How to create a Away3d Infinite tiling floor? - away3d

I am trying to create a scene with a infinite floor that seems to fade away in the distance in Away3d. I want the floor to have a texture. Prob is -- I can't seem to find any clear examples or tutorials that demonstrate this.

Ok you need to set your scene up, import local libs etc here we go
import away3d.containers.Scene3D;
import away3d.containers.View3D;
////////3D ModelScenes, Textures CLASS Exported 3DS/////////////////////
var GrassTexture:Class;
var groundMaterial = new BitmapTexture(new GrassTexture().bitmapData);
////////GROUND MESH/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
var plane = new Mesh(new PlaneGeometry(3000,3000,30,30),new TextureMaterial(Cast.bitmapTexture(groundMaterial)));
plane.geometry.scaleUV(25, 25);
plane.material.repeat = true;
plane.material.alpha = 1;
Instead of tiling mesh/planes your better off having a really big plane and using the vertexes/polygons as tile locations...
Hope it helps


How to draw a 2D plot on a plane in Unity 3D?

I have a plane game object on the 3D scene and I want to plot 2D graph z=f(x)=sin kx (btw, MathJaX does not work in this site), for example, on it. I am very new to Unity, could you tell me what should I do?
There are three ways to show a plot.
you create a bunch of small gameobjects and piece together lines,
you create a Texture2D, and draw into it.
When leaving Unity a litte, call Texture.GetNativeTexturePtr() and use D3D calls for this.
I think the 2 is what you might use best.
3. is leaving Unity a little and will not port across target platforms.
It leaves up to you how to do graphics on it. Using only SetPixel is not a really big graphics API.
Here's an example how to load a texture with graphics drawn at runtime.
To use it, create an object, don't forget to assign a material, and attach this script.
using UnityEngine;
public class DrawTex : MonoBehaviour
Material mat;
Texture2D tx;
void Start()
MeshRenderer rend;
rend = GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
mat = rend.material;
tx = new Texture2D(128,128,TextureFormat.ARGB32,true);
// draw stuff.
for(int y=0;y<128;y++)
for(int x=0;x<128;x++)
float a,r,g,b;
if( x<20 || y<20 || x>108 || y>108 )
tx.SetPixel(x,y,new Color(r,g,b,a));
tx.Apply(true); // now really load all those pixels.
mat.mainTexture = tx;
Hope this helps.

render of low poly model tris showing very hard/marked in three.js compared to sketchfab/unit3d/Iray

I've edited this post with a clean edge flow model and maps you can access if that helps in getting feedback. I can replicate the hard marked edges issue for this case too:
I'm finding the rendering result in three.js shows very hard marked polygons of the low poly object, I'm comparing this to sketchfab , unity3d and Iray render results.
Here's a snapshot of the edge flow shown in maya :
Here's what the model looks in maya's view panel (not subdivided):
Here's a snapshot of the three.js render (marked in red box more noticeable)
here sketchfabs without shadows/post-processing filters
here Iray render in substance painter:
Here's Unity render:
Here is the fbx if you'd need to inspect mesh / edge flow:
I'm also adding the normal map as I thought the problem may relate to my three.js setup for this(?):
albedo map:
I'm reusing envmap hdr example and hdr setting.
Can someone please share some thoughts on what I can try differently?
Thank you for your help, Sergio.
I tried the following:
I softened edges in maya.
I also tried the lines below separately and combined but there was not result.
//vaseMesh.geometry.mergeVertices(); and //vaseMesh.geometry.computeVertexNormals();
normalScale appears to be best at material.normalScale.x = -1;
I also tried but had same result without hdr or tonemapping settings as per displacement three.js example
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.toneMapping = THREE.LinearToneMapping;
//load vase material textures once loaded
manager.onLoad=function () {
material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( {
color: 0xffffff,
roughness: params.roughness,
metalness: params.metalness,
map: albedoM,
normalMap: normalMap,
normalScale: new THREE.Vector2( 1, -1 ),
aoMap: aoMap,
aoMapIntensity: 1,
flatShading: true,
side: THREE.DoubleSide
} );
var myObjectLoader = new THREE.FBXLoader( );
myObjectLoader.load( "Piece1.fbx", function ( group ) {
console.log("On object loading");
var geometry = group.children[ 0 ].geometry;
geometry.attributes.uv2 = geometry.attributes.uv;;
vaseMesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
material.normalScale.x = -1;
scene.add( vaseMesh );
console.log("Finished adding to scene");
} );
var textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader(manager);
var albedoM = textureLoader.load( "vaseTextures/albedo.png");
var normalMap = textureLoader.load( "vaseTextures/normal.png");
var aoMap = textureLoader.load( "vaseTextures/ao.png");
Giving credit to #Mugen87 for the answer, removing the setting flatShading to true did it!
Cheers, Sergio

Unity: Ignore collision of a plateform if jump to it from below. Using ContactFilter & rigidBody.Cast()

I am able to avoid a collision between my player and my entire plateform with the use of contactFilter2D.SetLayerMask() + rigidBody2D.Cast(Vector2, contactFilter, ...);
But I don't find a way to avoid the collision only if my player try to acces to the plateform from below it (with a vertical jump).
I'm pretty sure I should use the contactFilter2D.setNormalAngle() (after specify the minAngle and maxAngle) but no matter the size of my angles, I can't pass threw it.
This is how I initialize my contactFilter2D.
protected ContactFilter2D cf;
void Start () {
cf.useTriggers = false;
cf.minNormalAngle = 0;
cf.maxNormalAngle = 180;
cf.SetNormalAngle(cf.minNormalAngle, cf.maxNormalAngle);
cf.useNormalAngle = true;
void Update () {
I use it with
count = rb.Cast(move, contactFilter, hitBuffer, distance + shellRadius);
Any ideas ? If you want more code, tell me. But I don't think it will be usefull to understand the matter.
unity actualy has a ready made component for this: it is a physics component called "Platform Effector 2D" if you drag and drop it on your platform it will immediately work the way you want, and it has adjustable settings for tweaking the parameters. hope this helps!

Move a particular sprite to a target position after clicking the button in unity 4.6

I have just started unity. I have 4 Images(sprites) aligned in a grid.
As soon as i touch the particular chocolate, its texture changes[I wrote a code for that]. There is a button on screen.After pressing the button, I want to move only those chocolates whose texture has been changed.
I know the following move code but i don't know how to use it here.
void Update () {
float step=speed*Time.deltaTime;
I just don't know to move that particular sprite whose texture is changed. Thanks
Do you want to be moving the sprites over the course of a duration or instantly?
If it's over the course of a duration I suggest you use Lerp. You can Lerp between two Vector.3's in a time scale. Much cleaner and once learned a very useful function.
Code examples below:
However if you want to move it instantly. This can be done very easily using the built in localPosition properties which you can set in or outside the object.
Set your changed sprites Bool moved property (create this) to true on click (if you're using Unity 4.6 UI canvas then look at the IClick interfaces available for registering mouse activity in canvas elements) and then when you press the button, loop through a list in a handler file which contains all your button texture objects and move those that the moved property is set to true for.
foreach(GameObject chocolate in chocolateList)
if (chocolate.moved == true)
gameObject.transform.localPosition.x = Insert your new x position.
gameObject.transform.localPosition.y = Insert your new y position.
However please do clarify your intentions so I can help further.
I highly suggest you make your sprites an object in the canvas for absolute work clarity. This makes a lot of sense as your canvas can handle these type of things much better. Use Image and assign your image the sprite object (your chocolate piece), define it's width and height and add a script to it called "ChocolatePiece", in this script create two public variables, bool moved and int ID, nothing else is required from this script. Save this new object as your new prefab.
Once you've done this in a handler script attached to an empty gameobject in your canvas make a list of gameobjects:
List<GameObject> chocolatePieces = new List<GameObject>();
You'll want to at the top of your handler script define GameObject chocolatePiece and attach in your inspector the prefab we defined earlier. Then in Start(), loop the size of how many chocolate pieces you want, for your example lets use 4. Instantiate 4 of the prefabs you defined earlier as gameobjects and for each define their properties just like this:
Example variables:
int x = -200;
int y = 200;
int amountToMoveInX = 200;
int amountToMoveInY = 100;
Example instantiation code:
GameObject newPiece = (GameObject)Instantiate(chocolatePiece);
newPiece.GetComponent<ChocolatePiece>().ID = i;
newPiece.transform.SetParent(gameObject.transform, false); = ("ChocolatePiece" + i);
newPiece.GetComponent<RectTransform>().localPosition = new Vector3(x, y, 0);
From this point add to your positions (x by amountToMoveInX and y by amountToMoveInY) for the next loop count;
(For the transform.position, each count of your loop add an amount on to a default x and default y value (the position of your first piece most likely))
Now because you have all your gameobjects in a list with their properties properly set you can then access these gameobjects through your handler script.

In Away3d particles system, adding a particleFollowNode to the particleAnimationSet make BillboardNode did not work

I've made a snow effect with particles system in away3d, but when I added a particleFollowNode to the ParticleAnimationSet,then the billboardNode did not work. Anybody knows how to fix this bug? Thanks for your help.
//setup the particle animation set
_particleAnimationSet = new ParticleAnimationSet(true, true);
_particleAnimationSet.addAnimation(new ParticleVelocityNode(ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC));
_particleAnimationSet.addAnimation(new ParticlePositionNode(ParticlePropertiesMode.LOCAL_STATIC));
particleFollowNode=new ParticleFollowNode(true,true);
//add particleFollowNode for moving particles around
//then BillBoad stopped working...
_particleAnimationSet.addAnimation(new ParticleBillboardNode());
_particleAnimationSet.initParticleFunc = initFunc;
I've fixed the bug. the particle mesh's bounds doesn't update properly which cause the mesh culling step cut it off while the mesh's fake bounds isn't in camera's frustum .
How to fix:
1. Set particle mesh's id as "Particles"
2. In MeshNode.cs file, function acceptTraverser, modify as :
override public function acceptTraverser(traverser:PartitionTraverser):void
if (traverser.enterNode(this)||"Particles")
var subs:Vector.<SubMesh> = _mesh.subMeshes;
var i:uint;
var len:uint = subs.length;
while (i < len)