How is a for expression with multiple monads translated in scala? - scala

I am reading "Programming in Scala 2nd Edition" and I have some idea about monad from a Haskell course I took. However, I do not understand why the following code "magically" works:
scala> val a: Option[Int] = Some(100)
a: Option[Int] = Some(100)
scala> val b = List(1, 2, 3)
b: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
for ( y <- b; x <- a ) yield x;
res5: List[Int] = List(100, 100, 100)
I do not understand the above because according to the book's Chapter 23.4, the for expression is translated to something like:
b flatMap ( y =>
a map ( x => x )
I am puzzled why the above code compiles because y => a map (x => x) is of type Int => Option[Int], while the b.flatMap expects a Int => List[Something].
On the other hand, the following code does NOT compile (which is good otherwise I would be more lost):
scala> for ( x <- a; y <- b ) yield y;
<console>:10: error: type mismatch;
found : List[Int]
required: Option[?]
for ( x <- a; y <- b ) yield y;
So what is magical with the first example?

[…] b.flatMap expects a Int => List[Something].
That is not true: what it expects is an Int => GenTraversableOnce[Something]. (See, and search the page for flatMap.) List[A] is a subtype of GenTraversableOnce[A] by inheritance. A function of type Int => List[Something] can be substituded because of the covariance of the result R of Function1, which is defined as: trait Function1[-T1, +R].
Option[A] is not a GenTraversableOnce[A], but there is an implicit conversion in Option's companion object: implicit def option2Iterable[A](xo: Option[A]): Iterable[A]. Iterable[A] is a subtype of GenTraversableOnce[A]. So the for-expression will get expanded to
b flatMap ( y =>
option2Iterable(a map ( x => x ))
On the other hand, the following code does NOT compile […]
This is because a.flatMap, by contrast, is more specific: it really does require an Int => Option[Something]. (See, and search the page for flatMap.) This makes sense, since an Option[Something] can only hold one value, so you couldn't flatten an arbitrary GenTraversableOnce[Something] into it. The only thing that can successfully be flattened into an Option[Something] is another Option[Something].


Scala Map Integer to (Integer => Integer)

How can I map over a List from 1 to 100 (inclusively) to make each item a Function1 that curries each element to partially apply (itself * _).
I tried this:
scala> val xs: List[Integer => Integer] = List.range(1,101).map { x => _ * x }
<console>:13: error: missing parameter type for expanded function ((x$1) =>
val xs: List[Integer => Integer] = List.range(1,101).map { x => _ * x }
Desired output:
val xs: List[Integer] = List[1,2,3,4, .., 100]
val desired: List[Integer => Integer] = List[(*1), (*2), ...]
Then, this would be expected too:
desired.get(0).apply(2) = 2 // 1 * 2
The compiler is telling you exactly what you need to fix here: "Missing parameter type". Change _ * x to (_: Integer) * x.
Incidentally, is there some reason you're using java.lang.Integer here? You probably mean scala.Int:
val fns: List[Int => Int] =
List.range(1, 101).map{x => (_: Int) * x}
The compiler can't infer the type of ''_''.
That is because there is no need for ''_'' to be a Integer, just because you used a List of Integers to create these functions.
With other words at this point it is not clear what kind of type should be bound to the free parameter of the partially applied function.
As stated before, this solution works for your case if the input will be Integers
(1 to 101) map ( x => x * (_:Int) )
An example:
val functions = (1 to 101) map ( x => x * (_:Int) )
This will work
functions map (_(2))
res13: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] = Vector(2, 4 ...
This would fail:
functions map (_(2.5))
<console>:9: error: type mismatch;
found : Double(2.5)
required: Int
functions map (_(2.5))

Map a variable of type of Pair -- impossible

This seems not logical for me:
scala> val a = Map((1, "111"), (2, "222"))
a: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,String] = Map(1 -> 111, 2 -> 222)
scala> val b =, value) => value)
<console>:8: error: wrong number of parameters; expected = 1
val b =, value) => value)
scala> val c = => x._2)
c: scala.collection.immutable.Iterable[String] = List(111, 222)
I know that I can say val d ={ case(key, value) => value })
But why isn't it possible to say, value) => value) ? There is only one argument there of type Tuple2[Int, String] or Pair of Int, String. What's the difference between, value) => value) and => x._2) ?
val myTuple2 = (1, 2) -- this is one variable, correct?
for ( (k, v) <- a ) yield v -- (k, v) is also only one variable, correct?
map((key, value) => value) -- 2 variables. weird.
So how do I specify a variable of type Tuple2 (or any other type) in map without using case?
What's wrong with that?
Map((1, "111"), (2, "222")).map( ((x,y):Tuple2[Int, String]) => y) -- wrong
Map((1, "111"), (2, "222")).map( ((x):Tuple2[Int, String]) => x._2) -- ok
Okay, you still not convinced. In cases like this it is pretty reasonable to fallback to the source of the truth (well, kinda): The Holy Specification (aka, Scala Language Specification).
So, in anonymous function parameters are treated on individual basis, not as a whole tuple band (and it is pretty smart, otherwise, how would you call the anonymous function with 2, ... n parameters?).
At the same time
val x = (1, 2)
is a single item of type Tiple2[Int,Int] (if you're interested you may find corresponding section of spec as well).
for ( (k, v) <- a ) yield v
In this case you have one variable unpacked to two variables. It is similar to
val x = (1, 2) // one variable -- tuple
val (y,z) = x // two integer variables unpacked from one
Some call this destructuring assignment and this is a particular case of pattern matching. And you've already provided another example of pattern matching in action:{ case(key, value) => value })
Which we can read as map accepts a function produced by a partial function literal, which enables use of pattern matching.
You're basically asking this same questions:
Scala - can a lambda parameter match a tuple?
You've already listed most of the options they listed there, including the accepted answer of using a PartialFunction.
However, since you're using your lambda in a map function, you could use a for comprehension instead:
for ( (k, v) <- a ) yield v
Alternatively, you can use the Function2.tupled method to fix your lambda's type:
scala> val a = Map((1, "111"), (2, "222"))
a: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,String] = Map(1 -> 111, 2 -> 222)
scala> ((k:Int,v:String) => v).tupled )
res1: scala.collection.immutable.Iterable[String] = List(111, 222)
To answer your question in your thread with om-nom-nom above, look at this output:
scala> ( (x:Int,y:String) => y ).getClass.getSuperclass
res0: Class[?0] forSome { type ?0 >: ?0; type ?0 <: (Int, String) => String } = class scala.runtime.AbstractFunction2
Notice that the superclass of the anonymous function (x:Int,y:String) => y is Function2[Int, String, String], not Function1[(Int, String), String].
You can use pattern matching (or partial function, in this instance this is the same), notice angular brackets:
val b ={ case (key, value) => value }

Scala by Example - problems with currying

Not sure how to properly formulate the question, there is a problem with currying in the merge sort example from Scala by Example book on page 69. The function is defined as follows:
def msort[A](less: (A, A) => Boolean)(xs: List[A]): List[A] = {
def merge(xs1: List[A], xs2: List[A]): List[A] =
if (xs1.isEmpty) xs2
else if (xs2.isEmpty) xs1
else if (less(xs1.head, xs2.head)) xs1.head :: merge(xs1.tail, xs2)
else xs2.head :: merge(xs1, xs2.tail)
val n = xs.length/2
if (n == 0) xs
else merge(msort(less)(xs take n), msort(less)(xs drop n))
and then there is an example of how to create other functions from it by currying:
val intSort = msort((x : Int, y : Int) => x < y)
val reverseSort = msort((x:Int, y:Int) => x > y)
however these two lines give me errors about insufficient number of arguments. And if I do like this:
val intSort = msort((x : Int, y : Int) => x < y)(List(1, 2, 4))
val reverseSort = msort((x:Int, y:Int) => x > y)(List(4, 3, 2))
it WILL work. Why? Can someone explain? Looks like the book is really dated since it is not the first case of such an inconsistance in its examples. Could anyone point to something more real to read? (better a free e-book).
My compiler (2.9.1) agrees, there seems to be an error here, but the compiler does tell you what to do:
error: missing arguments for method msort in object $iw;
follow this method with `_' if you want to treat it as a partially applied function
So, this works:
val intSort = msort((x : Int, y : Int) => x < y) _
Since the type of intSort is inferred, the compiler doesn't otherwise seem to know whether you intended to partially apply, or whether you missed arguments.
The _ can be omitted when the compiler can infer from the expected type that a partially applied function is what is intended. So this works too:
val intSort: List[Int] => List[Int] = msort((x: Int, y: Int) => x < y)
That's obviously more verbose, but more often you will take advantage of this without any extra boilerplate, for example if msort((x: Int, y: Int) => x < y) were the argument to a function where the parameter type is already known to be List[Int] => List[Int].
Edit: Page 181 of the current edition of the Scala Language Specification mentions a tightening of rules for implicit conversions of partially applied methods to functions since Scala 2.0. There is an example of invalid code very similar to the one in Scala by Example, and it is described as "previously legal code".

Polymorphic dot product in Scala and anonymous function shorthand

I'd like to implement a "matrix dot product" in Scala in the following way:
type Real = Double
type Row = Array[Real]
type Matrix = Array[Row]
def dot[T](f: (T,T) => Real)(as: Iterable[T], bs: Iterable[T]): Real =
(for ((a, b) <- as zip bs) yield f(a, b)) sum
def rowDot(r1: Row, r2: Row) = dot(_*_)(r1, r2)
def matDot(m1: Matrix, m2: Matrix) = dot(rowDot)(m1, m2)
However, the definition of rowDot doesn't work. Scala needs explicit type annotations for the anonymous function (_*_), so instead I must write
def rowDot(r1: Row, r2: Row) = dot((x:Real, y: Real) => x*y)(r1, r2)
def rowDot = dot((x:Real, y: Real) => x*y) _
Is there some way to change the definition of dot so that the shorthand (_*_) can be used?
Edit: Another confusion: matDot also gives type errors in certain circumstances. It fails with Arrays of Arrays, but not with Lists of Arrays
scala> matDot(Array(Array(1.0,2.0)), Array(Array(1.0,2.0,3.0)))
<console>:27: error: type mismatch;
found : Array[Array[Double]]
required: Iterable[Iterable[Real]]
matDot(Array(Array(1.0,2.0)), Array(Array(1.0,2.0,3.0)))
scala> matDot(List(Array(1.0,2.0)), List(Array(1.0,2.0,3.0)))
res135: Real = 5.0
What's the difference?
specifying dot[Real] explicitly should work too.
def rowDot(r1: Row, r2: Row) = dot[Real](_*_)(r1, r2)
replying to your edit: I think the issue is that the implicit conversion from Array to WrappedArray is not applied recursively when you have a Array[Array].
Array[Int] is not an Iterable[Int]; normally, when you assign it to a Iterable, an Array[Int] is implicitly converted to a WrappedArray[Int] (where WrappedArray is a Iterable[Int]). This is what happens when you use List[Array[Int]] (you get a List[WrappedArray[Int]] implicitly).
However, as I said, the implicit conversion is not applied recursively, so an Array[Array[Int]] is not implicitly converted to WrappedArray[WrappedArray[Int]].
Here's a REPL session that demonstrates the problem:
A List[Array[Int]] can be assigned to Iterable[Iterable[Int]] (note that Array is converted to WrappedArray)
scala> val i : Iterable[Iterable[Int]] = List(Array(1,2), Array(1,2,3))
i: Iterable[Iterable[Int]] = List(WrappedArray(1, 2), WrappedArray(1, 2, 3))
An Array[Array[Int]] does not work automatically (as you discovered)
scala> val j : Iterable[Iterable[Int]] = Array(Array(1,2), Array(1,2,3))
<console>:9: error: type mismatch;
found : Array[Array[Int]]
required: Iterable[Iterable[Int]]
val j : Iterable[Iterable[Int]] = Array(Array(1,2), Array(1,2,3))
However, with some hand-holding (converting manually the inner Arrays to WrappedArrays) everything works again:
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray
import scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray
scala> val k : Iterable[Iterable[Int]] = Array(WrappedArray.make(Array(1,2)),
k: Iterable[Iterable[Int]] = WrappedArray(WrappedArray(1, 2), WrappedArray(1, 2,
Yes - if you switch your argument lists around. Type inference on function parameters works more effectively when the function parameter is alone in the last argument list:
def dot[T](as: Iterable[T], bs: Iterable[T])(f: (T,T) => Real): Real =
(for ((a, b) <- as zip bs) yield f(a, b)) sum
def rowDot(r1: Row, r2: Row) = dot(r1, r2)(_*_)

Unexpected Scala pattern matching syntax

I had a List of Scala tuples like the following:
val l = List((1,2),(2,3),(3,4))
and I wanted to map it in a list of Int where each item is the sum of the Ints in a the corresponding tuple. I also didn't want to use to use the x._1 notation so I solved the problem with a pattern matching like this
def addTuple(t: (Int, Int)) : Int = t match {
case (first, second) => first + second
var r = l map addTuple
Doing that I obtained the list r: List[Int] = List(3, 5, 7) as expected. At this point, almost by accident, I discovered that I can achieve the same result with an abbreviated form like the following:
val r = l map {case(first, second) => first + second}
I cannot find any reference to this syntax in the documentation I have. Is that normal? Am I missing something trivial?
See Section 8.5 of the language reference, "Pattern Matching Anonymous Functions".
An anonymous function can be defined by a sequence of cases
{case p1 =>b1 ... case pn => bn }
which appear as an expression without a prior match. The expected type of such an expression must in part be defined. It must be either scala.Functionk[S1, ..., Sk, R] for some k > 0, or scala.PartialFunction[S1, R], where the argument type(s) S1, ..., Sk must be fully determined, but the result type R may be undetermined.
The expected type deternines whether this is translated to a FunctionN or PartialFunction.
scala> {case x => x}
<console>:6: error: missing parameter type for expanded function ((x0$1) => x0$1 match {
case (x # _) => x
{case x => x}
scala> {case x => x}: (Int => Int)
res1: (Int) => Int = <function1>
scala> {case x => x}: PartialFunction[Int, Int]
res2: PartialFunction[Int,Int] = <function1>
{case(first, second) => first + second} is treated as a PartialFunction literal. See examples in "Partial Functions" section here: or section 15.7 of Programming in Scala.
Method map accepts a function. In your first example you create a function, assign it to a variable, and pass it to the map method. In the second example you pass your created function directly, omitting assigning it to a variable. You are doing just the same thing.