Running Powershell script from SSIS with OnTap cmdlets throws error, but not when run from PS Cmd Line? - powershell

We are trying to run a Poweshell Script that uses the OnTap PS Modules, from SSIS, when we do, an error is issued:
Error: The term 'Connect-NaController' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
But when we run the same script from the Powershell Command Line, then the script runs just fine. So I think the scripts are fine.
So I'm wondering if the security context is different or we have to do something more explicitly in our call from SSIS?
When we call the script from SSIS we use: -ExecutionPolicy ByPass

In SSIS i had to set the FULL PATH of the script instead of ./scriptfile


Trying to escape parenthesis when passing arguments in a PowerShell script

I made a PowerShell script that will send a toast notification via/arguments. In the script, I use the param function in the beginning of the script something like....this
Now I open a command prompt to load a PowerShell script and adding these arguments
powershell C:\file\in\directory\PowershellScript.ps1 -UserID "Mikey (TEST)"
When I sent the prompt over to PowerShell, it gave me this red error that says
TEST : The term 'TEST' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function,
script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path
was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:64
Assumingly the parentheses ( ) could be the culprit as PowerShell is thinking of loading a module of some sort instead of applying as a string value. I even tried escaping the parentheses using the backslash \(TEST\) but that didn't work either as it said TEST\ : The term 'TEST\' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program..
Is there something I'm missing or something part of a script I should add to?
Use single quotes inside the ps command:
powershell C:\file\in\directory\PowershellScript.ps1 -UserID 'Mikey (TEST)'

Running a small WMI Powershell Script

I'm trying to have a few scripts that I can map to run from my keyboard for quickly changing the monitor/screen brightness. After some searching on the internet, I found this script which works when I enter it into Powershell.
$monitor=#(gwmi WmiMonitorBrightnessMethods -ns root/wmi)[0]
After I saved it as a .ps1 file and tried running it from the file, powershell tells me: The term "path of the file" is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function... and so on.
I'm not familiar with Powershell at all, can someone help with what I need to add in order for the script to run properly?
By default you can't run a PowerShell script that is in the current directory without putting .\ in front of the script name, or calling the full path of the script.
This is a security feature.
If you are in the directory that contains the script, run it by executing in a PowerShell window:
Where yourscript is the name of your script.
See here for more information:
You may also see this error if your script has spaces in its name. If that is the case, enclose the path in quotes:
.\'your script.ps1'

Can't submit Data Analytics job in PowerShell Portal

Why can't I run the Submit-AzureRmDataLakeAnalyticsJob cmdlet in a PowerShell runbook via the Aure web portal? I get the following error message:
Submit-AzureRmDataLakeAnalyticsJob : The term 'Submit-AzureRmDataLakeAnalyticsJob' is not recognized as the name of a
cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify
that the path is correct and try again.
I'm able to run this command with no errors in the PowerShell ISE.
Can this type of command not be run in a runbook or something? Maybe I'm just not understanding PowerShell
I seem to have solved the issue. I had to import some AzureRM.* modules via the Module Gallery on the portal.

Alternate for esbimportutil.exe for PowerShell BizTalk

I am working on a PowerShell Deployment scripts for BizTalk. I want to import an itinerary in XML format using PowerShell. Commands available for this task is esbimportutil.exe. But this works only in Command Prompt and not in PowerShell.
The error shows is :
The term 'esbimportutil.exe' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file,
or operable program.
I run the PowerShell as an Administrator and even tried running the command from the source root location but still no use.
I got the solution. The problem was resolved by using a simple command:
Start-Process -FilePath "...\esbimportutil.exe" -ArgumentList $argument
The command "start-process" did the magic.

DPM Commands in Powershell Version 2

I am running a PowerShell script which requires connection to a DPM Server.
When I run run the Connect-DPMServer <DPM Server Name> cmdlet from the DPM Manangement Shell, the command succeeds and I am able to connect to the server.
However, when I enclose the same command in a script and invoke the script through the DPM Management Shell, the following error occurs:
The term 'Connect-DPMServer' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (Connect-DPMServer:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
Similar is the case with other DPM cmdlets like Get-DPMProtectionGroup.
I am running Powershell version 2.0 on Windows Server 2008 R2.
What is the reason for this peculiar behaviour and how can I get around this?
There is some observation I made. My script has two parts: A wrapper script and a helper script which is called by the wrapper script as an independent job.
All the DPM Commands are identified in the wrapper script but they are not identified in the helper script when it runs as a job.
Any explanation why this may be and any suggestions to resolve the same?
I figured out the solution and here it is:
What is Happening
The wrapper script runs in the DPM PowerShell and then invokes a helper script as a separate job or thread. The environment in which this helper script runs is windows native powershell and not DPM Powershell. Hence the DPM commands are not identified there.
The DPM specific modules need to be imported as soon as the helper script is invoked. The steps are as follows :
Right Click on the DPM Management Shell icon and view properties.
Select the value of Target. For me, it looks like this C:\Windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noexit -File "D:\DPM\DPM\bin\dpmcliinitscript.ps1"
The value of the parameter -File that is "D:\DPM\DPM\bin\dpmcliinitscript.ps1" is the file which when imported to Windows Powershell converts it to DPM Management Console. That means, it loads the shell with DPM commands.
Include this file in the helper script through dot-sourcing. Which means, the first line of the helper script should look like this : ."D:\DPM\DPM\bin\dpmcliinitscript.ps1"
This will help the invoked shell to identify the DPM specific commands.