Can I block a button? - iphone

I have a DatePicker() and button in a ControlView, when I click on the button it jump to a function where i work with the date i choose in the DatePicker(which spins), the problem is while is datePicker spining and i click the button it doesn't choose the date and it jump to function without choosing the date. Is posibble while is spining the datepicker to block the button?Or it can be another way?
Thanks for answers

The UIDatePicker control will send an action method when the user has finished rotating the control (for the event UIControlEventValueChanged). You could use this action method to enable the button so that the button can only be pressed after the user has completed picking a date.
See docs:
When properly configured, a UIDatePicker object sends an action
message when a user finishes rotating one of the wheels to change the
date or time; the associated control event is


Is there a way to add a "Go to today" to a JavaFX DatePicker?

The title says it all: I have a JavaFX DatePicker and am looking for a way to add a button which, upon a click to it, goes to the current date or at least the current month.
Is there a way to do this?
BTW, I'd like to have this button inside the DatePicker, maybe above the month calendar.
Do I have to modify the skin?
I believe this would work for you
Inside the button action function you can add this code to set the datepicker to the local date

SAPUI5 DateTimeInput open by Button

I'm using a sap.m.DateTimeInput in my XML View. When the input is clicked the DatePicker Popup is opened. Now I want to add a Button beside the DateTimeInput, and let open the Date popup on button click. DateTimeInput provides no method to open the Popup as far as i know. I'using SAPUI5 version 1.28.
How can i achieve this ?
I'm a little bit lost in Borwser Events, handlers and so on.
Check out the Date Picker control. I think that this control is what you want.
Date Picker Control

Event Handler for Accept Button in WinRT Date Picker

I am looking for a way to perform some actions when the user taps the accept/checkmark button in the DatePicker control also when the user does not change the date, i.e. this should be different from canceling out of the DatePicker by tapping the back or cancel button. Is there a way to add an event handler to this button?
Background: to help the user selecting a recent date (and avoid excessive scrolling), the DatePicker is set to today's date. The user should be able to
select another date and tap the accept button -> date is saved (this I can handle in the DateChanged event) -> OK (sort of)
cancel by tapping the back or cancel button -> assumed the user does not want to set a date, and no action to save (no event handler needed) -> OK
select the suggested date (today) by tapping the accept button -> date is supposed to be saved but DateChanged does not fire and there is no event for the accept button tapped.
Given the initial answer below I should perhaps emphasize that this is not about getting the date value from the control but about knowing if the user has tapped the accept/checkmark button or canceled the selection. What I'm looking for is a way to customize the DatePicker control so that allows me to capture that event.
This is normal behavior, the DateChanged event is fired only when the date actually change.
Of course you still have a way to have the selected date. Give a name to your DatePicker element:
<DatePicker Name="DatePick" Height="47" Width="323"/>
Then you can get the date by looking at the Date property:
DateTimeOffset selectedDate = DatePick.Date;
Those 2 buttons (done / cancel) are just there to validate the changes made in this UI:
Done : change the value of the Date in the DatePicker element, if the date was changed the DateChanged event is fired, if not then nothing happen.
Cancel (or backbutton) : cancel the date selection, the Date property of the DatePicker element stay the same even if you changed the selected date in the DatePicker.
If you want to know if the user accepted the date you show him, don't use the buttons in the DatePicker UI but add two buttons on your own page, the buttons in the DatePicker UI are just to validate or cancel a change you made to the date.

Liferay Autofield with DatePicker

I have a aui form with Liferay.Autofields enabled.
The fields that I am duplicating with Autofield has a button and a textfield. The button click will trigger the datepicker and the selected value should be stored in the textfield.
And, when I click the "PLUS" button provided by Autofield, the fields are duplicated.
First, I need to know how I can bind the trigger event of all buttons to the datepicker. I know to do this for a single button. But since we are using autofield, I need to give the ID of the button with the index. Can anyone suggest how to bind the trigger event in my scenario
Second, once I click the date picker button, I should be able to get index of the Autofield row in which I have clicked, so that I can update my textfield

Need to count down a certain amount of time and present a refresh button to the user

I have an MVC application that I need to countdown a certain number of time (The user will not see this time). At the end of this period of time, the user will be presented a button. This button will refresh the page.
I guess I could start by creating a
<input id="bID" name="bID" visible="false"/>
Button. But I need a countdown for that period of time and then I can set the visible to true. How can I do that?
I have was using this tool countdown countdown...
Any advice on how to do this?
You can use javascript. When your page loads, you can fire the timer and it will display your button to the user.
setTimeout(function(){/* set visible to true here... */}, delay);