github branching and merging - github

I'm relatively new to github (I've pushed my rails app to a repo and I push it up regularly to keep it updated, with a 'commit' message, which is very handy to see where I am) and I just want to check I'm about to do the next stage correctly, without messing it all up.
Some history: a few months ago a software development company sent me the source code of the project, which I tasked them to do. It's called Project_v_1. Over the months I've been making css/javascript/html changes - models and controllers not for me yet!
But I have done a substantial amount of work and, as I said, I update it regularly. Project_v_1 is the master branch (the only branch in the repo, in fact)
Now I'm about to receive Project_v_2 from the software company. I want to put the best of my changes I made to Project_v_1 into Project_v_2. Do I have to manually seek out the changes in the files I made and copy/paste them into P_v_2?
Or can I do something like:
create a new branch in my repo: P_v_2
put P_v_2 into that branch.
merge P_v_2 and my master (P_v_1).
Am I scr**ed? It just seems a bit miraculous to think there's a simple resolution to my problem.

git merge will merge every commit in v1 to v2. I suggest you to use cherry-pick which is useful to apply same commits between branches :
Checkout the v2 branch and git cherry-pick <your-best-commit-id>


Am I setting up the repository correctly for what our team is trying to do?

We have three developers working on a microsoft visual studio project that is being hosted on Github but we are using the VS Github extension tool.
We are a little confused about how many branches are necessary for our project.... This is what we have right now.
Master Branch -> Development Branch.
The idea that we are currently working with, is that we will each individually make changes, and then push up to the Development Branch to test with. When Coder 1 makes a change, Coder 2 and 3 will see the change and can merge their projects with the Dev branch and vice versa- so we stay in sync.... Then when we are comfortable with the changes, we merge Development Branch into Master Branch.
We are wondering if we need more branches, or if more branches would be userful....
For example what if we had:
Master Branch -> Development Branch -> Coder1 Branch, Coder2 Branch, Coder3 Branch.
Is there any benefit to adding more branches? We only have three coders and are wondering what the setup should look like.
With only three programmers, I believe everyone can work on the development branch at the same time as long as there's proper communication on what parts each are working on. Everyone can work on the development branch and when it's time to push their own changes, I advise:
git stash, which will put your changes into a temporary stash and revert back to HEAD, pretending like you did not change anything
git pull, which will pull the others' changes
git stash pop, which will bring back your own changes. This way, you can build "on top" of other people's changes. If there's a merge conflict, "local" will be the other person's changes and "remote" will be your own changes.
But if you really want to be safe and formal, separate branches for each person can work, and using GitHub's page, it's easy to implement a pull request and do code review.
All in all, it just depends on how formal you want it to be.

How do I make my pull request only show the changes since my last pull request on github?

How do I go about making my pull requests have only the changes made on the new branch? Every time I push a branch it has all the changes from the previous branches included in the pull request also.
My manager is really big on making sure we do small PRs and have only the new changes on each one for easy review, but I'm at a complete loss as to how to do this. This is my first dev job and up until now I unfortunately haven't been able to do group work so managing PRs that might be a while before they are merged in is totally new to me.
So far I've only found how to cherry pick commits, is this the only way?
If I understand you right, you have a main branch (master?) that contains the latest version of your software and you have one or more other branches that contain modifications. You do some more modifications in that other branch and if you create a pull request it will contain all other changes.
The most simple solution I can think of is to use dedicated branches for all changes. Before starting to work, create a new branch from the main branch with the ticket ID, work description or whatever you use to describe your work: git branch -b feature-123.
Commit to this branch only and push it to the repo. If you now create a pull request from this feature branch to the main branch, it will only contain the changes you did and nothing else.
The further pull requests highly depend on your internal workflow and branch structure. But basically this workflow applies to all new changes.

Keeps track of files in eclipse, who made changes on which branch

Keeps track of files in eclipse, who made changes on which branch
Hello Guys, I am using BitBucket for project management, and i Create different branches as per features. Multiple teams works on their own branches and some time multiple teams make changes in same file.
So at the time of release I have to merge all the created branches in one major branch, but at time of merge i get a lot of merge conflicts,
So basically what i want, when developer going to make changes in any file, dev will get to know all submitted changes in another branches for this same file, (where dev going to make changes), So he or she will know the possible scenarios.
An alternative is to ask for a developer to rebase his/her own branch on top of the main branch first.
Then you can merge that branch easily enough.
That way:
if there are any conflicts, they are detected and resolve by the developer (who knows best how to resolve it)
each merge is a trivial one.

Git - multiple developers on same branch

I am pretty new to Git and I am using sourcetree as a client.
I know that in Git two developers work on the same branch at a time since they have local copies of the remote branch.
So here is a scenario :
A and B are working on a branch feature/release1.0
A commits code to local branch.
Now B commits the code and pushes it to the remote branch as well.
Now A will have to push his changes as well as Pull changes made by B.
So what will A do in this case ?
In this case, A should pull B's changes down first, make sure everything works, commit, and push.
Generally we (my team) don't work quite like that.
When we have two developers working closely on a feature, we work on separate branches and merge into a shared feature branch.
Among the advantages of this is that you can commit and push on your own schedule, which means that you can make your code work without worrying about the other developer's changes and your code makes it to the server quicker. That is, it's somewhere other than your own machine, somewhere that's probably backed up.
A must git pull first (some merge may be needed) and than push the code.
If A try to push his code in the first place, git will tell that the remote and local branches have diverged and instruct the developer to pull the code first.
If you pay attention to git commit error messages (and git status messages) you will always know what to do.
As you said, A has to get the changes from B (git pull) before pushing her changes. It is likely she has to deal with some conflicts, which should be resolved locally before pushing the code.
Apart from that, you should probably reconsider your branch scheme to avoid this kind of conflicts. Would it be possible to work in different branches? For instance, by redefining the tasks, to be more fine-grained.
Moreover, it is weird, at least for me, the name or the branch feature/release-1.0. Looks like there are releases by features basis, os something like that. Take a look at See how the release branches are fed from the developing branch, and this one receives the commits from the features branches.
Hope it helps!

Gerrit: working with multiple branches & propagating changes

I'm trying to identify the proper way of working with multiple branches on Gerrit that would match our workflow.
The way we work with branches right now is: we have master & feature branch. Master is the branch we want to polish and make it ready for release, while feature is obviously a field of intensive work. Now, in our particular case whenever somebody works on a bug fix, they:
create a change targeted for master branch
cherry pick it to the feature branch targeted change
once gerrit code review completes, submit both changes.
now the way i understand cherry-pick, it selects individual commit and merges it to the current change. if that is the case, i would expect to have no merge conflicts in the end, and indeed this workflow works perfectly with just GIT. Gerrit, however, most likely due to its nature (branches are not merged remotely the way these are locally and get a different sha tag) lists a tremendous number of conflicting files in the end.
Now, I resolved all these issues by applying merge strategy (ours on feature, theirs on master), but it does not feel right: if anything was not propagated, it just got discarded.
My question is: is there a safe workflow, similar to the above one, that would in the end produce a clean merge with gerrit?
I would say that it's better, in this case, to merge than to cherry pick.
A cherry pick adds the same changes but not the same commit. So while the source is the same on a cherry pick and merge the git tree is different. When the tree is different and you later do a merge git will think that the commit you previously cherry picked is missing and try to merge that change as well, even if the actual code is already there. That's probably why you get a lot of conflicts.
I would propose another way of working.
When you do normal work you develop on feature and push to Gerrit as normal.
When you do a patch (ie bug fix) on the stable production environment you do that directly on master (or local branches if you like but not on feature)
When the patch as been approved in Gerrit it get's merged into the real master and you can make a pull request to get that change to your local copy. Your version of master is now the same as Gerrits master
Now you would merge all new changes on master into feature. Make sure you do a rebase so that the patch ends up before anything you've already done on feature
Once it's time to deploy all new features you can merge feature into master, push to Gerrit (if you have permissions you can by pass gerrit by pushing directly to master instead of refs/for/master as these changes are already reviewed)
Once all changes are on Gerrits master you do a pull on your master and a merge into feature with rebase making feature a clean branch to work on. It's of course totally valid to have a new feature each release. Both work fine.
I'm a little confused, as this flow should work just fine. If other users submit changes before your bug fix is reviewed/verified/submitted, that could result in merge conflicts, but that should be rare.
If you:
Fix a bug on master
Push to review (creating change A in gerrit)
cherry-pick change A on top of the feature branch (resolving any conflicts from master to feature)
Push the cherry-picked change to review (creating change B)
Review/verify/submit changes A & B
Everything will work fine. The only way for merge conflicts to occur is if other users upload and submit changes between steps 1 and 5. Are you seeing different behavior? Can you provide more details?