Writing captions on an mp4 video in iOS - iphone

I have an mp4 video and a metadata xml file which contains information about captions to be added to the mp4. I want to write captions on top of this video in iOS. I got to know this can be done using HTML5's video element. I wanted to know if there any API's in iOS to do it in say, the AVFoundation or MediaPlayer framework.

I'm not a hundred percent sure this will answer your question, because it seems kind of vague.
But this might help you out.


Live Streaming Video in iPhone

I am new to iPhone Development. I need to capture video. While I'm capturing video it display on server too. Something like live streaming.
Anyone have idea from where I should have to start for this functionality?
Thanks in Advance.
Your question seems similar to this
Xcode ios: Streaming of video file while recording and removed redundant personal statements
First Half Solution
Using AVFoundation you can get video Buffer/frames while recording.
Second Half
But for uploading i didn't find any solution
There is Input Stream option there in iOS APIs but it need some file path. but as video is not recorded we didn't have any path.
Edit 1
Here is Best Example for AVFoundation provided by Apple, you can start with
I recommend you to use wowza wowza.com/https://www.wowza.com, it has all the features, from live stream, video on demand and etc.

iOS video player metadata

My question is if there is any built-in interpretation of metadata by the video player in iOS. I know one can add meta-data to a video and interpret it within a custom application as shown here.
In iOS on ipod or iphone, an HTML video is opened within the native player. I would like to display a message above or below the video for a short duration at the beginning. Since I cannot control the native player I thought there might be some built in metadata interpretation that could be used to perform this. I have not been able to find any information on this.
Any help is appreciated.
The blog you've posted includes details on using the native player MPMoviePlayerController to display meta data, which is pretty cool actually. You learn something new every day! If you're making a Phonegap App I suppose you could write a plugin to do this?
Or alternatively, have a look at this other OS question which appears to suggest that it is possible - though not seemingly with metadata embedded in the actual video. Apparently this works on iOS.
Reading metadata from the <track> of an HTML5 <video> using Captionator

video playing sample on iPhone using libffmpeg

can someone please provide a reference or an example on usage of libffmpeg library for playing video files not supported by apple.
Let consider mkv file.
I suppose the library decodes and passes the raw media data to AVFoundation objects to play it on device. Am I right ?
Another useful example is ffmpeg4iphone project it does have Player class which does actually playing the video and audio channel
One alternative to look at is kxmovie project on GitHub.

IPhone: Video API: Live video streaming modify

I have a question about video stream processing. Is it possible to get access and modify real time video stream during recording (f.e. I want to add some text to video)? I can do this as a preview by getting separate frames, but I'm looking for tool which will allow me to store video with my text in video frames.
Probably there is already some libraries/tools available (but I haven't found any yet).
Try GPUIMAGE library. It can help you.
You should check AVCam sample code by apple. That might be a starting point.

Create video in iPhone

I need to convert image sequences(ie,png) to video file in iPhone. How i can convert the images to video.
Just ignore bad advice like "use ffmpeg". That would work on the desktop, but the license issue makes including ffmpeg source code in your iPhone app legally questionable. Apple provides a class named AVAssetWriter that you would use in your app to encode a series of images as h.264 stored in a .m4v quicktime container file. While the apple provided logic does work, it is not so easy to actually use and you will need to read quite a lot of documentation to get the code working. If you want to skip implementing it yourself (and likely save yourself 3 or 4 days of work), please consider using my AVAnimator library for iOS as the h.264 encoding logic is already implemented in the class AVAssetWriterConvertFromMaxvid. Once encoded as h.264, the video can be played with the standard player and it is small enough to upload to a remote server.
You are likely going to need something like FFMPEG