Invoking Nitpick and Sledgehammer together in Isabelle - theorem-proving

When I state a lemma in Isabelle, I often type nitpick, and if that doesn't give me a counterexample.
I then type sledgehammer to try to find a proof automatically.
I wonder: is it possible to invoke Nitpick and Sledgehammer so that they run concurrently?
Since Sledgehammer is already sending off my lemma to a bunch of automatic provers, couldn't one of those provers actually be a counterexample-finder such as Nitpick?

You can try using the try command in Isabelle; it runs sledgehammer, nitpick, quickcheck and a number of other solvers (such as auto, simp, force, etc) in parallel, giving you the results of the first one that finishes.
For example, running the following:
lemma "(a * (b + 1)) = (a * b + a)"
will return a counter-example from nitpick, indicating that the theorem is not true in general. Adding a type constraint:
lemma "((a :: nat) * (b + 1)) = (a * b + a)"
will now return a message telling you that simp is able to solve the goal.
Finally, changing the type constraint to the more challenging 32 word type (available from Word in HOL-Word):
lemma "((a :: 32 word) * (b + 1)) = (a * b + a)"
will return a result from sledgehammer.


how to simplify basic arithmetic in more complex goals

Here's a minimal example of my problem
Lemma arith: forall T (G: seq T), (size G + 1 + 1).+1 = (size G + 3).
I would like to be able to reduce this to
forall T (G: seq T), (size G + 2).+1 = (size G + 3).
by the simplest possible means. Trying simpl or auto immediately does nothing.
If I rewrite with associativity first, that is,
intros. rewrite - addnA. simpl. auto.,
simpl and auto still do nothing. I am left with a goal of
(size G + (1 + 1)).+1 = size G + 3
I guess the .+1 is "in the way" of simpl and auto working on the (1+1) somehow. It seems like I must first remove the .+1 before I can simplify the 1+1.
However, in my actual proof, there is a lot more stuff than the .+1 "in the way" and I would really like to simplify my copious amount of +1s first. As a hack, I'm using 'replace' on individual occurrences but this feels very clumsy (and there are a lot of different arithmetic expressions to replace). Is there any better way to do this?
I am using the ssrnat library.
Coq has a ring and ring_simplify tactic for this kind of work. Sorry for my ssreflect ignorant intros, but this works:
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Lemma arith: forall T (G: seq T), (size G + 1 + 1).+1 = (size G + 3).
There is also a field and field_simplify. For inequalities there are lia and lra, but I am not sure if these work in mathcomp - for lia you might need this ( but it might be integrated meanwhile.
There are many lemmas in ssrnat to reason about addition. One possible solution to your problem is the following:
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Lemma arith: forall T (G: seq T), (size G + 1 + 1).+1 = (size G + 3).
Proof. by move=> T G; rewrite !addn1 addn3. Qed.
addn1 : forall n, n + 1 = n.+1
addn3 : forall n, n + 3 = n.+3 (* := n.+1.+1.+1 *)
You can use the Search command to look for lemmas related to certain term patterns. For instance, Search (_ + 1) returns, among other things, addn1.

Idiomatic ways of selecting subterm to rewrite

Suppose we have a conclusion of form: a + b + c + d + e.
We also have a lemma: plus_assoc : forall n m p : nat, n + (m + p) = n + m + p.
What are idiomatic ways to arbitrarily "insert a pair of parentheses" into the term? That is, how can we easily choose where to rewrite if there's more than one available place.
What I generally end up doing is the following:
replace (a + b + c + d + e)
with (a + b + c + (d + e))
by now rewrite <- ?plus_assoc
And while this formulation does state exactly what I want to do,
it gets extremely long-winded for formulations more complicated than "a b c...".
rewrite <- lemma expects lemma to be an equality, that is, a term whose type is of the form something1 = something2. Like with most other tactics, you can also pass it a function that returns an equality, that is, a term whose type is of the form forall param1 … paramN, something1 = something2, in which case Coq will look for a place where it can apply the lemma to parameters to form a subterm of the goal. Coq's algorithm is deterministic, but letting it choose is not particularly useful except when performing repeated rewrites that eventually exhaust all possibilities. Here Coq happens to choose your desired goal with rewrite <- plus_assoc, but I assume that this was just an example and you're after a general technique.
You can get more control over where to perform the rewrite by supplying more parameters to the lemma, to get a more specific equality. For example, if you want to specify that (((a + b) + c) + d) + e should be turned into ((a + b) + c) + (d + e), i.e. that the associativity lemma should be applied to the parameters (a + b) + c, d and e, you can write
rewrite <- (plus_assoc ((a + b) + c) d e).
You don't need to supply all the parameters, just enough to pinpoint the place where you want to apply the lemma. For example, here, it's enough to specify d as the second argument. You can do this by leaving the third parameter out altogether and specifying the wildcard _ as the first parameter.
rewrite <- (plus_assoc _ d).
Occasionally there are identical subterms and you only want to rewrite one of them. In this case you can't use the rewrite family of tactics alone. One approach is to use replace with a bigger term where you pick what you want to change, or event assert to replace the whole goal. Another approach is to use the set tactics, which lets you give a name to a specific occurrence of a subterm, then rely on that name to identify specific subterms, and finally call subst to get rid of the name when you're done.
An alternative approach is to forget about which lemmas to apply, and just specify how you want to change the goal with something like assert or a plain replace … with ….. Then let automated tactics such as congruence, omega, solve [firstorder], etc. find parameters that make the proof work. With this approach, you do have to write down big parts of the goal, but you save on specifying lemmas. Which approach works best depends on where you are on a big proof and what tends to be stable during development and what isn't.
IMO your best option is to use the ssreflect pattern selection language, available in Coq 8.7 or by installing math-comp in earlier versions. This language is documented in the manual:
Example (for Coq 8.7):
(* Replace with From mathcomp Require ... in Coq < 8.7 *)
From Coq Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool.
Lemma addnC n m : m + n = n + m. Admitted.
Lemma addnA m n o : m + (n + o) = m + n + o. Admitted.
Lemma example m n o p : n + o + p + m = m + n + o + p.
Proof. by rewrite -[_ + _ + o]addnA -[m + _ + p]addnA [m + _]addnC.
If you don't want to prove a helper lemma, then one of your choices is using Ltac to pattern match on the structure of the equality on your hands. This way you can bind arbitrary complex subexpressions to pattern variables:
Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
Goal forall a b c d e,
(a + 1 + 2) + b + c + d + e = (a + 1 + 2) + (b + c + d) + e -> True.
intros a b c d e H.
match type of H with ?a + ?b + ?c + ?d + ?e = _ =>
replace (a + b + c + d + e)
with (a + (b + c + d) + e)
in H
by now rewrite <- ?plus_assoc
In the above piece of code ?a stands for a + 1 + 2. This, of course, doesn't improve anything if you are dealing with simple variables, it helps only when you are dealing with complex nested expressions.
Also, if you need to rewrite things in the goal, then you can use something like this:
match goal with
| |- ?a + ?b + ?c + ?d + ?e = _ => <call your tactics here>

What's the difference between logical (Leibniz) equality and local definition in Coq?

I am having trouble understanding the difference between an equality and a local definition. For example, when reading the documentation about the set tactic:
remember term as ident
This behaves as set ( ident := term ) in * and
using a logical (Leibniz’s) equality instead of a local definition
set (ca := c + a) in *. e.g. generates ca := c + a : Z in the context, while
remember (c + a ) as ca. generates Heqca : ca = c + a in the context.
In case 2. I can make use of the generated hypothesis like rewrite Heqca., while in case 1., I cannot use rewrite ca.
What's the purpose of case 1. and how is it different from case 2. in terms of practical usage?
Also, if the difference between the two is fundamental, why is remember described as a variant of set in the documentation (8.5p1)?
You could think of set a := b + b in H as rewriting H to be:
(fun a => H[b+b/a]) (b+b)
let a := b + b in
That is, it replaces all matched patterns b+b by a fresh variable a, which is then instantiated to the value of the pattern. In this regard, both H and the rewrited hypotheses remain equal by "conversion".
Indeed, remember is in a sense a variant of set, however its implications are very different. In this case, remember will introduce a new proof of equality eq_refl: b + b = b + b, then it will abstract away the left part. This is convenient for having enough freedom in pattern matching etc... This is remember in terms of more atomic tactics:
Lemma U b c : b + b = c + c.
assert (b + b = b + b). reflexivity.
revert H.
generalize (b+b) at 1 3.
intros n H.
In addition to #ejgallego's answer.
Yes, you cannot rewrite a (local) definition, but you can unfold it:
set (ca := c + a) in *.
unfold ca.
As for the differences in their practical use -- they are quite different. For example, see this answer by #eponier. It relies on the remember tactic so that induction works as we'd like to. But, if we replace remember with set it fails:
Inductive good : nat -> Prop :=
| g1 : good 1
| g3 : forall n, good n -> good (n * 3)
| g5 : forall n, good n -> good (n + 5).
Require Import Omega.
The variant with remember works:
Goal ~ good 0.
remember 0 as n.
intro contra. induction contra; try omega.
apply IHcontra; omega.
and the variant with set doesn't (because we didn't introduce any free variables to work with):
Goal ~ good 0.
set (n := 0). intro contra.
induction contra; try omega.
Fail apply IHcontra; omega.

`No more subgoals, but there are non-instantiated existential variables` in Coq proof language?

I was following (incomplete) examples in Coq 8.5p1 's reference manual in chapter 11 about the mathematical/declarative proof language. In the example below for iterated equalities (~= and =~), I got a warning Insufficient Justification for rewriting 4 into 2+2, and eventually got an error saying:
No more subgoals, but there are non-instantiated existential
?Goal : [x : R H : x = 2 _eq0 : 4 = x * x
|- 2 + 2 = 4]
You can use Grab Existential Variables.
Goal forall x, x = 2 -> x + x = x * x.
proof. Show.
let x:R.
assume H: (x = 2). Show.
have ( 4 = 4). Show.
~= (2*2). Show.
~= (x*x) by H. Show.
=~ (2+2). Show. (*Problem Here: Insufficient Justification*)
=~ H':(x + x) by H.
thus thesis by H'.
end proof.
Fail Qed.
I'm not familiar with the mathematical proof language in Coq and couldn't understand why this happens. Can someone help explain how to fix the error?
I had these random imports before the example:
Require Import Reals.
Require Import Fourier.
Your proof would work for nat or Z, but it fails in case of R.
From the Coq Reference Manual (v8.5):
The purpose of a declarative proof language is to take the opposite approach where intermediate states are always given by the user, but the transitions of the system are automated as much as possible.
It looks like the automation fails for 4 = 2 + 2. I don't know what kind of automation uses the declarative proof engine, but, for instance, the auto tactic is not able to prove almost all simple equalities, like this one:
Open Scope R_scope.
Goal 2 + 2 = 4. auto. Fail Qed.
And as #ejgallego points out we can prove 2 * 2 = 4 using auto only by chance:
Open Scope R_scope.
Goal 2 * 2 = 4. auto. Qed.
(* `reflexivity.` would do here *)
However, the field tactic works like a charm. So one approach would be to suggest the declarative proof engine using the field tactic:
Require Import Coq.Reals.Reals.
Open Scope R_scope.
Unset Printing Notations. (* to better understand what we prove *)
Goal forall x, x = 2 -> x + x = x * x.
let x : R.
assume H: (x = 2).
have (4 = 4).
~= (x*x) by H.
=~ (2+2) using field. (* we're using the `field` tactic here *)
=~ H':(x + x) by H.
thus thesis by H'.
end proof.
The problem here is that Coq's standard reals are defined in an axiomatic way.
Thus, + : R -> R -> R and *, etc... are abstract operations, and will never compute. What does this mean? It means that Coq doesn't have a rule on what to do with +, contrary for instance to the nat case, where Coq knows that:
0 + n ~> 0
S n + m ~> S (n + m)
Thus, the only way to manipulate + for the real numbers it to manually apply the corresponding axioms that characterize the operator, see:
This is what field, omega, etc... do. Even 0 + 1 = 1 is not probable by computation.
Anton's example 2 + 2 = 4 works by chance. Actually, Coq has to parse the numeral 4 to a suitable representation using the real axioms, and it turns out that 4 is parsed as Rmult (Rplus R1 R1) (Rplus R1 R1) (to be more efficient), which is the same than the left side of the previous equality.

Proof with false hypothesis in Isabelle/HOL Isar

I am trying to prove a lemma which in a certain part has a false hypothesis. In Coq I used to write "congruence" and it would get rid of the goal. However, I am not sure how to proceed in Isabelle Isar. I am trying to prove a lemma about my le function:
primrec le::"nat ⇒ nat ⇒ bool" where
"le 0 n = True" |
"le (Suc k) n = (case n of 0 ⇒ False | Suc j ⇒ le k j)"
lemma def_le: "le a b = True ⟷ (∃k. a + k = b)"
assume H:"le a b = True"
show "∃k. a + k = b"
proof (induct a)
case 0
show "∃k. 0 + k = b"
proof -
have "0 + b = b" by simp
thus ?thesis by (rule exI)
case Suc
fix n::nat
assume HI:"∃k. n + k = b"
show "∃k. (Suc n) + k = b"
proof (induct b)
case 0
show "∃k. (Suc n) + k = 0"
proof -
have "le (Suc n) 0 = False" by simp
Note that my le function is "less or equal". At this point of the proof I find I have the hypothesis H which states that le a b = True, or in this case that le (Suc n) 0 = True which is false. How can I solve this lemma?
Another little question: I would like to write have "le (Suc n) 0 = False" by (simp only:le.simps) but this does not work. It seems I need to add some rule for reducing case expressions. What am I missing?
Thank you very much for your help.
The problem is not that it is hard to get rid of a False hypothesis in Isabelle. In fact, pretty much all of Isabelle's proof methods will instantly prove anything if there is False in the assumptions. No, the problem here is that at that point of the proof, you don't have the assumptions you need anymore, because you did not chain them into the induction. But first, allow me to make a few small remarks, and then give concrete suggestions to fix your proof.
A Few Remarks
It is somewhat unidiomatic to write le a b = True or le a b = False in Isabelle. Just write le a b or ¬le a b.
Writing the definition in a convenient form is very important to get good automation. Your definition works, of course, but I suggest the following one, which may be more natural and will give you a convenient induction rule for free:
Using the function package:
fun le :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ bool" where
"le 0 n = True"
| "le (Suc k) 0 = False"
| "le (Suc k) (Suc n) = le k n"
Existentials can sometimes hide important information, and they tend mess with automation, since the automation never quite knows how to instantiate them.
If you prove the following lemma, the proof is fully automatic:
lemma def_le': "le a b ⟷ a + (b - a) = b"
by (induction a arbitrary: b) (simp_all split: nat.split)
Using my function definition, it is:
lemma def_le': "le a b ⟷ (a + (b - a) = b)"
by (induction a b rule: le.induct) simp_all
Your lemma then follows from that trivially:
lemma def_le: "le a b ⟷ (∃k. a + k = b)"
using def_le' by auto
This is because the existential makes the search space explode. Giving the automation something concrete to follow helps a lot.
The actual answer
There are a number of problems. First of all, you will probably need to do induct a arbitrary: b, since the b will change during your induction (for le (Suc a) b, you will have to do a case analysis on b, and then in the case b = Suc b' you will go from le (Suc a) (Suc b') to le a b').
Second, at the very top, you have assume "le a b = True", but you do not chain this fact into the induction. If you do induction in Isabelle, you have to chain all required assumptions containing the induction variables into the induction command, or they will not be available in the induction proof. The assumption in question talks about a and b, but if you do induction over a, you will have to reason about some arbitrary variable a' that has nothing to do with a. So do e.g:
assume H:"le a b = True"
thus "∃k. a + k = b"
(and the same for the second induction over b)
Third, when you have several cases in Isar (e.g. during an induction or case analysis), you have to separate them with next if they have different assumptions. The next essentially throws away all the fixed variables and local assumptions. With the changes I mentioned before, you will need a next before the case Suc, or Isabelle will complain.
Fourth, the case command in Isar can fix variables. In your Suc case, the induction variable a is fixed; with the change to arbitrary: b, an a and a b are fixed. You should give explicit names to these variables; otherwise, Isabelle will invent them and you will have to hope that the ones it comes up with are the same as those that you use. That is not good style. So write e.g. case (Suc a b). Note that you do not have to fix variables or assume things when using case. The case command takes care of that for you and stores the local assumptions in a theorem collection with the same name as the case, e.g. Suc here. They are categorised as Suc.prems, Suc.IH, Suc.hyps. Also, the proof obligation for the current case is stored in ?case (not ?thesis!).
With that (and a little bit of cleanup), your proof looks like this:
lemma def_le: "le a b ⟷ (∃k. a + k = b)"
assume "le a b"
thus "∃k. a + k = b"
proof (induct a arbitrary: b)
case 0
show "∃k. 0 + k = b" by simp
case (Suc a b)
thus ?case
proof (induct b)
case 0
thus ?case by simp
case (Suc b)
thus ?case by simp
It can be condensed to
lemma def_le: "le a b ⟷ (∃k. a + k = b)"
assume "le a b"
thus "∃k. a + k = b"
proof (induct a arbitrary: b)
case (Suc a b)
thus ?case by (induct b) simp_all
qed simp
But really, I would suggest that you simply prove a concrete result like le a b ⟷ a + (b - a) = b first and then prove the existential statement using that.
Manuel Eberl did the hard part, and I just respond to your question on how to try and control simp, etc.
Before continuing, I go off topic and clarify something said on another site. The word "a tip" was used to give credit to M.E., but it should have been "3 explanations provided over 2 answers". Emails on mailing lists can't be corrected without spamming the list.
Some short answers are these:
There is no guarantee of completely controlling simp, but attributes del and only, shown below, will many times control it to the extent that you desire. To see that it's not doing more than you want, traces need to be used; an example of traces is given below.
To get complete control of proof steps, you would use "controlled" simp, along with rule, drule, and erule, and other methods. Someone else would need to give an exhaustive list.
Most anyone with the expertise to be able to answer "what's the detailed proof of what simp, auto, blast, etc does" will very rarely be willing to put in the work to answer the question. It can be plain, tedious work to investigate what simp is doing.
"Black box proofs" are always optional, as far as I can tell, if we want them to be and have the expertise to make them optional. Expertise to make them optional is generally a major limiting factor. With expertise, motivation becomes the limiting factor.
What's simp up to? It can't please everyone
If you watch, you'll see. People complain there's too much automation, or they complain there's too little automation with Isabelle.
There can never be too much automation, but that's because with Isabelle/HOL, automation is mostly optional. The possibility of no automation is what makes proving potentially interesting, but with only no automation, proving is nothing but pure tediousness, in the grand scheme.
There are attributes only and del, which can be used to mostly control simp. Speaking only from experimenting with traces, even simp will call other proof methods, similar to how auto calls simp, blast, and others.
I think you cannot prevent simp from calling linear arithmetic methods. But linear arithmetic doesn't apply much of the time.
Get set up for traces, and even the blast trace
My answer here is generalized for also trying to determine what auto is up to. One of the biggest methods that auto resorts to is blast.
You don't need the attribute_setups if you don't care about seeing when blast is used by auto, or called directly. Makarius Wenzel took the blast trace out, but then was nice enough to show the code on how to implement it.
Without the blast part, there is just the use of declare. In a proof, you can use using instead of declare. Take out what you don't want. Make sure you look at the new simp_trace_new info in the PIDE Simplifier Trace panel.
attribute_setup blast_trace = {*
(Parse.$$$ "=" -- Args.$$$ "true" >> K true ||
Parse.$$$ "=" -- Args.$$$ "false" >> K false ||
Scan.succeed true) >>
(fn b => Thm.declaration_attribute (K (Config.put_generic Blast.trace b)))
attribute_setup blast_stats = {*
(Parse.$$$ "=" -- Args.$$$ "true" >> K true ||
Parse.$$$ "=" -- Args.$$$ "false" >> K false ||
Scan.succeed true) >>
(fn b => Thm.declaration_attribute (K (Config.put_generic Blast.stats b)))
declare[[simp_trace_new mode=full]]
Try and control simp, to your heart's content with only & del
I don't want to work hard by using the formula in your question. With simp, what you're looking for with only and the traces is that no rule was used that you weren't expecting.
Look at the simp trace to see what basic rewrites are done that will always be done, like basic rewrites for True and False. If you don't even want that, then you have to resort to methods like rule.
A starting point to see if you can completely shut down simp is apply(simp only:).
Here are a few examples. I would have to work harder to find an example to show when linear arithmetic is automatically being used:
"a = 0 --> a + b = (b::'a::comm_monoid_add)"
apply(simp only:) (*
ERROR: simp can't apply any magic whatsoever.
"a = 0 --> a + b = (b::'a::comm_monoid_add)"
apply(simp only: add_0) (*
ERROR: Still can't. Rule 'add_0' is used, but it can't be used first.
"a = 0 --> a + b = (b::'a::comm_monoid_add)"
apply(simp del: add_0) (*
It applied at least one rule. See the simp trace. It tried to finish
the job automatically, but couldn't. It says "Trying to refute subgoal 1,
Don't trust me about this, but it looks typical of blast. I was under
the impressions that simp doesn't call blast.*)
"a = 0 --> a + b = (b::'a::comm_monoid_add)"
by(simp) (*
This is your question. I don't want to step through the rules that simp
uses to prove it all.