libspotify sp_search_type - libspotify

When executing sp_search_create, there is a parameter for sp_search_type which is defined
typedef enum sp_search_type {
} sp_search_type;
I don't see any change in the result. Is there a suggested way to handle this differently from a normal search ? For instance if we are implementing auto complete or am I missing something here.


How to set associated constant values of enum members in Dart?

The only thing I can find to set the enum value is this:
Add methods or values to enum in dart
However, I find it a bit tedious.
Is there a better way?
In C# I can just simply do something like this:
enum ErrorCode
None = 0,
Unknown = 1,
ConnectionLost = 100,
OutlierReading = 200
Here is the simple exapmle
enum ErrorCode {
extension ErrorCodeExtention on ErrorCode {
static final values = {
ErrorCode.None: 0,
ErrorCode.Unknown: 1,
ErrorCode.ConnectionLost: 100,
ErrorCode.OutlierReading: 200,
int? get value => values[this];
There's an upcoming feature in Dart known as enhanced enums, and it allows for enum declarations with many of the features known from classes. For example:
enum ErrorCode {
final int value;
const ErrorCode(this.value);
The feature is not yet released (and note that several things are not yet working), but experiments with it can be performed with a suitably fresh version of the tools by passing --enable-experiment=enhanced-enums.
The outcome is that ErrorCode is an enum declaration with four values ErrorCode.None, ErrorCode.Unknown, and so on, and we have ErrorCode.None.value == 0 and ErrorCode.Unknown.value == 1, and so on. The current bleeding edge handles this example in the common front end (so dart and dart2js will handle it), but it is not yet handled by the analyzer.

How to support custom options with protobuf-net?

I use protobuf-net and ProtoGen.exe to parse following .proto file (given by another project)
enum RGBFlags { FLAG_RED = 1; FLAG_GREEN = 2; FLAG_BLUE = 4; }
message SomeMessage {
// Values from RGBFlags only allowed
optional int32 flags = 2;
My fellow programmers in C++ don't care about type safety and treat flags field as a plain integer. I wanted to be more strict and try to avoid such code:
SomeMessage foo = new SomeMessage();
foo.flags = (int)RGBFlags.FLAG_BLUE | (int)RGBFlags.FLAG_GREEN;
I thought that I could use protbuf custom options to amend proto code and modify XSLT transform of ProtoGet to generate necessary `[Flags]' annotations.
extend google.protobuf.EnumOptions {
optional bool generate_bit_field = 60000;
enum RGBFlags {
option (generate_bit_field) = true;
message SomeMessage {
// Values from RGBFlags only allowed
optional int32 flags = 2;
Problem is that all custom options appear as uninterpreted_option in the temporary file in ProtoGen.
Any idea what I could do to get [Flags] annotations in my code?
Re flags; the raw protobuf spec doesn't really have support for composite enum values, so in some ways I understand why they are doing it that way. And sadly there is no such this as partial enum, so you can't add the [Flags] in a separate code file.
Re custom options; it is an excellent question, and support for custom options has been raised before. It is definitely something I'd like to add, but relative to other features it simply isn't a massively demanded item, so (due to limited resource) it has not (yet) been investigated fully.
Therefore, I don't have a great answer for you; that feature isn't really there much right now. You could hard-code that one scenario in your xslt (for your specific types). Or wait until I get around to it (I don't have a specific timescale). Or take a peek yourself.

Entity Framework and Nested Lambda Expressions

I've just started using Lambda expressions, and really like the shortcut. I also like the fact that I have scope within the lambda of the encompassing method. One thing I am having trouble with is nesting lambdas. Here is what I am trying to do:
public void DoSomeWork()
MyContext context = new MyDomainContext();
context.GetDocumentTypeCount(ci.CustomerId, io =>
if (io.HasError)
// Handle error
// Do some work here
// ...
// make DB call to get data
EntityQuery<AppliedGlobalFilter> query =
from a in context.GetAppliedGlobalFiltersQuery()
where a.CustomerId == ci.CustomerId && a.FilterId == 1
select a;
context.Load<AppliedGlobalFilter>(query, lo =>
if (lo.HasError)
**// Do more work in this nested lambda.
// Get compile time error here**
}, null);
}, null);
The second lambda is where I get the following compile time error:
Cannot convert Lambda expression to type 'System.ServiceModel.DomainService.Client.LoadBehavior' because it is not a delegate type
The compiler is choosing the wrong overload for the Load method even though I am using the same override I did in the previous Lambda.
Is this because I am trying to nest? Or do I have something else wrong?
Found the problem as described in my comment above. I'll head back to work now - red face and all....
I realize this is not the answer you want, but I suggest caution about lengthy and/or nested lambdas. They work, but they often make code harder to read / maintain by other developers. I try to limit my lambdas in length to three statements, with no nesting.

iPhone, how can I evalute whether a text property is equal to a define'd string?

I have the following define'd constant set up.
#define EndDateNotSpecified "None"
But I can't seem to evaluate it, I've tried
if (btnEndDate.titleLabel.text != EndDateNotSpecified) {
if (btnEndDate.titleLabel.text isEqualToString:EndDateNotSpecified) {
I get compiler problems with each.
You missed an # for the string, remember to add this to every string constant:
#define EndDateNotSpecified #"None"
Close, just missing brackets around the method call, like
if ([btnEndDate.titleLabel.text isEqualToString:EndDateNotSpecified]) {
And in the future, it generally helps if you tell us what the specific compiler error was.
In objective C, you have to call a method in [] so the second one should be:
if ([btnEndDate.titleLabel.text isEqualToString:EndDateNotSpecified]) {
Don't use this because it will not always give correct result when you only compare the NSString pointer object
if (btnEndDate.titleLabel.text != EndDateNotSpecified) {
Generally, I think you should learn the basic Objective-C, your code doesn't look like a obj-c code. No [], no #"" for String:(

Setter Getter oddness #property

I am having a really odd problem trying to set a simple float value to 1.
My property:
float direction;
#property(nonatomic)float direction;
Which is synthesized:
#synthesize direction;
I then used the following code:
- (void)setDirection:(float)_direction {
NSLog(#"Setter called with value of %f",_direction);
self->direction = _direction;
For testing purposes...
When I try to change the value with this,
[[w getCharacter] setDirection:1.0f];
where [w getCharacter] gives this:
return [[[self scene] gameLayer] player];
I get the warning, "setDirection not defined."
If I switch to dot notation([w getCharacter].direction), I get "confused by earlier errors, bailing out".
Here is where the weirdness starts. When I try to change the value, the debug message displays _direction = 0.00000. When I check the number later, its still 0.000. I am clearly trying to change it to 1, why is this not working?
The simplest explanation is that [w getCharacter] doesn't return the class of object you think it does. Only the class that has direction defined for it can respond to the message. You should test this by explicitly calling it with the class it defined for.
It is possible you did not include the header that defines the method.
Two probably unrelated issues:
The self->direction construction will work for a scalar value but it does an end run around the entire class concept. In this case just use: 'direction=_direction;` and it will set it directly.
Apple reserves all names that start with underscores for its own internal use. You should not use them because Objective-c has a global name space. It's possible that you can accidentally use an Apple variable that is defined deep within a framework. (This is why framework constants all start with NS,CF,CA etc.)
[Note: In the Comments, the author says to ignore this answer.
self.direction = 1; is syntactic sugar for
[self setDirection: 1];
when you call
-(void)setDirection:(float)_newDirection {
self.direction = _newDirection;
You seem to be telling the compiler or preprocessor to set up a recursive loop for you. The preprocessor (I think) changes it to this:
-(void)setDirection:(float)_newDirection {
[self setDirection: _newDirection];
If you call it simply
-(void)setDirection:(float)_newDirection {
direction = _newDirection;
the assignment should work (it worked for me just now)