How to change the value of heading columns based on a parameter - ssrs-2008

I created a report where I want to show the heading of a column based on a parameter. I tried using both table and matrix format, but I'm unable to reduce year.
For example if I choose 2013 in the report this means it will show the last 10 years in the repor, i.e. 2013,2012,2011,2010,2009,2008, up until 2002.

If I understand your question correctly you want to query a database and display the results in a table with a column per year. You can do this by using by using a Matrix object and Column Groups
Add your Matrix object by drag and dropping. Select the Column Group | Group Properties and add a Group Expression.
Use the following code as your Group Expression.

Two fold I'd think:
Alter your sql to accept the parameter and get the bast 10 years in column names 1, 2, etc.
Then use an expression in the header or title similar to =#Parameter!par.Value - Cdec(Data!1.Value) to show headers for 2013 to 2002.
I hope I was clear?


Dynamically render multiple columns based on a drop-down list

I have a table in tableau with say 4 columns (Say Employee ID, Name, Address, Email).
I want to provide the users an option to select single/multiple columns from a drop down list (assume in the drop down list we have columns headers, Customfield1, Customfield2.....,Customfield10) which would be added to the table as a separate columns.
Say for Instance if the user selects CustomField1, CustomField2, CustomField3 from the drop-down list then the table should have in total of 7 columns (4 Emp fields + 3 Custom Fields)
Though I stated a simple requirement, my idea was to extrapolate that to something complex.
I think some version of this could be done, albeit in a hacky way. What you're looking for is 'Dynamic Parameters.' They don't technically officially exist in the product, but can be created with the combination of parameter and calculated field.
Here is a link to a method on such creation.
The idea here would be to re-order columns in a custom manner. Each calculated field would have to have its own logic for which dimension it was to display when a user selected a parameter. (ie: With parameter selection A Column 1 goes to [Name] and Column 2 goes to [Address], and with parameter selection B Column 1 goes to [Address] and Column 2 goes to [Name].) The caveat here is that each potential layout would need to have the same number of columns - there is not a way to add columns dynamically. Consider that each column is represented here with a calculated field.
Good luck on it.

Tableau creating a calculated percentage (non-aggregate) based on an aggregated total

Either I am the first person to ever need to display percentages in Tableau or I do not know what to search for! I highly suspect it is the latter...
I believe what I am attempting to ask is how to make a calculated non-aggregated field by dividing by an aggregated number. Although I would prefer just to be able to display the percentages instead of a whole number.
This is how I would do it in Excel:
The data that already exists is Column A and B. In Tableau these would be non-aggregated. What I need to do in Tableau is to generate what is column C (also non-aggregated) because it does not exist in my data. In excel, all I did to get the aggregate number (total) of column B was:
And for the column C:
But I can't seem to do this at all in Tableau. When I try to use the same syntax, I get an error message: "Cannot mix aggregate and non-aggregate arguments with this function."
Instead of having a calculated field, you can use a Quick Table Calculation on the column.
Right-click the pill of your data > Quick Table Calculation > Percent of Total. This will show the percentages instead. If you want to keep both, just duplicate column b first and then add the table calculation to the new column.

Excel 2013 - Sumifs - Add all cells in a column

I have the following formula in my Excel 2013 spreadsheet:
=SUMIFS(Employees!$T$2:$T$1114, Employees!$L$2:$L$1114, $A5, Employees!$J$2:$J$1114, 1, Employees!$Q$2:$Q$1114, "N", Employees!$K$2:$K$1114, C$3)
It is summing column T based on certain criteria. Looking at Employees!$T$2:$T$1114 as an example, I have a header row, so I start at T2. I then select all the cells in that column. which currently ends at 1114. The problem is, that number can change.
If I want to remove the hard-coding and just select all the cells that contain data in that column, then sum that data based on this criteria, how would I change this?
If the header above T isn't sumable, and/or the header above L isn't a valid criteria, then it won't matter if they are included in the sum_range and criteria_range, respectively. In that case, you can specify entire columns, like Employees!$T:$T, and not worry about where the data starts or ends.
=SUMIFS($A:$A, $B:$B, G2)
If there is data above the desired part of T, you could add another criteria to avoid it, for instance, by using an additional (hidden) column with markers.

Aggregate not populating chart correctly in SSRS

Below, I've attached a sample of my data as well as a sample of the chart output. I want to aggregate the data and include one row with this number; however, SSRS is just showing multiple of the same value.
In the example below, you'll notice there are 8 rows in Unit 1 and 8 rows in Unit 2, a
total of 13. How can I get Unit 1 to have one row which shows 8 and one row in Unit 2 to show 5? Currently, the expression is =COUNT(Fields!SubID.Value, "DataSet1").
I've also tried adding in a column full of the number 1 which I could use to Sum on, but that produced the same results.
Originally I was doing this all in SQL; that is, producing the exact output I want in SQL and then charting in SSRS. However, this is no longer a viable solution as the end user would like to be able to drill down into the details of the report. I do imagine, if there is no easy way to do this (which I feel like there has to be), that I could write two queries, having one show the report and the other show the details.
The second parameter of your count expression is the problem.
Don't use this:
=COUNT(Fields!SubID.Value, "DataSet1")
Try something like this instead:
=COUNT(Fields!SubID.Value, "UnitGroupName")
The group name should match what is shown in BIDS as the name you've given the grouping, such as under Row Groups.

Get 2nd Value in Dataset in Reporting Services

This seems to be a very simple question, but I am trying to get the 2nd value in a dataset to display as a matrix's header value.
In this report, lets say that I have 2 datasets. In Dataset1, I have a query that pulls down 3 values for a parameter dropdown selection. In Dataset2, I return a result set and have bound it to my matrix.
Within the matrix, I have my repeating columns, and then 3 additional grouped columns to the right that have aggrigate values that I want to display. On the header of those 3 columns, I want to display the 3 values displayed in my Parameters dataset. Within the context of the matrix (and its dataset), I can get the first and last values of a different dataset (Dataset1 in this case) by using:
=First(Fields!DateDisplay.Value, "Dataset1")
=Last(Fields!DateDisplay.Value, "Dataset1")
I need to get something like:
=Second(Fields!DateDisplay.Value, "Dataset1")
How do I pull this off without violating the scoping rules on aggregate columns?
For SSRS 2008 R2, you can do this if each row of your dataset has an identifier column by using the LookUp() function.
If you do not have an identifier column you can use ROW_NUMBER() to build one in.
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY DateDisplay) AS Row, DateDisplay
FROM Dates
Row DateDisplay
--- ---------
1 June 1st
2 March 12th
3 November 15th
Here is a link to a similar thread in MSDN Forums: Nth row element in a dataset SSRS
If you are using SSRS-2012 or 2014 then one has to use below expression.
=LookUp(AnyRowNumber, Fields!RowNumber.Value,Fields!DisplayField.Value,”DatasetName”)
I have tried above it was not working in my case.