Does the EPD Free distribution use MKL? - lapack

According to the Enthought website, the EPD Python distribution uses MKL for numpy and scipy. Does EPD Free also use MKL? If not does it use another library for BLAS/LAPACK? I am using EPD Free 7.3-2
Also, what library does the windows binary installer for numpy that can be found on use?

The EPD Free 7.3 installers do not include MKL. The BLAS/LAPACK libraries which they use are ATLAS on Linux & Windows and Accelerate on OSX.

According to this table, EPD Free 7.3 does not include Intel's MKL.


STM32 libraries for eclipse

Can you use the CMSIS, HAL, TM libraries for STM32F407 discovery board with eclipse, without STM32Cube? According to this link you can do it with eclipse & STM32Cube. But I wonder if you can do just same thing without the STM32Cube. Since I'm using OS X, it is impossible to install the STM32Cube, but in order to use the GPIO library I need to use CMSIS, HAL, TM libraries.
You might be able to used the older "Standard Peripheral Driver" model - which was a just a distributed set of driver files specific to the chip. These libraries are no longer supported and are replaced by STM32Cube which generates equivalent code - but with better support for hardware abstraction however they are still very useable.
Search "STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Driver" to locate the libraries (which include the standard peripheral drivers and CMSIS).
You can download the libraries as a separate zip file
just unpack it and import whatever you need from it into your project. You can take an example project which is closest to your needs, and start developing your application from that. That's what I did in Linux.
There is the STM32CubeMX, which is the installable program you're referring to, and there are STM32CubeF4, STM32CubeL0, etc, which are the firmware package for the different controller families.
CubeMX now officially supports Mac and Linux. However here is an old post how to run it manually
Regarding the HAL and SPL I'll add that there are really nice libraries in libopencm3 which are developed by community and are not so "buggy" as HAL or SPL.
I found an interesting instruction. You can install the STM32CubeMX on OS X.
There is an Eclipse based IDE by OpenSTM32 community called SW4STM32. Available at OpenSTM32 community's site. System Workbench for STM32 installer has been released on the following platforms:
Microsoft Windows Vista and newer (32 bits or 64 bits)
Linux (32 bits or 64 bits)
Mac OSX 10.10 Yosemite and newer + Xcode 7
Java SE JRE 7 or newer
When creating a project you can choose which library you want want to use, SPL, HAL or baremetal.
STM32CubeMX is a initialization code generator. It definitely eases development, but you can write you code completely from the beginning.
STM32CubeMX uses HAL as its Library. You can download the HAL and Include the files that you need and write down the code from scratch. You just need to be aware of the APIs, which are documented in UM1725 Application Note.
But, now STM32CubeMX is also available for Linux and Mac.

What are the system requirements for vscode?

What are the system requirements for vscode?
The download page only shows the different platforms this is available on, but doesn't mention any requirements such as Windows version (i know it doesn't work on XP) or additional required components, such as the .NET framework.
System requirements for VSCode are available on the documentation page.
In a nutshell, VSCode now is self contained for Linux, Mac and Windows. There is a complete list for the additional helpful tools available on the setup page.
It's not listed in their requirements, but you'll also need a decent video card. It may seem ridiculous, since it's mainly displaying text, but vscode's GPU hardware requirement is well beyond what other applications require. There is a switch --disable-gpu to switch it to software rendering but it's still laggy.
As of Version 1.32
1.6 GHz or faster processor with 1 GB RAM recommended
OS X Yosemite
Windows 7 (with .NET Framework 4.5.2), 8.0, 8.1 and 10 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Linux with GLIBCXX version 3.4.15 or later, GLIBC version 2.15 or later, tested with Linux (Debian): Ubuntu Desktop 14.04, Debian 7, Linux (Red Hat): Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, CentOS 7, Fedora 23

Python 3.x on Canopy Express

Are there any issues with installing Python 3.3 after installing Canopy Express (which has Python 2.7)? I recently installed Canopy to take advantage of the packages it bundles. I see that it has uses version 2.7 of python, but I would very much like to use the latest and greatest version of Python as I am new to python and just learning it. However I would like to make sure that installing Python 3.3 doesn't break any of the features of Canopy.
You can install Python 3 in parallel to Canopy, but you will not be able to run Canopy on Python 3.

Satchmo install on a mac using virtualenv

I have virtualenv set up and working correctly on my mac os (leopard) running python 2.6 & django 1.2.3. I want to install Satchmo but I haven't found solid instructions for a mac install using virtualenv. Can anyone help regarding this? thanks.
If you're using buildout with virtualenv then try this:
Of course installing newest XCode ie. 3.1 or 3.2 is a must..
Unfortunatelly compiniling stuff on Mac can give you the creeps... My collegue and I, were fighting 12h with installation of geodjango on Spatialite database, and we didn't make it after all :)
If you're not using buildout then just use macports for installing modules listed in above repo's buildout.cfg file.
Good luck!
This Satchmo Project post contains the instructions I follow on Snow Leopard. I use Homebrew and/or MacPorts in lieu of the Debian package tools.

How to install Bcrypt on a 64bit Raspberry PI?

I recently built a web application which needs to run bcrypt and mongodb over a raspberry pi 4 model b.
Mongodb require a 64 bit OS.
Bcrypt succeed installation only with 32 bit OS.
I used Ubuntu 20.04 for 64 bit OS and the latest version of raspbian 32 bit.
I searched in the npm bcrypt package documentation and I found out that they only support pre-built binaries for:
Windows x32 and x64
Linux x64 (GlibC targets only). Pre-built binaries for MUSL targets
such as Apline Linux are not available.
Therefore, I have those options:
Find another package (bcrypt like) which is functionnal for 64 raspberry pi's os
Find a way to install bcrypt on armv7l 64 bit OS
Downgrade mongo with an old version who support 32 bits and use Raspbian
I documented compiled all the logs in this post.
I'm sure someone already faced this issue and knows how to deal with this. Or even, if you know another alternative, I'll be glad to hear! Thank you