How to extract sms.db from non-jailbroken iphone on linux - iphone

Objective: Extract the sms.db sms text message database from an Iphone 4S.
I have installed ifuse on ubuntu 12.04 and am able to browse certain folders. None seem to contain the 'sms.db' file.
It is possible to extract the sms.db using freely available tools on linux?

I don't know yet how to access the SMS.DB file directly from the phone. But if you backup an iPhone using for example iTunes, you can then read the SMS.DB file from within the backup. It will be SHA-1 hashed (the file name will be gibberish), but it should still be a .DB file. You'll need iPhone Analyzer to unhash the file names, or something similar. Then you can load it into SQLite.
Please post here if you find a solution.

I've figured out a way on how to access it with Jailbroken devices... It miiiiiight be the same if you aren't jailbroken based on what the Github says (
Anyways, open a terminal
Sudo su
now make a folder in your home and direct ifuse to that folder
ifuse --root /home/<INSERT NAME>/<INSERT NAME OF FOLDER>
Now you gotta open that folder as root
Browse through your /home/ and find the folder.
It should be in
Then you just copy it to your desktop and your good to go!


Unity3d OSX "Application can't be opened"

I'm using a PC and I've created a build for Mac standalone.
I shared the file with my test user by zipping and emailing the build, but when he tries to run the application he sees this error:
The application "" can't be opened.
After some searching, I learned that I need to do chmod to open the file. Can anyone tell me how to do that on a Mac?
The zip format doesn't have easy support for Unix-like file permissions, so your transfer process is stripping any permission flags that OSX uses to recognize files within that zip that are supposed to be executable. This can also happen with other file transfer solutions, so it's something to watch out for.
The best solution would be to create an archive which does keep those permissions, such as a tar archive.
Failing that, you can have a Mac user open a terminal and set the permission flag manually:
chmod a+x*
(Replace with whatever your .app folder is named)
I had the same issue, I left an answer here, at the bottom:
The problem was not with the .zip, but rather with the build itself. Ran fine on my Mac, did NOT run fine once I uploaded it and downloaded it again (or if anyone else downloaded it).
Edited 12/8/2021, as per EmiOB's suggestion, to add the text of my answer (same as in the link):
This worked for me on 2020.3.16f1:
In the Unity Editor: Build Settings, check the box that lets you make an XCode project (requires having XCode installed, I believe I have Xcode 11)
Open the XCode project
That solved my problem :)

How to copy files in iPhone /var/mobile/Container/Data/Application/Document

I develop a test app for iPhone which needs to read some file. In simulator I copied those files showed by NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains. Now I try to run the same app in iPhone and it is showing /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/ED49734D-0E61-4BB4-B3CC-D462F3BF9215/Documents/
location, but I don't know how to put my files in Documents folder so it can be read by my app.
Please help
To copy your files, you need to:
Make sure your iPhone is jail-braked (otherwise, you wont be able to access this folder)
Install tweak from Cydia: Apple File Conduit "2" (this is version for iOS 8/9)
Transfer files with one of the following PC tools:
Hope this helps

Is there a method for sharing and syncing the iOS simulator Applications folder

Our sales team often needs to give demos of apps currently in development. We've used a variety of methods to get them installed on their laptops but everything has been very manual.
The initial method we were using had us downloading the source code and compiling each and every project for each and every salesman. Very time consuming and annoying.
Then we got a little smarter and realized that we could copy out the Applications folder for the iOS simulator and just past that over the iOS simulator's Applications folder on each salesman's laptop. Much better, but still the manual part of copying them all over to each laptop.
So I started poking around about some folder syncing options for macs and came across this technique
Very awesome and seemed to meet my need exactly. I had one central shared folder I could throw new iOS applications into and then the salesmen's laptops would automagically sync with that applications folder and new apps would just appear with no need to ever have their laptops here.
Unfortunately, the iOS simulator does not seem to be recognizing the Applications folder when it's a symbolic link or alias. Is there some Mac magic that could make this work? (I'm a Windows guy normally, just recently been working in the iOS world, so there could be something basic I'm missing here).
I'd love to have the Applications folder /Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Applications be a shared folder that syncs automatically for them, grabbing any new applications we have ready for demos (and getting them updates to old ones). Just seems like a nice smooth way to get them early builds.
We've used services like TestFlight for the actual devices and that's a great option for that, but when they don't have a device handy or are just blasting through demos on their laptops we'd love to have a nice easy process for keeping them up to date with new builds for their simulator install.
First a bit of background, you don't really need this, but I like teaching :).
On Unix, and now MacOS, there are two basic kinds of links. 'normal' links, and symbolic links. Alias, on windows, unix and mac are a kind of symbolic link: the link contains a reference to the original file. Normal, or hard links create a second directory entry that points to the data, if you delete the original file, the OS knows that there is still another entry pointing to it, so it only actually deletes the file (or directory) when all hard links have been removed. The disadvantage of hard links is that they have to be on the same file system, so that the file system can keep count of how many hard links there are.
OK, I've just installed Dropbox, and it seems that it creates a real folder in the user's home directory, so unless you're a complicated disk partitioning scheme, or file vault 1, where the user's home directory is actually an encrypted disk image, you can use a hard link. It also means that you don't need to copy or sync, as Dropbox is already doing that.
One thing not corrected, but didn't actually point out is that in your post, you seem to be copying to /Application Support, not ~/Library/Application Support or /Library/Application Support. Since you've got the basic scheme working without dropbox, I'll assume that is a typo.
Before I give you the commands, you might want to delete the old iPhone Simulator Applications directory with the Finder, instead of using the rm command, as the rm command is potentially very destructive.
OK, finally, the commands to do the linking; the quotes are important whenever filenames contain spaces. This example is for ~/Library
rm -rf "~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Applications"
ln "~/Dropbox/Simulator Applications" "~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Applications"
This should work, you can stop reading now, the rest is just more education :)
Tilde (~) is a short cut for the users home directory. Use the commands without this to work on /Library instead.
If you want to be sure you've got the exact path, you can drag files and folders from a finder window into the terminal, the path gets pasted instead of the file.
If you're messing with stuff in the root filesystem, you might need superuser rights. If you are logged in with an admin account, you can run single commands with superuser access as follows.
sudo ln "/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator" fred
The shell asks for your password, and then runs the command for you as superuser.
sudo remembers the authorization for a few minutes, then you have to authenticate again.
Haven't tested this since I only have one Mac, but give this a try:
Install Dropbox
Create a shared folder there and copy your apps from /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Applications
Create a shell script to copy them back to the simulator's location, and add it to the shared folder. It should look something like this:
cp -R ~/Dropbox/Appfolder/appname ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Applications/
Have your users sync their dropboxes to get the files, then run the shell script to copy the files.

iPhone application, Documents directory on Mac

I'm reading through some of the documentation about File Management on iOS. When you create an application for the simulator, does the application get created somewhere on my hard drive? If so, where is it?
Also, does this have access to the Documents directory? Like if I create some test .txt file, and want to see it in the App->Documents folder, is that possible? Thanks.
Yes. Look here:
~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.3.2/Applications
Change the 4.3.2 to be the version of the Simulator you are using.
Within that folder you will find your apps, except the they are named cryptically. Open one of those folders and you will find your app, named as you recognize it, and the Documents, Library and tmp folders. Documents is where you find the docs that your app creates and uses. You can, in fact, makes changes to the files in the Documents folder or just access their content to see what your app sees or writes.
Under XCode 6, the document directory for your app is quite hidden:
You can find the directory for your app with this command:
$ sudo find ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices -name <APP_NAME>.app | grep -o '.*/'

How to install a Ad Hoc provisioning app on windows itunes?

I drag the .mobileprovision and file in the list of applications in itunes, I also get add-cursor, but if release the mouse-button nothing happens. the list is still empty, whats wrong?
The only way I know to do this is to get the .app file in Mac, put it into a folder called "Payload". Then you have to ZIP this folder and change its name from "" to "MyAppName.ipa". Mac will ask if you are sure you want to change the extention, select "YES". Now you can drag and drop this file into itunes.
There's no other way to do it afaik. Windows makes problems with the macosx "fork" files (if you open the .app file there is a folder named "_MACOSX" or similar... and windows breaks this).
Unzip the You will get a folder, e.g. Now drag that folder into iTunes and it should be ok.
As mentioned - unzip it, but don't forget to drag the .mobileprovision too
If that doesn't work, check back in your provisioning so it's set to the right device.
Common mistake.
You can save all this trouble though, but making a zip archive in the first place that doesn’t have the Mac resource fork. BetterZip is a handy Mac app that will do this for you. That preferences setting ‘Remove Mac specific stuff from archives’ keeps __MACOSX out of the zip, and the resulting zip will install on Mac and Windows. Another way to do this is to unzip in windows yourself, find the correct app folder, and re-zip.
Ive had this problem before. I'm pretty sure there can be no white spaces in the name as well... double check that before you try to add it.