Getting Currency from QuickBooks Online - intuit-partner-platform

I'm trying to sync invoice from quickbooks to my app.
I need currency used by the customer or the invoice currency?
Is there any API to get Currency from Quickbooks Online.
I'm using PHP devkit(IPP).

With QBO IDS V2 there is no API to get currency. With IDS V3, currency is exposed.


Is there any PayPal API that can retrieve button options from a transaction id?

I am trying to create some tools to manage our paypal account and I can't find a PayPal API that actually returns the purchase options when orders are made from PayPal buttons.
The REST APIs for sales and orders don't seem to return option names or option values.
The NVP API GetTransactionDetails only returned 2 of the 4 options I have set on the button.
Has anyone been able to retrieve this information through any API? I can see them when I look at transaction details on the PayPal site.

Adding "Delayed Charge" to Customer via QBO API v3

In QB Online we have the ability to add a "Delayed Charge" to a customer, and then assign selected charges to an invoice later. But I can't find anything in the API doc that tells me how to insert these charges programmatically. Am I missing something, or is it just not there yet?
This delayed charge when assigned to an Invoice from UI comes up as StatementCharge in Invoice Linked Txn if you query the API explorer.
This entity- StatementCharge is not yet supported by our service.

Which QBO Accounts Receivable account is the authoritative one?

I have a QuickBooks Online company with multiple A/R accounts. (It was converted from some flavor of QB Desktop.) How can I use the IPP QBO API v3 to figure out which one is authoritative. Neither Invoice nor Payment objects reference the A/R account unless I'm mistaken.
You can create on Invoice/Payment from QBO UI and retrieve the same using QBO V3 to see how those objects are referring your AR account.
"QuickBooks Online (QBO) is not designed to work with multiple Accounts Receivable (AR) and Accounts Payable (AP) accounts. The initial AR and AP accounts will be the default accounts. We encourage our customers to merge their accounts payable and receivable accounts. For more information on merging accounts, please see our related KnowledgeBase article 1221: How do I merge two accounts?
Create an invoice using the API. Then use the QBO reports api to run a balance sheet and see which A/R account changed.

Get transaction by invoiceId in paypal api

I'm looking for the correct endpoint to use in the Paypal API for looking up a transaction by invoice id. We submit the invoice id to paypal when redirecting customers to PayPal for payment on their site. In order for us to resolve abandoned carts correctly, I need to look these invoice ids back up in paypal to see if there are completed transactions or not. Thanks.
You can use the TransactionSearch API, and use the INVNUM as the criteria to search by. The API Endpoint will depend on if you are trying this on live or sandbox, what type of format you are using, and what type of authentication you are using. You can find a list of the endpoints here.

PayPal API to access trasactional data

I would like to extract transaction data from my customer's PayPal account. He has given me the API username, p/w, and signature. In addition, we created a live 'application' on so now I have a ClientID and Secret.
I have the RestAPiSample code. Which (REST or SOAP) API(s) should I call to get "sales" data (i.e., payments from his customers to his paypal account? Basically I am trying to create some additional reports using the sales data.
Your customer's paypal account credentials can be used with Merchant SDK. You can use the API 'getTransactionDetails' to fetch his customers sales records.
But the new live account you have created (ClientID and ClientSecret) can only be used with the new REST APIs and its is not related to your customers account. If you want your customers sales records you can use the Payment.List(...) method which returns a PaymentHistory object.