch block that catches different exception types and returns different results based on catching those different types.
One other nice thing about this approach is that you could just define a standard recovery Partial Function for all kinds of possible exceptions and use it throughout your controllers (which I'm assuming this code is) to eliminate duplicate code. Something like this:
object ExceptionHandling{
val StandardRecovery:PartialFunction[Throwable,Result] = {
case jp:JsonParsingException => BadRequest(jp.getMessage)
case sql:SQLException => InternalServerError(sql.getMessage)
case other => InternalServerError(other.getMessage)
And then in your controller:
import ExceptionHandling._
Another approach is to define implicit reads for User (if using Play Framework) and then doing something like
someData.validate[User].map { user =>
saveToDb( match { // you can return Try from saveToDb
case Success(savedUser) => Created("User saved")
case Failure(exception) => InternalServerError("Database Error")
}.recoverTotal {
e => BadRequest(JsError.toFlatJson(e))
Try(convertJsonToObject[User]).map([your code]).toOption.getOrElse(fallback)

Scala finally block closing/flushing resource

Is there a better way to ensure resources are properly released - a better way to write the following code ?
val out: Option[FileOutputStream] = try {
Option(new FileOutputStream(path))
} catch {
case _ => None
if (out.isDefined) {
try {
Iterator.continually( != _).foreach(out.get.write)
} catch {
case e => println(e.getMessage)
} finally {
Something like that is a good idea, but I'd make it a method:
def cleanly[A,B](resource: => A)(cleanup: A => Unit)(code: A => B): Option[B] = {
try {
val r = resource
try { Some(code(r)) }
finally { cleanup(r) }
} catch {
case e: Exception => None
(note that we only catch once; if you really want a message printed in one case and not the other, then you do have to catch both like you did). (Also note that I only catch exceptions; catching Error also is usually unwise, since it's almost impossible to recover from.) The method is used like so:
cleanly(new FileOutputStream(path))(_.close){ fos =>
Iterator.continually( != -1).foreach(fos.write)
Since it returns a value, you'll get a Some(()) if it succeeded here (which you can ignore).
Edit: to make it more general, I'd really have it return an Either instead, so you get the exception. Like so:
def cleanly[A,B](resource: => A)(cleanup: A => Unit)(code: A => B): Either[Exception,B] = {
try {
val r = resource
try { Right(code(r)) } finally { cleanup(r) }
catch { case e: Exception => Left(e) }
Now if you get a Right, all went okay. If you get a Left, you can pick out your exception. If you don't care about the exception, you can use .right.toOption to map it into an option, or just use or whatever to operate on the correct result only if it is there (just like with Option). (Pattern matching is a useful way to deal with Eithers.)
Have a look at Scala-ARM
This project aims to be the Scala Incubator project for Automatic-Resource-Management in the scala library ...
... The Scala ARM library allows users to ensure opening closing of resources within blocks of code using the "managed" method. The "managed" method essentially takes an argument of "anything that has a close or dispose method" and constructs a new ManagedResource object.
Alternatively you can do this with Choppy's Lazy TryClose monad.
val output = for {
fin <- TryClose(in)
fout <- TryClose.wrapWithCloser(new FileOutputStream(path))(out => {out.flush(); out.close();})
} yield wrap(Iterator.continually( != _).foreach(fout.get.write))
// Then execute it like this:
More info here:
(just be sure to import tryclose._ and tryclose.JavaImplicits._)