slow eclipse remote debugging connection - eclipse

I'm running linux mint 14, java 1.7.0_06-b24, eclipse 4.2. I'm building and deploying a large web app to a local WebLogic instance. When I try to connect a remote debugging session to this app for Eclipse debugging purposes, it takes quite a while ~1min to connect. Once connected, performance seems fine. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Everything seemed to be working fine when I was running ubuntu and eclipse 3.8.

Did you set a big amount of breakpoints in your code?
Attaching to the JVM takes longer as more breakpoints are there.

If the experimental debugging feature Show debug values inline on text editors is enabled, it takes ~1min to connect the remote debugger.
This was introduced in version 2022-03 (4.23.0).
Solution: disable the setting.
You can find it in Window / Preferences / Run/Debug


How to disable Eclipse IDE Language Server

I am running Eclipse IDE
Version 2018-12 (4.10.0)
Build id: 20181214-0600
On macOS Mojave
Version 10.14.1
MacBook Pro 2018 with 32GB and cpu 2.9 G i9
When I attempt to things such as open up a class file etc - I see the Initialize Language Server and I get the famous BeachBall - some times it is for a second or two and other times 30 or more seconds.
Is there some configuration or something that can improve the performance of this or ability to turn it off? Search the web has turned up nothing so far. At first I thought it was the freemarker IDE extension - uninstalled that but no change.
I uninstalled freemarker IDE and all the other JBOSS extensions since I am not currently using them.
I then when into Preferences -> Language Servers and turn them all off.
Now I do not have any issues with slowness of opening files or the famous mac BeachBall.
For me the issue was with Spring, and then I went ahead and turned off all Spring language servers. I do not know what capabilities are lost due to this, but there seems to be lot of improvement that is needed here before we actually use it.
What a pain in neck, killed my office work productivity for almost a month!

How Do I debug in server side code?

I have download & install vscode on my ubuntu 14.04 lts box, and It's working fine. I have created one app in node.js, and want to debug it. When I put debug point in my app.js file, and hit f5 (run), and seems it's working. But How to debug server side and client side code? Do you have any video tutorial in detail, so new user can understand it.
VSCode only supports node and mono (on linux and mac) debugging atm.
Client side debugging is not currently supported, you can vote for it here:
We might produce video tutorials for new users soon.
In the meantime you can look at the docs
The VSCode debugger does not support to debug clients (browsers) because browsers already have built-in debuggers (and other dev tools) that are much better integrated than VSCode can ever be.
So please use VSCode for debugging your node server and for debugging the client at the same time open the development tools of your browser.

Cannot update or install any new software in any version of eclipse

I've read the other posts about being unable to install software in eclipse, but I still can't seem to get anything to work. I've tried on both Eclipse Indigo and Eclipse Juno - neither of which seem to be able to connect to anything, yet I can open the web browser.
On my other computer, which was previously configured, it contacts the software sites perfectly fine. I can also use the internal web browser on both version of eclipse - navigating to
I've tried updating Eclipse using and I have tried to install ADT with
I'm attaching an image of the error I'm getting. Also it appears I am getting 'permission denied'
Regarding the ADT, i couldnt get it to work with indigo for the life of me. After looking around a lot i realized that there are some comparability restrictions for the ADT plug in. The latest version of the ADT works on Eclipse Helios 3.6 or higher.
also make sure to do "run as administrator" when you start eclipse if you are going to install software.
I had the same problem, I'm not sure if it would help but here is what I did anyway:
Uninstalled AVG
Ran SFC /scannow
SFC found some corrupted windows files and repaired them
Not sure if uninstalling AVG did anything, but I saw it as a possible solution somewhere else.
I am now using MSE since it seems to be more compatible with my system...
Maybe you need to connect thru a proxy?
Check you browsers connections settings.
I've had the same issue before and it turned out to be due to a VPN connection I had open. It must have been trying to go via that, although no other applications have had that problem. So perhaps check that you don't have any static routes which are interfering.

Regarding eclipse galileo

I'm using eclipse galileo for developing some web application. But I want to get the eclipse installed on the server(assume some other pc or server machine) and I want to access it as a client and work as I was working before. Please suggest me what type of server I should configure and which Operating System supports it.
A little bit weird to put the IDE on the server but you can use whatever OS you want, put the Eclipse there and connect to it using VNC or Remote Desktop.

Anyone have issues with Eclipse over Remote Desktop Connection?

I have a very strange issue that I'm hoping someone can help me with. I have various installations of Eclipse on my development machine at work. The one I primarily use is Weblogic WorkSpace Studio 10.2. This installation, along with a few Pulse installations I have set up works fine when I'm logged into my computer physically.
However, when I try to log into the computer using Microsoft's Remote Desktop Connection utility I get an error stating: "Could not create Java virtual machine." and then I get the lovely Eclipse error box which I personally can gather almost nothing from.
Even if you don't have the solution, any help would be greatly appreciated.
What ended up working for me was the memory settings for the JVM. Apparently the remote desktop connection, or some other setting in Windows, blocks off a fairly large amount of space. By reducing the heap size allocation for the JVM during Eclipse and server start-up I was able to get this working. As a side note, I had PLENTY of space that windows could have used, so I don't think blankly adding more memory would necessarily solve the issue. If you find another solution, please let me know.
• We came across an issue when user RDC’s to a remote system where the OS is Windows 10 and has a running Eclipse instance, the Eclipse instance terminates
• Eclipse is one of the IDE’s for Java
• The issue is because of Windows 10 Exploit protection
• Pre-requisite: You will need Administrative permissions for executing the below
• Navigate to Settings -> Update & Security -> Windows Security -> App & Browser Control -> Exploit Protection Settings
• Add the program to exclude as below
P.s. As of Window 10 1909 MS security advisory mentions we can disable some exploit protections by default.
Perhaps it is permission related. take a look at similar issue that symantec has:
Try to see if you have same patches installed that causes the security issue. Also refer to application log to see if there is a more specific error. Good luck :)
I think issue happens due to Windows, not Eclipse nor JVM. There is still open Bug report on the Eclipse side and one of the comments state that Microsoft is working on the issue.
I have tried Windows Remote Desktop-ing into my dev machine at work (which had only one version of eclipse installed on it). I had no troubles.
Is it possible that your problems stem from multiple versions of eclipse running at the same time?
Also, have you tried a fresh install of eclipse on your dev machine?
If the above two suggestions don't work, then the only thing that I can think of is what Mohammad said: you might need to check your permissions.
I would check the system log if I were you: Start > run > eventvwr
The first thing to look at is the .log file which is in your eclipse's metadata folder (found in your workspace at $WORKSPACE_ROOT/.metadata/.log). If you post the stack trace that it generates upon initialization, we can give a definitive answer.
I am now experiencing this in Eclipse (the Oxygen release and Java 1.8.0_181). I previously had the same problem with another Java-based program (Oxygen XML/XSL editor - the product name is coincidentally the same as the Eclipse version). Last year the Oxygen support team answered that it may be a known problem in Java.
Even without seeing a crash report, considering your sequence of
events, this seems like a known common cause of crash for the Java
runtime. Keeping Oxygen/Java running for a long time, until the screen
or video card enters sleep then connecting/disconnecting
screens/projectors or connecting/disconnecting RDP can trigger a crash
in the Java runtime. We keep updating the Java runtime (JRE) with each
new version of Oxygen, but so far the issue has not been resolved in
newer versions of the JRE.
e.g. Java VM logged issue: