Idiomatic Scala - Performing Functions on Tuple Values - scala

I've got the following map and structural type defined:
type Mergeable = { def mergeFrom(data: Array[Byte]): }
val dispatchMap = Map(
1 -> (ZombieSighting.defaultInstance.asInstanceOf[Mergeable], "akka://UlyssesAgenda/user/ServerCore/DispatchTarget")
Basically what I'm doing is defining a map that says "when I read protobuf message type 1 off the wire, create a ZombieSighting from the bytes, and dispatch that to the actor found at the indicated string".
So, this is the code I have today that creates a message, an actor, and sends the message to the actor:
val dispatchInfo = dispatchMap.get(messageType)
val theMessage = { _._1.mergeFrom(theBytes) }.get
val actorPath = { _._2 }
val targetActor = { SocketServer.system.actorFor(_) } { _ ! theMessage }
When I look at this, all I can think of is how many lines of non-functional programming this looks like and I can't help but think there's a much more elegant way to do this. I know I can write functions that take tuples as parameters and return modified tuples, but I don't think that buys me anything in terms of clean idiomatic scala here.
My gut instinct says there's a single map statement I can run on "dispatchMap.get(messageType)" that will give me an instance of an Akka actor based on tuple._2 and a merged protobuf object based on tuple._1.
Can someone suggest a way to pimp this code and reduce the number of lines and make it more functional? e.g.
val (targetActor, theMessage) = ????
targetActor ! theMessage
Edit: here's my first attempt at a refactor.. Is this the "Scala way" to do it?
val (msg, actor) = dispatchMap.get(messageType).map {
case (m:Mergeable, path:String) =>
(m.mergeFrom(theBytes), SocketServer.system.actorFor(path) )
actor ! msg
Edit 2: Here's a version suggested by the commenter below, but I don't know if this is really idiomatic or not:
def dispatchMessage: IO.Iteratee[Unit] =
repeat {
for {
(messageType, byteString) <- readMessage
} yield {
for (
(protoMessage, actorPath) <- dispatchMap.get(messageType);
theMessage = protoMessage.mergeFrom(byteString.toArray);
targetActor = SocketServer.system.actorFor(actorPath) )
targetActor ! theMessage

Your code might be written like this:
val akkaResponseFuture =
for ((bytes, actorPath) <- dispatchMap.get(messageType);
theMessage <- bytes.mergeFrom(theBytes);
targetActor = SocketServer.system.actorFor(actorPath))
targetActor ! theMessage
This may very well not be right. I did it without trying to create working code, since your sample is not self-contained. Also, theBytes is nowhere defined.
But I'm pretty sure you can use a for comprehension to clarify and streamline it.


Does scala have a lazy evaluating wrapper?

I want to return a wrapper/holder for a result that I want to compute only once and only if the result is actually used. Something like:
def getAnswer(question: Question): Lazy[Answer] = ???
This should be pretty easy to implement using lazy val:
class Lazy[T](f: () => T) {
private lazy val _result = Try(f())
def value: T = _result.get
But I'm wondering if there's already something like this baked into the standard API.
A quick search pointed at Streams and DelayedLazyVal but neither is quite what I'm looking for.
Streams do memoize the stream elements, but it seems like the first element is computed at construction:
def compute(): Int = { println("computing"); 1 }
val s1 = compute() #:: Stream.empty
// computing is printed here, before doing s1.take(1)
In a similar vein, DelayedLazyVal starts computing upon construction, even requires an execution context:
val dlv = new DelayedLazyVal(() => 1, { println("started") })
// immediately prints out "started"
There's scalaz.Need which I think you'd be able to use for this.

Safer way to extract future result [duplicate]

I have two functions which return Futures. I'm trying to feed a modified result from first function into the other using a for-yield comprehension.
This approach works:
val schoolFuture = for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId)
s <- schoolStore.getSchool(sid.get) if sid.isDefined
} yield s
However I'm not happy with having the "if" in there, it seems that I should be able to use a map instead.
But when I try with a map:
val schoolFuture: Future[Option[School]] = for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId)
s <-
} yield s
I get a compile error:
[error] found : Option[scala.concurrent.Future[Option[School]]]
[error] required: scala.concurrent.Future[Option[School]]
[error] s <-
I've played around with a few variations, but haven't found anything attractive that works. Can anyone suggest a nicer comprehension and/or explain what's wrong with my 2nd example?
Here is a minimal but complete runnable example with Scala 2.10:
import concurrent.{Future, Promise}
case class User(userId: Int)
case class UserDetails(userId: Int, schoolId: Option[Int])
case class School(schoolId: Int, name: String)
trait Error
class UserStore {
def getUserDetails(userId: Int): Future[Either[Error, UserDetails]] = Promise.successful(Right(UserDetails(1, Some(1)))).future
class SchoolStore {
def getSchool(schoolId: Int): Future[Option[School]] = Promise.successful(Option(School(1, "Big School"))).future
object Demo {
val userStore = new UserStore
val schoolStore = new SchoolStore
val user = User(1)
val schoolFuture: Future[Option[School]] = for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId)
s <-
} yield s
(Edited to give a correct answer!)
The key here is that Future and Option don't compose inside for because there aren't the correct flatMap signatures. As a reminder, for desugars like so:
for ( x0 <- c0; w1 = d1; x1 <- c1 if p1; ... ; xN <- cN) yield f
c0.flatMap{ x0 =>
val w1 = d1
c1.filter(x1 => p1).flatMap{ x1 =>
... => f) ...
(where any if statement throws a filter into the chain--I've given just one example--and the equals statements just set variables before the next part of the chain). Since you can only flatMap other Futures, every statement c0, c1, ... except the last had better produce a Future.
Now, getUserDetails and getSchool both produce Futures, but sid is an Option, so we can't put it on the right-hand side of a <-. Unfortunately, there's no clean out-of-the-box way to do this. If o is an option, we can Exception))
to turn an Option into an already-completed Future. So
for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId) // RHS is a Future[Either[...]]
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId) // RHS is an Option[Int]
fid <- Exception)) // RHS is Future[Int]
s <- schoolStore.getSchool(fid)
} yield s
will do the trick. Is that better than what you've got? Doubtful. But if you
implicit class OptionIsFuture[A](val option: Option[A]) extends AnyVal {
def future = Exception))
then suddenly the for-comprehension looks reasonable again:
for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid <- ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId).future
s <- schoolStore.getSchool(sid)
} yield s
Is this the best way to write this code? Probably not; it relies upon converting a None into an exception simply because you don't know what else to do at that point. This is hard to work around because of the design decisions of Future; I'd suggest that your original code (which invokes a filter) is at least as good of a way to do it.
This answer to a similar question about Promise[Option[A]] might help. Just substitute Future for Promise.
I'm inferring the following types for getUserDetails and getSchool from your question:
getUserDetails: UserID => Future[Either[??, UserDetails]]
getSchool: SchoolID => Future[Option[School]]
Since you ignore the failure value from the Either, transforming it to an Option instead, you effectively have two values of type A => Future[Option[B]].
Once you've got a Monad instance for Future (there may be one in scalaz, or you could write your own as in the answer I linked), applying the OptionT transformer to your problem would look something like this:
for {
ud <- optionT(getUserDetails(user.userID) map (_.right.toOption))
sid <- optionT(Future.successful(ud.schoolID))
s <- optionT(getSchool(sid))
} yield s
Note that, to keep the types compatible, ud.schoolID is wrapped in an (already completed) Future.
The result of this for-comprehension would have type OptionT[Future, SchoolID]. You can extract a value of type Future[Option[SchoolID]] with the transformer's run method.
What behavior would you like to occur in the case that the Option[School] is None? Would you like the Future to fail? With what kind of exception? Would you like it to never complete? (That sounds like a bad idea).
Anyways, the if clause in a for-expression desugars to a call to the filter method. The contract on Future#filteris thus:
If the current future contains a value which satisfies the predicate,
the new future will also hold that value. Otherwise, the resulting
future will fail with a NoSuchElementException.
But wait:
scala> None.get
java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get
As you can see, None.get returns the exact same thing.
Thus, getting rid of the if sid.isDefined should work, and this should return a reasonable result:
val schoolFuture = for {
ud <- userStore.getUserDetails(user.userId)
sid = ud.right.toOption.flatMap(_.schoolId)
s <- schoolStore.getSchool(sid.get)
} yield s
Keep in mind that the result of schoolFuture can be in instance of scala.util.Failure[NoSuchElementException]. But you haven't described what other behavior you'd like.
We've made small wrapper on Future[Option[T]] which acts like one monad (nobody even checked none of monad laws, but there is map, flatMap, foreach, filter and so on) - MaybeLater. It behaves much more than an async option.
There are a lot of smelly code there, but maybe it will be usefull at least as an example.
BTW: there are a lot of open questions(here for ex.)
It's easier to use or to do A-Normal-Form transform.

Splitting a scalaz-stream process into two child streams

Using scalaz-stream is it possible to split/fork and then rejoin a stream?
As an example, let's say I have the following function
val streamOfNumbers : Process[Task,Int] = Process.emitAll(1 to 10)
val sumOfEvenNumbers = streamOfNumbers.filter(isEven).fold(0)(add)
val sumOfOddNumbers = streamOfNumbers.filter(isOdd).fold(0)(add)
zip( sumOfEven, sumOfOdd ).to( someEffectfulFunction )
With scalaz-stream, in this example the results would be as you expect - a tuple of numbers from 1 to 10 passed to a sink.
However if we replace streamOfNumbers with something that requires IO, it will actually execute the IO action twice.
Using a Topic I'm able create a pub/sub process that duplicates elements in the stream correctly, however it does not buffer - it simply consumers the entire source as fast as possible regardless of the pace sinks consume it.
I can wrap this in a bounded Queue, however the end result feels a lot more complex than it needs to be.
Is there a simpler way of splitting a stream in scalaz-stream without duplicate IO actions from the source?
Also to clarify the previous answer delas with the "splitting" requirement. The solution to your specific issue may be without the need of splitting streams:
val streamOfNumbers : Process[Task,Int] = Process.emitAll(1 to 10)
val oddOrEven: Process[Task,Int\/Int] = {
case even if even % 2 == 0 => right(even)
case odd => left(odd)
val summed = oddOrEven.pipeW(sump1).pipeO(sump1)
val evenSink: Sink[Task,Int] = ???
val oddSink: Sink[Task,Int] = ???
You can perhaps still use topic and just assure that the children processes will subscribe before you will push to topic.
However please note this solution does not have any bounds on it, i.e. if you will be pushing too fast, you may encounter OOM error.
def split[A](source:Process[Task,A]): Process[Task,(Process[Task,A], Proces[Task,A])]] = {
val topic = async.topic[A]
val sub1 = topic.subscribe
val sub2 = topic.subscribe
merge.mergeN(Process(emit(sub1->sub2),(source to topic.publish).drain))
I likewise needed this functionality. My situation was quite a bit trickier disallowing me to work around it in this manner.
Thanks to Daniel Spiewak's response in this thread, I was able to get the following to work. I improved on his solution by adding onHalt so my application would exit once the Process completed.
def split[A](p: Process[Task, A], limit: Int = 10): Process[Task, (Process[Task, A], Process[Task, A])] = {
val left = async.boundedQueue[A](limit)
val right = async.boundedQueue[A](limit)
val enqueue = p.observe(left.enqueue).observe(right.enqueue).drain.onHalt { cause =>
Process.await(Task.gatherUnordered(Seq(left.close, right.close))){ _ => Halt(cause) }
val dequeue = Process((left.dequeue, right.dequeue))
enqueue merge dequeue

How to create a play.api.libs.iteratee.Enumerator which inserts some data between the items of a given Enumerator?

I use Play framework with ReactiveMongo. Most of ReactiveMongo APIs are based on the Play Enumerator. As long as I fetch some data from MongoDB and return it "as-is" asynchronously, everything is fine. Also the transformation of the data, like converting BSON to String, using is obvious.
But today I faced a problem which at the bottom line narrowed to the following code. I wasted half of the day trying to create an Enumerator which would consume items from the given Enumerator and insert some items between them. It is important not to load all the items at once, as there could be many of them (the code example has only two items "1" and "2"). But semantically it is similar to mkString of the collections. I am sure it can be done very easily, but the best I could come with - was this code. Very similar code creating an Enumerator using Concurrent.broadcast serves me well for WebSockets. But here even that does not work. The HTTP response never comes back. When I look at Enumeratee, it looks that it is supposed to provide such functionality, but I could not find the way to do the trick.
P.S. Tried to call chan.eofAndEnd in Iteratee.mapDone, and chunked(enums >>> Enumerator.eof instead of chunked(enums) - did not help. Sometimes the response comes back, but does not contain the correct data. What do I miss?
def trans(in:Enumerator[String]):Enumerator[String] = {
val (res, chan) = Concurrent.broadcast[String]
val iter = Iteratee.fold(true) { (isFirst, curr:String) =>
if (!isFirst)
def enums:Enumerator[String] = {
val en12 = Enumerator[String]("1", "2")
//en12 //if I comment the previous line and uncomment this, it prints "12" as expected
def enum = Action {
Here is my solution which I believe to be correct for this type of problem. Comments are welcome:
def fill[From](
prefix: From => Enumerator[From],
infix: (From, From) => Enumerator[From],
suffix: From => Enumerator[From]
)(implicit ec:ExecutionContext) = new Enumeratee[From, From] {
override def applyOn[A](inner: Iteratee[From, A]): Iteratee[From, Iteratee[From, A]] = {
//type of the state we will use for fold
case class State(prev:Option[From], it:Iteratee[From, A])
Iteratee.foldM(State(None, inner)) { (prevState, newItem:From) =>
val toInsert = prevState.prev match {
case None => prefix(newItem)
case Some(prevItem) => infix (prevItem, newItem)
for(newIt <- toInsert >>> Enumerator(newItem) |>>
yield State(Some(newItem), newIt)
} mapM {
case State(None, it) => //this is possible when our input was empty
case State(Some(lastItem), it) =>
suffix(lastItem) |>> it
// if there are missing integers between from and to, fill that gap with 0
def fillGap(from:Int, to:Int)(implicit ec:ExecutionContext) = Enumerator enumerate List.fill(to-from-1)(0)
def fillFrom(x:Int)(input:Int)(implicit ec:ExecutionContext) = fillGap(x, input)
def fillTo(x:Int)(input:Int)(implicit ec:ExecutionContext) = fillGap(input, x)
val ints = Enumerator(10, 12, 15)
val toStr =[Int] (_.toString)
val infill = fill(
val res = ints &> infill &> toStr // res will have 0,0,0,0,10,0,12,0,0,15,0,0,0,0
You wrote that you are working with WebSockets, so why don't you use dedicated solution for that? What you wrote is better for Server-Sent-Events rather than WS. As I understood you, you want to filter your results before sending them back to client? If its correct then you Enumeratee instead of Enumerator. Enumeratee is transformation from-to. This is very good piece of code how to use Enumeratee. May be is not directly about what you need but I found there inspiration for my project. Maybe when you analyze given code you would find best solution.

Scala Parallel Collections- How to return early?

I have a list of possible input Values
val inputValues = List(1,2,3,4,5)
I have a really long to compute function that gives me a result
def reallyLongFunction( input: Int ) : Option[String] = { ..... }
Using scala parallel collections, I can easily do reallyLongFunction( _ ) )
To get what all the results are, in parallel. The problem is, I don't really want all the results, I only want the FIRST result. As soon as one of my input is a success, I want my output, and want to move on with my life. This did a lot of extra work.
So how do I get the best of both worlds? I want to
Get the first result that returns something from my long function
Stop all my other threads from useless work.
Edit -
I solved it like a dumb java programmer by having
#volatile var done = false;
Which is set and checked inside my reallyLongFunction. This works, but does not feel very scala. Would like a better way to do this....
(Updated: no, it doesn't work, doesn't do the map)
Would it work to do something like:
inputValues.par.find({ v => reallyLongFunction(v); true })
The implementation uses this:
protected[this] class Find[U >: T](pred: T => Boolean, protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T]) extends Accessor[Option[U], Find[U]] {
#volatile var result: Option[U] = None
def leaf(prev: Option[Option[U]]) = { if (!pit.isAborted) result = pit.find(pred); if (result != None) pit.abort }
protected[this] def newSubtask(p: IterableSplitter[T]) = new Find(pred, p)
override def merge(that: Find[U]) = if (this.result == None) result = that.result
which looks pretty similar in spirit to your #volatile except you don't have to look at it ;-)
I took interpreted your question in the same way as huynhjl, but if you just want to search and discardNones, you could do something like this to avoid the need to repeat the computation when a suitable outcome is found:
class Computation[A,B](value: A, function: A => B) {
lazy val result = function(value)
def f(x: Int) = { // your function here
Thread.sleep(100 - x)
if (x > 5) Some(x * 10)
else None
val list = List.range(1, 20) map (i => new Computation(i, f))
val found = list.par find (_.result.isDefined)
//found is Option[Computation[Int,Option[Int]]]
val result = found map (_.result.get)
//result is Option[Int]
However find for parallel collections seems to do a lot of unnecessary work (see this question), so this might not work well, with current versions of Scala at least.
Volatile flags are used in the parallel collections (take a look at the source for find, exists, and forall), so I think your idea is a good one. It's actually better if you can include the flag in the function itself. It kills referential transparency on your function (i.e. for certain inputs your function now sometimes returns None rather than Some), but since you're discarding the stopped computations, this shouldn't matter.
If you're willing to use a non-core library, I think Futures would be a good match for this task. For instance:
Akka's Futures include Futures.firstCompletedOf
Twitter's Futures include
...both of which appear to enable the functionality you're looking for.