iPhone Safari :last-child not rendering in table - iphone

I have a responsive layout that, below a certain breakpoint, displays only the first and last columns of a table such to reduce the amount of space needed.
Here is the CSS...
#media only screen and (max-width: 749px) {
#content-container table thead th {
display: none;
#content-container table thead th:first-child {
display: table-cell !important;
#content-container table thead th:last-child {
display: table-cell !important;
#media only screen and (max-width: 749px) {
#content-container table tbody tr td {
display: none;
#content-container table tbody tr td:first-child {
display: table-cell !important;
#content-container table tbody tr td:last-child {
display: table-cell !important;
The HTML is just a simple table made of table, thead, th, tbody, td and also a attributes in the final column.
<th style="width: 140px;">Options</th>
<td style="width: 140px;">
<a style="display: inline-block;" href="#">Remove</a>
<a style="display: inline-block;" href="#">Brief</a>
However, this produces strange results when rendering on the iPhone screen.
As you can see, there is only one column. The last column hasn't rendered.
Rotating the device landscape and then returning it to portrait makes the final column display (sometimes), which is strange. See below.
This problem is driving me up the wall and I would greatly appreciate any help!

As per the Quirksmode list, it's supported but only for static content. A possible workaround is to give the columns classes instead.


Html email and fluid table with changing borders

I have some design requirements for an email template where I have two "challenges":
two columns need to flip to one column
some visible border lines need to be switched from vertical to horizontal
The following shows how it should look (2 columns on the left for desktop, 1 column on the right for mobile):
The whole email is based on responsive tables and the two-column part is implemented as follows right now:
<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
style="background-color:#F6F6F6; font-size: 14px; color:#58595b; width:100%; border-collapse:collapse;">
<tr><td align="center" valign="top" height="10" colspan=2 style="line-height: 10px; font-size: 10px;"> </td></tr>
<td valign="top" style="border-right: 1.5px solid; border-color: #d0d0d0; padding-right:40px; text-align:right; width:42%; vertical-align:top;">
Start point
<td valign="top" style="padding-left:40px; vertical-align:top;">
<strong>Fri, January 12, 2023 12:00</strong>
<br />
Harbour, Seatown
<tr><td align="center" valign="top" height="10" colspan=2 style="line-height: 10px; font-size: 10px;"> </td></tr>
<td valign="top" style="border-right: 1.5px solid; border-color: #d0d0d0; padding-right:40px; text-align:right; width:42%; vertical-align:top;">
End point
<td valign="top" style="padding-left:40px; vertical-align:top;">
<strong>So, January 18, 2023 10:00</strong>
<br />
Central Station, Capital
<tr><td align="center" valign="top" height="10" colspan=2 style="line-height: 10px; font-size: 10px;"> </td></tr>
I tried the approach with having a left and a right table (explained here) but the problem is that I do not use fixed widths.
How could I achieve the required design with a responsive mail template?
You will need to use the technique as outlined in the link, but if you want to use percentages instead of fixed widths, then use width="50%".
This is because the technique works on the basic fundamentals of HTML, that if a block doesn't fit in the space available, it will automatically shift underneath.
So to enable the stacking without a fixed pixel width, you will need to add a #media query to force the stacking (otherwise it would not stack).
#media (max-width: 620px)
.table-left,.table-right {
width: 100% !important;
(The article you link to is a bit outdated: don't use [class=...], just write it out normally. Gmail may strip the entire <style> section if it doesn't like something in it, and this is one of those things it doesn't like.)
I prefer an override (max-width, and !important) because you want everything possible inline, and only to use embedded styles where strictly necessary.
But that's also why it's best to use a fixed pixel width, because some email clients do not respect your embedded styles (styles in the <head>). GANGA emails (one form of Gmail account) fall into this category. Those email clients would not stack even though they may need to, if you fully rely on the #media query for the stacking.
To override the border, put a style on the <td>, and reference it in the #media query, e.g.
#media (max-width: 620px)
.border {
.border-top {
border-bottom:1.5px solid #d0d0d0 !important;
As one doesn't have the same border structure (they don't both need border-bottom), one of the <td>s will need a different class. Here, I'm expecting the first one, i.e. <td class="border border-top">.

grouping tr but browser closes tbody prematurely

When using LitElement to render data dynamically, the browser inserts tbody all the time negating any effort to "group" table rows.
render() {
return html`
<table style="border-collapse:collapse;border:solid 1px #666;">
var disp= html`
<tbody style="border:solid 2px #F00; border-collapse:separate;">
<td>SOME HEADER</td>
return disp;
} //render()
constructor() {
this.rows = ['ONE','TWO','THREE','FOUR'];
The result is the tbody is closed immediately after the closing tr of "SOME HEADER" instead of the tbody being closed after the tr "FOUR" which is what we want in this case.
It looks like the browser does this by itself because it always wants to insert a tbody whenever a tr is written to the DOM?
So I suspect this would happen to any framework that renders data dynamically - but have not verified this.
I assume this is not going to be "fixed" anytime soon.
That being the case, anyone have a suggestion on how to group tr's together in a block in this case?
If you have an unclosed <tbody> in a document fragment the browser will close it for you.
Instead nest the <tr> you want to group inside a template that holds both the <tbody> and closing </tbody>:
const groups = //process this.rows into groups
return html`
<table style="border-collapse:collapse;border:solid 1px #666;">
${groups.map(g => html`
<tbody style="border:solid 2px #F00; border-collapse:separate;">
${g.rows.map(r => html`

Align center with media queries (EMAIL CODE)

This is email code, hence using tables instead of using lists.
If I change the width of the promo_1-3 to be a fixed number (say 300px) I can get them to align left and right (like the original code at the desktop size) but I can't get them to ignore the originally specified left or right alignment and be centered
#media only screen and ( max-width: 660px) {
table.container { width: 100% !important; }
td.logo img { width:100% !important; }
td.headerimg img{ width: 100% !important; padding: 5px 30px 40px 30px;}
td.promos table.promo_1 { width: 100% !important; }
td.promos table.promo_1 td { padding: 20px 20px 40px 30px; }
td.promos table.promo_2 { width: 100% !important; }
td.promos table.promo_2 td { padding: 20px 0px 40px 30px; }
td.promos table.promo_3 { width: 100% !important; border-top: 1px solid #CAC5C5; }
td.promos table.promo_3 td { padding: 20px 0px 40px 30px; }
Here's the HTML:
<!-- Start story 1 -->
<td valign="top" bgcolor="#fff" class="promos" style="padding: 10px 10px 20px 20px; background-color: #fff; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">
<table class="promo_3" width="300" align="left">
<a target="_blank" href="http://trailrunnermag.com/training/training-plans/1860-what-your-weekly-training-plan-should-look-like">
<img class="promo" alt="Promo image 1" src= "http://media.campaigner.com/media/47/474810/063016ID3.jpg"></a>
<h3 style="font-size:16px;">Promo heading here</h3>
Learn more
If i understand your question correctly here is the fix:
in your HTML change the line:
<table class="promo_3" width="300" align="left">
<table width="300" class="promo_3" align="left">
so it applys the class specified atributes after you set the width.
This makes you table then be 100% wide on a smaller screen.
Then change your css line like this:
td.promos table.promo_3 { width: 100% !important; border-top: 1px solid #CAC5C5; }
td.promos table.promo_3 { width: 100% !important; text-align: center; border-top: 1px solid #CAC5C5; }
to align the Content in your table to the center.
Also, if you are using this for an Email, I'd recomend you to not use the H3 because it always gives trouble, since every client interprets it a littble bit different. Instead use a span and apply styles to it.

how can I add cellspacing to pdftable when parsing html using XMLWorker and itext

I am using XMLWorker and itext to convert html to pdf .
my html have a table and I need to set it's cellspacing =0 cellpadding=0 .
does anyone know how to do it ?
in html I saw I can replace it by setting the style :
border-collapse: collapse;
border-spacing: 0px ;
border : 0;
padding : 0;
I've tried what you're doing using the CSS you propose and it works for me:
You can find my test here: ParseHtmlTable5
This is my HTML (including the CSS): table3_css.html
table, td {
border: 1px solid green;
border-spacing: 0px;
padding: 0px;
<table class='test'>
I suggest that you compare your HTML with mine to find out what you're doing wrong.
You should also use the latest version of XML Worker and iText(Sharp) as we've improved HTML parsing significantly in the latest releases.
Note that I've defined a solid, green border of 1px to prove that there is no padding and no spacing between the cells. If you change the CSS like this:
table, td {
border: 0px;
border-spacing: 0px;
padding: 0px;
You'll get the (ugly) version of a table without borders, without spacing between the cells and without padding inside the cells.

Bug with table in mobile Safari

I have the following table:
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" style="border-collapse:collapse">
<td class="tr-l-t">
<td class="tr-t">
<td class="tr-r-t">
<td class="tr-l">
<td class="control-panel">
<td class="tr-r">
<td class="tr-l-b">
<td class="tr-b">
<td class="tr-r-b">
...and CSS
background: url("../Images/tr_l_t.png") no-repeat;
width: 6px;
height: 6px;
background: url("../Images/tr_l_b.png") no-repeat;
width: 6px;
height: 6px;
background: url("../Images/tr_r_t.png") no-repeat;
width: 6px;
height: 6px;
background: url("../Images/tr_r_b.png") no-repeat;
width: 6px;
height: 6px;
background: transparent url("../Images/tr_t.png") repeat scroll 0 0;
height: 6px;
background: transparent url("../Images/tr_l.png") repeat scroll 0 0;
background: transparent url("../Images/tr_r.png") repeat scroll 0 0;
background: transparent url("../Images/tr_b.png") repeat scroll 0 0;
height: 6px;
background-color: #151515;
width: 300px;
height: 30px;
Both look good in IE7/8, FF, Chrome and Safari (Windows and Mac OS) browsers. However, in Safari for Ipod / Iphone / Ipad white stripes appear in between td tags. I've tried adding border:0 none, padding:0px, margin: 0px, but with no success.
Do you have any ideas on how to fix it?
margin-bottom: -2px; //on one of the TD elements
This worked for me, but in my case I was joining two TDs with a solid white color.
Not sure if this will be usable in every case.
Set the viewport using a meta tag in the template of the page. When the scale is at "1" the tables apear okay. When zooming in or out OR even setting the initial zoom anything other than 1, you get the gaps. That's what I'm working on at the moment.