Display users's email after purchase with Paypal Website Payments Standard - paypal

I have a simple button created with Paypal's Website Payments Standard, and I'm using the feature "Take customers to this URL when they finish checkout".
On that page which users are being redirected to when the purchase is successful (on my site) I'd like to simply display the email associated with their paypal purchase, telling them something like "an invoice will be sent to this email address: xxx".
Is that possible without using the API or IPN (which I'd rather avoid because it seems like I can't set different IPN urls for deifferent buttons/products.)

Ended up using PDT, there's a great example of how to simply do this here:
Thanks PP_MTS_Chad, I wouldn't have found it if it wasn't for you pointing out that option.

You could use 1 of 2 ways to get information back to your return URL, without having to use IPN or an API. You could use PDT to return information back to your site, or you could use the return method which uses the variable "rm". You can find more out about IPN here, and there are also some sample scripts you can use on that site as well.
If you want to use the return method, this is a little different from PDT. With the return method you do not have to post the information back to PayPal to verify it. If you wanted PayPal to post the information over to your return page you would just simply enable auto return in your account under your profile. Then you would just include the following lines of code in your button code.
<input type="hidden" name="rm" value="2">
<input type="hidden" name="return" value="http://www.mysite.com/return.php">
The variable "rm", controls how you want the information sent back to you. You can set it to be a GET or a POST.
Allowable values are:
0 – all shopping cart payments use the GET method
1 – the buyer's browser is redirected to the return URL by using the GET method, but no payment variables are included
2 – the buyer's browser is redirected to the return URL by using the POST method, and all payment variables are included
The default is 0.
Note: The rm variable takes effect only if the return variable is set.


Setting paypal IPN url programmatically

Can I have paypal IPN redirect to a unique URL for each transaction?
For instance,
transaction 1 - www.WebSite.com/Listener/1
transaction 2 - www.WebSite.com/Listener/2
transaction 3 - www.WebSite.com/Listener/3
I know which field to set programmatically, but documentation points out that only one URL can be used and I am not sure if above examples are also included.
Here you go:
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="notify_url" value="URLspecificToThisTransaction">
"PayPal posts HTML FORM variables to a program at a URL you specify. You can specify this URL either in your account profile or with the notify_url variable on each transaction"
This should override the setting you have on your account. See this document for further information.
Hope this helps!

Returning from PayPal to the page that called it

I am hoping someone can help me with the following. I have a Buy Now button on a child dialog. Buy Now button displays PayPal page correctly. Now I am trying to do I cannot find info on it. I would like PayPal to return to the child dialog with a variable that will indicate success (payment made) or failure (payment cancelled by buyer). Is this possible?
The flow works like this:
Member logs in to my site
Member makes purchase via paypal
Member is added to a raffle prize.
The child window (dialog) remains open as PayPal is opened in another page. Regardless of whether the payment is successful or cancelled/ failed I would like to return to the child window with a value indicating the result of the payment. If the result is a success then some code is performed. If not then nothing is done and the child window remains open.
You need to add a return url input <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="return" value="URLspecificToThisTransaction">, look here https://cms.paypal.com/uk/cgi-bin/?cmd=_render-content&content_ID=developer/e_howto_html_formbasics under Setting The Return URL on Individual Transaction heading
You also need Instant Payment Notification – notify_url
Instant Payment Notification comprises three parts:
Someone pays you.
PayPal POSTs FORM variables to a URL you specify that runs a program to process the variables.
You validate the notification.
look here https://www.paypalobjects.com/webstatic/en_US/developer/docs/pdf/ipnguide.pdf

paypal redirect on successful checkout

I am trying to get my Paypal subscription to redirect to a custom page after a successful checkout.
Before submitting to Paypal I overload the submit handler, run my own function (to store details) and return a unique id. I want to attach that id to my return URL. (as a GET or POST var so to speak)
I have turned auto redirect "on" in my Paypal sandbox sellers preferences, but it only seems to re-direct to the URL that I HAVE to put in there.
using the <input type="hidden" name="return" value="someurl" /> does no seem to work.
I want it this way so that I can capture the user information when entered with a "non-paid" flag, then via the IPN I can update that record with a "PAID" flag, and I want to use the unique ID to tie it all together so to speak.
Your hidden field name needs to comply with the accepted variable name required by PayPal. Does ReturnUrl (not case-sensitive) not work?
<input type=hidden name="RETURNURL" value="https://www.YourReturnURL.com">
Note: I have only investigated and implemented express checkout so this may not apply to your implemenation: https://cms.paypal.com/en/cgi-bin/?cmd=_render-content&content_ID=developer/e_howto_api_ECGettingStarted

Paypal custom field not propergating

I have set up a sandbox for paypal with a buyer and a seller. I have created a button for a subscription and pasted the code into my website along with the custom hidden field with the value ofv 121. In the Optional Fields I added "custom=0" as just adding "custom" alone would not save.
I processed the payment and checked the returned post for the custom variable in the $_REQUEST() string and it was not their, how do I get at it. What I got was bellow:
What do I do with it to get my data back.
I'm trying to pass through the user_id in the custom field that paypal says in many places you can.
You have to use IPN to receive this data. This data is not supposed to be available in the GET of the return URL.
Have a look at https://www.paypal.com/ipn/
In short: include <input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value="http://link-to-your-IPN-script"> in your PayPal button, and you'll receive a POST with this data once the transaction has gone through.

Can I send a variable to paypal, and have it post it back to me when payment completes?

Ive been using express checkout API to convert people's accounts on my site to premium accounts after paying. The only problem with it is that it doesn't send the user back to the site until they click the button to return, and it updates their permission when that happens. About 40% of the users don't seem to do that.... so their accounts never get credited after payment.
Although paypal does an instant post-back upon the successful payment, I was never able to make it actually update the user's account right away, since I cant get it to send back some sort of informational that would identify the user that just completed the payment. I could only do that when you are sent back to the site, which sends the transaction ID, that I logged with a post-back. It searches for it, and grants permission if it was found int he DB.
Is there a way to submit some sort of a variable to paypal, that it will then post back to me? Something like &user_id=123, which would make it very handly to update the user's permission.
Iten_number hidden variable don't work in my application. But i found that custom hidden field works fine. Just add this field to the form, generated by paypal: <input type="hidden" name="custom" value="YOUR VALUE FROM DB"/>. After, you can read this value to identify, for example, what product have been purchased. (Java code): String custom = request.getParameter("custom");
Yes, if you send item_number, the IPN notification will include that when it posts back to you. I record a unique ID in the database when the user starts the payment process, and include that when sending them to PayPal. When the IPN comes in, that unique ID matches up with the record in the database, giving me all the info I need.
Edit Re your comment:
I expect there's a code example somewhere on the site linked above, but basically in my case I'm using a form that I POST to https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr. Within that form are various hidden fields documented in the IPN stuff (cmd for what command to perform, business to specify your business ID, item_name for a nice description in the PayPal UI, item_number for the item number I mentioned above, etc., etc.). When IPN posts back to your IPN address, it includes various fields (such as payment_status — kind of important! &mdash and the item_number you fed in when posting to them).
Just to add to this old question...
There are option parameters that are commonly used for custom data sending through paypal.
These option tags are on0, on1, or on2 for the custom field names and os0, os1, and os2 for the custom field values.
I would send on0 with a value of "UserID" and os0 the actual ID.
These values will be represented in the IPN as follows:
os0 is represented as option_selection1
os1 is represented as option_selection2
os2 is represented as option_selection3
on0 is represented as option_name1
on1 is represented as option_name2
on2 is represented as option_name3
Here's the info on PayPal's HTML parameters
According to HTML Variables for PayPal Payments Standard you can send all the "Pass-through" variables:
item_number Pass-through variable for you to track product or service
purchased or the contribution made. The value you specify is passed
back to you upon payment completion. This variable is required if you
want PayPal to track inventory or track profit and loss for the item
the button sells.
custom Pass-through variable for your own tracking purposes, which buyers do not see. Default – No variable is passed back to you.
invoice Pass-through variable you can use to identify your invoice number for this purchase. Default – No variable is passed back to
All these pass-through variables are sent back by the IPN in the payment response info.
You just have to render your HTML template server-side and write the fields back in the HTML code like
<input type="hidden" name="item_number" value="{{ productID }}">
<input type="hidden" name="invoice_id" value="{{ invoiceID }}">
<input type="hidden" name="custom" value="{{ jsonInfo }}">
Technically the field "custom" can be a JSON encoded string if you want to handle more data like
myItemObject = {
"customerEmail" : "john#doe.com
"customerID: "AAFF324"
jsonInfo = json.dumps( myItemObject )
return render_template(tmpl_name, jsonInfo=jsonInfo, productID=productID, invoiceID=invoiceID)
I finally get this answer, I want to share with all of you look:
on your HTML form put this code (this is Paypal sandbox):
form action="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?custom=YOUR_VAR" method="post"
On your PHP after the Paypal redirect to your page success: use the cm GET variable:
$example = $_GET["cm"];
I hope this URL solves your issue. As it solved mine as well. Add a custom variable to your form and then retrieve it on your success payment page.
Example :
<input type='hidden' name='custom' value='<?php echo $email; ?>'/>
and then retrieve it as :
<input type="hidden" name="on0" value="Ajay Gadhavana">
<input type="hidden" name="on1" value="my_phone_number">
<input type="hidden" name="on2" value="my_third_extra_field">
Response from paypal would be
[option_name1] => Ajay Gadhavana
[option_name1] => my_phone_number
[option_name1] => my_third_extra_field
What worked for me in 2021 is passing "custom_id" (inside the "purchase_units" array) to PayPal in my client app and checking "custom" on my backend.
Yes, it looks like PayPal renames the parameter for some reason.