Zend_Db magic method specific cell selection - zend-framework

Currently I'm working on a couple of model related improvements and looking into a specific query I've wrote.
$queryGetPages = $this->fetchAll($this->select()
->where('page_active = ?', (int) $active)
->order('page_rank ASC'));
if($queryGetPages) {
$queryGetPages = $queryGetPages->toArray();
foreach($queryGetPages as $key => $value) {
$queryGetPagePrint = $this->find($value['pageid'])
->from('module_pages_prints', array('print_title'))
->where('fuse_locale = ?', $this->_toolbox['editor']['translation']) )
The problem is in the magic method which is requesting data from a related table. I only need the 'title' cell per row, but for some reason it wont let me. Even with this query, it returns all cells from the row. I'm doing something wrong, but have no idea what!
If someone can point me to the right direction, I would be very thankfull.
Best regards !

The function that is implicitly called in your case is findManyToManyRowset() (code available in Zend/Db/Table/Row/Abstract.php, lines 1001-1108 (as of ZF 1.12.1). Have a look at lines 1070-1072:
$select->from(array('i' => $interName), array(), $interSchema)
->joinInner(array('m' => $matchName), $joinCond, Zend_Db_Select::SQL_WILDCARD, $matchSchema)
In short: the function that is called will overwrite your from() call and select all rows from the dependent table (module_pages_fuses). This is the way it's designed to work.
Instead, I would recommend writing the query you actually need the "dumb" way, e.g.
$queryGetPagePrint = $this->select()
->from(array('p' => 'module_pages_prints'), array('print_title'))
->join(array('f' => 'module_pages_fuses'),'p.pageid = f.pageid',array())
->where('f.fuse_locale = ?', $this->_toolbox['editor']['translation'])
->where('p.pageid = ?', $value['pageid']);


Using Math::Polygon to determine if point is inside a polygon. Not working

I am trying to determine if a certain point is inside of a polygon. Trying to use Math::Polygon. I have the boundary of the polygon in a mySQL table as one record per point for the polygon:
No matter what I do, the routine will not show the point inside the polygon despite the fact that the point would be truly inside the polygon.
Here's the relevant code
use Math::Polygon;
my #poly = ();
$sqlc = "SELECT segment,lat,lon FROM boundary WHERE xxxxxxx ";
my $stcc = $dbh->prepare(qq{$sqlc});
while(($seg,$slat,$slon) = $stcc->fetchrow_array())
$poly[$seg] = ([$slat,$slon]);
my $bound = Math::Polygon->new(points => #poly);
my #this_loc = ([$lat2,$lon2]);
if($bound->contains( $this_loc ))
# never reaches this point.
No matter what, I can't get the ->contains() routine to ever return true.
Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.
There seems to be (at least) two errors:
my $bound = Math::Polygon->new(points => #poly);
the constructor takes a reference to an array, not an array. So it should be:
my $bound = Math::Polygon->new(points => \#poly);
Second, $bound->contains( ) takes a reference to a point array, so it should be:
if($bound->contains( \#this_loc )) { ... }

SugarCRM 6.5 CE: how to remove button in detailview according to a condition

I'm trying to remove buttons in detail view of a Lead if it is alredy converted.
I saw a similar question and it use javascript to hide buttons. I'm trying to obtain same result via php.
This is my view.detail.php in custom\modules\Leads\views\ folder
class LeadsViewDetail extends ViewDetail {
function __construct(){
function preDisplay() {
if($this->bean->converted==1) {
echo "hide";
foreach ($this->dv->defs['templateMeta']['form']['buttons'] as $key => $value) {
} else {
echo "show";
Using this code, after a Quick Repair & Rebuilt, I see "hide" or "show" correctly according to the Lead status but buttons are not updated correctly.
If I open a converted Lead after QR&R, I will never see the buttons.
If I open a unconverted Lead after QR&R, I will see the buttons all times.
I'm stuck with this situation. Can anyone explain me where is the problem? How I can solve it?
Every help is very appreciated.
You can probably handle this without extending the ViewDetail by using Smarty logic ("customCode") in custom/modules/Leads/metadata/detailviewdefs.php. It looks like the Convert button is already only rendered when the user has Edit privileges, so it's not a big deal to add one more condition to it...
$viewdefs['Leads']['DetailView']['templateMeta']['form]['buttons'][] = array('customCode' => '
{if $bean->aclAccess("edit") && $bean->converted}
onClick="document.location=\'index.php?module=Leads&action=ConvertLead&record={$fields.id.value}\'" />
Alternatively, if you do have several conditions and they'd get too messy or difficult for Smarty logic to be reasonable, we can combine a small amount of Smarty Logic with the extended ViewDetail.
This except of custom/modules/Leads/metadata/detailviewdefs.php is actually the out-of-the-box file from SugarCRM CE 6.5.24, where it looks like they've actually tried to make this customization easier by supplying a Smarty var $DISABLE_CONVERT_ACTION. For reference, it simply needs the global config variable disable_convert_lead to be set and enabled, but I suspect that this was a relatively new feature not included in earlier versions. Still, it's a good example of using the View to set a simple Smarty variable that we can pivot on:
$viewdefs['Leads']['DetailView'] = array (
'templateMeta' => array (
'form' => array (
'buttons' => array (
array (
'customCode' => '{if $bean->aclAccess("edit") && !$DISABLE_CONVERT_ACTION}<input title="{$MOD.LBL_CONVERTLEAD_TITLE}" accessKey="{$MOD.LBL_CONVERTLEAD_BUTTON_KEY}" type="button" class="button" onClick="document.location=\'index.php?module=Leads&action=ConvertLead&record={$fields.id.value}\'" name="convert" value="{$MOD.LBL_CONVERTLEAD}">{/if}',
//Bug#51778: The custom code will be replaced with sugar_html. customCode will be deplicated.
'sugar_html' => array(
'type' => 'button',
'value' => '{$MOD.LBL_CONVERTLEAD}',
'htmlOptions' => array(
'class' => 'button',
'onClick' => 'document.location=\'index.php?module=Leads&action=ConvertLead&record={$fields.id.value}\'',
'name' => 'convert',
'id' => 'convert_lead_button',
'template' => '{if $bean->aclAccess("edit") && !$DISABLE_CONVERT_ACTION}[CONTENT]{/if}',
We can combine this $DISABLE_CONVERT_ACTION reference with a custom/modules/Leads/views/view.detail.php like the following to set it based on whatever condition we want:
class CustomLeadsViewDetail extends LeadsViewDetail {
* while we might normally like to call parent::display() in this method to
* best emulate what the parnts will do, we instead here copy-and-paste the
* parent methods' content because LeadsViewDetail::display() will set the
* DISABLE_CONVERT_ACTION Smarty var differently than we want.
public function display(){
global $sugar_config;
// Example One: Disable Conversion when status is Converted
$disableConvert = ($this->bean->status == 'Converted');
// Example Two: Disable Conversion when there is at lead one related Call
// where the status is Held
$disableConvert = FALSE;
foreach($this->bean->calls->getBeans() as $call){
if($call->status == 'Held'){
$disableConvert = TRUE;
break; // exit foreach()
// Example Three: Disable Conversion if the User is in a specific Role, e.g.
// Interns who are great for data entry in Leads but shouldn't be making
// actual sales
global $current_user;
$disableConvert = $current_user->check_role_membership('No Lead Conversions');
// In any of the above examples, once we have $disableConvert set up
// as we want, let the Smarty template know.
$this->ss->assign("DISABLE_CONVERT_ACTION", $disableConvert);
// copied from ViewDetail::display();
if(empty($this->bean->id)) {
echo $this->dv->display();

Convert a DBIx::Class::Result into a hash

Using DBIx::Class, I found a solution to my issue, thankfully. But I'm sure there has to be a nicer way.
my $record = $schema->resultset("food")->create({name=>"bacon"});
How would I turn this record into a simple hashref instead of having to make this call right after.
my record = $schema->resultset("food")->search({name=>"bacon"})->hashref_array();
Ideally I want to be able to write a code snippet as simple as
{record=> $record}
instead of
{record => {name => $record->name, $record->food_id, ...}}
This would drive me insane with a table that has alot more columns.
I assume you're talking about DBIx::Class?
my $record = $schema->resultset("food")->create({name=>"bacon"});
my %record_columns = $record->get_columns;
# or, to get a HashRef directly
my $cols = { $record->get_columns };
# or, as you've asked for
my $foo = { record => { $record->get_columns } };
What you're looking for is included in DBIx::Class as DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator.

Zend framework 1.11 Gdata Spreadsheets insertRow very slow

I'm using insertRow to populate an empty spreadsheet, it starts off taking about 1 second to insert a row and then slows down to around 5 seconds after 150 rows or so.
Has anyone experienced this kind of behaviour?
There aren't any calculations on the data in the spreadsheet that could be getting longer with more data.
I'll try to be strict.
If you take a look at class "Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets" you figure that the method insertRow() is written in a very not optimal way. See:
public function insertRow($rowData, $key, $wkshtId = 'default')
$newEntry = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_ListEntry();
$newCustomArr = array();
foreach ($rowData as $k => $v) {
$newCustom = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_Extension_Custom();
$query = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_ListQuery();
$feed = $this->getListFeed($query);
$editLink = $feed->getLink('http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#post');
return $this->insertEntry($newEntry->saveXML(), $editLink->href, 'Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_ListEntry');
In short, it loads your whole spreadsheet just in order to learn this value $editLink->href in order to post new row into your spreadsheet.
The cure is to avoid using this method insertRow.
Instead, get your $editLink->href once in your code and then insert new rows each time by reproducing the rest of behaviour of this method. I.e, in your code instead of $service->insertRow() use following:
//get your $editLink once:
$query = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_ListQuery();
$feed = $service->getListFeed($query);
$editLink = $feed->getLink('http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#post');
//instead of $service->insertRow:
$newEntry = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_ListEntry();
$newCustomArr = array();
foreach ($rowData as $k => $v) {
$newCustom = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_Extension_Custom();
$service->insertEntry($newEntry->saveXML(), $editLink->href, 'Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_ListEntry');
Don't forget to encourage this great answer, it costed me few days to figure out. I think ZF is great however sometimes you dont want to rely on their coode too much when it comes to resources optimization.

Zend_Db - Building a Delete Query

I'm trying to recreate the following in Zend Framework and am not sure how to do it:
DELETE FROM mytablename WHERE date( `time_cre` ) < curdate( ) - INTERVAL 4 DAY
I was thinking something like:
$table = $this->getTable();
$db = Zend_Registry::get('dbAdapter');
$db->delete($table, array(
'date(`time_cre`) < curdate() - interval 4'
Does that seem correct?
What is the best way to handle something like this?
EDIT: Ack! Sorry, I was adapting this from a SELECT I was using to test and didn't change the syntax properly when I pasted it in. I've edited the example to fix it.
Figured it out...
public function pruneOld($days) {
$table = $this->getTable();
$db = Zend_Registry::get('dbAdapter');
$where = $db->quoteInto("DATE(`time_cre`) < CURDATE() - INTERVAL ? DAY", $days);
return $table->delete($where);
$table gets an reference of the table I want to edit...
$db grabs an instance of the database adapter so I can use quoteInto()...
$where builds the main part of the query accepting $days to make things a bit more flexible.
Create an action to call this method... something like:
public function pruneoldAction() {
// Disable the view/layout stuff as I don't need it for this action
// Get the data model with a convenience method
$data = $this->_getDataModel();
// Prune the old entries, passing in the number of days I want to be older than
And now hitting: http://myhost/thiscontroller/pruneold/ will delete the entries. Of course, anyone hitting that url will delete the entries but I've taken steps not included in my example to deal with this. Hope this helps someone.
I usually do this to delete a row
$table = new yourDB;
$row = $table->fetchRow($table->select()->where(some where params));
$db->delete($table, array(
'date(time_cre) < ?' => new Zend_Db_Expr('curdate() - interval 4')